REACH 529 - What are your thoughts on LTA’s decision to extend the current card-based ticketing system?
23 Jan 2024 (10am - 7pm)
23/1/24, 9:47 am - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
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Megan 😊
23/1/24, 10:00 am - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*
Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat announced that the Land Transport Authority (LTA) would be extending the card-based ticketing system for adult commuters on public transport systems, such as Ez-link, instead of sunsetting the system in 2024 as earlier planned. This move is estimated to cost $40 million.
The authorities said that they have decided to extend the ticketing system in the wake of public feedback.
*💬 What are your thoughts on LTA’s decision to extend the current card-based ticketing system?*
Minister Chee said he has tasked LTA to identify ways to improve account-based ticketing cards. In particular, he has asked LTA to look into possible solutions for these newer cards to display fare deductions and card balances at fare gates and bus card readers.
LTA said the SimplyGo system’s rising popularity – with two in three adult fare payments being made with it – was a factor behind the earlier decision to retire the card-based system, which was near the end of its operational lifespan.
A key concern of commuters with the transition to SimplyGo is that passengers would no longer witness fare deductions and view card balances at fare gates and bus card readers.
Adult commuters and concessions card holders who recently purchased a SimplyGo EZ-Link card, or converted their current EZ-Link cards to SimplyGo EZ-Link cards before Jan 22, can opt to switch back to their previous cards at no additional fee.
23/1/24, 10:00 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed this group's settings to allow all members to send messages to this group
23/1/24, 10:02 am - ~ REACH Singapore changed the group description
23/1/24, 10:08 am - +Rama: Very embarrassing to back track! Now sgd40M to sustain! Feel commuters will bear the cost somehow!
23/1/24, 10:16 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: If they give all 2M uses $20 to covert to SimplyGo, it’s a one time cost and 2M users will support it <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 10:17 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: Save cost in long run
23/1/24, 10:18 am - +Rama: Commuters still wants fares used/balance to be displayed at point of entry/exit.
23/1/24, 10:22 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: We don’t really have a choice as to how much we pay for train fare. Eg for me I know now or later makes no difference to me.
23/1/24, 10:26 am - +Caleb: +1. but the transaction history doesn't seems reliable. Like some transactions only appear on the next day
23/1/24, 10:26 am - +Rama: We need to minimise the different cards used and the subsidies given. Just simply too many for our country population size!
23/1/24, 10:26 am - +Rama: Exactly
23/1/24, 10:29 am - +Frankie Wee: But why did LTA start setup SimplyGo without guide and let people unnoticed amount fare even though the app support notification when senior or older people don’t have smartphone or unprepared top up amount
23/1/24, 10:30 am - +Rama: Ez-link is supposed to be reaching the end of its operations life span. Sgd40M will extend for how much longer before simply go takes over permanently!?
23/1/24, 10:30 am - +Jimmy Chew: Hahaha meeting helicopter KPI
23/1/24, 10:31 am - +Rama: Public consultation prior a disaster!
23/1/24, 10:38 am - +Christmas: My thoughts:
1. Did LTA do a study to better understand ground needs and sentiments before designing this system?
2. When they decided to deploy it, did they engage the affected commuter groups to ensure a seamless transfer? For eg, if old folks find it harder/most affected, were people deployed to engage these old folks and handhold them more, rather than expecting them to read up for themselves and know what to do?
3. Why is $40mil needed to extend the system? I cannot help but feel it's a waste of money and how that $40mil can be used to alleviate inflation worries!!
LTA seems to have approached this issue as a technical system to be changed, but really, it's a mindset shift that needed to be addressed. I was initially just irritated with having more admin things to do (changing my current cards), but now I'm much more irritated that this precious money is being spent to fix the problem. Should we just press on but do proper change management instead? Questions questions.
23/1/24, 10:40 am - +KL: I think the system will push all the tabulation to end of day to charge at a go .
23/1/24, 10:40 am - +KL: The another advantage is raise fare u may not notice immediately lol unless you login daily or weekly to check <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 10:43 am - +Rama: Sms/email alert will help!?
23/1/24, 10:44 am - +KL: I did not recv any email for credit card not sure about SimplyGo ezlink card . <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 10:44 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: I think what simply go can improve on is don’t do consolidated amt in credit card statement. That would give better visibility
23/1/24, 10:45 am - +KL: I’m think the system will store and do end of day batch run
23/1/24, 10:45 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: If fares are raised, if we know, what can we do? No choice but to SimplyPay
23/1/24, 10:45 am - +KL: It not economic worth it to do live update, I think here got a lot of AI expert ( AI / IT大佬) they can tell u more details. I only a delivery everyday want to whack my employer . Hahaha <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 10:45 am - +Frankie Wee: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 10:45 am - +Jimmy Chew: Maybe same person who in charge of trace token hahahaha
23/1/24, 10:45 am - +Frankie Wee: We have give support $40m replacement
23/1/24, 10:46 am - +Kenneth Lee WM: By giving breakdown figures, it gives a semblance of control but in reality we don’t have any control.
23/1/24, 10:46 am - +KL: Tiagong 40m is what MRT 2023 profit :))
23/1/24, 10:49 am - +Rama: If no simply go app on phone and don't check frequently, will never know usage and balance.
23/1/24, 10:49 am - +Rama: Related to simply go!
23/1/24, 10:49 am - +KL: That the problem face by a lot of elderly
23/1/24, 10:49 am - +Rama: True
23/1/24, 10:50 am - +KL: Not only that u know those elderly who book the cab / taxi for them <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 10:50 am - +Rama: Yes
23/1/24, 10:50 am - +KL: If u check can u call a cab now ?
23/1/24, 10:50 am - +KL: All these are push to youngster or younger neighbours
23/1/24, 10:50 am - +Rama: Yes
23/1/24, 10:51 am - +KL: Sg going to smart nation without thinking
23/1/24, 10:51 am - +KL: The best is they never educate the population.
23/1/24, 10:51 am - +Rama: For how long before the software cannot be further sustained!?
23/1/24, 10:51 am - +Rama: Not all vases covered or improved on!
23/1/24, 10:52 am - +Rama: Properly!
23/1/24, 10:52 am - +Frankie Wee: Professional or unprofessional take how long to sort out. If not $40m other additional cost
23/1/24, 10:54 am - +Frankie Wee: Sg is smart hub system
Ai will assistance human
23/1/24, 10:54 am - +Rama: Nonetheless, this card software cannot be updated or sustained indefinitely. There will be costs to pass on to co.muters.
