Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's official: Pope has not abolished sin, says Vatican


Nirvana is experience by human in mundane world – when Samadhi Concentration is at its maxim and Mindfulness Insight of Fruition is at its maxim – normally in meditative state.
Only in meditative mode, Nirvana or the so called “abolished sin” or “the 3 evil roots of Ignorance of Universal Law, Greed or
Attachment to wrong view or Attachment to Ego and Hatred” – is truly eradicated – ie. “sin abolished” – “all karma ceased”.
Human body is insignificance and human mundane
consciousness at this point in time – is absence – only replaced by virtue of No-Self, Compassion and Panna Wisdom.
This state is a Nirvana State – that is experienced for 3 days to 7 days – in meditative mode – that can go without food or drink –
like hibernation. Sakyamuni Buddha experience Nirvana state in meditative mode for 10 days. Beyond this, meditator must come out from this State – otherwise, the body will demise and meditator will enter into PariNirvana.
In Nirvana State, not even a stray thoughts will arise – within the Fruition of Mind and Heart that enwrap the entire Universe.
Stray thoughts external to the Fruition will not be able to penetrate the Fruition of Mind and Heart ---- thus this is so called the “Sin Abolished” – because no single trace of stray thoughts arise in this State ---- a truly inherent phenomenon not experienced by human or any of the 6 realms – including Heavenly Realms.
When a meditator emerge from the meditative Nirvana State, he will still experience the Nirvana State in mundane world – but because all his 5 senses are open to the mundane world, stray thoughts will
constantly hit the outer layer of the Fruition. Running images and images of many Visions arises………….. trigger by any 5 senses stimuli.
This phenomenon will go on for about a month. It is documented that Sakyamuni Buddha experience such phenomenon for 49 days.
After this 1 month or more duration, mundane consciousness will have penetrated the Fruition – and what remain in the meditator mind and heart – is half mundane consciousness and half supramundane consciousness. The Nirvana State or “Abolished Sin” no longer true in such cases – and “karma” continue to operate.
Thus only in Nirvana and PariNirvana – “Abolished Sin” is truly experienced and “karma cease”.
Other State, even Heavenly State – “Abolished Sin” is still not attained and “karma” continue to operate.
All these are its true Nature – Law of Universal Truth !!!

To further elaborate on the state of consciousness of each Heavenly Realms – on why “Abolished Sins” are still not abolished in Heavenly Realms :-
(1) Sensual Desire Heavenly Realms – there are 7 sub-realms in this Heavenly Realms – the consciousness of these Heavenly Beings is almost the same as Human consciousness except that they will experience more of the happy sensual desires consciousness of a human – than the more unhappy human consciousness. “Sins” are not Abolished.
(2) Form Heavenly Realm – there are 4 sub-realms in
this Heavenly Realms – the consciousness of these Heavenly Beings – are the various supramundane consciousness of Concentration that will result in
one-pointedness concentration nimitta. But all the Human mundane consciousness are suppress and not eradicated – and the “Sins” are not Abolished. The moment when concentration weaken, human mundane consciousness arises.
(3) Formless Heavenly Realm – there are 2 sub-realms in this Heavenly Realms – the consciousness of these Heavenly Realms – are mainly sublime supramundane consciousness – in a light, vastness, depth, profounditity, - that experience in basking in the Infinite Universe. But as human mundane consciousness are not eradicated – only the coarse human consciousness are eliminated but sublime human mundane consciousness still remain, “Sins” are not Abolished.

Note :- All living things are measured by 2 things :-
(1) Consciousness (Aggregates of consciousness) - mental
(2) Environment that support the living things - physical
Similarly in all 6 realms of existence and 4 Nirvanic realms :-
It will also comprise of :-
(1) Consciousness - mundane consciousness, paranormal consciousness of woeful state and supramundane consciousness of happy state (include Nirvana consciousness).
(2) State of 6 Existence or Nirvana all-pervasive OmniPresence of Universe & of all 6 realms existence.

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