Thursday, January 30, 2014

Obama administration nominates new NSA, Cyber Command boss

Published on Jan 31, 2014
6:05 AM

0 divide by 0 - endless loop.

    Wednesday, January 29, 2014

    阿弥陀佛 - 3 圣 (Anonymous)

    Universal Chant - chant "Amituofo" (念 "南无阿弥陀佛")


    G                                         O                                          D
    Panna Wisdom               No-Self                              Compassion
    (Christian)                                                                 (Muslim)

    Allah Islam
    Amituofo-lah Is Lam

    Hinduism - Formless Heavenly Realm - Nothingness and No-Nothingness Heavenly Realm unite the Heavenly Realms

    道教 - 天道 unite Human.




    Government (政府)管人 and rule the Country.

    -         Practise Panna Wisdom or
    -         Practise No-Self  or
    -         Practise Compassion

    Singapore (新加坡) - Newly Added Land - Pureland - "Heaven" - Noah Ark.


    Middle Path              

    Sunday, January 19, 2014

    Indonesian businessman wins a million dollars at Changi Airport draw

    Published on Jan 19, 2014
    4:59 PM

    If got 1st, 2nd, 3rd and some consolation prizes - will attract more overseas travellers to buy more at Changi Airport retail shops?

    Saturday, January 18, 2014

    Cyberattack traced to hacked refrigerator: Researchers

    Published on Jan 18, 2014
    6:10 AM

    Home network without security appliances protection such as firewall, IPS, anti-virus software etc will be the easiest to hack in.
    However if the router come with security feature set, then at least turn on the following features - may make it harder for hackers as the first line of defense :-
    (1) NAT
    (2) IPS
    (3) Multiple layer passwords
    (4) ACL - standard and extended

    But the home network is still the weak link.

    Wonder how come IP-based electrical appliances allow downloadable files?

    Need to put host IDS in IP-based electrical appliances from now on?

    1. NAT can hide internal network IP addresses.
    2. IPS can configure to detect intrusion and attack.
    3. Multiple layer passwords - hackers will need to crack the various layer passwords before can get through the network.
    4. Host IDS - can detect malware or virus residing in the servers or appliances.
    5. ACL – Access control list – will be similar to packet filtering rules like firewall – to allow access only from a specific source and deny access from other network in the Internet. Also can set extended ACL to deny smtp traffic flowing in and out and thus prevent malware loaded in electrical appliances to send email. - how is it?

    Friday, January 17, 2014

    China's pollution seen from space

    Published on Jan 17, 2014
    11:32 PM

    Fast development also must come with environmental protection (air, land, water). Else it will be very detrimental to health.

    Indonesian president Yudhoyono's memoir will be a guide for future leaders

    Published on Jan 17, 2014
    7:08 PM

    Should consider translating into English for wider readership.
    Because it will be good for other people to know the Wisdom of your Leadership thinkings.

    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    Japan calls for summits with China, S. Korea

    Published on Jan 17, 2014
    3:21 PM

    Maybe start talks on things that the 3 Countries have common destiny and common interests.
    Then start to narrow in to look at more difficult issues.
    This will be easier.
    Otherwise, not able to see how to break the ice.

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        Because there will only be 3 scenarios :-
        (1) Move forward (terpan jalan)
        (2) Stay put (hendak kaki)
        (3) Move backward (belakan pusing)
        The current position is scenario 2 and 3 - but no indication of scenario 1 of moving forward.
        Scenario 1 - if there are talks - possible to move forward.
        Scenario 2 - if cold war and no talk - will at best marching on the same position.
        Scenario 3 - when all sides do things to make one another unhappy.

        No need to talk lah. Just serve NS and fight very well can already.
        Build up an effective arsenal of weapons. Isn't this what you
        professed to deter wars?

          • Avatar

            You talk like a kid.
            Then you will always be in Scenario 2 and worst Scenario 3.

            Emotion is bigger and overshadow rational and logical ways of solving problems. Then problems will never be solved - and will snowball and roll and roll and problem become bigger and bigger.

            Only if Emotion & Rational / Logical thinking are keep in Equilibrium - then difficult issues can move forward.
            Emotion always get the better of things - and hinder Rational / Logical ways to resolve issues.

            If Rational / Logical Quotient increase in equation and get the better of Emotion - or best in Equilibrium --- then most difficult issues on Earth can be resolved with a tweak of the fingers.

            Now to resolve issues - an arsenal of equipment and hardware, divisions of soldiers and billions and billions of dollars ----- plus many heartache, headache, footache (hati sakit, kepala sakit, kaki sakit) ------ still cannot resolve problem.
            And problem continue to snowball - to become bigger and bigger.

            Now see no day, no light - only darkness.
            When will a tweak of light emerge?