6:03 AM
Mindfulness meditation - specifically 2 types :-
(1) Mindfulness of the breath - known as "Anapanasati" - to attain "one-pointedness" concentration.
(2) Mindfulness of the mental and physical phenomenon - known as "Vipassana" - is an Insight Meditation - to see the rising and falling of the mental and physical phenonmenon.
(1) Mindfulness of the breath - known as "Anapanasati" - to attain "one-pointedness" concentration.
(2) Mindfulness of the mental and physical phenomenon - known as "Vipassana" - is an Insight Meditation - to see the rising and falling of the mental and physical phenonmenon.
Both meditation "cure" the Heart and Mind of the Meditators in psychological sense- but not a medication to cure anxiety, eating habits, mood etc - if it arises out of illness.
But after a course of serious meditation, most meditators are calmer and have more positive perspective of issues.
Only when attainment are achieved, then a person's mental faculty are transformed.
babe babe
The maximum optimal outcome of :-
(1) Anapanasati - is "one-pointedness concentration" of a bright light called nimitta (light that is so intense and bright - that is similar in intensity of a bright sun). And this nimitta suction force is as powerful as the suction of a black hole - that suck in all cosmic bodies and light.
(1) Anapanasati - is "one-pointedness concentration" of a bright light called nimitta (light that is so intense and bright - that is similar in intensity of a bright sun). And this nimitta suction force is as powerful as the suction of a black hole - that suck in all cosmic bodies and light.
Nimitta - suck in all mundane 5 mental aggregates and all mundane consciousness as well as all bodily awareness of pain, sound, taste, sight, itchness etc. --- and only left with one element - the "one-pointedness concentration of a bright light" - where the intensity mirror the sun.
In Theravada Buddhism, please observe the Buddha statue like in Thailand or Laos - the Sakyamuni Buddha - sharp spike on His Head - represent the "one-pointedness concentration" of a nimitta.
In Mahayana Buddhism, pse observe the red mark between the 2 eyes and eyebrows - it represent the "one-pointedness concentration" of a nimitta.
babe babe
The maximum optimal outcome of :-(2) Vipassana - Insight Meditation is the attainment of Fruition - whereby the one-pointedness concentration" of nimitta - the bright light will expand outward and outward and outward - until it cover the entire Universe into a full blown fruition (enwrap by 3 concentric circle)In Theravada Buddhism, please observe the Dharma Wheel (that display the core, the spoke - expansion and the wheel).In Mahayana Buddhism, please observe the Aura behind the Buddha's Head, where you see concentric aura with waves and waves of light expanding to the outer layer of the Aura - signifying 3-Ring Fruition.The 3 Ring-Fruition is made up of 3 attributes :-
(1) The core - No-Self or Self-less - 无我, 无私,大舍。(2) The spoke until the edge of the Aura - Infinite Compassion - 大慈,大悲。(3) The wheel - Panna Wisdom - 般若智慧。(The outer solid crust - that prevent outer stray thoughts from penetrating the whole Dharma Wheel or the Aura.In this State - is known as Nirvana State.
The state of Eternal Peace within the 3 Ring Fruition and outside is Impermanency of stray thoughts (which will trigger Life) - known as 12 Origination of Dependant of Life or Adam & Eve (空 & 色)or Dualistic Law or Law of Relativity of Nirvana and Samsara.In Theravada Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha (represent No-Self) statue is accompanied by 2 Arahats - a Compassion Arahat (Ananda) and a Panna Wisdom Arahat (Sariputta).In Mahayana Buddhism, eg. Amitabha Buddha (represent No-Self) statue is accompanied by 2 Boddhisattvas - a Compassion Boddhisattva (Guanyin - 观世音菩萨)and a Panna Wisdom Boddhisattva (DaShiZhi - 大势智菩萨)。Both represent 3-Ring Fruition !!!babe babe
Please observe the Bodhi Heart (普提心) of the Buddha - 卍 (a reverse Swastika sign) on His Chest.It is the invocation of this 卍 heart - that will transformed the World - into a more Wholesome World.Note :- when a meditator attain :-
(1) 1-pointedness concentration - the nimitta plus the consciousness will be check against the heart base - which is Bodhi Heart (普提心)or 卍 heart . When the heart and mind are in synch to verify the discrete consciousness - the Samadhi is confirm to be attained.(2) Similarly, the 3 Ring Fruition is also check against the heart base - which is Bodhi Heart (普提心)or 卍 heart . When the heart and mind are in synch to verify the discrete consciousness - the 3-Ring Fruition is confirm to be attained.Thus the Mind and Heart are always connected.Mind - attain Panna Wisdom.
Heart - attain Compassion.
And both anchor only on "No-Self".Thus there is a Buddhist verse :-
babe babe
卍心 - at Buddha's Heart which means 万 or millions hearts represent 10 directions of Countless Buddha's Heart which is same and equal are link together - 万佛归心 or 万佛朝宗。Hence, the Buddha Heart sign is a 卍 sign.And it is through this 卍心 - Bodhi Vows are made and invoked by the respective Buddhas.babe
How long should a meditation be?
For beginner - 15 minute is a good start.
For intermediate - increase it to 30 minutes.
For advanced meditator - 1 hour is optimal.Quality meditation is more important than
duration of meditation.For advanced meditator - achieving a nimitta
will be a quality meditation - because it means
stray thoughts are minimal, serenity and
calmness replace flurry of mind activities, the
rising and falling of stray thoughts or the
arising and passing away of physical
phenomenon are observed with
mindfulness, all physical bodily discomfort
and pain are no longer significant.
Such state of quality mediation - is known as
"Proximate Jhana".
If an advanced meditator go beyond 2 hours
or more as long as 4 hours and more -
transfixed onto a nimitta - with mental
consciousness and bodily phenonmenon
completely diminished and disappear --- it
means the meditator has entered into a
Jhana Samadhi.Protector or people around the meditator
should be around and be watchful to ensure
the meditator is able to come out from the
Jhana Samadhi.
Advanced meditator should thus avoid going
to forest or remote places to do meditation -
in case he is not able to come out from the
Jhana Samadhi and as a result transformed
into a body sariras or a stone.
It was documented that Arahat Dharmo
(达摩禅师) sit in meditation for 2 years in
a cave.
慧能六祖禅师 - sit in meditation posture for
more 3,000 years and has become a body

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