23/1/24, 11:00 am - +Christmas: It's not just cost to commuters but cost to taxpayers as a whole, since this is taxpayers money.
23/1/24, 11:01 am - +Jimmy Chew: Smart for the smart. Either you follow or too bad. Maybe they hurt because their parents didn't take care of them. The maids do it?
23/1/24, 11:01 am - +KL: I do agree SimplyGo is not that bad but just that old ppl or less techy person or even poor ppl can’t afford a smart phone may not understand it . Now half ur machine is SimplyGo half ezlink half flashpay
23/1/24, 11:02 am - +KL: Maybe last time u should not create so many card to earn the deposit money , prepaid amount ( interest ) . The tiger u create last time biting u now .it good unites the cards but not sure how u going to do it. That time I almost complain to MAS . They replied MAS say prepaid card less than 500 not in their care
Good to 书同文 车同轨 ( all measurement , cards and system should be unified. Card should do the same :)) <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 11:04 am - +Rama: Yes
23/1/24, 11:04 am - +Rama: Exactly
23/1/24, 11:22 am - +Frankie Wee:
23/1/24, 11:22 am - +Frankie Wee: Real??? Huh we need exercise
23/1/24, 11:26 am - +Poh S Lim: I think:
1. SimplyGo system is not sufficiently mature and may still have many bugs and glitches
2. The public does not like a solution forced down the throat so the announcement made to sunset the card-based system was not well received
3. Not having the fare deduction displayed plays into the fears of people who will be suspicious of the SimplyGo capability to properly make fare deductions. Hence it is also a trust issue that has to be overcome <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 11:33 am - +Rama: Singaporeans are too complacent in life so must be made to consider difficulties when circumstances become problematic or they will never appreciate our six pillars of total defence.
23/1/24, 11:34 am - +Rama: Point 2 shows arrogance of LTA towards the public!
23/1/24, 11:39 am - +Frankie Wee: Agreed
23/1/24, 11:51 am - +Samuel: Totally agreed.
Many many moons ago, wrote in to LTA on Forum page to build more cycle paths ( long before PCN). LTA replied our weather is not conducive to cycling !
23/1/24, 12:00 pm - +Rama: Bullshit!
23/1/24, 12:05 pm - +Smiley face: Don't let go of the KISS (Keep It Systematic and Synchronise)
23/1/24, 12:19 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. I will like to comment on LTA conducted market testing and focus groups of 1,000 people on SimplyGo solution.
2. This is a good move to test public response to new system.
3. But is the 1,000 participants representative of the whole population feedback is the issue.
4. Later I will highlight the issues of SimplyGo based on my discussion with my close friend.
5. It is more than fare display and fare balance.
6. It cover a whole lot of other issues such as:-
a. Direct access to bank balance and bank usage.
b. Lose control of transport usage.
c. ERP, car park, retail transaction.
d. IT security issue - NFC when handphone is used.
Malware introduced.
e. Card consolidation.
f. Future ERP 2 card?
g. Debit card and credit card charges and pilferage.
h. Elderly inconvenience.
i. No fare display.
j. No card balance.
k. Handphone SimplyGo if os reboot, no battery etc. - hold up the queue compare to idiot proof ez link card?
Later will go through them in detail to highlight what are the issues.
7. LTA should have get feedback from larger population such as REACH and larger pool of population feedback than relying on just 1,000 specially selected focus groups - that can be biased and skew the response.
Notice cycling path is the same issue.
Plastic bags charges same issue - whereby only environmentalists savvy folks are invited. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 12:21 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:21 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:21 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:21 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:21 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:26 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Understand the above cycling path convention and sign - also based on focus group feedback tap from cycling savvy folks to form the focus groups.
But not representative of the larger population.
And then the convention and sign appear everywhere throughout the whole island.
But to many people, the sign definitely have flaws and it confused many people.
Wonder why no feedback is sought for the larger population before pushing out to the whole island?
To rectify now will be costly. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 12:30 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Rats! More rodents spotted in S’pore as they seek dry ground during rainy season.
23/1/24, 12:30 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:30 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 12:30 pm - +Rama: Point 3 and 7 should cover at least 1% of the population or 10,000 across all income and housing type
23/1/24, 12:31 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Plastic bags charges - solve environmentalists plastic bag problem but introduce islandwide hygiene problem.
23/1/24, 12:32 pm - +Rama: Ninja Turtles!?
23/1/24, 12:34 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
The sample size should be representative of the whole population.
If 10,000 all come from the same transport savvy folks - then the result will similarly be skewed.
23/1/24, 12:35 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
More unbag rubbish attract more rats.
Kitchen has now more ants - hygiene drop.
23/1/24, 12:36 pm - +Rama: 3,000 selected is too little!
23/1/24, 12:38 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: This is the result of Grace fu’s plastic bag policy. Public already gave feedback about sanitation and the need to bag refuse, but she still went ahead. Now everywhere charge for plastic bags; even small mama shop who don’t give two hoots about being green, charge and keep the profits.
23/1/24, 12:38 pm - +m6dm6n: I think the way LTA conduct studies is very bad and not reflective of the real situation
23/1/24, 12:38 pm - +m6dm6n: Bus route studies another failure
23/1/24, 12:39 pm - +m6dm6n: Around my area, residents feedback that the feeder bus inefficient and LTA replied they did study liao, so not gonna do any changes
23/1/24, 12:40 pm - +m6dm6n: So many residents on the ground feedback the same issue
23/1/24, 12:40 pm - +m6dm6n: I really don't know what studies did they do
23/1/24, 12:40 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
If the focus groups comprise mainly of cyclists - then of course the outcome will skew towards the cyclists point of view.
Looking at the convention sign will indicate such outcome.
Same as plastic bags, if the room of whole focus groups are mainly environmentalists, the conclusion will be skewed.
23/1/24, 12:41 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: At least in this case, LTA heard public out cry, admitted study not thorough enough and dared to reverse decision. I would applaud them in this instance.
23/1/24, 12:42 pm - +m6dm6n: And they deliberately highlighted the 40M to tell u, u need to pay for this u-turn
23/1/24, 12:42 pm - +m6dm6n: They need to break down n explain in detail the 40M
23/1/24, 12:44 pm - +Rama: Agree
23/1/24, 12:44 pm - +Rama: Yes
23/1/24, 12:44 pm - +Rama: With public money!?
23/1/24, 12:45 pm - +m6dm6n: Where do u think LTA money comes from?
