Saturday, June 20, 2020

REACH - 104. DPM Heng Swee Keat - Emerging Stronger Together (SK)
20 Jun 2020 (3m - 10pm)

[1:25 pm, 20/06/2020] : Dear contributors,
We will be opening the chat from 3pm to 10pm today. The topic will be posted shortly.
Thank you
Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat will deliver the final National Broadcast this evening on the theme, "Emerging Stronger Together" at the following times:
7.30pm – English Broadcast (CNA)
8.30pm – Malay Broadcast (Suria)
8.30pm – English broadcast with sign language interpretation (Channel 5)
9.00pm – Tamil broadcast (Vasantham)
9.30pm – Mandarin broadcast (Channel 8)
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[3:00 pm, 20/06/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! Our chat will be open from 3pm to 10pm today.
Please be reminded to be respectful and considerate to others in this WhatsApp chat group.
πŸ“’ Topic πŸ“’
Today is the second day of Phase 2 of the post-circuit breaker. How are you and your families adjusting so far?
Yesterday, Singapore entered Phase 2 of the post-circuit breaker period. Retail outlets, sports facilities and beaches are allowed to reopen. Dining in is also allowed if people keep to a maximum of five in a group.
Click on the link below for tips on how to keep safe when dining out, provided by


[3:02 pm, 20/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
I think 2nd wave is a possibility if not careful.

Just now when I buy groceries, I still bring my tingkat to tabao my noodles instead of dining in.

The shop is small and people all packed in to eat all with masks off.

I don't feel safe. If one get it all those with masks off will get it.

So will have to tabao for a long time to come.

If once or twice a month go to food courts to eat that is more spacious and don't need to share seat with strangers and if the best they install plastic shield - then can eat in food court and quickly put on the mask when finish eating.

As long as vaccine and treatment don't come out - better play safe to prevent the 2nd wave.

[3:04 pm, 20/06/2020] : Package away for two months iso done in was a good lesson.

[3:13 pm, 20/06/2020] : 218 new COVID-19 infections in Singapore, including 2 community cases
Singapore confirmed 218 new COVID-19 infections as of noon on Saturday (Jun 20), bringing the country's total to 41,833.
Two are community cases, both work pass holders, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in its preliminary daily update.
The remaining cases are work permit holders living in foreign worker dormitories.
More information on the cases will be announced on Saturday night, the ministry said.

[3:14 pm, 20/06/2020] : Number is reducing , hopefully next two week will become 100 or less

[3:14 pm, 20/06/2020] : I'm feeling very uncomfortable after seeing all the pictures and accounts of long lines and crowds forming in malls, restaurants, and night spots like Holland V. While I can understand that people are excited to be out and about after being cooped up at home for so long, I fear that all our past efforts of circuit breaker and strict enforcement of social distancing would've gone down the drain.

[3:18 pm, 20/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Masagos Zulkifli
21 hrs ·
I'm updating this post as a few people have shared with me Facebook and Instagram posts showing many people gathering in Holland Village. I understand there are crowds gathering in other areas as well. We will step up patrols of nightspots, and will take enforcement actions against operators and individuals who breach safe distancing measures.
As we approach the first weekend of Phase 2, many of us have probably made plans for activities that we haven’t been able to enjoy in the last few months. However, we must remember that COVID-19 remains a threat, and act responsibly, limit our contact with others, and practise good personal hygiene.
Observing the spirit of the law is as important as adhering to the letter of the law. As Gan Kim Yong put it — we can fool the rules, but we cannot fool the virus.
Personally, I have found it useful to keep in mind the DID:
Distance - Keep a safe distance from others, at least 1m apart.
Intensity - Minimise physical interaction as far as possible and put your masks back on after eating or drinking.
Duration - Keep the gathering short.
By maintaining the good habits that we have been practising during the circuit breaker period and in Phase 1, we can create a COVID-safe environment for everyone, as we go about our daily lives.

[3:19 pm, 20/06/2020] : Saw some people just hold the coffee but not drinking.. walking with mask not covering the face πŸ™„

[3:19 pm, 20/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Vast majority don't wear mask.

[3:20 pm, 20/06/2020] : Like 30 people on the basketball court handing around. While group of 6 playing on each side
[3:20 pm, 20/06/2020] : 🀷‍♂️

[3:20 pm, 20/06/2020] : This one Singapore meh
[3:20 pm, 20/06/2020] : Where all the SDAs?

