REACH 344 - How do you feel about the rising number of dengue cases? What have you been doing to ensure that you stay safe from dengue? Do you think enough is being done to ensure that Singapore curbs the number of dengue cases?
04 May 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:18 am, 04/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan 😊
[9:56 am, 04/05/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
As Singapore is working towards overcoming COVID-19, Singapore faces a surge in dengue cases over the past few months. Dengue cases in Singapore has crossed the 6,000 case mark in less than 4 months, exceeding the total number of cases in 2021. This sharp increase has occurred even before the peak season for dengue, which is from Jun to Oct. NEA said that the number of breeding sites across all types of premises for Aedes mosquitos detected had almost doubled.
💬 How do you feel about the rising number of dengue cases? What have you been doing to ensure that you stay safe from dengue? Do you think enough is being done to ensure that Singapore curbs the number of dengue cases?
NEA said that there have been three major factors that lead to the surge in cases:
1️⃣ Warm, humid and rainy weather may have led to a high number of Aedes mosquitos breeding
2️⃣ A previously uncommon dengue virus stereotype 3 is now circulating along with stereotype 2
3️⃣ A segment of the workforce is still working from home, leading to greater exposure to dengue
NEA has been conducting checks across various premises to detect for dengue breeding sites, and takes strong enforcement measures against breeding sites.
Households and construction sites found with repeat mosquito breeding offences and multiple mosquito breeding habitats may face fines or imprisonment for their offences. The Agency urges premise owners and occupiers to carry out prevention and control measures against dengue.
[11:51 am, 04/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
The chat is now open! We’d love to hear from you on today's topic 😊
We hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
[11:53 am, 04/05/2022] +Uncle Law: It all boils down to individual's responsibilities
[11:53 am, 04/05/2022] +Uncle Law: NEA can't be doing fogging or oiling the sewage daily.
[11:54 am, 04/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Maybe can run a campaign like the check your window twice a year
[11:55 am, 04/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Have a Check Your Flower Pot every Sunday
[0:08 pm, 04/05/2022] +Caleb: Maybe need to activate our RCs and total defence to educate all on this
[0:30 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Five minutes mozzy wipeout
[0:42 pm, 04/05/2022] +Doris Ho: I water my plants only once a week, on a staggered schedule.
[0:49 pm, 04/05/2022] +XaniceAfcai: Sigh..for construction nearby my estate pool of muddy water accumulated which could have a breeding ground of 🦟.
Not only that, the choke muddy water in the drain also is a reoccurance issue which has not resolved for year. This gives a good breeding ground for 🦟too.
i even report via one service app n then they take action. If not resident suffer.
[0:58 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Wat happened to the wolbachia mosquito project?
R our male mosquitoes not breeding successfully w the females?
Why a sudden surge in mozzie popn?
Isn't the wolbachia mozzie supposed to help bring the numbers down?
I've not seen any updates on this. So, is the wolbachia project not working out?
[1:11 pm, 04/05/2022] +Sunshine Pooh: I thought this was eff3ctive in the pilot project and a lot of $$ to put to scale this up.. this is the time wen it should be coming handy
[1:23 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
The following are the likely mosquito breeding environment to focus on or tackle to cut down the current dengue fever spike :-
a. Housing unit
b. Construction sites
c. Organisation buildings
d. Public places
e. Wolbachia male mosquito project
f. Bag and Bin the Trash
[1:23 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Housing Unit
1. Individual housing unit - HDB flat, Condo, Landed houses etc - will have to ensure :-
a. Within their houses, there are no breeding places for mosquito.
eg. don't keep pail of water overnight and check to ensure no mosquite, pupa, lava or eggs are spotted in pail of water.
Those who have potted plants at home - ensure no water on plotted plant that will attract mosquito to lay eggs.
b. Outside their houses ensure drain, rooftop gutter, dustbin etc have no domant water that will attract mosquito to breed.
2. Individual household responsibilities is vital and must first ensure there are no breeding ground for mosquito - this will eliminate Government efforts to concentrate on individual housing units - and can narrow and zero in on other likely mosquito breeding grounds.
