Published on Jan 06, 2014
5:43 PM
5:43 PM
I think the below article published 3 months ago could be helpful.
LKY’s diplomacy ‘not about being nice’
By Amir Hussain, TODAY, 17 Sep 2013
By Amir Hussain, TODAY, 17 Sep 2013
Former Permanent Secretary (Foreign Affairs) Bilahari Kausikan yesterday shared a “less well known” anecdote to show Mr Lee’s approach to diplomacy — that it is “not about being nice, polite or agreeable” and was more fundamentally about protecting and promoting the country’s interests, “preferably by being nice but if necessary by other appropriate means”.
In 1981, at the International Conference on Kampuchea held at the United Nations, the US was “poised to sell out Singapore’s and ASEAN’s interests in favour of China’s interest to see a return of the Khmer Rouge regime,” Mr Kausikan recounted.
“The then-Assistant Secretary of State in charge of China policy even threatened our Foreign Minister that there would be ‘blood on the floor’ if we did not relent. We held firm,” he said. “The next year, Mr Lee travelled to Washington DC and, in a meeting with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, described America’s China policy as ‘amateurish’.”
Mr Kausikan, who took notes for the meeting, said he was “bemused by the spectacle of the Assistant Secretary frantically scrambling to find out what exactly Mr Lee had said”.
“I don’t know if it was coincidental, but the very next year the Assistant Secretary in question was appointed Ambassador to Indonesia; an important position, but one in which he no longer held sway over China policy,” he said. “And when his new appointment was announced, the gentleman anxiously enquired through an intermediary if Mr Lee had told then-President Soeharto anything about him. He was reassured and served honourably in Indonesia.”
babe Gamechanging
I think you may not have fully understood the 3 attributes.Compassion must anchor on Panna Wisdom - not misplaced compassion - just being nice, being polite, being soft - is not the Way. It means pragmatism - good heart but pragmatic and wise.Being No-Self or Self-less - means being fair, being pragmatic - not for self-interest or selfish means - but strive for Win-Win outcome.Only Win-Win outcome that advance our Country interest as well as be mindful of the other Party interest to achieve Win-Win outcome - will be a lasting Winning Outcomes for Both Parties - Mutual Benefits.Win-Lose Outcome - I win, You Lose - will make the other Party retaliate.Lose-Win Outcome - You win, I lose - is self-defeating, self miseries.Thus in Zen - it is always dualistic - Law of Relativity to achieve a Win-Win outcome.babe babe
In mundane World, resources are scarce, desires and expectations and wants are unlimited and sometimes runaway.Win-Win outcomes means You Win some, You Lose some - Both can not achieve 100% satisfaction - but when the whole deal put on the table - and both can accept - as the deal meet the Middle Path or Middle Ground - then it is consider a Good Deal.The Win-Win deal - in future - will bring more benefits in the long run - not achieve by the current short-term deal.babe babe
In Nirvana, the circumstance is a complete reverse. Desires, Expectations and Wants - are non-existence.But resources are infinite - harnessing the profound, depth of the infinite Universe(s).Life is Eternal. Peace and Bliss is Eternal.babe Guest
不用當兵?You must not only 當, but make sure
that you are skillful and good at it - to
protect the Country and deter
aggression - so that war will never
break out.This is not misplaced compassion -
but Compassion (deter war) anchor
on Panna Wisdom (we have to be
strong to deter aggression - so that
war will never break out).
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