Romanian ex-diplomat convicted for Singapore crash dies

ricky l • Remove
Karma - Retribution is always fair.Reply
1st round of justice - Human law. If Human law did not adequately administer the justice, Heavenly Law take over.
2nd round of justice - Heavenly Law (天理). If Heavenly law did not adequately administer the justice due to inadequacy of covering the Universe, Universal Law of Karma that calculate Universal Infinity of Debts (credit and debit) take over.
3rd round of justice - Universal Law of Karma (因果)take over - which will be full and final - where justice is Truly Fair.
He did not repent even when caught.
Thus :-
"Do Good.
Refrain from Evil.
Done wrong, Truly Repent.
Put things right."
This is the only way to prevent bad karma from manifesting and eradicate the seeds of negative karma.
Remember "What comes around, goes around."
No one is spared.
ricky l • Remove
Look at the Universal 3 Rings - Concentric Ring of Karma at the top left hand corner symbol.
It is like a ripple that ripple outwards and then bounce in - and ripple inwards.
This is what we called Karma of - what comes around and goes around - as long as sentinent beings dwell in this Universal Law of Karma.
ricky l • Remove
Karma is like a "concentric sea waves that ripple from the core and ripple outwards. Hit the circumference of the ocean and ripple inwards".
Universal Law of Karma - similarly ripple from the core of Human and sentinent beings' thought, speeches and actions - an energy that ripple outwards – traversing time and distance. (Action – which then elicit a Reaction)
(因)(Cause) that will bring about a (果)- Fruition or Response (Effects).
Good (因)(Cause) that will bring about a – Good (果)- Fruition or Response (Effects).
Bad(因)(Cause) that will bring about a – Bad (果)- Fruition or Response (Effects).
The Karma – Concentric seawaves – will hit the fringe of the Universe and then bounce back and ripple inwards – that will finally reach the Human that start the rippling effects – through thoughts, speeches and actions.
天网恢恢,苏儿不漏。- This is the explanation of Heavenly Law – the 2nd round of justice.
The 3rd round of justice – that calculate karma in Universal Law of Infinity – debts of credit and debit is as follows :-
因果报应,不是不报,时辰未到。- Literally translated - Karma retribution is not ripening (that is the rippling effects has not return yet as the time is not ripen). When it ripen, Karma is fair and just.
Literally translated :-
“The Universe – including Earth’s various Universal Laws – is a result of any sentinent beings’ thoughts, speeches, actions (where it started from each individual’s Hearts – or Inherent Intention).
And as a result of this Inherent Intention – that manifested into thoughts, speeches and actions – Universal Law of Karma is invoked – whether Good Karma or Bad Karma”.
This is how sentinent beings operate in this Universe.”
ricky l • Remove
Karma varies according to the following – which always originate with “Inherent Intention” :-
正中正。- Intention (Cause) is Good = Good Outcome = Good Karma.
正中偏。- Intention (Cause) is Good = Bad Outcome = Mixed (Good and Bad) Karma.
偏中正。- Intention (Cause) is Bad = Good Outcome = Mixed (Good and Bad) Karma.
偏中偏。- Intention (Cause) is Bad = Bad Outcome = Bad Karma.
ricky l • Remove
Look at the top hand corner of the “Dharma Wheel”.
The core of the Dharma Wheel – is the “Inherent Intention” or “the Original Seed that will start a Karma”.
If the “Inherent Intention” give rise to a “Thought”, “Speech” or “Action” – it will bring about a rippling effects – that will ripple outwards throughout the “Universe” – traversing “Time” and “Distance”.
It means – “a Karma Seed” is planted.
Look at the “Dharma Wheel” again – the rippling effect – is symbolise by the “Spoke” of the “Dharma Wheel”.
And when is touch the “Circumference of the Dharma Wheel” – that is the “Circumference of the Universe” – it ripple back through the “Spokes of the Dharma Wheel” and back to the “Core of the Dharma Wheel” ----- this is the time where the human and sentinent beings – reap the karma – the outcome of the human’s “Inherent Intention” of thoughts, speeches and actions.
A scientific explanation of “Universal Law of Karma”.
ricky l • Remove
Ricky Lim · Singapore
Karma is always explain in "Time" and "Distance".
Ricky Lim · Singapore
It should read :-
Karma is always explain in "Time" and "Distance" and "Speed".
Where the 3 variables will determine :-
(1) Karma manifest immediately
(2) Karma manifest in near term
(3) Karma manifest in this life
(4) Karma manifest in next life
(5) Karma manifest in many life times.
万般带不走, 唯有业随身。
Literally translated :- when one passed away, no belongings can be brought along.
The only things that can be brought with human is karma - that follow a person like a shadow - until the karma is repaid.
Karma is always explain in "Time" and "Distance" and "Speed".
Where the 3 variables will determine :-
(1) Karma manifest immediately
(2) Karma manifest in near term
(3) Karma manifest in this life
(4) Karma manifest in next life
(5) Karma manifest in many life times.
万般带不走, 唯有业随身。
Literally translated :- when one passed away, no belongings can be brought along.
The only things that can be brought with human is karma - that follow a person like a shadow - until the karma is repaid.
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