PlayStation Network and Xbox Live take Christmas Day off

ricky l • Remove
The following statement is posted few days ago - and should be relevant to this incident :-Reply
Cyber-warfare is addictive - a tic-for-a-tac.
As each sides score success in hacking - collateral damages from both sides will become higher and higher - day-to-day operations are disrupted - unless both sides decide to stop.
Thus a war - is always a "lose-lose" outcome - as there will be collateral damages on both sides.
ricky l • Remove
Let us analyse what are the possible scenarios why the network glitches took so long to resolve and services take so long to resume :-Reply
(1) Servers could be compromised - eg. content in disk got wipe out, boot files got corrupted and server unable to boot up, system files got corrupted and NOS unable to operate - backup unable to recover contents, redundant servers unable to failover and kick in.
(2) Network devices configuration files got corrupted or erase, network system files got corrupted and able to boot network devices - backup unable to recover contents, redundant network devices fail to kick in and failover.
(3) Address resolution systems or Name services such as DNS entries, DHCP services, ARP table, routing tables, Directory services etc got corrupted or attacked and unable to recover.
(4) DOS, DDOS - where botnets continue to attack by sending large files to choke the router interfaces of the network.
Unable to successfully discard or filter or redirect DDOS files effectively into a blackhole and the router interfaces of the network. Unable to do so at the upstream before reaching the network.
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