[1:30 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Construction sites
1. Construction sites seems to be one of the most notorious mosquito breeding site.
2. Understand that there are dedicated safety manager to ensure site safety.
3. Shouldn't a building site mandate - a "Anti-Mosquito Safety Officer" - to ensure that throughout the duration of the building project - the responsibility of this safety officer - will have to check an ensure that there are no breeding site within a construction project. Any breaches - a heavy fine will be incur by the construction contractor.
4. I know this will incur additional cost for a construction project ---- nevertheless it will be less costly for workers and public get bitten by mosquito, get dengue and incur a larger hospital cost or even threaten human safety.
[1:35 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Organisation buildings
1. Companies, Companies, Manufacturing plants, shop houses etc - must ensure that within their premises - there are no breeding ground for mosquito.
2. Any places that store water, drain, etc must be check everyday to ensure mosquito will not breed.
3. Ideally, every building and organisation should have a "Anti-Mosquito Safety Officer" to check the building everyday for any suspected mosquito breeding area. This officer can be "double hatted" eg. he could be a Security Supervisor with secondary role.
4. By doing so, will eliminate another source of mosquito breeding area.
[1:43 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Mine morning and evening as placed outdoors. Indoor morning only
[1:44 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: What is the statistics for reporting, follow up ? Time frame tells relevant authorities respond time?
[1:46 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: How far has this project been widened and any update on its usefulness?
[1:46 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Public places
1. Public places like park, playground, drains etc --- are fertile ground for mosquito breeding.
2. I notice that environment officers will only come around to check these public places and do fogging when dengue spikes.
3. Can I suggest that a dedicated "Anti-Mosquito Safety Officer" be assigned to every designated park - to check to ensure throughout the year - to ensure there are no likely breeding ground for mosquito - and not wait until dengue outbreak occur before check and fogging start.
Pre-emptive efforts, Prevention and Proactive efforts ---- will be better than last-minute response or a reactive mode - whereby when outbreak occur than react.
4. Eg. my neighborhood park and jogging track are often trap with stagnant water everytime it rain - especially at the low lying area.
But no one seems to come around to clear the stagnant water.
Only when dengue outbreak occur - I then notice officers (wearing NEA T-shirt) and a few contractors will come around with laddle to scoop the stagnant water to check for mosquito eggs, larva or pupa.
I thought this is a reactive mode.
A dedicated "Anti-Mosquito Safety Officer" should have assigned to this park - and once detected this is a breeding site - it should be reported - and proactive action such as building rectification to elevate the low lying area or build a running drain to prevent storing stagant water - will have eliminate this breeding ground once and for all.
This should be a proactive mode adopted.
[1:47 pm, 04/05/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: Govt should educate landed homeowners to clean their covered drains - my observation is that this is where mosquitoes tend to breed especially in older houses where roots have grown into the drains. I’ve never seen any educational materials to this effect - only about pots.
[1:48 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Time to broaden the educational materials
[1:56 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Wolbachia male mosquito project
1. Wonder what is the outcome of this project.
2. In theory, the male mating with the female Aedes mosquito will prevent the eggs from hatching and terminate dengue.
3. But in practical life, it seems like it is not working as well - as year after year, dengue outbreak still occur.
4. I understand that the male mosquito cannot be "anyhow" distribute throughout the island because:-
a. the lifespan of the male mosquito is very short eg. less than 10 days?
b. also it will alarm the population if the male mosquito fly all over the place
c. and the effect may not be effective - as the male mosquito is not targeted at places where female mosquito breed.
5. But if we have "Anti-mosquito Safety Officer" assigned to every dedicated park, organisation, construction sites etc. --- wouldn't those potential mosquito breeding ground proactively sorted out and identified early?
Then releasing male mosquito to these breeding sites will be more effective - isn't it?
6. Will appreciate if NEA release a report on how effective the male mosquito project is --- so that more feedback can be provided to make this project more fruitful - and hopefully can eliminate this dengue fever yearly outbreak.
[2:01 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Bag and Bin the Trash
Plenty to talk about.
Let us see some photo first.
[2:04 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
When government charge the price for single used plastic bags - these will be he outcomes and consequences. Will elaborate later.
[2:23 pm, 04/05/2022] +Boon: +1
[2:25 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face:
[2:57 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Bag and Bin the Trash
Importance of bagging the rubbish
1. Rightfully all rubbish - whether hard objects and liquid refuse - should be properly bag - before throwing into a rubbish chute or rubbish bin.
