Monday, February 6, 2017

Life really does flash before your eyes when you die, according to new study

Yahoo Canada Style
We all know the narrative: fictional storytelling has long showed a person’s last breaths filled with life-spanning flashbacks — a slideshow grand finale of sorts.
According to new studies, that idea is no longer the stuff of story books. Based on the accounts of seven people who shared detailed near-death experiences, and similar surveys from 264 others, many report seeing various scenes from their life play out before their eyes.
For near death experience, a flashback like slideshow of past events - now empirically has found to be true.

A person who attain meditative Enlightenment also has similar experience and more because the human body no longer become predominant while mental mind become predominant:-
(1) a flashback like slideshow of past events - flash through like running videos.

(2) Many visions of future events - flash through like running videos.

(3) Visions of transending to 10 Realms (science call it multi-universe).

Buddha document His experience in Enlightenment in the Abidharmma Sutra.

Meditator attaining Jhana Samadhi and Nirvana Fruition also experience the above similar to what Buddha experience - which of course Buddha experience are more detailed, more profound being perfected His Enlightenment 3 Times.

What is mention in Abidharmama Sutra is real and true.

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