Sunday, December 14, 2014

Rehiring age will be raised to 67 in 2 to 3 years

Published on Dec 14, 2014 9:28 PM

By Amelia Tan  


Ricky Lim · Singapore
The re-hiring of older PMETs and workers who lost their jobs through business restructuring, retrenchment etc is more important.

Many jobless who are actively looking for jobs are in this category.

Job matching - through metadata and big data analysis with job openings should be done to accelerate the job match process so that it will benefit the business as well as the job seekers - that consequently will benefit the Economy - through higher Economic Output.
  • As long as people has a good paying job that commensurate with their qualifications, job experience and skillsets - there will be less discontented citizens in a Country.

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