This will prevent :-
a. Insects, animals, pests from foraging the rubbish - and trigger hygiene problem.
b. It will also prevent rubbish from trapping water, rain, liquid etc - that will help mosquito to breed.
c. Rubbish collector will have an easier jobs to pick up the bagged rubbish and collect it into the rubbish truck or dump.
Imagine when the rubbish truck arrive - when rubbish and waste liquid are lie all over the places.
Are we expecting the rubbish truck collectors to come with broom to sweep up all the rubbish - while the rubbish truck block the road causing a massive traffic jam --- instead of picking up bag rubbish and dump it into the truck - when the rubbish bin overflow?
Or the rubbish collectors will just dump the rubbish bin and those rubbish in the bag and leave all the unbag rubbish on the ground without collecting them - and cause pests to breed and mosquito to lay eggs - triggering a widespread hygiene problem?
[3:18 pm, 04/05/2022] +65 9847 9001: when there were cleaning incorporated in the primary school I was upset, but after watching the commentary on Japanese cleanliness and how it started in school, i think its a good program to instill such attitude in the school system starting with the kids, it's takes a generation to change habits. Maybe a drama on good cleaning behaviour on TV would encourage our citizens to keep our area clean, eg. the dramas/shows on nurses, police and soldiers seem to generate interest in those field of career.
[3:25 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Single-used plastic
1. Single-used plastic issue by the supermarkets - is a perfect dual-purpose tools to :-
a. Bag groceries
b. Double used as refuse bag at home - to bag the home solid and liquid waste - before dumping the home rubbish into the rubbish chute at the end of the day.
c. The single-used plastic is already part of the price paid by customers when shopping for groceries in the supermarket --- and is an effective tool to double up as a refuse bag at home - and keep Singapore hygiene problem in check - as Singapore residents are trained to bag their solid and liquid waste at home before dumping into the rubbish chute.
2. I understand there is a need to control the use of single-used plastic bag - as it cause global climate and choke the ocean - with micro-plastic. I support this move.
3. But however, Government also urge people to bag their solid and liquid waste with plastic bag - to prevent hygiene problem --- that are starkly illustrated in the serious hygiene problem as seen by the various photo attached --- if refuse are not properly bagged.
In fact, Government acknowledge that all bag refuse are incinerated - and will not pollute the ocean and in fact keep Singapore hygiene problem in check.
4. Thus I fail to understand why NEA suddenly announce to charge every single--used plastic bags (that can be act as refuse bag)?
a. This will solve the mass plastic bags from proliferating ---- solving one problem - but introduce another island-wide hygiene problem that we have done well.
b. By charging plastic bag will discourage people from using plastic bag to bag their solid and liquid refuse at home.
The reasons being :-
a. It is a Win-Lose solutions to the population :-
i. Previously, single-used plastic bag is free or it is price in for the groceries we buy - but next year we have to pay 5 cents or 10 cents per bag.
This is government-mandate price increase on groceries for every consumers.
In addition, supermarkets don't reduce their groceries prices or give consumers a discount - even when consumers don't use their plastic bags.
ii. Consumers will have to pay to buy reusable bags.
iii. Consumers will have to buy refuse bags to bag their rubbish at home.
b. This become a "triple loss" proposition to the consumers.
c. And a "win-lose" solution - will trigger the consequences of a "lose-lose" outcome - as demonstrated by those photos collected.
People with "lose-lose" outcome will naturally react --- and the photos demonstrate people's natural reactions.
d. NEA initially have a "win-win" solution - ie. 3 or bags free, thereafter charge each plastic bag to control the wastage and littering of plastic bags.
I supported this "win-win" solution.
However I understand the NEA MOS - inform us that because supermarket boss object - this "win-win" solution is discarded - and NEA decided to adopt the "win-lose" solution to charge every plastic bag - an easy way out.
The reasons cited by NEA for discarding the 1st 3 bags free are :-
i. Supermarket boss say it will held up the payment queue - as there will be dispute how many bags are free and how many need to be charge.
ii. Customers may insist all groceries must be bag into the 1st 3 free bags.
iii. And if one bag broken as groceries are squeeze inside - then dispute may arise whether to provide the 4 bags as free etc.
