Sunday, June 7, 2020

REACH - 98. Resiliency and Unity in PM speech (SK)
08 Jun 2020 (12pm - 8pm)

[11:44 am, 08/06/2020] : [Sent by – 8 Jun]
Overcoming COVID-19 together
S'pore has made progress in fight against COVID-19
- New cases have come down
- Dormitory situation stabilised
- Healthcare system coping well
- Low fatalities
Learning to live with COVID
- Adjust the way we live, work, and play to reduce spread of virus
πŸ›£ Next few yrs will be difficult
- Global and local economy badly affected
- Some industries permanently changed; need to reinvent to survive
More retrenchments and unemployment expected
- Priority is helping S’poreans find/keep jobs
- Retaining & attracting talent & investments
S’pore is focused on:
- rebuilding transport & trade links
- making supply chains more resilient
- improving social safety nets
πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Together, we can emerge stronger from this crisis

[11:48 am, 08/06/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Our chat will be open from 12pm to 8pm today.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group.
The topic will be posted shortly.

[12:01 pm, 08/06/2020] : πŸ“’ Topic πŸ“’
How can we remain united and resilient to overcome this crisis?
On 7th June, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong delivered the first in a series of national broadcasts where Singapore’s leaders will lay out the nation’s post-COVID-19 plans. During the broadcast, titled “Overcoming the Crisis of a Generation”, PM Lee outlined the breadth of challenges Singapore faces and the plans to overcome it.
Said PM Lee: “For our plans to succeed, for our hopes and dreams to come true, we need one final ingredient – the unity and resilience of our people”. He also added: “Together, let us take Singapore safely through this crisis, and make the Singapore spirit flourish in the world”.

[12:02 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
1. Tenacity
2. Resiliency
3. Competency
4. Transform to survive
5. Reskill
6. πŸ’“ Heart
7. Unity
8. Personal sacrifices
9. Adaptability

Few keywords summarizes the few key statement above.

Zen Telepathy .... Not leaking .......


[12:08 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Once the Economy open in phases, we must not close it back.

Hence safety safeguard have to put in place to ring-fence the infection risk.

If infection occur, isolate the infection in module, close the module, treat and quarantine - while letting the rest of the economy to continue to run.

Ensure everyone take the safety safeguard seriously and not lower the guard.

We may have to continue to operate in this mode - until effective vaccines and treatment arrive.

[12:29 pm, 08/06/2020] : If we can swab test the teachers, nursing home workers, fw(non-dorm) for construction site, why can't be do the following:
1.  Those who need to go to school need to produce a swab test result proving negative. We can start off with graduating cohorts first, ie. P6, Sec 4&5, JC2 & Pre-U3.
2.  Those Workpass & Work Permit holders not staying in the controlled dorms should show proof of swab test negative result before being allowed to go to work in the community
3.  Those companies who  cannot WFH, must work in office, besides applying to get approval to work in the office, ao must show proof of swab test taken and negative result.
If we do the above, isn't it safer to go back to live our lives in the community?

Blue and White Guy
[12:33 pm, 08/06/2020] : But swab tests aren't foolproof
How many swab tests does it take to prove that someone is really healthy?
It also doesn't helped when the results hops from positive to negative and then back to positive, back and forth
It isn't as easy as swabbing and that's it. In fact, it's swab and swab and swab, separated by timing

[12:34 pm, 08/06/2020] :

[12:36 pm, 08/06/2020] : Agree. Plus even if I test negative today, doesn't mean I can't pick up an infection tomorrow.

[12:37 pm, 08/06/2020] : better than dun test?
[12:37 pm, 08/06/2020] : its going back to community to work or study....

Blue and White Guy
[12:37 pm, 08/06/2020] : Better than testing and yielding absolutely nothing out of it

[12:37 pm, 08/06/2020] : so dun test?
[12:38 pm, 08/06/2020] : let new cases show up then deal with it?

Blue and White Guy
[12:38 pm, 08/06/2020] : It's a known fact that we need consecutive negative to prove someone is negative, how many test kits do you want to use on people?

[12:39 pm, 08/06/2020] : Contact tracing device will not track location, and people can use TraceTogether if they prefer: Vivian Balakrishnan

[12:40 pm, 08/06/2020] : our fw who r in controlled dorms r test negative, went back to work, contact with a nontested person who is not staying in a controlled residence, so this fw(dorm) got infected, brings back to his dorm....ha! the whole cycle starts again.

