Hawking warns artificial intelligence 'could mean end of humanity'

ricky l • Remove
This is not alarmist but a real scenario.Reply
Technologies has threatened to replace a lot of jobs or are already replacing alot of jobs.
If mankind and societies are not looking for ways to create jobs for human in the society that have been replaced by technologies and provide means for people to earn living income to sustain their living and their families, more societies will experience more and more societal upheavals – that will create more instabilities throughout the World.
This is already happening in many developed and developing countries where we can see the widening income gap, acute social divide, people losing jobs and more difficult to find jobs, wage stagnation and more unstable societies.
If AI is pushed to the limit and evolved themselves, they will eventually outsmart the humans who invented it and terminate the human races.
ricky l • Remove
The purpose of job creation is to provide humans and their dependants with means to survive.
But society has created business and jobs to create wealth for self at the expenses of other human beings.
As a result, those humans that have no means to feed themselves and survive in the society will cause instability in the society and will threaten the businesses and corporates that ostracize the rest of the humans – and bring about a lose-lose scenarios – where everyone loses.
We are already seeing this happening in many parts of the World – whether developed or developing countries.
ricky l • Remove
There are 3 stages of Prosperity in a Society :-
(1) Business and Economy Bloom Stage – where business is flourishing and jobs aplenty.
(2) Business and Economy Maintenance Stage – where business is facing competition and opportunities are still present and jobs are still in demand but salary increment are not so steep.
(3) Business and Economy Saturation Stage – where business faces too intense competition and too saturated – cut-throat pricing, struggling to stay afloat, jobs are few and far in between, management and staff turn monster to kill one another to stay in business and employment
The World is between Stage 2 and Stage 3.
But Leaders and Corporate Leaders have lost the compass of what made up a Societies – not just greed for earnings and wealth ----- but how to live in a Society that help to provide a means for humans to live meaningfully if not happily.
And many have forgotten that – if only minorities live a wealthy lives at the expenses of others, what follow will be a societal upheaval – that will threaten the lives of everyone – when raw Capitalism reaches its maxim – that pull the social divide too wide – where only a few suffer ultra-wealth and the majority are trying to survive.
ricky l • Remove
Education system only provide the means to provide knowledge and compete in the corporate world.
But Education system fail to impart the values of how humans in the corporate world should work in a cooperative climate to ensure business success and humans have a mean to earn a living. Humans try to slaughter one another in the corporate world and drive others out of business and out of jobs.
Religions that suppose to impart this aspect of values for humans to help one another - does not create any impacts in the business and corporate - too obsessed with wealth, greed and self-centredness overwhelm everything - that cause manifestation of Human Self-Centredness, Greed and Hatred - which is Animal-realm bound, Hungry-Ghost-realm bound and Hell-realm-bound.
No wonder the Enlightened Buddha see this happenings where the majorities of humans will fall into these 3 lower realms .....................
ricky l • Remove
The social divide and income gap can be easily resolved if UN dictate that all Countries must levy a 10% social service tax on all corporate profits, property capital gain etc - whereby the Government of each Countries can set up social service business - to employ human who lost their jobs, retirees or part-times and pay them salary that can help to feed themselves and their dependants.
In this way, the corporate leaders and the ultra-rich, super-rich will help to contribute meaningfully to the society and help the majority fellow humans to lead a meaningful lives without causing instability in the society and safeguard their own wealth and well-beings.
ricky l • Remove
This is a catchment policy.
A policy that allay the fear of uncertainty and insecurity – felt by the middle class and the lower class in each society – whereby if they lost their jobs or where retirees need jobs to fund their requirements, they are able to get a social service job to foot their living expenses as well as their dependants.
This is a better redistribution of wealth.
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