I understand this dispute and I offer another workable "win-win" solution as propose by my close friend - but unfortunately it is not taken up - which I will reiterate in the next post.
[3:38 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: 'wax' coated water resistant paper bags... replacing plastic bags
[3:39 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: Paper vs plastic
[3:42 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: Recyclable waxpaper?
[3:42 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: Recyclable plastic bags?
[3:46 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Yes, we all want to know the outcome of this project.
Short lifespan of wolbachia... That's not helpful, is it?
I'm no scientist, but shd we not look into improving their lifespan, then?
Having "Mozzie Safety Officer" - wat? SDA job role re-deployed here? 😅😅
[3:47 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face:
[3:47 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Seriously tho, if the wolbachia project isn't working out, we shd look to other ways of reducing the mozzie popn.
Of course, tackling the root of the problem is a start.
Finding other ways is a bonus, if we can. 😉
[3:49 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: "if it was that easy to depopulate pests, perhaps, the pest controllers will be out job sooner..."
- - anonymous
[3:50 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Win-Win single-used plastic bag solution
My close friend propose the following "Win-Win single-used plastic bag solution" that will solve 2 pertinent massive environmental problem :-
a. Reduce the use of single-used plastic bags
b. Yet able to use the few free alloted single-used plastic bag to bag the home solid and liquid waste - to prevent the hygiene problem and eliminate mosquito breeding problem.
1. My close friend suggest, issuing a carbon credit point to each household. That is 31 credit points to each household in exchange for 31 free plastic bag per month.
This means 1 free plastic bag can be used as refuse bag per day for household to bag the rubbish.
2. My wife propose using a mobile apps and a backend system to track each household usage of the carbon credit for the free single-used plastic bag. Once the 31 credit bag is used up - consumers will have to pay the plastic bag 5 cent each.
3. This "win-win" solution will have the effect of :-
a. Prevent uncontrolled used of plastic bag
b. Target the limited 31 plastic bag per month per household - to bag home solid and liquid waste and prevent a widespread hygiene problem.
c. This is a "win-win" solution and thus result in a "win-win" outcome and consequences.
d. This solution inherit the :-3 thought process (三思)
i. 一思 - native primitive thought of the needs to control plastic bag used and the need to bag refuse.
ii. 二思 - detail analysis, rational thought process to control plastic bag used and the need to bag refuse.
iii. 三思 - a "win-win" solution with heart - ability to emphatise from government points of view (to control plastic bags and to bag refuse and prevent hygiene problem ) and people's point of view (not to incur additional financial burden and additional cost, able to bag solid and liquid refuse at home and prevent uncontroll plastic bag).
e. This will have solve the supermarket boss problem of hogging up the queue - as the supermarket will just dish out free plastic bag based on the mobile apps carbon credit point - and if the carbon credit point used up - just charge the plastic bags.
Most of the time, consumers will bring their reusable bags for groceries shopping and use the carbon credit point to exchange plastic bags for refuse.
Wonder why NEA not adopting this "win-win" solution which is hassle free to implement and yet achieve the 2 objectives of :-
a. Hard quote (31 credit points - 31 plastic bags per household)
b. Solve the hygiene problem of household can continue to bag their refuse at home
- and in addition:-
a. It will make people happy - and not feel that NEA only know how to adopt "pay-and-pay" solutions to solve national problems.
b. People will feel Government solutions not only have "Mind" but also have "Heart" - as it take care of people's financial burden - and yet come out with practical solutions to solve the 2 environmental problems.
c. Encourage people to use "digital solutions" to resolve the environmental problem - and yet understand the used of carbon credit to resolve environmental problem.
[3:50 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: In my landed estate, NEA officers do make regular checks on every home.
They came in to chk out drainholes, even pails in our front & back yards, etc.
[3:51 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心: Hard quota
[3:56 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Wax must not contain paraffin oil or be fr such source, as paraffin oil is not bio-degradable.
[3:57 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: Palm oil
[3:58 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: Viscosity abd molecular structure of crude palm oil... CPO
[3:59 pm, 04/05/2022] +BL: Is there any data to show who is most affected, and/or where most infections take place?