Blue and White Guy
[12:40 pm, 08/06/2020] : This should only be made mandatory to those who cannot install TraceTogether/SaferTogether or are having issues with the app working on their devices such as iphones because of the background issue

Blue and White Guy
[12:43 pm, 08/06/2020] : The point is testing just once isn't conclusive enough to certify someone to return to work or to school
Due to the nature of this virus, multiple swabs are needed and that takes away money as well as time
It's simply not effective, even if the test can produce results within hours or minutes, the time frame between tests remain as a constant

[12:47 pm, 08/06/2020] : More Jobs should be given

Leonard Lau
[12:48 pm, 08/06/2020] : They are locked up in the dormitory now  and those negatives had been isolated and move to elsewhere .. I doubt the infection rate can take place .

[12:50 pm, 08/06/2020] : then wats the standard to  follow on who has to be tested and who not to be tested?

Blue and White Guy
[12:56 pm, 08/06/2020] : I'm not saying they shouldn't be tested, I'm actually questioning the efficiency of it

[12:57 pm, 08/06/2020] : Better than nothing though. As the phrase goes, let's not allow perfection to be the enemy of good.

Blue and White Guy
[12:58 pm, 08/06/2020] : Never heard of that phrase but efficiency is still important, especially when you have to test so many people

[12:59 pm, 08/06/2020] : more evidence on the contagious stages seems to be most effective

[1:00 pm, 08/06/2020] :
[1:00 pm, 08/06/2020] : I agree masks and tests are not the solution
[1:00 pm, 08/06/2020] : They are all we have though, if we want the economy to open up.
[1:01 pm, 08/06/2020] : If they can conclusively show contagion stops after 20 days that would also help.
[1:01 pm, 08/06/2020] : And... if there is an antibody test that shows someone will not contract the illness that is another arrow in the bow!

Blue and White Guy
[1:04 pm, 08/06/2020] : I didn't say anything about masks though

[1:04 pm, 08/06/2020] : True, I think others have though. It's been an ongoing topic, as well as Bluetooth :)

Blue and White Guy
[1:05 pm, 08/06/2020] : Don't get someone started on BT lol

[1:05 pm, 08/06/2020] : 😷

[1:07 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:

[1:07 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ: Singapore rank 4th.

[1:09 pm, 08/06/2020] : Strange NZ - very few deaths and considered clear of the virus, yet they are #9

[1:12 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
I think is the process and safety safeguard as well as how we transform our economy vis-a-vis of how we contain the virus within our dense population in a confined small space.

[1:15 pm, 08/06/2020] : NZ is not a good comparison to our country Singapore. We have almost the same population of 5 million. But NZ has vast land, we r densely populated.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[1:16 pm, 08/06/2020] : That is true, but they're more obedient than us (as a whole, of course), and I'll give that to them

[1:21 pm, 08/06/2020] : obedient or not, tat I won't know cos I m not there to see. But I cannot base on hear-say or mere reports that there were no "sovereign" or"non~cooperative uncles and Aunties"...haha....

[1:22 pm, 08/06/2020] : Agreed. A table with ranking explicitly makes comparisons. I was wondering on what basis they were comparing countries which as you say are very different.

[1:23 pm, 08/06/2020] : dun koe. I guess these r just one of those reports....

Blue and White Flag Guy
[1:23 pm, 08/06/2020] : At least for Auckland, from one of my LinkedIn connections, he mentioned that the people there follow the government's guidelines

[1:23 pm, 08/06/2020]  tats good.

[1:33 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
All these independent international reports will be read by foreign investors before they commit investment.

It is one of the consideration criteria that foreign investors will take into account.

Thus important for us to take the safety safeguard seriously while we open up our economy for business.

[1:35 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
My close friend say :-

Helpful in negotiating travel green lanes.

Francis Lim
[1:42 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yea, agreed it will be no ending of continuous testing and consume the all the resources..
it will be good if scientist able to invent those indicator to wear.. if someone expose to such viruses it will change colour.

[1:47 pm, 08/06/2020] : haha.....nice....Dr Einstein!

[1:47 pm, 08/06/2020] :

[1:49 pm, 08/06/2020] : Haha! Or a wearable that you can cough on it and it'll show whether you're OK or not on a daily basis. 😝

[2:16 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:                                              
Face mask that will light up when come into contact with covid virus

[2:19 pm, 08/06/2020] : Wow

[2:30 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Singapore R&D eg. A*Star can try to develop such face masks.

We have capabilities in developing such sensors in the face masks that can detect the gene of the covid.

Eg Fortitude test kits is our first invention.

[2:33 pm, 08/06/2020] : - Calvin Cheng


If you paid attention to PM Lee's speech just now, you would not have missed the part that we are now getting eggs from Poland.

