Pope Francis wants to change the Lord's Prayer
ricky l
2 minutes ago
ricky l
7 seconds ago
Human sin --- if Greed manifest, Hatred, Anger manifest or Ignorance manifest - like some people don't believe in global climate etc.
Human become divine - if human manifest generosity, help society with selfless nature, extend compassion to humanity, living beings, use wisdom to resolve earthly or divine problems.
Human become divine - if human manifest generosity, help society with selfless nature, extend compassion to humanity, living beings, use wisdom to resolve earthly or divine problems.
(1) 5 sense consciousness - touch-consciousness, taste-consciousness, hearing-consciousness, smell-consciousness, sight-consciousness --- if not tame, human sin.
If tame - will extend kindness.
(2) Feelings - pleasant feelings, unpleasant feelings, neutral feelings - if not tame, human sin.
If tame - will extend kindness.
(3) Perception - how human perceive feelings from its contact of consciousness.
if not tame, human sin.
If tame - will extend kindness.
(4) Judgement - how human judge (bad or good) - based on its receiving of consciousness, its feelings, its perception.
if not tame, human sin.
If tame - will extend kindness.
(5) Mental formation - that will result in human thoughts, speeches or actions (which can be wholesome or unwholesome).
if not tame, human sin.
If tame - will extend kindness.
All this chain of mental reactions and physical actions ----- will determine if human sin or is divine ---- where resultant outcome is bad karma or good karma.
This is the Metaphysics explanation of human sin or human divinity.
Hence, "Satan" is within you.
Hence, "Demon" is within you.
There are 2 vital tools :-
(1) Concentration
(2) Sustained mindfulness
---- living of the "present moment" ---- 活在当下 !