[3:59 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face:
[3:59 pm, 04/05/2022] +BL: If we can narrow down the circumstances we can better target the education and treatment.
[4:02 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: How about zika?
[4:21 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Educating homeowners of Landed houses - no problem.
But wat's more impt is educating their foreign helpers / maids as they may not be as aware of or appreciate the importance of keeping mozzies away.
[4:35 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: "Singapore’s attributes as a modern first world city: Safety, cleanliness, mobility, spaciousness, connectivity and equity."
- - Lee Kuan Yew (2012)
[4:37 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: Follow these attributes, we will be ok!
[4:52 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:21 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Every time raining, this park and jogging track is a fertile ground for mosquito breeding.
And nea as well as contractors will come around to scoop for mosquito.
But no proactive approach to either elevate the ground or do a running drain to drain the stagnant water.
[5:24 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low:
[5:24 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Even if we start charging plastic bags, we won’t be seeing rubbish everywhere
[5:28 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Fact: now without charging plastic bags and giving out discriminating, we are throwing away a lot of unused plastic bags
[5:31 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
So is nea giving free plastic bag for refuse to every household?
[5:31 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
As per your article?
[5:32 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Understand this is not publish in the news.
[5:34 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
As it stands now, nea will charge every plastic bags 5 cents come 2023.
Nea did not promise giving out free refuse bags to every household.
[5:34 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Source:
[5:34 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: It’s not news, but recommendations by WWF Singapore
[5:35 pm, 04/05/2022] +Caleb: This one will dry within a few days?
[5:36 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
It will last at least a week.
I have seen nea officer come down a few time to scoop the water and inspect.
[5:36 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
WWF don't represent nea the government authority.
[5:37 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I didn’t say they represent the G
[5:37 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thus my message is to nea.
[5:39 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: The need to get the plastic bags to store rubbish is the the top reason why they need to get plastic bags Research from SEC -
[5:40 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Most people are just plain lazy to bring their own recycleable bag
[5:41 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Just like the Return the tray initiative, we really need the Government to start charging for plastic bags to push the citizens to do the right thing
[5:42 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
I will agree if nea also provide free refuse bags to every household
[5:47 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: What Taiwan is doing is they sell trash bags for trash disposal.
[6:11 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Pay-and-pay will one day pay the way out.
[6:17 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thus policy and solutions must include the ingredients of "Mind" and "Heart".
Mind - constructive, creative and innovative solutions - not copy for the sake of copying other people's solutions.
Heart - the government must have the ability to emphatise with the voters - win them over with constructive solutions with Heart.
[6:17 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: PAP
[6:18 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
PAP stand for People Action Party.
[6:18 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hopefully pap don't stand for pay-and-pay.
[6:18 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Exactly my meaning
[6:18 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
People must be at the heart of PAP.
[6:25 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Saving the environment should be the long term goal
[6:25 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Charging plastic bag is not the end of the world 😅
[6:26 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Tradeoff between various government and industry must be an open book to check for back door cheats.
[6:27 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
You speak for yourself as environmentalist but fail to take into account many households comments.
[6:29 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hygiene problems without addressing it - is an environmental problems.
Not just plastic is the environmental problems.
[6:30 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Can't blame the inventor of plastic for lack of foresight then..
[6:31 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: NEA can make it a point to issue one black trash bag per week to every household , in their letterboxes.
With this, at least they is some control over trash disposal.
[6:31 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: *there is
[6:32 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: One cannot be based on every house hold as number of people in each house differs
[6:34 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Tt is the best basis, one letterbox, one bag.
Who can keep track of number of ppl? Tt wud be a monumental task!
[6:35 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I’m not a environmentalist. You can disagree with my comments, but there is no need to give me a label.
[6:37 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Justification for one must be explained to the masses across all four official languages for it to be understood.
[6:42 pm, 04/05/2022] +RH: Over time, ppl wl get used to the new system & learn to bag their rubbish 'wisely' & methodically. 😃
[6:44 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: We are not banning plastic bags totally right? Right now we are just going to charge plastic bag for a nominal fee, in which everyone can afford, and yet for some of them will be a good reason for them to start to bring their own recyclable bag. If people really depend on using plastic bag to throw rubbish, they can still buy some (and not given free everytime they go shopping) for this purpose.
