Sunday, February 12, 2017

Who will have the world's most powerful economy in 2030?
PricewaterhouseCoopers has just released a report titled “The long view: how will the global economic order change by 2050?”
The report give a fascinating look at what the world order will look like in the not-too-distant-future. The ranking is based on a metric called purchasing power parity, or PPP. According to the World Economic Forum, PPP “is used by macroeconomists to determine the economic productivity and standards of living among countries across a certain time period.”
Tell us, do you think this ranking is an accurate prediction? And what do economic powerhouses like China and the U.S. need to do to stay atop this list?
(All values in U.S. dollars. All images courtesy Getty Images)
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  • Singapore can be one of the this most powerful Economy of $1trillion - if Singapore population is 10 million people each earning at least $100,000 per year.
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    • For a population of 30 milion people, each people only need to earn $33,333 per annum to achieve a trillion dollar economy. 
    • For a of 1 billion people, each people only need to earn $1,000 per annum to achieve a trillion dollar economy. 
    • For a population of 1.6 billion people, each people only need to earn $23,750 per annum to achieve a 38 trillion dollar economy. 
    • For a population of 500 milion people, each people only need to earn $47,000 per annum to achieve a 23.5 trillion dollar economy.
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      • Now Singapore per capita income is $48,000 per annum. With 5.6 million people, the Economy is about $269 billion. 
      • To achieve a trillion dollar Economy, the 5.6 million people need to achieve per capita income of $179,000 per annum. By World standard, no Country in the World can achieve such capita per income.
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        • The top capita per income per annum are :- 
        • Luxemborg - $106,000 per annum 
        • Norway - $89,000 per annum 
        • Switzerland - $75,000 per annum 
        • Singapore- $48,000 to $52,000 per annum
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          • Even if we can achieve Luxemborg per capita income of $106,000 per annum, our Economy will still be only $593.6 billion with 5.6 million population.
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        • Unless we expand our island into bigger island to take in more people and grow it into Singapore-2.
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          • Such as using Netherland land reclaimation technique using dike.
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            • Then it is possible to grow population into 10 million - Singapore-1 (5 million people), Singapore-2 (5 million people) - and achieve per capita income of $100,000 per annum like Luxemborg - and become a trillion dollar Economy. 

            • From "nothing to a Trillion dollar Economy" ==== we dare to dream.
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              • If LKY can dream for Singapore-1 :- 
              • "Today is a marshland, 10 years down the road, Singapore will be a metropolitan city". 

              • Why can't we dream for Singapore-2 :- 
              • "Today we have islands that are marshland, by 2050, these islands will be Singapore-2, another metropolitan city of another 5 million people population - to total 10 million strong people"?
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                • And to achieve a trillion dollar Economy !

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