Saturday, January 11, 2014

2014: The year of Big Ideas

Published on Jan 11, 2014
6:02 AM

 Outlandish idea to solve transport woe :-

I got some – hanging rail system that run parallel to roads or MRT track – double deck. That will double the capacity of the road or rail system.



Shared car scheme – through car-booking system on a common pool car for sharing.

Outlandish idea to solve land space :-

Not enough land – create floating platform and locked onto the mainland through pillar foundations or islands – by expanding land spaces – instead of land reclaimation. Floating platform can have many steel and concrete pillars punched deep into the sea bed - to form a solid land spaces for building to be build on top even though below is sea.

Link up buildings together – to create land spaces via air – but must strengthen foundations below.

Link up islands together – to create more land.

Already underground masterplan is being made – this will create more space.

How is it?

What other problems to solve?

Must know what problems we have before can come out with outlandish solutions…..

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