Xi urges faster development of new weapons systems

ricky l • Remove
Soon AI and robots will destroy mankind.Reply
The battlefield of tomorrow is not 2 army of humans fighting one another.
It will be robots against people and vice versa.
Human race will be wipe out by the AI and robots that human developed and enter the race of the Asura (the Titan species) where humans will become the secondary species - like the current Earth where Humans is the primary species and the animal the secondary species.
ricky l • Remove
When competing sides try to outdo one another, each sides will developed systems to outdo one another.
At the tipping point, one day humans will develop a system that will have the mental capacity to think, learn and conquer - where at this tipping point, a system will outsmart humans - where the system's sole objective is to conquer, win and "destroy" its competitors.
When this system is developed, humans can no longer control the systems - and the systems will eventually wipe out the humans.
This is the karma that human mankinds will face because of 3 inherent evil roots of Human mankinds :-
(1) Self-Centredness
(2) Greed
(3) Hatred ------ the 3 inherent evil roots that one day will destroy human mankind.
Unless Human mankind one day realise we are self-destructing ourselves to embrace and self-internalised the 3 wholesome attributes of :-
(1) No-Self
(2) Compassion
(3) Panna Wisdom
This must also apply to the business and corporate world - because more and more people - particularly the lower income and middle income group - are experiencing the great squeeze of losing jobs and dropping income to lead a sustainable lives.
Else the consequences for the World stability is dire......
ricky l • Remove
The current Human World on Earth is characterised by :-
(1) Competition – in the Business space, Political space, Education space, Wealth accumulation space, Military space – the competition are so intense that only minority accumulate tremendous wealth, and the majority struggle to survive – this are the middle income and lower income group.
The competition so intense that – Humans all over the World struggle in their day-to-day living.
What cause such a current World – where Human operates?
It is because Human want to accumulate Wealth to lead a luxurious life – which unfortunately done at the expenses of others.
And the 3 inherent roots (which are unwholesome) that drive Human to operate in this mode are :-
(1) Self-centredness – I ok, You not ok ---- is an OK Economic System.
(2) Greed – I ok to accumulate wealth for myself is ok – even though others around me is not ok – ----- is an ok Economic System for me.
(3) Hatred – I ok to like myself only is ok ---- and dislike others as long as I am wealthy is ok for me.
This current mode of operation that the World is operating in --- is a vicious cycle of self-destruction for human mankind ---- where many are not conscious of.
One day, Human mankinds will self-destruct – that may be trigger by Economic tipping points or Political tipping points or even Ideological tipping points.
There is another mode of operation for the World that are more wholesome – and will have make the Human mankind live more happily and less friction and less conflict throughout the World.
And this mode of operation will have to anchor on 3 internalised wholesome roots :-
(1) No-Self --- I OK, You OK. That is an Economic System, a Political System, an Ideological System – that is Mutually Inclusive. That is the World, a Country learn how to cooperate to accumulate Wealth, to allocate scarce Economic Resources to ensure every Humans can earn a decent living, live in a comfortable manner without damaging Earth Resources – but not engaging in destructive competitive means to outdo and crowd out others to benefit self.
(2) Compassion – I OK, I will help you if you are not OK – to ensure Win-Win outcome in a Economic System, a Political System, an Ideological System – that is Mutually Inclusive.
(3) Panna Wisdom – Wisdom to collectively as Human Mankind – to tweak the current World Economic System – to Benefit Self and Benefit Others – to ensure every Humans can earn a decent living and comfortable living – minus intense competition to crowd out one another.
Only then, can the World prolong the human race and human mankind so that Earth Resources can sustain Human lives meaningfully.
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