Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Trump comments on Japan, China currencies rattle markets

Japan is not deliberately weakening the yen to boost its exports, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says

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  • I think Asia Pacific needs to group together to let trade flow and grow - and try to insulate, if not possible, reduce the risk from US isolationist and protectionist approach. 
  • As a group, Asia Pacific can then negotiate as a bloc with EU, etc - to ensure World Trade are protected from isolationist and protectionist inclined US politicians.
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    • There are many trade blocs that Asia Pacific (including Australia, New Zealand) as a whole can engage in trade eg. :- 
    • (1) Canada and Mexico 
    • (2) Latin America - eg. Brazil, Peru, Chile etc 
    • (3) EU as a Bloc 
    • (4) Central Asia and Russia 
    • (5) Middle East 
    • (6) Africa eg. South Africa, Angola etc 
    • This should as a whole cover almost every Countries. 
    • This will insulate us or reduce our risks from isolationist and protectionist approach or Win-Lose outcome adopted by populist politicians. 
    • US under Trump can go alone if Trump refuse to work with a Win-Win outcome with other Trade Blocs or other Trading Partners.
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      • Trump will have to be careful in starting trade war with its trading partners. 

      • Imagine if EU, Mexico, Japan, China etc start to retaliate all at once at Trump ---- US businesses will be badly hurt not to mention its trading partners. And everyone in the World will suffer badly.
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