23/1/24, 12:45 pm - +Rama: Circumstances forced them to back track!
23/1/24, 12:45 pm - +Rama: Wasted!
23/1/24, 12:45 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: $40M is the *potential savings* is why they wanted to shutdown one payment system. With public out cry, that savings cannot be realised. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 12:46 pm - +m6dm6n: Their studies also not accurate, I doubt 40 M is a realistic number
23/1/24, 12:47 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: In any case, it’s going to be big with so many terminals/servers that need to be replaced, staffing costs to keep systems running etc. Typical lifespan for hardware is 5yrs. After that it becomes problematic. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 12:48 pm - +Rama: Commuters will face the cost eventually
23/1/24, 12:48 pm - +m6dm6n: Simplygo n ezlink using the same terminals when u tap
23/1/24, 12:48 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: I think it is already priced in our fares.
23/1/24, 12:48 pm - +m6dm6n: How is that big?
23/1/24, 12:49 pm - +m6dm6n: No matter simplygo n ezlink
23/1/24, 12:49 pm - +m6dm6n: U need to replace anyway
23/1/24, 12:50 pm - +m6dm6n: If it's hardware on terminal
23/1/24, 12:50 pm - +m6dm6n: Unless u tell me simplygo dun need terminal
23/1/24, 12:50 pm - +m6dm6n: Track from GPS or ur phone app can liao
23/1/24, 12:50 pm - +m6dm6n: Then different story
23/1/24, 12:51 pm - +Smiley face: Continuation: Part 5/9 (1-2)
(The Digital Civilisation: Accelerating Performances & Pitfalls: Karl, Smith, Jung, Maslow, Da Vinci, Deming, Einstein, Galileo, Moore, Newton and more?)
23 January, 2024
"Coming into a Full Circle: The 6600km Width and the Radii of Digital Civilisation?"
...The new products of Digitalisation have arrived at your doorsteps and the division of labor and people into proportions of "have it" and "have not" is becoming obvious. Three concerns strata of a society are: the older people, the less educated people, the disabled people and the rest of society to accept any change in policy followed by rules and regulations especially it concerns carbon reduction and digitisation....
23/1/24, 12:51 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: IT salaries? It’s not just 1 person to maintain whole system. Need also helpdesk staff etc
23/1/24, 12:52 pm - +m6dm6n: So u mean replace simply go then can cut It manpower?
23/1/24, 12:52 pm - +m6dm6n: No right?
23/1/24, 12:52 pm - +m6dm6n: U still. Need the same it folks to maintain simply go
23/1/24, 12:55 pm - +Redzuan: *Are they trying to guilt trip everyone who is opposing to the idea?*
They should focus on the issue at hand instead of forcing the changes on others. We are looking at several demographic of people who needs to adapt to the change. The least they can do is look at the cause and effect. Seems like those making these decisions are young kids who dont look far. 🤔
23/1/24, 12:55 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: SimplyGo already have their team in place. Overall by cutting 1 payment system, manpower cut as well.
But because there are always other priorities that needs to be done, instead of hiring new people, I would redeploy these folks there.
23/1/24, 12:56 pm - +Rama: Yes
23/1/24, 12:56 pm - +Rama: Possibly
23/1/24, 12:59 pm - +Kenneth Lee WM: The transition was done badly. The transition team did it “pap gov”/ Nike style. Just do it.
But I am glad some higher ups in LTA had the sense and guts to override the decision and get them to rethink.
Fix the deficiencies in SimplyGo, educate people about to rethink their budgeting timings, incentivise people to switch.
The intent of LTA to shutdown one payment system to help control transport costs is a good one and they should continue with it. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 1:03 pm - +m6dm6n: Fix the studies first
23/1/24, 1:17 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 1:18 pm - +Frankie Wee: Hi All,
Anyone received text sms or letter from MOH to appointment for Covid-19 vaccine BBX 1.5?
May I ask vaccine 💉 for one or two times?
23/1/24, 1:19 pm - +Frankie Wee: I did vaccine one time then another again appointment mean two timer huh… not sure 🤔
23/1/24, 1:19 pm - +Rama: 🤷♂️
23/1/24, 1:20 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
My kitchen start to have ants.
My living room also have ants and bite us.
Last time got plastic bags to bag rubbish - no ants problem.
Now no big plastic bags to bag rubbish, ants start to appear and cannot get rid of.
23/1/24, 1:22 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 1:23 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Even got ants appear in toilet bowl to bite our backside after refrain from using plastic bags.
It just make us angry.
23/1/24, 1:25 pm - +Redzuan: Maybe the 40M can be use to solve this bro. 🤔
23/1/24, 1:29 pm - +Noraini: Ants in the toilet ? Maybe some family member has serious issue of diabetes
23/1/24, 1:31 pm - +Rama: Agree
23/1/24, 1:31 pm - +Rama: 😳😆😃😄
23/1/24, 1:37 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Check already.
We all have annual health checkup - no diabetes.
Don't have.
Now my whole house got ants all over the place.
Kitchen, toilet bowl, living room - eversince plastic bags usage stop.
Even a kid will know that if don't bag refuse - hygiene outbreak will follow.
23/1/24, 1:47 pm - +Noraini: I never buy plastic but have serious issue of surplus. I do not shop at ntuc, Sheng-Shiong, Giant
23/1/24, 2:01 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*
23/1/24, 2:20 pm - +Thank You: I did not take any not even 1 🙏
23/1/24, 2:26 pm - +m6dm6n: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 2:26 pm - +m6dm6n: See the studies wrong again
23/1/24, 2:27 pm - +m6dm6n: It is not popular
23/1/24, 2:27 pm - +m6dm6n: Ppl switch because they were given some one time rebates n discount when switch
23/1/24, 2:28 pm - +m6dm6n: My credit card linked ezlink was forced down on me to switch to simplygo
23/1/24, 2:28 pm - +m6dm6n: I did not ask for the switch
23/1/24, 2:29 pm - +m6dm6n: And it is not because simplygo was good or much better that ppl will switch
23/1/24, 2:30 pm - +m6dm6n: Like when smartphone came, everyone just switch, because it's good n useful
23/1/24, 2:30 pm - +Ah Heng: wrong just admit wrong
23/1/24, 2:30 pm - +Ah Heng: no need to be stubborn and say ooo now extra 40million is being spent
23/1/24, 2:31 pm - +Ah Heng: now the whole singapore know what is going to happen on top of the ALREADY increased in tax and payment ..... another round of fare increased ?
