Thursday, January 16, 2014

Japan calls for summits with China, S. Korea

Published on Jan 17, 2014
3:21 PM

Maybe start talks on things that the 3 Countries have common destiny and common interests.
Then start to narrow in to look at more difficult issues.
This will be easier.
Otherwise, not able to see how to break the ice.

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      Because there will only be 3 scenarios :-
      (1) Move forward (terpan jalan)
      (2) Stay put (hendak kaki)
      (3) Move backward (belakan pusing)
      The current position is scenario 2 and 3 - but no indication of scenario 1 of moving forward.
      Scenario 1 - if there are talks - possible to move forward.
      Scenario 2 - if cold war and no talk - will at best marching on the same position.
      Scenario 3 - when all sides do things to make one another unhappy.

      No need to talk lah. Just serve NS and fight very well can already.
      Build up an effective arsenal of weapons. Isn't this what you
      professed to deter wars?

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          You talk like a kid.
          Then you will always be in Scenario 2 and worst Scenario 3.

          Emotion is bigger and overshadow rational and logical ways of solving problems. Then problems will never be solved - and will snowball and roll and roll and problem become bigger and bigger.

          Only if Emotion & Rational / Logical thinking are keep in Equilibrium - then difficult issues can move forward.
          Emotion always get the better of things - and hinder Rational / Logical ways to resolve issues.

          If Rational / Logical Quotient increase in equation and get the better of Emotion - or best in Equilibrium --- then most difficult issues on Earth can be resolved with a tweak of the fingers.

          Now to resolve issues - an arsenal of equipment and hardware, divisions of soldiers and billions and billions of dollars ----- plus many heartache, headache, footache (hati sakit, kepala sakit, kaki sakit) ------ still cannot resolve problem.
          And problem continue to snowball - to become bigger and bigger.

          Now see no day, no light - only darkness.
          When will a tweak of light emerge?

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