7:34 PM
Police commandos should be sent to capture the protest leaders - that cause a breakdown of law and order, crippling the Economy, threatening a democratic elected Government, obstructing an Election to take place and threatening to take a Prime Minister hostage.
This has gone too far.
Xianlian Zeng babe
The farthest they have gone was to 'assassinate' one major-general in uniform with a sniper's bullet - instant death - the last time. Plus many others.
If there was no big gun supporting the demo, where do they find the supporters who have food and drinks and shelter brought to the locations.
Curious why politics can divide a country so badly.babe Xianlian Zeng
Assassination should not be in the equation. It carry heavy karma. Arresting the troublemakers in accordance with the law should be the right way in dispensing justice and maintain law and order.Political settlement need to be carry out - to resolve the political divide.Political party cannot hold the country hostage by staging such protest and lockdown the country to serve individual group interest.Imagine if the Government is being brought down by such manner, and the protester form the Government, then the other group will stage similar protest to pull this group down.Then where is law and order? There will be no end to this.Then what is the purpose of holding Elections to elect a Government - which is suppose to be a fair process of electing a Government to represent the the people and govern the Country?Then it become a jungle law.In future, whichever party has the capability to incite and organise protest can then cause havoc to the country and pull down any incumbent Government.If there is no system in place to accomodate the varied interests of the diverse group - there will be no peace in sight.Only the 9 Grade kueh lapis - can solve Thailand's problem.Xianlian Zeng babe
I mentioned that they shot a major-general. I did not recommend any of such violent action.babe Xianlian Zeng
Yap. They should not use violent action or assassination. It will inflame the situation. Moreover it will invoke bad karma.Use political settlement to settle issues will be the best.Ultimately, inclusive policies will have to be put in place - so that every strata of the society feel included. This will be the best way to resolve this political divide.Otherwise, such political stalemate will just go on and on in a vicious cycle.
babe Xianlian Zeng
OK I use, a person reap what he sow.
This is a Universal Law. No one in this
World, albeit Universe can run away
from it.Truth is truth. No one can wish away
the truth or be an ostrich of the truth.
Xianlian Zeng babe
The application of karma is not
a direct cause-effect
relationship. The Buddha
taught that many cosmic laws
govern the universe. So, we
cannot apply the karmic
principle so confidently. I call
meself a Buddhist and has
done some studies of
comparative religions.babe Xianlian Zeng
You kill, you see whether you
will be arrested for murder
or not?
Xianlian Zeng babe
That is man-made law.
That is not karma.
The Buddha's teachings
have nothing to do with
man-made laws.
This is basic.babe Xianlian Zeng
Then you may not have
understand karma.
Karma means "you reap
what you sow".If man-made law is not
part of karma (whether
fully compensate or
over prescribe for a
particular unwholesome
act) - then how do you
define karma?
Let us talk about karma in
relative term.
Karma is measured by 2
faculties & rebirth :-
(1) Karma measured in mental
(2) Karma measured in
physical environment affiliations.
(3) Karma determining rebirth
into other realms of existence.Karma can be weighty -
immediate effect.
Karma can be death proximate.
Karma can be habitual.
Karma can be reserve.For killing - karma is weighty -
and can take immediate effect.
(Man - made law - in this
respect - that make immediate
arrest - will impact the person
who commit weighty karma -
in turn of his mental states and
change his physical affiliations
if he is turn into prisons and
subject to punishment).If he is given the death penalty - he will be destined to the next rebirth - following his weighty
karma.Who say man-made law - is
not part of the karma process?If he is not caught - his karma
is reserve - and postpone - will
be into his next life but
compounded - he will suffer a
more miserable outcome - when
his karma comes.Of course karma is not direct
relationship - there are many
factors compounding the
manifestation of karma - only
Buddha can accurately
linking up all the cause and
effects to accurately predict or
foretold the outcome.If Quantum physics can be fully
understood - and can calculate
karma - we can consult the
Quantum karma calculator in
future - to see what a
person reap will result in what
he sow - at when.
babe babe
If not people can do a simple
test on karma.
Tell a lie.
Later when someone found out
your lie and exposed you -
(1) Your own mental state and
consciousness - and see
whether is it pleasant or
(2) If someone expose you
when there are many people
around - you see whether will
you perceive the whole
environment is hostile or
friendly.A simple lie - may not be
weighty and carry over to the
next life - thus no impact on
rebirth.However if a lie is not exposed
in this lifetime, then the karma
of lie will be carried over the
next rebirth - and will manifest
when the seed ripen - and the
karma will be compounded.This is a Universal Truth - no
one can run away from it
unless a person attain
Cessation of Karma.
babe babe
People who do not believe in
karma or "Reap what is Sow" -
will be scary - because he or
she will act with impunity.Thus man-made law is a proxy
to the Universal Law of Karma - to remind people about the existence of
Universal Law of Karma.So man-made law - is part of the larger Universal Law of Karma.If man-made law is not
adequate - Universal Law of
Karma will come in to
compensate - up or down.
Xianlian Zeng babe
I don't question your
understanding of karma.
Just don't mix karma
with man-made laws.
Buddha taught
independent of
man-made laws.
For example, if you
accidentally kill
someone while driving a
car, you may not
generate karma. But
man-made laws will
punish you.babe Xianlian Zeng
I think you should go on
top to
karma. If you want exact
precise explanation of
Karma, request a
Buddha to explain.Accidental killing
someone will invoke
karma. If not ask yourself
whether there is any
changes in your mental
state and your
physical well being.Buddha taught karma
independant of
man-made law - because
there are no law
or very little man-made
law at Buddha's time.Now with the advent of
man-made law and
technology that
are closer and closer to
the truth of Universal
Law - man-made law
and Universal Law of
karma is getting closer
and closer.Just go to read and
understand Newtons law
of cause and effect.
One action will bring
about an equal reaction.
- that is physics.Why karma is so difficult
to understand?
Newton Law is physical
Universal Law of karma - is
mental karma.
babe babe
Please be careful not to
tell people that Buddha
say accidental killing
does not invoke karma -
this is not correct.One of the 8 NoblePath
is for disciple to master
Mindfulness - so that
there will be no
accidental killing or
invoking of karma
through accidents.Mindfulness on every
speech, thoughts and
actions - ensure
a person can attain
Enlightenment - and will
not invoke karma
through carelessness,
recklessness.So I don't know where
did you get the
impression that Buddha
preach accidental killings
have no karma?
babe babe
The 9 Grade kueh lapis are as follow :-To meet the objectives of Inclusive Growth and address the diverse needs and tensions:-Maybe it is possible to categorise people into 9 category or group of people so that policies can be tailor modularly to help each group of people.Policies can be string horizontally within the group and cut across vertically across group.The 9 Categories are :-Upper-Upper
Lower-LowerThus every policies can be modularise, hierarchical, scalable – up & down, left & right, containerise, cut across the various categories.
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