23/1/24, 2:31 pm - +Ah Heng: best part disclaimer i read in one article some from that agency people says 40mio is a small amount
23/1/24, 2:32 pm - +Ah Heng: just say sorry project delay as taking feedback into consideration that's all simple as that
23/1/24, 2:33 pm - +Ah Heng: amicable departure from project
23/1/24, 2:33 pm - +Ah Heng: now with a specific figure involved it starts more peoples voices again
23/1/24, 2:34 pm - +KL: Long ago I think I did ask how survey was carry out ?
Who will do these survey ?
Or like what I do in primary school ghost survey . ( fill up by part timer. In end they filled up themselves ). <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 2:35 pm - +Ah Heng: no point to look back
23/1/24, 2:35 pm - +Ah Heng: mistake is a mistake already
23/1/24, 2:35 pm - +Ah Heng: now is going forth
23/1/24, 2:35 pm - +Ah Heng: how they want to address this who bad pr thing + the stated figure of 40mio
23/1/24, 2:48 pm - +Rama: Public money gone down the drain!
23/1/24, 2:48 pm - +Rama: The never will!
23/1/24, 2:49 pm - +Rama: Embarrassing but government is stick skinned!
23/1/24, 2:49 pm - +Rama: Wth!?
23/1/24, 2:49 pm - +Rama: Election issue!
23/1/24, 2:49 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
*Tracking of transport expenses spent*
My close friend comments:-
1. Many people do petty tracking of our expenses esp in times of high inflation and uncertain job prospects.
2. Secondly, this is how people control helpers and students expenses ie via store value cards.
3. I wonder what would happen if my bank account ran into red. The processing is backend and delayed.
4. For parents who control kids buying fastfood meals, the stored value card is also useful as a control.
5. People also hand it to helpers and control the amounts this way.
My comments:-
1. Yes.
I do track my expenses.
Simplygo deduct directly from my bank account which I don't like.
Also it doesn't show me how much the fare is at the point of exit and how much remaining.
Ez link is better.
2. Oh I think, simplygo cannot go through - if bank account zero.
Got to pay cash.
If not exit point won't open I think.
3. Ezlink control is better rather than an open black hole like SimplyGo that can keep drawing on the bank account - and we have no control over our bank account. A store value card is better compared to an account that can keep drawing.
4. Actually, LTA should have gotten the feedback from the public - now got SGPO (Singapore Government Partnership Office).
If they gather all the feedback - they will know what features are important to people - than LTA won't get a system that people dislike.
23/1/24, 2:50 pm - +Rama: As advertised, this is essentially Mickey Mouse, all designed to distract from real issues like the high cost of living, the 'Rajahs of Ridout,' and other corruption and dishonesty scandals that have plagued the PAP in recent times. It’s pure political theatre calculated to make a mountain out of a molehill, confusing the people and protecting some very big fish.
Iswaran is taking one for the team.
This song and dance certainly does not reflect any determination 'to uphold the integrity of the Party and the Government.'
What about ministers renting ginormous state bungalows from agencies under their purview for a song?
What about the Keppel O&M Petrobras bribery scandal?
The hypocrites talk about being 'whiter than white' when they agreed to pay $422 million to end the bribery probe against Keppel's corrupt business practices from 2001 to 2014, where Keppel units paid USD 55 million to win 13 contracts with Brazil’s Petrobras and another company. Why haven't the involved Keppel executives gone to jail yet? Why was a GLC like Keppel involved in such monkey business in the first place?
How do a few free passes to F1 or concerts or flights to Doha compare? *A grand total value of $166k involved*❗️Not even a million. What nonsense.
Reputation for honesty and incorruptibility? Whiter than white?
Watch out for the 'Wag the Dog' trick coming soon to a FamiLEE theatre near you.
It’s all about making something of secondary importance take on the role of something of primary importance. The case against Iswaran is a diversionary tactic from all that ails the PAP. Simply put, SimplyGo is but one simple example of a litany of failures of the PAP Government.
It’s about using a variety of provocative political maneuvers and machinations to divert attention from what really matters at the upcoming GE.
23/1/24, 2:50 pm - +Rama:
23/1/24, 2:51 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
*Credit card/Debit card statement and scam*
My close friend comments:-
1. People don't care. Simplygo reconcile the payments backend, honestly, I hated to see all these petty travel expenses as a long list on my bank/credit card statements.
2. It's easy to dismiss petty scam deductions as simplygo.
3. It's exactly, people like us do track the expenses on the go. Where got wait until credit card statement consolidation then check. Cannot remember lah. Or every now and then login to check bank accounts.
4. An ex colleague one day discover, there were regular petty amounts charged to her credit card. After she scrutinized everything, she found they were unauthorized charges and reported to bank. And when brought up, many similar stories came up. Petty deductions hard to track and this is one way hackers steal our monies.If there long pages of simplygo, visual checks are even more difficult. Hackers can conveniently disguised the deductions as simplygo.
My comments:-
1. Yes.
Our credit card expenses statement will go up to few pages or more.
Difficult to track and relate what and when the travelling takes place - after 1 month.
That's why I don't like the simplygo.
1 year ago Smrt ambassador press me to change to simplygo when I top up my ez link using the top up machine.
I told him all demerits of simplygo - and he just look stunned.
So my reasoning is correct at that time.
2. This is exactly the reason I don't like about simplygo.
I lose control over my bank account.
If ez link wrongly deducted, I can see it straight away - and can go to the MRT counter to check and claim the refund.
Simplygo, I got no clue how much deducted.
23/1/24, 2:52 pm - +Ah Heng: in short wrong business analysis
23/1/24, 2:52 pm - +Ah Heng: what is not broken they think is broken
23/1/24, 2:52 pm - +Ah Heng: what is not required they think is not required
23/1/24, 2:52 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
*Card consolidation & ERP 2*
My close friend comments:-
1. It begs the question - why lta allowed so many different modes and cards over time - ezlink, flashplay, simplygo, mastercard/visa, nets.
2. Then there'll be an upcoming erp 2 system. One of these? All of these? Or a new system 😅
3. High time to consolidate and need to future-proof future system like ERP 2 and other future systems. I still think need to consolidate, rather than trying to please everyone and having to support so many payment types. Just need to understand the ground sentiments.
My comments:-
1. Ez link not only use for bus and MRT - also used for car park and ERP.
Simplygo cannot use for car park and ERP.
