Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jobless claim social service programme for Budget 2015

The Government should consider jobless claim as part of the social service support programme especially for those who have lost their jobs through business restructuring and particularly sole-breadwinners.

Mature Singaporeans PMETs and Workers is especially a vulnerable group.

Jobless claim for example $500 per month may come with conditions such as :-

(1) Sole bread winners who lost their jobs where no other family members are working.

(2) Unemployed enrolled in a Government programme that help the unemployed to look for jobs as well as maintaining a programme that make the unemployed employable.

With the jobless claim social service programme, it will have the following impetus :-

(1) Propel the urgency of Unemployed, Government and Society - to bring the Unemployed but actively seeking for jobs - to go back and join the workforce and drop from the list of jobless claim social service programme.

(2) This programme is a more direct assistance, instant relief and support to those sole breadwiners who lose their jobs - a Compassionate programme that is currently missing (or fall through the crack) to help the unemployed mature PMETs and Workers who are actively looking for jobs but unable to to get one or need more time to get one.

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