Monday, December 11, 2017

Over 6,000 firefighters battling southern California blaze

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 

Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :-
10 Oct 2017 01:14AM (Updated: 10 Oct 2017 02:51AM)
Trump administration to end Obama climate plan
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Look like the 4 Hurricane - Irma, Harvey, Maria, Nates --- is not a sufficient karma lesson for Donald Trump and its supporters.

11 Oct 2017 02:48AM (Updated: 11 Oct 2017 05:11AM)
15 dead as wildfires torch California wine country
Last month, a massive fire described as the biggest in the history of Los Angeles forced hundreds to evacuate their homes.

Wonder will Donald Trump and its supporters learn their lesson on Global Climate.

For karma will be relentless ---- for the unrepenting recalcitrant ones....
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
"I am surrounded by devastation and feel lucky it didn't happen to me," Dixon said.
US President Donald Trump declared a major disaster in California, freeing up federal funding and resources to help fight the 17 large wildfires in the western state.

Donald Trump has not learned his lesson - and karma will be relentless ......
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Ricky Lim · 

California Governor Jerry Brown has warned that climate change meant the state was becoming increasingly vulnerable and wildfires were becoming the "new normal."
"The fire season used to be a few months in the summer," Brown said. "Now it's almost year-long."
Brown has been one of the most vocal critics of President Donald Trump's decision to pull the United States out of the Paris accord on global warming, and he renewed his attacks on the administration over its attitude toward climate change.
"Nature is not a political game. Nature is the ground on which we stand, it's the air which we breathe," he said.
"The truth of the case is that there's too much carbon being emitted, that heat-trapping gasses are building up, the planet is warming and all hell is breaking loose."


Ricky Lim · 

Posted on :-
8 Sep 2017
ricky l 0 seconds ago
Donald Trump should say he was damned wrong - calling the Global Warming a hoax and blatantly cancel his commitment in Paris Climate Deal.

Karma is catching up on him.

He should apologise and vow to rejoin his commitment in Paris Climate Deal.
0 0
ricky l
ricky l
25 seconds ago
Never fool Nature.

Never don't believe in Karma.

Never call Global Warming a hoax and abuse it, Donald Trump - for it return to teach you a lesson - good and proper.

ricky l
ricky l
3 seconds ago
For the karma, the sin of harming humanity on Earth - is extremely heavy - for absconding the commitment on Paris Climate Agreement.'

Hence, the karma backlash from Nature - is so ferocious .............. -- else Donald Trump don't believe - and still insist that Global Warming is a hoax .......................

Ricky Lim · 
Posted on :-
08 Dec 2017 05:19AM (Updated: 08 Dec 2017 05:20AM)

Ricky Lim ·
Trump has caused many policies mis-step since he step into the office :-
(1) He rescind Paris Climate agreement - cause harm to humanity on Earth - and reap the karma of 4 hurricanes unleashing in US and many forest fire - the latest being in California.

(2) He rescind the TPP and other multi-lateral trade deals. This impede global growth.

(3) He escalate tension with N Korea - even to the brink of nuclear war.

(4) He stir tension in Middle East and evoke emotion of moderate Muslims - by stoking this unnecessary move. This will make it harder for the World - to tackle ISIS threat.

(5) He reinvoke the "Boom and Bust" fiscal policies - that will trigger the vicious cycle of economic boom follow by recession and pile up huge debt of close to $21.4 trillion - and risk default that will shake the World Economy.

(6) He deregulate the banking sector - meant to protect the Lehman brothers collapse, mini-bond collapse and other financial risks.

What else has Trump done anything right since he took office?
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Ricky Lim ·
And worst, it will make American interest and people - the target of Muslim's wrath worldwide.

Wonder why Trump is indifferent or don't use his head to think of the consequences on the things he do.
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Ricky Lim ·
Obama in his 10 years as President had :-
(1) Sign Paris Climate agreement - to roll back global climate from hurting earthlings on Earth.
(2) Promote multi-lateral trade deals - and promote Economic growth and prosperity for both US and the World.
(3) Get N Korea to the negotiating table to denuclearise.
(4) He heal the tension between US and the moderate Muslims worldwide - and this has help to defeat ISIS - without committing large US troop.
(5) He stop the World Economic "yo-yo Boom and Bust" cyclic growth and recession vicious cycle with sound monetary policy and fiscal policy by not accumulating huge debt that will bankrupt US.
(6) He regulate the banking sector - to prevent unsecure and careless investment in toxic assets with high risk - that cause bankrupt to banks, cause run-on banks and default on depositors money.

Trump take revenge on Obama - and dismantle all the good things that are done by Obama - and unleash economic, political, social demon onto US and the World - just because of his own personal vendetta.
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Ricky Lim · 


Ricky Lim · 
Trump has incurred the wrath of karma of the 4 Great Earth Elements - Fire, Earth, Wind, Water (火,土,风,水)。

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