2. Ez link can also use for retail payment. Simplygo cannot use for retail payment.
3. Yes.
Consolidation is needed to ensure cost savings and less different type of cards and systems.
But the consolidated system and card must be a better one not worst off like simplygo.
4. Keep changing the end systems (eg. end users usage) impact the public - and leave a bad taste - as it cause problems and disruption to the public - especially if the changed system has no vast improvement but remove the good features that people want.
Worst still, the upgrade cause more inconvenience than benefits.
23/1/24, 2:52 pm - +Ah Heng: wrong focus
23/1/24, 2:52 pm - +Ah Heng: focus should not only be consolidating card on a single platform but also retain what is basic of the platfrom which is working
23/1/24, 2:53 pm - +Ah Heng: ezlink in short should be further enhence
23/1/24, 2:53 pm - +Ah Heng: since it serve its purpose
23/1/24, 2:53 pm - +Ah Heng: 1 card multiple platform
23/1/24, 2:54 pm - +Ah Heng: or are we going to a society where is one function multiple platform like what pay lah; pay u : pay me: pay whatever
23/1/24, 2:54 pm - +Ah Heng: but end of the day what is the purpose
23/1/24, 2:54 pm - +Ah Heng: is paying someone why then so many platform
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - +Rama: Agree
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - +Ah Heng: we are a small country
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - +Ah Heng: china so migh they only use if not wrong till date wechat and alipay
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - +Ah Heng: do you see what icic pay u
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - +Ah Heng: construction bank payme
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - +Ah Heng: bank of china pay uandme
23/1/24, 2:55 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Why need so many systems and so many cards?
23/1/24, 2:56 pm - +Rama: With too many systems!
23/1/24, 2:56 pm - +Rama: Exactly!
23/1/24, 2:56 pm - +Ah Heng: and maybe is high time to check who are the the so call stake holders of each of these company
23/1/24, 2:56 pm - +Ah Heng: involved in all the multi platform but service the same purpose service
23/1/24, 2:57 pm - +Ah Heng: and why must the public PAY for such usage of service
23/1/24, 2:57 pm - +Ah Heng: is it not more happy for the company if more people uses their services
23/1/24, 2:57 pm - +m6dm6n: Check got get tickets or not? Lol
23/1/24, 2:57 pm - +Ah Heng: is like telling people i am provision shop u come buy think i charge u surcharge for using my cash register
23/1/24, 2:58 pm - +Ah Heng: if like that is like resturant putting the what service charges when there is NONE
23/1/24, 2:58 pm - +Ah Heng: and is not cheap 10% of the bill?
23/1/24, 2:59 pm - +m6dm6n: I actually got charge surcharge for using cash in one Vietnamese restaurant here instead of paying thru their restaurant app
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +m6dm6n: I will never go back there
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +Ah Heng: is pure rubbish
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +Ah Heng: with an increased in gst
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +Ah Heng: the service charges shoudl be scrap
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +Ah Heng: if patrons are happy give tips instead
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +Rama: Does Accra show in detail!?
23/1/24, 3:00 pm - +Ah Heng: why must there be service charges yet still put a tips box is THAT NOT DOUBLE TIPS
23/1/24, 3:01 pm - +Ah Heng: first does the public know who the main con is
23/1/24, 3:01 pm - +Ah Heng: and does the main con sub out
23/1/24, 3:01 pm - +Ah Heng: and does the sub out sub sub subs etc out
23/1/24, 3:01 pm - +Rama: In detail!
23/1/24, 3:01 pm - +Rama: Likewise
23/1/24, 3:14 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
*IT security issue*
1. Understand that SimplyGo can be used as mobile apps with NFC (Near Field Communication) turn on - to enter and exit MRT and bus by connecting to the entry and exit terminal to pay fare --- which link to the mWallet and draw directly from the bank account.
2. What happen if a scammer (black hacker) carry an NFC reader writer - and get near anyone that sit in the MRT or bus - to transmit malware and steal people's bank saving via the mWallet?
3. Imagine 4G/5G, wi-fi, bluetooth and now NFC turn on.
Wifi, bluetooth and NFC have IT security concern - and the best is not turn on in public.
Unlike 4G/5G with secure authentication and encryption.
4. An idiot proof ezlink card with pre-stored cash values - will be safer as it has no direct link to people's bank account.
5. I will like to refrain from using my smartphone to turn on unncessary radio comm such as unsafe wifi, bluetooth and NFC in the publice (insecure domain) - to prevent my handphone from being hacked.
6. However, I like 2 features that are useful in SimplyGo:-
a. Can stop the use of SimplyGo cards if lost.
b. Can top-up the SimplyGo cards using mobile apps remotely without needing topup in ticketing machine or ticketing counter at MRT or Bus Interchange.
Unless SimplyGo can encompass all the benefits I listed above about the ezlink, and is future proof solutions for ERP2 and future systems - forcing people to all go into SimplyGo with worst off features and cause mass disruption is not advisable.
23/1/24, 3:16 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
"Researcher uses NFC to attack Android, Nokia smartphones
Specialist finds flaws in NFC implementations in Android and Nokia that could be used to compromise smartphones.",to%20compromise%20smartphones.
23/1/24, 3:16 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 3:16 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
NFC relay attack on Android.
23/1/24, 3:16 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 3:25 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 3:25 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 3:27 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
NFC hacking in action.
23/1/24, 3:29 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
DEFCON 20 - NFC hacking.
23/1/24, 3:49 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
1. One way to achieve all Ezlink benefits (frontend benefits eg. fare display, card balance and no direct access to bank account) and encompass SimplyGo benefits (backend benefits) - eg. stopping loss card, mobile apps topup ----- is to use "Front-end processing" and then push to "Backend" - by updating backend process.
2. These will achieve the combine hybrid benefits of Ezlink + SimplyGo.
23/1/24, 4:00 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*
23/1/24, 4:06 pm - +Smiley face: Simply go or No go?
How to stamp the footprint of standard (standardisation)?
Only through thorough learnings and these know-how can be replicated and relocated from the origin to the next spot! That's the beginning of scaling.
Successful replication requires the finer print of quality and quantity in order to move into the next phrase of a growing production of goods or services. The margin of errors should range between 1%-2% as each batch of produced goods or services will cost downtime and written off as accounting cost of up to 2%!
How to be super productive in a highly calibrated set-up? ...
23/1/24, 4:07 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
3. ERP 2 should also attempt to achieve similar functions with the same pre-paid store value cards as part of card consolidation (with front end processing and not backend processing).
