Monday, January 6, 2014

US army pacific commanding general on introductory visit to S'pore

US especially under the tenure of Obama Administration has work towards and initiated many peace initiatives in many parts of the World working with Partners, Allied and even Adversaries.
Some Adversaries have become friends though there are still
work to be done and in many cases, even agree on difficult issues with Adversaries to resolve thorny issues in the World stage.
We can see the positive and constructive developments and turn of events used to be volatile and hotbed zones of military conflicts.
US focus on Economic Developments has also benefitted the World Economy.

I have no doubt the US is a stabilizing force in many places and contributed much to the peaceful developments of many countries. Having said that, the US is not doing it purely out of magnanimity or largesse. The US after becoming the world superpower inherited the same doctrinal position as Victorian England.
"We have no permanent allies,
we have no permanent enemies,
we only have permanent interests.
–attributed to Henry John Temple Viscount Lord Palmerston 1784-1865, Foreign Secretary and two-time Prime Minister under Queen Victoria.
As long as Singapore believe in the same doctrine. It should do us fine.

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      We should only believe in the following :-
      Bodhi Heart. (菩提心) (卍心)。
      A Heart with :-
      (1) No-Self (Selfless)
      (2) Compassion
      (3) Panna Wisdom
      One for All. All-for-One. (Mutually Inclusive)
      Only through Bodhi Heart, the World can be transformed into a more Wholesome one.

      I do not dispute your proffered. But, we must acknowledge that not everyone in this world is a Buddhist.

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          No need to be a Buddhist.
          Only need a Heart with the 3 attributes.
          Singapore as a whole is closed to such attributes in our diplomacy with the World.

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