Friday, December 1, 2017

American Muslim preacher Yusuf Estes denied entry into Singapore: MHA

 (Updated: )
Razak Muhammad · 

He's an ex-Christian. He talks in a nice and gentle manner but sadly he's a prominent Wahhabi preacher along with Menk, Naik, Philip, etc. Contrary to the majority of Sunni Islam which practices moderate Islam since 1,400 years ago.
LikeReply112 hrs
Jay Saad
Kalau jahil pasal Islam jangan berbual pasal agama... Jangan pergi Mekah buat haji. Duduk rumah diam2. You ignorant fool.
LikeReply88 hrs
Richard Kam · 

He talks in a nice and gentle manner!!! However he stings like a scorpion.
LikeReply22 hrs

Ricky Lim · 

Jay Saad - Orang hati baik - sembaiya apa pun baik.
Orang hati tak baik - sembaiya apa pun tak baik.
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Ricky Lim · 

Ini Preacher orang hati tak baik - bercakap salah teachings.

The following teachings baik :-
The following represent "Universal Compassion" :-

1 Allah (الله) The Greatest Name
2 Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) The All-Compassionate
3 Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) The All-Merciful
6 As-Salam (السلام) The Source of Peace
7 Al-Mu'min (المؤمن) The Inspirer of Faith
8 Al-Muhaymin (المهيمن) The Guardian
12 Al-Khaliq (الخالق) The Creator
13 Al-Bari' (البارئ) The Maker of Order
14 Al-Musawwir (المصور) The Shaper of Beauty
15 Al-Ghaffar (الغفار) The Forgiving
17 Al-Wahhab (الوهاب) The Giver of All
18 Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق) The Sustainer
19 Al-Fattah (الفتاح) The Opener
20 Al-`Alim (العليم) The Knower of All
22 Al-Basit (الباسط) The Reliever
26 Al-Mudhill (المذل) The Humiliator
27 As-Sami (السميع) The Hearer of All
28 Al-Basir (البصير) The Seer of All
30 Al-`Adl (العدل) The Just
31 Al-Latif (اللطيف) The Subtle One
32 Al-Khabir (الخبير) The All-Aware
33 Al-Halim (الحليم) The Forbearing
35 Al-Ghafur (الغفور) The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
36 Ash-Shakur (الشكور) The Rewarder of Thankfulness
39 Al-Hafiz (الحفيظ) The Preserver
40 Al-Muqit (المقيت) The Nourisher
43 Al-Karim (الكريم) The Generous
46 Al-Wasi (الواسع) The All-Comprehending
47 Al-Hakim (الحكيم) The Perfectly Wise
48 Al-Wadud (الودود) The Loving One
50 Al-Ba'ith (الباعث) The Resurrector
53 Al-Wakil (الوكيل) The Trustee
59 Al-Mubdi' (المبدئ) The Originator
60 Al-Mu'id (المعيد) The Restorer
61 Al-Muhyi (المحيى) The Giver of Life
63 Al-Hayy (الحي) The Ever Living One
67 Al-Wahid (الواحد) The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible
68 As-Samad (الصمد) The Satisfier of All Needs
73 Al-Awwal (الأول) The First
74 Al-Akhir (الأخر) The Last
77 Al-Wali (الوالي) The Protecting Friend
79 Al-Barr (البر) The Doer of Good
80 At-Tawwab (التواب) The Guide to Repentance
82 Al-'Afuww (العفو) The Forgiver
86 Al-Muqsit (المقسط) The Equitable One
90 Al-Mani'(المانع) The Preventer of Harm
92 An-Nafi' (النافع) The Creator of Good
93 An-Nur (النور) The Light
94 Al-Hadi (الهادي) The Guide
99 As-Sabur (الصبور) The Patient One
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Ricky Lim · 

Orang hati baik - boleh mengajar.
Orang hati tak baik - tak boleh mengajar ----- banyak orang mati.
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Ricky Lim · 

The sin of wrong teachers - are extremely heavy - for a knife kill one, a gun kill a few - words can incite thousand death ------ and the karma is destined for "Avici Hell" ---- the Deepest Hell.
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Ricky Lim · 

Good Teachers - teach Good Heart, Wise Mind.
Bad teachers - teach evil heart, evil mind.
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Ricky Lim · 

Good Heart and Wise Mind - "Divinity is Within You".

Evil heart and evil mind - "Devil, demon is inside you".
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Ricky Lim · 

And No Divinity - preach killings, murder, violence, exclusivity.

Divinity - preach Peace, Tolerance, Patient, Forbearance, Universal Compassion, Inclusiveness.
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Ricky Lim · 

For which - killings, murder, violence, exclusivity - are manifested in Hell.

For which - Peace, Tolerance, Patient, Forbearance, Universal Compassion, Inclusiveness - are manifested in Heaven, in Pureland, in Nirvana.
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Razak Muhammad · 

Jay Saad -- You must check the history of Saudi Arabia. Who led the Al-Saud into power? How does Wahhabi emerges, who's the pioneer? Before calling someone fool, etc. 
LikeReply1 hr

Razak Muhammad · 

Jay Saad -- Fyi. Makkah, Hajj, etc belongs to all humanity. Not partiicular Salafi (Wahhabi) sect, Arab, etc. Go look up the history. Good luck! Or the MHA may be knocking on your door soon! 
LikeReply1 hr
James Lohe
Jay Saad terrorist alert
LikeReplyDec 3, 2017 4:09am
Azahar Noor · 
There is a spectrum to Wahabism - from extreme right to more centrist / moderate leanings - just like in any beliefs and views. The Government's assessment was made based on individual merit - a case by case application. Several people on this thread have decided to hijack this issue to advance their own personal biasness. As citizens, we should support the Government's decision on the ban. At the same time, understand the rationale for it. It is NOT a blanket ban on anyone who identify themselve as Wahabis. Nor is it a national agenda against the Saud family or Saudi Arabia with which we have strong diplomatic relations with.
LikeReply12 hrs

Ricky Lim · 
Substance of the teachings is important.
Wholesome teachings = that promote peace, harmony, inclusiveness, tolerance, patience, forbearance - should be the right substance.
Not the contrary.
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