4. I hope ERP 2 don't link to bank account and debit savings account directly.
5. Else scammers can hack and steal directly from people's saving account.
This time not through NFC but other longer range RF comms.
23/1/24, 4:08 pm - +Ah Heng: all ogranisation should not happy happy link their services to bank account
23/1/24, 4:09 pm - +Ah Heng: espically in a wide scale situtaion
23/1/24, 4:09 pm - +Ah Heng: giro is different as there are paper work to ensure both parties are aware
23/1/24, 4:09 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
4. With the same consolidated card (hybrid ez link cum SimplyGo card) - users don't need to carry so many cards.
1 consolidated super-duper "Transport card" - can be used in all form of transport be it - MRT, bus, taxi, car park, ERP 2, retail stores at petrol stations etc.
23/1/24, 4:10 pm - +Ah Heng: but that's not what the direction seems to be
23/1/24, 4:10 pm - +Ah Heng: it seems car is one card
23/1/24, 4:10 pm - +Ah Heng: mrt and bus one card
23/1/24, 4:11 pm - +Ah Heng: banks got atm and credit card
23/1/24, 4:11 pm - +Ah Heng: den got other so call virtual banks and their cards
23/1/24, 4:11 pm - +Ah Heng: den for the virtualised there are like 3-4 platforms
23/1/24, 4:11 pm - +Ah Heng: one tiny island we need to get so confusing
23/1/24, 4:11 pm - +Ah Heng: den each organisation will say operation cost goes up
23/1/24, 4:12 pm - +Ah Heng: there is no collaboration when it comes to profits i think
23/1/24, 4:12 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
If people can do remote manual Top-Up using mWallet into the consolidated "Transport card" is ok.
But automatic mWallet transfer into the transport card is a no-go - because remote scammer can hack and all bank savings gone in no time.
23/1/24, 4:13 pm - +Frankie Wee: I am SimplyGo because affordable public bus and train
Who are not SimplyGo they don’t need public transport. They live luxury everyday
23/1/24, 4:13 pm - +Ah Heng: with all these auto is just like opening the door to your bank account besides bank and authorized giro company
23/1/24, 4:14 pm - +Ah Heng: but again public have not reach the stage of what u see danny
23/1/24, 4:14 pm - +Ah Heng: public just want that i want to knwo how much i have at the point of use and when i complete my trip
23/1/24, 4:14 pm - +Ah Heng: this allow one to make plans when for the next top up
23/1/24, 4:14 pm - +Frankie Wee: Why called word “simply”
23/1/24, 4:15 pm - +Ah Heng: next is why should one have different card when just yesterday or even today one can use the same card for a car
23/1/24, 4:19 pm - +Frankie Wee: Next future generation smart technology there is no need tap card everyday just pass by enter without tap
Smartphone or NFC card can scan read deducted fare balance.
23/1/24, 4:20 pm - +Frankie Wee: The same like ERP scan read every car traffics
23/1/24, 4:32 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Now ERP use wimax equivalent RF to read the IU and deduct from the prepaid ez link card.
Same as card reader in the MRT and bus entry and exit.
Except ERP use different RF for deduction.
It don't go to your bank account and deduct directly.
23/1/24, 4:34 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
I know.
That's why I want to highlight to LTA to look into this.
If ERP deduct from people bank account directly, scammers can do man in the middle attack and steal people's bank account directly.
23/1/24, 4:35 pm - +Frankie Wee: Or camera read ID Face Recognition can deduct their bank account without card
China developed already so fast
23/1/24, 4:36 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
For example, SimplyGo deduct from people's bank account directly either from mWallet via NFC or bank credit cards or debit cards.
If Singapore have many black hackers like those in DEFCON or America black hackers - many people's bank account will be stolen like our current online scamming.
23/1/24, 4:38 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
I think you should read more about how hackers compromise life biometric and static biometric.
23/1/24, 4:39 pm - +Frankie Wee: How did the government China can archive heavy data under cybersecurity.
23/1/24, 4:40 pm - ☸️ Danny 心: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 4:40 pm - +Frankie Wee: China has 1.412B population they use camera everywhere eye to eye
23/1/24, 4:41 pm - +Frankie Wee: Weapon power threat human cupidity
23/1/24, 4:42 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
To tackle money laudering, we need to tackle vice and embezzlement.
Online scam - is the biggest source of illegal money.
Current anti-scam measures are still not "FAILSAFE" or "FOOLPROOF" to prevent online scam.
Let me explain why :-
*Current Anti-Scam measures*
1. Notice that current authentication method to access CPF, banking and other financial transaction are done via "What you know" :-
a. User id, password, OTP/digital token (SingPass) - 2FA or multi-FA.
2. There is also a discussion or intent to implement Biometric Authentication - essentially "What you have" :-
a. eg. facial recognition, fingerprinting, IRIS, voice recognition etc - for CPF access for 55 years or older.
(Both attempts to establish the true identity of the user - essentially "Who you really are, and your real intent" to effect the fund transfer.
- But unfortunately both can be "stolen" by scammers :-
a. Remote control malware downloaded to take over the victim handphone or malware keyloggers that steal userid, password and OTP.
b. Biometric features can be lifted off from photo, video, fingerprint scan, audio in social media or other platform. Biometric features (once stolen, will be forever lost - unless one change the face, finger, eyes of voice).
If stolen, scammers will have unlimited and unfetter access to all banks, finance institution, CPF - as password lost can be changed but not biometric features.
Note :- There is a recent news whereby a HK scammer lift the facial features from his colleagues in selfie and wefie photos and videos - and scam a virtual bank loan of HK$1.8 million.'Face-stealing'-man-among-trio-arrested-in-HK$1.8m-loan-fraud
3. Hence there is an urgent need to put in place - "Who you really are, and your real intent" (as biometric - cannot achieve this feature - because scammers can steal biometric and masquerade the real user and fool the security system during authentication).
a. By requiring user to use "Userid, password, digital token/OTP" to achieve 1st level access - are in fact the 1st FA (digital access) --- but no way to ascertain the user is the real user by the bank / financial security system.
b. Hence will need another non-digital authentication verification - to determine "who you really are, and your real intent" which I suggest :-
i. Recorded Video conferencing verification (eg. using zoom or Whatsapp vc, or Telegram vc) - whichever platform is secured and comfortable to both the banks and financialy institutions. As Banks / Financial institutions can see and hear the real users - to determine who you really are and his real intent by checking with him online.
ii. Recorded Telephone call back by banks/financial institutions/CPF to achieve similar effect.
iii. Appear physically in banks/financial institutions/CPF
--- before banks/financial institutions/CPF effect the transfer.