[6:45 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: We need this initiative to kick start and change of mindset of protecting the environment. Time and time it has been proven, Singaporeans need to have some deference in order to have a change of habit
[6:45 pm, 04/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:48 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
When you say plastic bags is not the end of the world - you are trivialising the hygiene problems we are currently facing.
Hygiene problems create mosquito, rats, pests, animals foraging and essentially a public health problems.
Thus I don't agree with your comments and trivialising the plastic bags problem issue while you only focus charging, charging and charging.
Hence I will have to correct you to take other people's concerns into account if you don't want to be challenged.
[6:50 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I think you will need to substantiate the point that charging of plastic bags will leads to worsening of hygiene problem. If not I think it’s just your personal opinion.
From what I see in Taiwan, they started charging plastic bags for many years, and yet they didn’t face any hygiene issues
[6:51 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
At a larger context, I am also attempting to bring out a subtle message.
PAP stand for People at the heart of PAP's action.
And must not let voters interpret as pay-and-pay - because it will create the impression of pay the way out.
This is the veracity of my message.
[6:51 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心: See the photos attached.
[6:51 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Buying plastic bags does not really help. It prolong the issue as long as there is no biodegradable option for the long run.
[6:51 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: Why didn’t you say so when GST is raised?
[6:52 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Gst is another argument.
[6:52 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
It is fully substantiated and accepted and well communicated.
[6:52 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: It’s weird. GST raised by 2% is ok. Charge of plastic bags by 5c is not ok. I don’t understand the logic 🤣
[6:53 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I can say the same for plastic bag charge too
[6:53 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Next time I will discuss this topic.
But this plastic bags is poorly incepted and poorly communicated.
[6:54 pm, 04/05/2022] +Caleb: +1
[6:54 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I’m sorry. But your photos just shows that the rubbish bin is not being cleared promptly. Doesn’t substantiate your point
[6:54 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
All the loose rubbish not properly bag
[6:55 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
I saw the cleaner just now using broom to sweep the loose rubbish.
Last time all the loose rubbish is properly bag.
[6:55 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I thought we talking about household rubbish disposal?
[6:55 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face:
[6:56 pm, 04/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
In the block rubbish chutes.
[6:56 pm, 04/05/2022] +Timothy Low: I don’t know about you. But for me if I want to throw a rubbish outside I won’t bag it into another plastic bag before throwing into the public rubbish bin
[6:56 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: No proper training or evaluation becomes do as one sees fit
[6:57 pm, 04/05/2022] +Joseph: If reducing plastics use is the goal, then a better solution would be to encourage (and maybe intoally provide) a non-plastic (eg. paper or some other more biodegradable/sustainable) alternative.
[6:58 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: Paper comes from trees so is it viable in the long run!?
[6:58 pm, 04/05/2022] +Joseph: The nominal charge idea is not going to make much of a difference. People will just get used to paying for it
[6:59 pm, 04/05/2022] +Joseph: Hence i mentioned, or some “biodegradable/sustainable” alternative
[6:59 pm, 04/05/2022] +Boon: Dear REACH, how’s the effects of the genetically modified mosquitoes initiative to combat dengue? Is the initiative a failure, or Sg authorities attention has been overly on Covid and that’s why Sg has rising dengue cases? Honestly, shouldn’t NEA be asking this question and address this issue? Or is this question about an increase in foreign workers quota needed to clear Sg stagnant water pools - if so, yes, the quota for should be increased.
[6:59 pm, 04/05/2022] +Rama: I know
[7:00 pm, 04/05/2022] +Smiley face: 4 May, 2022
To: Our Distinguish Ministers And All Honorable Members
"The Evolutions Of Daily Lifes, the X-files of Mozzie(蚊子的进化和生命) "
"Excellence is humanly achievables,
Perfection is beyond human...?"
- - anonymous
What is evolution?
All living things change, sunrise to sun set. What visible daily are tangibles in motion, whereas the intangibles many times are taken for granted non existence which in fact are evolving among all of us. We need to think deeper and expand this simple evolution of lifes both tangibles and intangibles - alive!
"if it was that easy to depopulate pests, perhaps, the pest controllers will be out job sooner..."
