Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Former top security officials file brief against Trump travel ban

Yahoo News
The former officials say they believe the ban “undermines” national security. “It does not perform its declared task of ‘protecting the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States,’” they write. “To the contrary, the Order disrupts thousands of lives, including those of refugees and visa holders all previously vetted by standing procedures that the Administration has not shown to be inadequate.”
They argue that the order could endanger U.S. troops abroad and “aid ISIL’s propaganda effort and serve its recruitment message by feeding into the narrative that the United States is at war with Islam.”
“It will hinder relationships with the very communities that law enforcement professionals need to address the threat,” they say. “It will have a damaging humanitarian and economic impact on the lives and jobs of American citizens and residents. And apart from all of these concerns, the Order offends our nation’s laws and values.”

The above positions is the right approach to combat ISIS terrorism.

Travel ban will aggravate the danger to Americans abroad.

Trump administration fail to under this significance - until Trump learn a painful lesson out of it.

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