Monday, December 18, 2017

Couple who tortured Annie Ee: Prosecutor could not charge them with murder, says AGC
 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

How law and natural justice inter-operate and compensate itself - in administering rewards (for good karma) and punishment (for bad karma).

(1) Human law - justice system (if adequately administer) - karma ends.
If inadequate - Heavenly law will take over.
Human law - is restricted in terms of human lives (100 years).

(2) Heavenly law (天条)- (if adequately administer) - karma ends.
If inadequate - Universal Law of Karma will take over.
Heavenly law - is restricted in terms of Heavenly lives (celestial years or aeons) - depending on the various realm of Heavens.

(3) Universal Law of Karma (因果)- (Final justice) - karma ends.
Terms - is restricted to the lives of Universe - and will not brought over to Nirvana (where karma cease to operate).
Ricky Lim · 

In other words, final justice will always be fair ---- it is only at which level will karma be fairly administered.

If Human law - adequately administered karma - karma ends.
If Human law - inadequate to administer karma (due to restriction of human lives of 100 years), Heavenly law take over.
If Heavenly law - inadequate to administer karma (due to restriction of celestial years or aeons), Universal Law of karma (lives of Universe) - will take over.

Universal Law of karma - will be the final justice - where life of Universe ends.

This is how justice or karma are computed and administered.

Ricky Lim · 

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