Sunday, December 10, 2017

350 shuttle buses, 700 drivers activated on first NSEWL full-day closure

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Posted on :-
16 Nov 2017 07:52AM (Updated: 16 Nov 2017 12:47PM)

Ricky Lim ·
Few neasures here may help to mitigate and minimise MRT disruptions and safety :-
(1) Failsafe, failsoft mechanism - eg, if signaling software fail, hardware eg. IoT take over - if not human backup must be able to manual override and take over if signaling software fail.
(2) Redundant lines - to be able to shut down the whole line for maintenance, repair and fail over to redundant line eg, the up and coming redundant thomson line from Changi, Ang Mo Kio to Jurong (NUS, NTU, SP, NP, UniSim, One-North, Science Park) ---- will alleviate and provide redundant to the Green line (East-West line) and Red line (Ang Mo Kio line to Jurong East).
(3) Improve work culture and morale of staff - demoralise staff will not put in extra effort to make the system work or improve the system.
(4) Parallel bus system (that run along the MRT station) - able to beef up during MRT disruption
(5) Proactive, predictive, reactive maintenance - to upgrade and improve the parts that are 20 to 30 years old.
(6) Realtime information dispensement to inform public - that eg. "A" line is unavailable for servicing and move over to "B" line. (This is the same as London tube - where one line is taken down for servicing, a parallel line is activated to serve public. And if both lines are down, bus system that ply the MRT stations are activated). --- 3 redundant public transport system in place. If to be more kiasu, activate PMD, hire-bicycle also put in place - for those who are adventurous to rely on during disruptions.
Make this a standard modus operandi that public will take it as natural course.
---- All mechanical things, or software, or hardware, or system --- will fail some point in time - and need maintenance, servicing, repair.
----- The key is there will be a failsafe alternative, failsoft mechanism to mitigate, redundant system to seamlessly or close to seamless take over of main line if fail.
eg. car will fail on the road and need maintenance.
air con will fail and need maintenance.
computer system will fail, and need redundant system to take over.
etc etc.
Make public understand this.
人法地, 地法天, 天法道,道法自然。
This is the Universal Law of Impermanence.
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Ricky Lim ·
Since the parallel MRT thomson line that run parallel to East-West Line and North South line are still work in progress and not available now -----
"May have to consider using Bus services to run to all MRT stations ---- for eg. service provided during peak hours --- eg. go office hours and after office hours --- to backup MRT lines).

If MRT lines disrupted --- parallel bus service can be beef up =------ until the new parallel MRT line is available."
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Ricky Lim ·
To save cost, this parallel bus service vthat run along the MRT stations will not run during off-peak hours.
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Ricky Lim ·
Best still come up with a transit guide, information display system etc- to illustrate the redundant systems :- eg.
(1) Line A - normal (or disrupted - go to Line B, C and D eg.)
(2) Line B - normal (or disrupted)
(3) Bus service C - normal (or disrupted)
(4) hire PMD, Hire bike D - normal (or disrupted)
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Ricky Lim ·
Posted on :- 22 Nov 2017

John Peh ·
National Junior College
Gan veronica....
ya, u r right ! I was once a soldier,i did my ns and reservist. I m not frightened by a single disruption,i m frightened by multi-disruptions as i was nt frightened by a single bullet but frightened by multiple bullets such as machine-gun. But now,i m a paying commuter & i depend on a good reliable transport.
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Ricky Lim ·
You have to imagine yourself living in your house - but your electrical system, your water pipes, and many of your gadget is reaching its shelf life - and need to replace or upgrade.

And you will need to continue to live in the house, use your gadgets, use electricity, use water ---- while your contractors replace your water pipe, change your electrical system, or service your gadgets such as your air-con, your fan, your computer etc.

In the midst of this, won't you experience multiple disruptions --- or are you expecting no disruptions at all?
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Ricky Lim ·
Or would you fire your electrical contractor if he cause your computer to trip while he replace the electrical circuit?

Or would you fire your water pipe contractor - when you bathe and the water supply is cut off?

Soon you will find no contractors working for you - or no contractors want to take up your project --- and your house will be in deteriorating shamble state.
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Ricky Lim ·
If you are unreasonable, people will not be reasonable with you.
If you are reasonable, people will be reasonable with you.
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Ricky Lim · 
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Now the MRT are reaching 20 years and 30 years shelf life - alot of parts, signaling sytem need to be replace, upgrade.

New MRT lines with new signaling system and parts are coming in - and need to integrate with the old system. Signal interference will bound to occur.

Like the analogy of your house to be upgraded and repair - multiple disruptions will bound to occur.

Unless you are willing to live in the park while your contractors revamp the whole house or if commuters are not taking MRT for 1 whole year while the MRT is revamp ---- then upon completion disruptions will be minimal.

Are you willing to do this or are commuters are willing to commute without MRT for 1 year?
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
Journey to the West.
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Ricky Lim · Singapore
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Ricky Lim · 

玩呀玩。玩出个大头 佛

Wee Beng · 

If I am someone who does not use the MRT, I would say just close for as along as you need to fix the problem. If I am someone who need the MRT, I would be pissed.