(Note :- I acknowledge this is a crude, inefficient method - to effect fund transfer as there could be millions of fund transfer transaction per day - and will draw up many resources from the banks/financial institutions or CPF.
But it is to-date the only "FAILSAFE or Foolproof" method - to establish "who you really are, and your real intent" ---- as oppose to other more efficient digital method of authentication but not foolproof or failsafe - resulting in tremendous monetary loss to victims, banks/financial institutions and policing overhead to track, trace, and arrest scammers).
I will not insist on this crude and less efficient method (that provide "air gap" - similar to "physical segregation of internet and intranet access" - that are crude, costly but foolproof/failsafe) - if new, innovative digital solutions are found and develop --- achieving similar effects.
23/1/24, 4:42 pm - +Frankie Wee: Yes I was take course skillfuture short session. I learned digital workplace 2.0
23/1/24, 4:42 pm - +Rama: Because no fare usage or balance to show
23/1/24, 4:43 pm - +Frankie Wee: I think is a smart nation sg how to change the future.
23/1/24, 4:43 pm - +Frankie Wee: Ppl feedback SimplyGo was difficulty
23/1/24, 4:44 pm - +Rama: Simply Show!?
23/1/24, 4:44 pm - +Frankie Wee: Haha simply show lol
23/1/24, 4:45 pm - +Rama: 😆😃😄🤷♂️
23/1/24, 4:46 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
I don't want to broach into life biometric and its vulnerability.
The whole world is now scrambling to find solutions to solve the vulnerability of life biometric authentication including China with the advent of deepfakes, quantum computing, AI machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning and many other technologies.
Until the world has come out with full proof anti-spoofing biometric mechanism - pushing for direct access to people's bank account is foolhardy.
23/1/24, 4:47 pm - +Ah Heng: all these while many was mazing themselves with all and that invention but they forget prevention
23/1/24, 4:47 pm - +Ah Heng: all just wanna be the fore runner when the solution is half bake
23/1/24, 4:47 pm - +Ah Heng: or more like i do a solution but the possible consequences is not on their tray
23/1/24, 4:47 pm - +Frankie Wee: Agreed there is some under criticism
23/1/24, 4:48 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Because Minister tell me to not to divulge and work closely with the ministry and it is work in progress.
23/1/24, 4:48 pm - +Rama: Scammers and Hackers are as good as those going after them.
23/1/24, 4:49 pm - +Frankie Wee: Is on working under new cybersecurity
23/1/24, 4:50 pm - +Frankie Wee: This one most important how to total defence ourselves
23/1/24, 4:51 pm - +Frankie Wee: Hacker can break all data systems there will be unknown. In future more technology will be advance
23/1/24, 4:52 pm - +Smiley face: "Breaking the codes of Nano and named it Zeno? Greek philosopher and mathematician called it, the Power of Zeno."
- - anonymity
Imagine this: A useful apps called Super App. No need for unnecessary notifications via SMS or Email. Check this App and you will be guided to the most important issues or notification to you based on your NRIC numbers.
All Ministries and government agencies that are directly dealing with the Public shall be included in this Super App. The intelligence abilities to preamp a new user when the physical location is identified and the relevant page for the purpose of the frequent transactions will prompt the user and direct him or her to act on the matters, it can be payment or enquiry, the AI will direct the user to the closest target of services and to strive to complete a transaction within half a minute.
Just not the end: the ultimate goal is a Hyper App whereby it will serve as the domain for Public problem solvings and directional abilities for users at a higher capacity of 1,000,000 users on-line per minute and staggering thereafter into a higher load factor of 5,000,000 transactions per three minutes time-frame. 1:5 ratio of operation managing a "Queue, Query, fulfill" system.
One final question, so when the App crashed or hanged, or hacked, what can both the users and the App provider do to mitigate such disruptive scenarios?
Zeno or Zero?...
23/1/24, 4:54 pm - +Smiley face: Including booking your MPS session and checking your Electorate and Eligibility?
23/1/24, 4:54 pm - +Frankie Wee: Yes True
23/1/24, 4:55 pm - +Frankie Wee: Break to zero all everything is crisis and stop product
23/1/24, 4:55 pm - +Smiley face: Plan your NS or Regular ORD?
Submit your Exit Permit?
Town Council matters
23/1/24, 4:55 pm - +Frankie Wee: CPF amount ZEROED
23/1/24, 4:56 pm - +Smiley face: Let's achieve "15 Minutes" multiple transactions!
15 Minutes, Done!
23/1/24, 4:56 pm - +Frankie Wee: it’s first ever since independent 1965 Singapore has much better technology NIRC all in data
23/1/24, 4:57 pm - +Frankie Wee: The future technologies is advancing will really break
23/1/24, 4:57 pm - +Smiley face: How to hack and scam when users need to login to longer all the bluffing tactics and low ways of cheating our people off their money!
23/1/24, 4:58 pm - +Frankie Wee: Police track them
23/1/24, 4:58 pm - +Smiley face: Own self Check Oneself Super App!
23/1/24, 4:58 pm - +Frankie Wee: Agreed 👍
23/1/24, 5:01 pm - +Frankie Wee: I ordered it’s really delicious this Ai can measure ingredients foods
23/1/24, 5:01 pm - +Frankie Wee: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 5:02 pm - +Smiley face: MOE, MND, MSF, HDB, TC, MOT, MHA, TP, MOD, MOF, NEA, PA.
23/1/24, 5:11 pm - +Frankie Wee: When the day break silent at night there will be cold temperatures and there will be more darkness when ppl get attack each other. Do we need protection ourselves family.
23/1/24, 5:11 pm - +Frankie Wee: Wish would not happened in sg
My mouth touch wood 😅
23/1/24, 5:15 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
If I am not wrong the current ERP 1 use frequency very close to wifi - the 2.4Ghz range.
ERP frequency got to shift some frequency so as not to cause interference.
Hence man in the middle attack is possible - if ERP 2 access people's bank account directly.
ERP 1 only access people's prepaid store value card.
The most people cash amount in the ez link card got stolen - not the whole bank savings.
23/1/24, 5:17 pm - +Smiley face: Why the future technological breakthroughs of LLM and thereafter or simultaneously the applications into commercial and military and the invention of Hyper-Pixel technology and multi-dimensional metrics of sight, sound and sensation matters most; it will be many profound ways of living.
