Monday, December 18, 2017

Deadly train crash adds to doubts about US infrastructure

 (Updated: )

Ricky Lim · 
Trump fiscal budget are putting its money in all the wrong way.

(1) Infrastructure are crumbling, but no money are budgeted to revamp its infrastructure.
(2) Tax are cut from the rich and the corporate, where will the money come from to spend on infrastructure?
With infrastructure crumbling, competitiveness in US will be eroded.
(3) Social program like education (to keep its people competitive), health (to keep its people healthy and competitive) - are all cut.

So US budget are never make US better --- it is just tax cut to make the very rich - richer.
And US public debt will balloon - making US financial and economic very vulnerable.

US national interest will be greatly impacted a few years down the road.

Ricky Lim · 

Partisan interest, personal interest -- has rule the day.
National interest is never the priority in US politics and economics.

Going the road, it is difficult for US to be great again.

Ricky Lim · 
Because the heart is not at the right place.

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