This is one of the important things that have been happening behind the scenes that Singaporeans do not see.

All many see are dorms, masks and number of cases and think those are the most important problems that Singapore and Singaporeans are facing.


Behind the scenes, Singapore was, and still is facing an existential crisis.

Supply lines were collapsing as every country started to think only of themselves, and halted the export of food and medical supplies.

Singapore is self-sufficient for neither.

And although we have stockpiled, it was in expectation of short, localised shortages, not a global collapse of supplies.

Not like this.

For example, Vietnam, the second largest exporter of rice, stopped exports.

The MCO in Malaysia greatly reduced our supply of vegetables, poultry and eggs.

It was here that the men and women of the Ministry of Trade and Industry worked day and night to secure Singapore's existence.

To keep us fed.

A team led by Minister Chan Chun Sing, SMSes Koh Poh Koon and Chee Hong Tat.

Ably assisted by Permanent Secretary Gabriel Lim.

The thing about working behind the scenes is that it is something nobody appreciates.

So they laugh at Minister Chan's gaffes.

But the critics do not and cannot appreciate his sleepless nights working to ensure that Singapore has enough food and other critical supplies.

We have been busy negotiating with far flung places to diversify our food supply.

Poland is one.

The Ukraine is another.

The crisis is not over.

After months of lockdowns worldwide, global harvests and even livestock are threatened.

The world is facing an imminent food shortage.

This is NOT A JOKE.

Unlike Taiwan and New Zealand who can shut their borders and be food independent, we cannot.

Minister Chan and his team continue day and night to ensure Singaporeans don't starve.

You may think I am exaggerating.

I assure you I am not.

So instead of laughing at Minister Chan, these people should be thanking him, regardless of how much he is being paid.

And pray that he succeeds.

If he doesn't, we are all in trouble.


Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:24 pm, 08/06/2020] : If people already make so much noise about privacy, I don't think it'll be easy to overcome this

[5:25 pm, 08/06/2020] : Agreed - not easy. Not likely to happen. Also very hard for a Gov to push through as it looks like self-interest.

[5:25 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yah... So much hoo ha about the dongle

Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:25 pm, 08/06/2020] : And now wearables

[5:25 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yep - benefits all round. Winning the hearts nigh on impossible. Too easy to stir up resistance.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:26 pm, 08/06/2020] : That Wilson Low guy who started the petition must be using the George Floyd incident to push his agenda, note he uses the term "police state"

[5:26 pm, 08/06/2020] : He could be unknowingly inviting ISD!

[5:27 pm, 08/06/2020] : I wish petitioners actually had some expertise on the subject. Maybe petitions should need endorsing by professionals, or a disclaimer added to people know more about the source.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[5:27 pm, 08/06/2020] : People are misled by the actual effects of petitions, I'll let Leonard do the explaining

Leonard Lau
[5:35 pm, 08/06/2020] : I guess Wilson did not check the technology involved in this wearable .
No personal data is captured since no GPS/internet  capability involved in this wearable  . How did G track him ?
I supposed he is worried when  he is told to surrender his wearable ; he needs to reveal his details. This wearable just need to know what are the other people that he had contacted with so that the contact tracing team is able to track the people quicker .
The privacy intrusion  is very

[7:12 pm, 08/06/2020] : πŸ“’TOPICπŸ“’
What do you think of the wearable TraceTogether tokens in helping to contact trace cases within the community?
[7:13 pm, 08/06/2020] : Depends on the form factor. And need to re-charge or not

[7:14 pm, 08/06/2020] : Dear Contributors,
We would love to hear more from you! ❤
We will be extending the chat to 9PM today.
Thank you!
- Megan

[7:20 pm, 08/06/2020] :

[7:26 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
The virus will hit us if we don't take measures to curb its spread.

This wearable dongle is one means to quickly identify those people who come into contact with infectious people.

This will help MOH to quickly trace all these contacts and do the necessary actions to treat, isolate or quarantine.

The dongle is a mean to protect people, not to harm or intrude our privacy.

[7:27 pm, 08/06/2020] : Makes sense, but requires support of community which will be hard if not clearly explained. People are suspicious already. They use Facebook and Google because there is a benefit. For trace dongle they don't see benefit and don't trust the tech. It's also inconvenience to carry another device.
[7:27 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yes agreed. Seems very hard to convince wider public though.

[7:28 pm, 08/06/2020] : I think it’s a good idea for wearables. If don’t nicely, it will help with elderly or seniors who don’t have smartphones or dunno how to use them. It’s also good younger children who don’t carry mobile phones but still go to school. My 2.14 cents.
[7:28 pm, 08/06/2020] : *done

[7:29 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
If people are receptive and collaborate with the government to bring the dongle everytime we go out, then economy can be open up quicker - as any infection can be quickly arrested and contain - without letting it flare up and go out of control undetected.