Another way of looking, it will be many new ways of working! The Old World order of the past 2,500 years of China's (and stagnation specifically the last 700 years) and into a New World order after WW2.
Tomorrow, it will be a Digital Civilisation in the making. A colossal transformation of lives and livelihoods shaking across the globe and most of all, this 6,600km width will take on many shapes of trigonometry (geometrical complexity) within a nation to the next nation and to another nation....
23/1/24, 5:17 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
If ERP 2 use simplygo concept that deduct directly from people's bank account - then good luck.
Hackers will have a good time hacking the RF and access people's bank account directly. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 5:18 pm - +Frankie Wee: Very hyper focused high digital
23/1/24, 5:19 pm - +Smiley face: Either you are there or You will be Squared! As a nation, our SG !
23/1/24, 5:19 pm - +Frankie Wee: This very Cold War
23/1/24, 5:20 pm - +Frankie Wee: Many country is developing the military digital civilisation over Russia attack between NATO and US
23/1/24, 5:20 pm - +Frankie Wee: Fast developing can lead more high level technology Ai
23/1/24, 5:21 pm - +Frankie Wee: I will stand up protect our country till death do apart 😭
23/1/24, 5:22 pm - +Frankie Wee: NATO and US keep spent hundred billion dollars but it’s crazy Cold War
23/1/24, 5:23 pm - +Smiley face: Yes! You are a Hero!
And every Crisis, Heros and Heroines are born!
23/1/24, 5:23 pm - +Frankie Wee: Why Russia want track Ukraine won’t give in independence
23/1/24, 5:23 pm - +Smiley face: If we understand the concept of contributing and giving to a society as a simple binary mode. We further strengthen this concept into a trigonometric function whereby one angle is half of the other two sides (right angle). In simple words, a graph of growth trajects, mathematicians called it hypotenuse (c) of a line drawn upward at 45 degree angle or less, in many of such lines of small and big successes. This is a progressive Society that is consistently producing more than it consumes and in return, a surplus year by year added into the GDP!
This is the trigonometric concept of give (a) & take(b) & give more(c). How to chart and to achieve this trigonometric miracle?"
23/1/24, 5:24 pm - +Smiley face: Long's about past grievances, 1000 years of history!
23/1/24, 5:24 pm - +Frankie Wee: 2030 become FY
23/1/24, 5:24 pm - +Smiley face: Apa FY?
23/1/24, 5:24 pm - +Frankie Wee: 2100 become more complex technologies human
23/1/24, 5:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: Apa FY is future
23/1/24, 5:25 pm - +Smiley face: Alien Lai Liao Lor!
23/1/24, 5:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: BC is handcraft
23/1/24, 5:25 pm - +Frankie Wee: 🤣
23/1/24, 5:27 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors*
We want to *HEAR MORE* from you!
💬 *What are your thoughts on LTA’s decision to extend the current card-based ticketing system?*
Megan 😊
23/1/24, 5:29 pm - +Frankie Wee: LTA should do well project and hope going smoothly if then other extensions cost again 😅
23/1/24, 5:31 pm - +Smiley face: Let's extend our kind thoughts and chances to our civil servants, Policymakers at's not simply over, it's always been a work in progress...
23/1/24, 5:33 pm - +Rama: Be humble, apologise sincerely and work with the people . Don't force things down the throat of the electorate.
23/1/24, 5:34 pm - +Frankie Wee: Be humble mean called simply life (SimplyGo)
23/1/24, 5:35 pm - +Rama: 😃😄😆🤷♂️
23/1/24, 5:35 pm - +Rama: Don't misuse work in progress
23/1/24, 5:36 pm - +Frankie Wee: We all accepted simply right
23/1/24, 5:36 pm - +Rama: Exactly!
23/1/24, 5:38 pm - +Smiley face: The Roots of the Problem?
The worse of all in basic maths is rth or no roots? Why? It contained multiple variables, vectors of concern and not always squared to a whole number. This whole number, let's treat it as an inclusiveness of a race or a society.
If one of your ambitions is to Square things out, that's a good starting point from the angle of geometry whereby all sides are of equal length. However in this stable shape of Square, in the core, perhaps lies a united force of cohesion and common purpose. So why not remain as a Square headed society? Where are the havens for the keeping and the developing of talents and intellects as part of the trigonometrics of a higher civilisation?...
23/1/24, 5:39 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend comments:-
Multiple payment systems are expensive to maintain.
There are currently 5 different types? 🤦🏻♂️
I strongly support gov direction to even boldly do away with some of them and keep the system nimble.
After all, it's either taxpayers and/or communters who have to pay for the costs.
My sense is it is possible to do away with ez link (although it's my personal choice of payment). We have built our little habits around our favourite choice and removing it means tampering with personal habits, evoke objections.
I'm also disappointed that gov apologised. Why?!
It was for a right motive. We have to stand up for the good and right moves. Then apology could be about the When and How.
High inflation, expensive housing, insecure jobs etc put everyone in agitated moods.
Whatever changes which add inconveniences/costs can make temper flare.
Then we should also be mindful of antagonists who hide behind their computers and oppose to everything (they may not even be living in sg).
Among those who prefer ezlink mode of payment, there are also varying degrees of attachment to this mode.
Surely, they can be lured away through better comms, engagement, induction, or even sweeteners.
With $40M saving in mind, it is worth that effort.
If this were a right thing to do, a good thing to do, then don't give up.
Re examine the comms, the onboarding for ezlink diehards like me.
23/1/24, 6:00 pm - +REACH: *📢 Topic 📢*
23/1/24, 6:01 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Rumor say that upgrading the software and hardware to convert the ez link to simplygo also very costly and need a longer time to upgrade.
It may not be on time for jun 2024 full cut over.
That is why the minister have to pull the brake.
23/1/24, 6:07 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
The technical hiccup in the conversion was not anticipated.
23/1/24, 6:16 pm - ☸️ Danny 心:
Just speculating, the $40 million could be spend in :-
1. Upgrading the software and hardware to do one time conversion exercise. Not sure whether of any further hiccup with 5 months timeline.
2. Maintain the current system with no hiccups - while looking into a better more holistic solutions that can meet most if not all the good functions. <This message was edited>
23/1/24, 6:47 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
⏰ We will be closing the chat in *15 minutes* ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
23/1/24, 6:59 pm - +Smiley face: <Media omitted>
23/1/24, 7:00 pm - +REACH: *Dear Contributors,*
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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