[3:20 pm, 20/06/2020] : Very high chance of a second wave as soon as we get overseas visitors. I'm assuming we are safe for now in the community, at least this weekend. Evidence from overseas is clear that outbreaks come back quickly and spread fast.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:20 pm, 20/06/2020] : The road tells
[3:21 pm, 20/06/2020] : Note the hump and the double yellow line, it's ours

[3:21 pm, 20/06/2020] : Where the SPFs, SOCs and all

[3:22 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes - it feel like a boomerang effect where it all just springs back very fast.

[3:23 pm, 20/06/2020] : Cause Mustafa high cases... people that usually hang out at mustafa moving to city square and not wearing mask properly 🀦‍♂️
[3:23 pm, 20/06/2020] : Subconscious, scare and I just walk out of the stall πŸ˜…

[3:25 pm, 20/06/2020] : Seems a bit crazy people can stand around in the street like in HV? Should it be seated dining only?

[3:25 pm, 20/06/2020] : The when consuming food no need wear mask is one issue... how you engage them like that
[3:25 pm, 20/06/2020] : Gray zone

[3:26 pm, 20/06/2020] : Table service only. Seated only. Wear mask when not at the table.
[3:26 pm, 20/06/2020] : Seems pretty clear, and simple

[3:27 pm, 20/06/2020] : Stated?

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:28 pm, 20/06/2020] : Was it not?

[3:28 pm, 20/06/2020] : Not sure.. πŸ˜…

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:28 pm, 20/06/2020] : Don't think dine-in ever meant standing around

[3:28 pm, 20/06/2020] : No way of knowing when that picture of HV was taken of course....

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:28 pm, 20/06/2020] : Even if people exploit grey areas, we still have common sense

[3:28 pm, 20/06/2020] : Exactly

[3:31 pm, 20/06/2020] : Agree

[3:31 pm, 20/06/2020] : Is this from a reliable source? Seems strange there wouldn't be an SDO's on that street in HV on the first night of Phase 2.

[3:31 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes

[3:33 pm, 20/06/2020] : By know you probably know I'm a little sceptical of social media posts that seem to whip up a lot of emotional anger!

Masagos Zulkifli
21 hrs ·
I'm updating this post as a few people have shared with me Facebook and Instagram posts showing many people gathering in Holland Village. I understand there are crowds gathering in other areas as well. We will step up patrols of nightspots, and will take enforcement actions against operators and individuals who breach safe distancing measures.

[3:34 pm, 20/06/2020] : Definitely not questioning this post - it's the people who sent him the photos, and where they got them from.
[3:35 pm, 20/06/2020] : I also think it's likely there are many breaches at the moment. I wonder what the SDO plan is for the first weekend of Phase 2, when it's likely people would be out in force
[3:35 pm, 20/06/2020] : There are obvious places likely to be a problem. That road in HV is full of bars and is closed to traffic.

Desmond Koh
[3:38 pm, 20/06/2020] : What’s SDO?

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:38 pm, 20/06/2020] : Officer isit

[3:39 pm, 20/06/2020] : Social Distanting Officer
[3:40 pm, 20/06/2020] : Major problem in the photos are people smoking. They are all leaving the dine-in to go smoke. Maybe that needs addressing.

Desmond Koh
[3:41 pm, 20/06/2020]  There’s only safe distancing ambassador (SDA) or safe distancing enforcement officer (SDEO)
SDO could be confused to be the SG Digital Office πŸ˜‚

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:41 pm, 20/06/2020] : Eh next time got pandemic and we still here ah I tell you all I'm not going to entertain trolls, I make sure only essential journeys are made
Once again, goes to show we can't trust the sinkies to behave

[3:42 pm, 20/06/2020] : Oops, sorry - SDA I meant :)

Desmond Koh
[3:42 pm, 20/06/2020] : SDA & SDEO do not enforce smoking in public places de
[3:43 pm, 20/06/2020] : Maybe should let the whole country know how many SDEO can give fine haha

[3:43 pm, 20/06/2020] : [Sent by – 20 Jun]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 218 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Majority are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.
Based on investigations so far, 2 are cases in the community (both are Work Pass Holders).
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:43 pm, 20/06/2020] : Honestly what is safe distancing when it takes 2 SDAs to lecture someone right beside a queue

[3:44 pm, 20/06/2020] : 🀦‍♂️

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:44 pm, 20/06/2020] : Might as well change their capacity to Mask Wearing Ambassadors

[3:44 pm, 20/06/2020] : Didn't take a photo, but when my hubby headed down to buy lunch and dinner, the crowds forming at the restaurants and bars were told to me corroborated the other personal accounts from friends on social media, even if I were to discount the photos which are widely circulated.