- - anonymous
Live & Die - Mozzie:
Fixed - almost certain?
We can view tangibles as fixed while the variables as intangibles for the purpose of this expanded discussions of the meaning of evolution of all things.
Variables - fluctuates?
These intangibles and at times can also be tangibles evolve while escaping our attention and out of our sights too. With the changing global climates, tropical climate are highly humid, hot and excess rainfalls all are conducive environment for mosquitoes and many other pests to evolve, to thrive and multiply into millions.
What are the examples of fixed & variables?
This morning came a big thunderstorm (fixed) that flushed many pests to their death, mosquitoes (variables) ! After the heavy rain stopped, the sun rose and that kick-started the evolution of the mosquitoes, to start breeding in millions in our living spaces!
If we see the urbanisation of a city or country as a means of improvement to lives and livelihoods then there will be many costs to these upgrading of tangibles and the hidden intangibles of conveniences and inconveniences?
"There sat an elderly man said, " I bet with all of you, there is no dengue in the Bukit Timah Nature Reserves", this old man friends absorbed and wondered where else dengue exists?"
- - anonymous
Concrete environment versus natural environment?
The tall big trees versus the shorter green plants?
It is always nice to have greenery in our tropical urban Singapore, for so long our history, from jungles, to villages, to today's modern amenities and facilities.
Talking about trees, various foliages and the size of leaves ranging from mini to large. All trees provide shade and itself also shed leaves onto the ground. These daily dropped leaves in millions of pieces will chock the smaller and unnoticeable drainages that perhaps can be a breeding grounds for Aedes mosquito?
Then come the grass where the tall grass versus the trimmed grass? The heavier and frequency of rainfall with the number of sun shining days will have an upward accelerated growth of these 'campus' (grassland). Is this another sweet spot to breed mozzies?
Concretes - the pondings, the cracks and the gaps?
"One human convenience leading to a creature comfort for many pests."
The upgrading of public five foot walks from drainage into pedestrians ways. What's the consequences of these covered drains? It creates a dark, nesting and resting place for pest such as lizards, roaches, rats, snakes and lastly breeds of mosquito. How about hidden and shaded patches of stagnate water on concrete surfaces to the larger scale called ponding? What about at home, housing estates where else are the possible breeding grounds, perhaps, is already a common knowledge among dwellers on how to prevent mosquito breeding?
Public Educations, Announcements and SMM?
There are safety measures for dengue in placed from routing checks and maintenances, public educations to fines for breeding grounds.
So what if the general public knows the existence of dengue fever?
In real life, catching dengue mosquitoes is like endless search for 5 cents in the sandy beach? To turn all stones will not resolves this issue - dengue/zika fever! Just when you think you got it fixed, where are the blindspots (variables) ?
"The mosquito is deadlier than Genghis Kahn and Stalin. She is a mass murderer."
- - Garcia-Navarro
How then can we catch this mozzie to almost nil?
The answer is, not possible to have zero dengue and zero mosquitoes too. Besides fogging smokes or spraying chemicals, common natural predators of mosquitoes are dragonflies, frogs, fishes. With the existing urban eco system like Singapore is a tough task (wishful thinking) to depopulate mosquitoes. This buzzing pest is part of our living environment, perhaps, it is our fault as human to continously turning green grassland and soil into concrete pathments and buildings ? These improvements itself is what we need and want, aka know as economics developments.
"Singapore’s attributes as a modern first world city: Safety, cleanliness, mobility, spaciousness, connectivity and equity."
- - Lee Kuan Yew (2012)
One common thing is malaria of the old days, dengue & zika of today, these three examples are mutually exclusive social and medical challenges, are they unsolved and evolving illnesses? Is there cure for dengue/zika fever? No! For the survivors of the dengue fever, they would said, "once bitten, twice shy!".
As for the rest of the public, this itchy and irritating mozzie will remain as X-files, unsolved?
- - END - -
[7:00 pm, 04/05/2022] +danielhi chua: Actually plastic is one of the problems when it comes to trapping water, when not disposed properly.
[7:00 pm, 04/05/2022] +danielhi chua: Plastic bags lying around are breeding grounds for mozzies.
[7:00 pm, 04/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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