Wonder if the SMRT and LTA top management (including our MP) need to use MRT or not?
Ben Benji · 

They prolly earn enough to have private helicopters. Just no place to land. And so no - they probably have chauffers to drive them around.
Ricky Lim · 

When MRT breakdown, people complain.

Now MRT do scheduled shutdown to do a full revamp - and organise bus services to substitute - while doing upgrading - some people can understand, but some again complain.

Right complain, left complain.

Everything also have shelf life and need revamp. Simple things don't understand meh?

Ricky Lim · 

Things when outlast it shelf life - will get faulty, will get old - and need to replace.

Human when get old, will need to repair some organs and some parts.

This is Universal Law of Impermanence.

Some people unable to understand this simple fact meh?

Ricky Lim · 

Train fault complain.
Repair also complain.

Left complain.
Right complain.

Since when Singaporeans got so many complain king and complain queen?

Ricky Lim · 

Unless people can find anything in this Universe - will not spoil, will not demise --- then you got the moral right to complain.

Anything in the Universe - that will last eternal?

Ricky Lim · 

Other than complain left, complain right --- what positive things can complain kings and queens come out with?
Jenny Tobias
Ricky Lim You said, "
Things when outlast it shelf life - will get faulty, will get old - and need to replace.
Human when get old, will need to repair some organs and some parts.
This is Universal Law of Impermanence.
Some people unable to understand this simple fact meh?"

Apparently, SMRT oviously could not understand something "simple" like this. What they are doing now, is a knne-jerk reaction. All the problmes could have been avoided if they had understood something "simple" like that. We do have a right to complain, because simply put, SMRT has shown it's incompetence

Ricky Lim · 
Jenny Tobias - 350 shuttle buses, 700 bus drivers, 3 bus operators, Transcom police, LTA, SMRT, Transit bus, SMRT road marshall, SMRT engineers and technicians activated 总动员, online realtime information dispensement and directing commuters ----- and you say this is not well plan, coordinated shutdown on weekends and school vacation that minimise inconvenenice to public?

Then with your "competence mind" ---- what is your constructive suggestion other than destructive criticism? ==== when shelf lives need to be revamp?

So smart, say lah say lah.

Last time, SMRT try not to inconvenient public and do so only at night of 2 to 3 hours -- but being criticised.

Now a more robust revamp --- and you say SMRT incompetent.

You so smart you propose what is the best way to do lah.

If you don't have better suggestion, don't act smart and don't criticise.
Ricky Lim · 

Criticise, criticise, criticise.
Blame, blame, blame.
As though people very smart.
Ask them to do, nothing good come out.

..... mumble, mumble, mumble....

350 shuttle buses, 700 drivers activated on first NSEWL full-day closure

SINGAPORE: More than 700 bus ivers have been activated on the first full-day closure of 19 stations on the North-South and East-West Lines on Sunday (Dec 10). 
They are operating around 350 shuttle buses plying four routes. The routes follow the ones that MRT trains travel along. Four hundred crowd marshals have also been deployed to guide commuters and are working over the entire day at the affected stations in a shift pattern. The operations are also supported by Transcom and the police force. 
Director of operations support and resource management for buses at SMRT Vincent Gay said at a media briefing on Sunday that the effort is supported by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) as well as bus operators SBS Transit, Tower Transit and Go Ahead.
Giving reporters a behind the scenes look at works during the full station closure, he also acknowledged commuter feedback on long walking distances to shuttle bus pick up points. 
For example at Jurong East, there are three pick up points - inside the station, outside the station and across the street. He said these are separated to avoid congestion. 
Noting that the bus network can never replace trains in terms of speed, Mr Gay said commuters are therefore advised to plan their travel. 
The full-day closure at the 19 train stations today and shorter operating hours over the past two days is to allow for more track access time for engineering staff to carry out planned maintenance and renewal works. 
Another full-day closure has been scheduled for Dec 17.
Maintenance and renewal works are carried out by three main groups. These are the Building and Facility group which takes care of things like ventilation, platform screen doors and escalators, the Signal and Communications group which manages signalling equipment across the network, and the Permanent Way Team which looks after tracks. 
Of the groups, there are about 40 teams under them with about two to four people in each team, and they are spread out across the 19 stations.
One of the jobs is the replacement of track circuits, which is being carried out alongside the resignalling project. Last month’s train collision at Joo Koon MRT station was caused by a compatibility issue between the old and new signalling system. 
SMRT said there are about 1,300 track circuits in the North-South and East-West Lines and they will all be replaced. Principal fellow for signalling and communication at SMRT Trains Keith Lim, said there are currently two teams which are working to replace three track circuits during the 5.5 hours they are allocated during the closure. 
Normally, it takes two to three nights during regular maintenance hours to replace just one. About 40 track circuits have been replaced. 
Meanwhile, Director of building and facilities at SMRT Trains Siu Yow Wee said about 160 SMRT workers are involved in the maintenance of station facilities on Sunday, adding that some of these works require track access to carry out. 
He said the station closure would help to speed up the maintenance work. 
Source: CNA/mn


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