Two pre-schools under investigation for allegedly ill-treating children
ricky l
Centralised Surveillance Management System can be one way to monitor the pre-school - similar to Centralised Traffic Management System or HDB Centralised Surveillance Management System.
To ensure no ill-treatment of pre-school kids, Centralised Surveillance Management System can be implemented by collecting real-time CCTV recordings of pre-school - so that in central source, video analytic software can pick up suspected mal-treatment.
To ensure no ill-treatment of pre-school kids, Centralised Surveillance Management System can be implemented by collecting real-time CCTV recordings of pre-school - so that in central source, video analytic software can pick up suspected mal-treatment.

ricky l
3G/4G can be used to transmit video recordings back to the central monitoring system and since it is pooling and centralising video analysis - cost will be low as many pre-school share the cost of manpower and equipment.
This will also serve as deterrence for ill-treatment - as pre-school know that they are under surveillance.
This will also serve as deterrence for ill-treatment - as pre-school know that they are under surveillance.