Desmond Koh
[3:45 pm, 20/06/2020] : Actually is for safety la.. later kana the NPARKS incident again

[3:45 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes the photos do seem genuine.... and that comes from suspicious me :)

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:46 pm, 20/06/2020] : Right beside a queue though, they can go somewhere else that doesn't defeat the purpose of safe distancing

[3:46 pm, 20/06/2020] : I get we have to open the economy otherwise more business and more jobs are lost.
[3:47 pm, 20/06/2020] : Perhaps could have had tighter controls on exactly how and a way to limit people just hanging around and congregating in the streets.

[3:47 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes

[3:47 pm, 20/06/2020] : Alcohol is a problem and they kept that to 10.30pm limit. Maybe only drinks with food, rather than bars. Not sure....

[3:48 pm, 20/06/2020]  :) never wrong to take what you see online with a pinch of salt. As much as I wish those would've been fake, unfortunately it tallies with what I've heard of. That's why I'm sad that past efforts may have been wasted..

[3:48 pm, 20/06/2020] : Hope so
[3:48 pm, 20/06/2020] : . Yes

[3:49 pm, 20/06/2020] : Looks like I'll be staying home from Monday. My guess is we'll see a spike again next week as the virus starts to spread again.
[3:49 pm, 20/06/2020] : Although the effects could take 2 weeks I suppose before numbers go up.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:50 pm, 20/06/2020] : See I was never wrong about all these people
[3:50 pm, 20/06/2020] : Once again a letdown of society

A: As masks must be worn outside homes, they must be worn at all these venues.
They can also be removed when eating or drinking.

[4:08 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes, and smoking it seems!

[4:38 pm, 20/06/2020] : So if I have food constantly in my mouth I no need mask?

Masagos Zulkifli
21 hrs ·
Observing the spirit of the law is as important as adhering to the letter of the law. As Gan Kim Yong put it — we can fool the rules, but we cannot fool the virus.

[4:47 pm, 20/06/2020] : Hmm how far away though haha.. all the smoking zone removed lioa lei
[4:48 pm, 20/06/2020] : Not related to smoking, it was indoors
[4:48 pm, 20/06/2020] : Actually hor, the control order also do not allow couples to hold hands in public lei... #didYouKnow
[4:48 pm, 20/06/2020] : You want better one? Got students kiss kiss in public also hahaha
[4:48 pm, 20/06/2020] : Oh oops
[4:49 pm, 20/06/2020] : πŸ˜‚ quick take pics to let the garment to issue $300 love letter haha
[4:49 pm, 20/06/2020] : Hahaha once everyone started looking they just walked off
[4:49 pm, 20/06/2020] : And ya got hold hand, I also bochup liao lah
[4:53 pm, 20/06/2020] : They sharing sweet with each other bro
[4:53 pm, 20/06/2020] : :3
[4:57 pm, 20/06/2020] : Haha got say social gathering but didn’t say can hold hand or kiss πŸ˜‚
[4:58 pm, 20/06/2020] : Didn't explicitly say ma
[4:58 pm, 20/06/2020] : That's why now 倩下倧乱
[4:58 pm, 20/06/2020] : Ya so para 3(b) is enforced haha
[4:59 pm, 20/06/2020] : I’m short a couple cannot stand together in a queue lol
[4:59 pm, 20/06/2020] : Still not explicit enough cuz they weren't in a queue 😏
[4:59 pm, 20/06/2020] : Unless you mean queue to Hades
[5:00 pm, 20/06/2020] : Then is section 7 para 3 liao πŸ˜‚
[5:00 pm, 20/06/2020] : Also vague 🀭
[5:01 pm, 20/06/2020] : Every. individual in any public place or common property of any subdivided building must keep a distance of at least one metre from any other individual.
[5:01 pm, 20/06/2020] : Is a covering baseline law
[5:02 pm, 20/06/2020] : That's literally impossible to do in a crowded environment, those who draft the law must also use common sense actually
[5:02 pm, 20/06/2020] :
[5:05 pm, 20/06/2020] : Really??
[5:06 pm, 20/06/2020] : Can but does it mean they will definitely?
[5:06 pm, 20/06/2020] : I can imagine Mr Lawrence Wong face-palming at those photos lor
[5:06 pm, 20/06/2020] : Idw to stand like 1m apart from my mum and keep yelling at each other because we can't hear each other πŸ˜‚
[5:06 pm, 20/06/2020] : One arms length lor
[5:07 pm, 20/06/2020] : I see today some wear mask and some don't, walk here walk there. Should wear or don't wear? Bit confusing too.
[5:07 pm, 20/06/2020] : Also the ruling and law changes a few days
[5:07 pm, 20/06/2020] : So is a little difficult to follow closing
[5:07 pm, 20/06/2020] : Closely
[5:10 pm, 20/06/2020] : That's why MSM must relay all these chim law language to people in layman terms and quickly
[5:10 pm, 20/06/2020] : IKR
[5:11 pm, 20/06/2020] : Aiya now the enforcement agencies very busy with others issues... as long as we citizens comply with the SDA & SDEO then ok liao
[5:11 pm, 20/06/2020] : What is SDA? SDEO?  πŸ€”πŸ€”
[5:12 pm, 20/06/2020] : Don Kay kiang act manly infront of gf or wife... waste $300 or 1k not worth it haha
[5:12 pm, 20/06/2020] : MSM?  πŸ€”
[5:12 pm, 20/06/2020] : safe distancing ambassador (SDA) or safe distancing enforcement officer (SDEO)