[7:30 pm, 08/06/2020] : I'll be happy with the wearable! Will probably uninstall Trace Together app for the wearable.

[7:30 pm, 08/06/2020] : Agree
[7:31 pm, 08/06/2020] : Any issue with both!?

[7:31 pm, 08/06/2020] : No point having both which serve the same purpose. Plus I don't know if the wearable will pick up my own phone as a ping??

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:32 pm, 08/06/2020] : I would because I hate how everyone forces us to install apps, like as if we have infinite storage space

[7:33 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Public are very naive that Google map track every movement of people who use the handphone.

Every route a person take, shopping malls visited and any place are tagged and recorded with date and time stamp via GPS.

So if the public is worried about the dongle - it is nothing compare to the goggle map.

[7:35 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Attached is how the Google map track a person carrying it's handphone.
All stored in the location history of the Google map.

[7:35 pm, 08/06/2020] : Can turn off right?

[7:37 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
You can if you know how.
Many people don't.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:37 pm, 08/06/2020] : Don't make it sound so hard
In fact mamy people don't even turn off Location because they don't know what it is

[7:39 pm, 08/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Even if you can turn off location tracking - mobile signal and GPS also can track your route and location - with date and time stamp.

[7:40 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yeah, Google, Facebook, IG, running apps..... Just to name a few. It baffles me that people are OK with sharing all their info on social media and having commercial companies holding all the info without knowing how the information is being used, but object to the Govt issuing a dongle to assist in contact tracing.
I can't remember where I've seen the quote before, but it says "if you're not paying for a product, then you're the product".

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:40 pm, 08/06/2020] : Aggregated at most, not as accurate as GPS fixing

[7:41 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yes - this is good messaging and what we need to focus on. Maybe an FAQ to alleviate people's fear about security, privacy etc would help.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:41 pm, 08/06/2020] : Ben makes a good point on giving benefits, there's literally none they'll appreciate though the benefit is of course the effort to stem the spread

[7:43 pm, 08/06/2020] : Maybe there can be updates on how many infections were stopped through use of dongle? Or some other stat that makes clear the benefit. We need to see the benefit - make it relevant and personal.

[7:44 pm, 08/06/2020] : I dun mind wearing it. Of cos, ppl will need to educate how to use and maintain it.
Hope this new device will also lessen the load of tracer to manual count at the backend etc..
One thing is.. Is the device waterproof? Likewise, the hpb tracker is not waterproof.

[7:44 pm, 08/06/2020] : Thanks
[7:44 pm, 08/06/2020] : Agree

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:45 pm, 08/06/2020] : They should make the tracker functional so it's not just a tracker, it can serve as a watch as well

[7:45 pm, 08/06/2020] : Also agree - maybe that's the benefit, no need to use TT app. Maybe show the dongle and no need to scan in and out of shops. That's a plus!
[7:45 pm, 08/06/2020] : lol I thought of something similar - like a step tracker, but then realised we don't really want people wandering around at the moment!

[7:46 pm, 08/06/2020] : Too many apps on my phone!

[7:46 pm, 08/06/2020] : Yes!! I wish that could be done!

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:47 pm, 08/06/2020] : Screw the scanning honestly lol I haven't been exposed to it but I can already tell it's leceh

[7:48 pm, 08/06/2020] : I will turn off. Dun want drain my battery.

[7:48 pm, 08/06/2020] : Hope it is waterproof

Blue and White Flag Guy
[7:49 pm, 08/06/2020] : Last time I always see my friends leave Location on so I ask them, you know what this is for anot?
They say dunno πŸ˜‚


[8:46 pm, 08/06/2020] : Hello REACH Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
As always, thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Goodnight! 😴

Blue and White Flag Guy
[8:56 pm, 08/06/2020] : You sure not 4 minutes? You said 9pm hor

[8:56 pm, 08/06/2020] : Lol

[8:57 pm, 08/06/2020] : Gdnight! Remember, wearables are desirable!! :3

Blue and Whtie Flag Guy
[9:01 pm, 08/06/2020] : Wow shut up and take my 2.14¢ already! πŸ˜‚

[9:02 pm, 08/06/2020] : Mine too!

[9:02 pm, 08/06/2020] : As usual when they throw the idea out there... usually is already pre approved πŸ˜†

[9:02 pm, 08/06/2020] : Hi REACH Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan ☺

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