MSM : main stream media, TV News paper
[5:13 pm, 20/06/2020] : 😱 😲
[5:15 pm, 20/06/2020] : SDA is legally empowered to ask u to comply his/her instructions as a public servant but cannot fine or arrest you.

SDEO have the above and fine and arrest you!
[5:21 pm, 20/06/2020] : Just stating the facts here ☺️
[5:23 pm, 20/06/2020] : Phase 2 is going to be a can of worms
[5:23 pm, 20/06/2020] : The less ambiguity of the rules the better
[5:23 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes
[5:24 pm, 20/06/2020] : When is phase 3 going to come?
[5:24 pm, 20/06/2020] : Phase 3 no need mask right?
[5:24 pm, 20/06/2020] : Section 35, para 2a(iv) is very powerful πŸ˜†
[5:26 pm, 20/06/2020] : Btw section 35 para 1f is hospital or medical institution...
[5:27 pm, 20/06/2020] : Iirc all phases still need mask
[5:27 pm, 20/06/2020] : For interpretation haha
[5:31 pm, 20/06/2020] : 😱 forever wear mask huh?
[5:33 pm, 20/06/2020] : Wow I can’t even see the front of the queue to enter Waterway point
[5:34 pm, 20/06/2020] : Don’t even want to go in...
[5:34 pm, 20/06/2020] : @Alvin u stay ard Punggol?
[5:34 pm, 20/06/2020] : Anyway the side entrance is much lesser people... walk along the left side lol
[5:34 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes
[5:35 pm, 20/06/2020] : I got no choice my baby’s diapers running out and I need more milk bottles so need to go NTUC finest
[5:36 pm, 20/06/2020] : Order red mart or NTUC delivery lor
[5:36 pm, 20/06/2020] : Same day delivery don’t think so right?
[5:37 pm, 20/06/2020] : I personally estimate October
[5:37 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes
[5:37 pm, 20/06/2020] : Oh...  within the week but not same day
[5:38 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yah I can’t wait my newborn suddenly spam poop like nobody’s business
[5:38 pm, 20/06/2020] : I need the diapers by today
[5:40 pm, 20/06/2020] : Lol me coming in Oct πŸ˜…
[5:40 pm, 20/06/2020] : Panda mart is same day but no diaper just checked
[5:41 pm, 20/06/2020] : Oh noo... Here go again. What is going to happen.
[5:42 pm, 20/06/2020]  NTUC that day I order same day delivery, order 8am, 12pm deliver liao.
[5:43 pm, 20/06/2020] : Omg so long, haiyah...
[5:44 pm, 20/06/2020] : Oct should be better hopefully
[5:45 pm, 20/06/2020] : Just make sure to get the cot and other stuff beforehand
[6:03 pm, 20/06/2020] : Hugh!
[6:03 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yes
[6:03 pm, 20/06/2020] : Later this evening, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat will deliver the final national broadcast on the theme, "Emerging Stronger Together".
This is part of a series of national broadcasts on what a post-Covid-19 future looks like for Singapore, and to lay out plans for the country to emerge stronger.

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat will deliver the national broadcast at the following times:
7.30pm – English Broadcast (CNA)
8.30pm – Malay Broadcast (Suria)
8.30pm – English broadcast with sign language interpretation (Channel 5)
9.00pm – Tamil broadcast (Vasantham)
9.30pm – Mandarin broadcast (Channel 8)
[6:04 pm, 20/06/2020] : Exact timing depends on how well phase two progress.
[6:06 pm, 20/06/2020] : Maskne is the new acne, and here’s what is causing it
[6:06 pm, 20/06/2020] :
[6:17 pm, 20/06/2020] : If you sign in to the shop, if someone got COVID positive and by tracing, you are being identified and so you will be called up for swap test even if you wore mask and practice safe distancing
[6:17 pm, 20/06/2020] : Like that no end
[6:25 pm, 20/06/2020] :
[6:26 pm, 20/06/2020] : All eateries along this stretch will have to ensure that their customers dine only within their premises, and are not loitering or drinking outside.
[6:41 pm, 20/06/2020] : those irresponsible patrons will just go elsewhere that allows them to mingle around freely
[6:41 pm, 20/06/2020] : it's easier to just have stricter and more specific rules and go after these patrons
[6:42 pm, 20/06/2020] : Ghim moh same too... Today
[6:42 pm, 20/06/2020] : make a few example of them and revoke passes/PR/etc and put it in mainstream media
[6:42 pm, 20/06/2020] : kill 1 to warn the rest
[6:44 pm, 20/06/2020] : Yah I agree...
[6:45 pm, 20/06/2020] : I think people who insist on doing whatever they feel like will continue to run the risk anyway. It's the "it'll be fine as long as I don't get caught" mentality
[6:46 pm, 20/06/2020] : No offence but this is a flawed logic, yes, one day they'll kena but as we wait for the day they kena cursed, they would've sealed the fate of many other innocent people

Food for thought


[9:24 pm, 20/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
The following strategies are vital to our future economic growth and generation of new high value added jobs :-

These Singapore Together Alliances for Action - partnerships between industry players and the Government - will aim to rapidly prototype new ideas in a bid to grow the country's economy.
On the industry-led alliances, he said these will explore and execute new ideas in the coming months in seven areas: robotics, e-commerce, environmental sustainability, digitalisation of supply chains and the built environment, education technology as well as enabling safe travel and tourism.
"The key is speed and agility. Successful projects will become new shoots of growth, and generate new jobs," he said.
The alliances will generate ideas in a three-month period, and share preliminary results and next steps later this year.

Particularly important are the 7 new growth areas highlighted by DPM Heng Swee Keat that will generate new business areas and new high value added jobs will emerge from these 7 growth areas.
(1) AI, robotics, e-commerce, digitalisation of supply chains and the built environment - will help to fuel a new wing of growth to every traditional industry sector - by improving productivity with AI and robotics and e-Commerce will help local business to extend their business not only to domestic market, but will also extend their business to overseas market and global reach to our locally made goods and services.

(2) Environmental Sustainability industry will help us to build climate defenses, energy, transport - to protect Singapore from rising sea level and unpredictable climate, rainfall etc.   as well as developing food supply that will help us to secure our food sources locally in the event if global food supply are disrupted by drastic climatic changes.

(3) Education technology is realtime, online, remote and new ways of learning not only for young students but also for working adults as well as for seniors.
Education content that will help Singaporeans to gain working skills should also be the focus in education technology.

(4) Safe travelling and tourism -- will be a new focus to gain trust in attracting business travellers, tourists, neighboring workers, MICE travellers for meetings, conventions, conventions --- that have crippled us and billions of dollars are lost in air travel, cruise, hotels, F&B, retails, areas of attractions etc.
Thus brainstorming to ensure and invite such travellers to start visiting Singapore safely for the travellers as well as ensure that the travellers will not bring in virus and infect our Community become extremely important.
If Singapore is able to conceptualise a "failsafe approach" from overseas travelling and tourism into Singapore amidst this covid-19 duration ----- then we can bring back tourism business and tourism jobs to the airlines, MICE business, hotels, F&B, retails and area of attractions.

[9:38 pm, 20/06/2020] ☸️  Danny εΏƒ:
Notice that DPM Heng is very focus on 2 main thrust :-
(1) Deepening Internal capabilities of R&D in AI, robotics, digitalisation, biomedical.
- Transforming internal business of new growth area and training workers to helm these jobs.

(2) Extending external linkages through digitalisation, re-engaging supply chain - to forge, re-configure and anchor External Economy.


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