REACH 347 - How do you feel about the use of Novavax as an alternative to the mRNA vaccines? If you are eligible, would you choose the Novavax? Do you think this will encourage more people to get vaccinated/booster shots?
11 May 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:46 am, 11/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan 😊
[10:00 am, 11/05/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
Singapore has received its first shipment of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccines on 4th May, and will be offered across 21 locations. The Novavax vaccine is a protein-based vaccine and has been accepted by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce to be part of the National Vaccination Programme. The vaccine has been recommended as an acceptable alternative to the mRNA vaccines (for both the primary vaccination series & booster jabs) for those aged 18 years and above.
As of 9 May, 92% of the total population has completed their primary vaccination, and 75% of the total population has received their booster shots.
💬 How do you feel about the use of Novavax as an alternative to the mRNA vaccines? If you are eligible, would you choose the Novavax? Do you think this will encourage more people to get vaccinated/booster shots?
🔹 mRNA vaccines use material from the virus to teach the body’s cells to make copies of a protein unique to the virus, and in this manner build up resistance to it. Meanwhile, protein-based vaccines include pieces of the virus. Hence, the body will create antibodies to fight against it after an individual has been vaccinated as the body realises that the protein should not be present.
🔹 Some clinical studies have shown that the Novavax has a vaccine efficacy of ~90%, while the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty and Moderna jabs showed a vaccine efficacy of ~95%. Hence, the mRNA vaccines are still preferred by the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination
[10:16 am, 11/05/2022] +Smiley face:
Novavax will start clinical trials on a vaccine that targets mutations on the omicron variant this month, the CEO said. The FDA committee is also holding a meeting on June 28 on whether the U.S. needs to switch to a new vaccine design that targets recent virus mutations. The current vaccines still target the original strain of the virus that emerged in Wuhan, China, in 2019.
[10:18 am, 11/05/2022] +Caleb: How do you feel about the use of Novavax as an alternative to the mRNA vaccines? Great, finally it is available.
If you are eligible, would you choose the Novavax? Yes
Do you think this will encourage more people to get vaccinated/booster shots? Yes
[10:21 am, 11/05/2022] +JC: more options are always better
[10:24 am, 11/05/2022] +Smiley face: WHO studies on whether Covid-19 has role in mysterious hepatitis in kids gain pace
"At present, the leading hypotheses remain those which involve adenovirus - with also still an important consideration about the role of Covid as well, either as a co-infection or a past infection," Easterbrook said.
Further testing in the past week confirmed that around 70 per cent of the cases tested positive for adenovirus, with sub-type 41 - normally associated with gastroenteritis - the prevalent sub-type, she added.
Testing has also shown that around 18 per cent of cases actively tested positive for Covid-19.
[10:53 am, 11/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Those who have phobia of mRNA vaccines can choose this as alternative.
[10:56 am, 11/05/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: Agreed. This is a good development. I do wonder at what point we will be asked to get a 4th booster given that for much of the population who had the booster in Q3/Q4 last year, immunity will be waning.
[10:58 am, 11/05/2022] +JC: I'm more worried Abt the hepatitis of unknown origin in children at this point.
[11:18 am, 11/05/2022] +SL: Most of the cases reported are still in Europe countries and North America. Yesterday Indonesia recorded 15 cases. I guess personal hygiene is essential to maintain.
[11:50 am, 11/05/2022] +Smiley face: Protect your Spleen and Gut?
(Disclaimer - Pls consult your medical experts)
[1:24 pm, 11/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Currently, 92% of our population have taken their vaccination.
This mean 8% have not got their vaccination.
Out of this 8%, they could be 3 groups of people :-
a. Those who want vaccination but refused to take mRNA vaccines or believe the current non-mRNA is good enough for them -- but will be willing to consider Novavax vaccines as having less side effects than mRNA vaccines and more effective than the current non-mRNA vaccines.
b. Those who will not get any vaccines whether Novavax or others.
c. Those who already have 2 dose of mRNA vaccines or non-mRNA vaccines - but wish to get Novavax as their 3rd booster.
2. Hence, Novavax must be targeted at the 1st group of unvaccinated population and the 3rd group of people to get their 3rd jab booster.
3. Looking at the current statistics, yesterday infection Omicron cases are 4,000 plus and the last few days hover around 1,000 plus, 2,000 plus, 3,000 plus.
And a single digit death each day.
4. So covid threat is still lurking around - and Singapore as well as the whole World are no out of the covid pandemic yet.
We have relax almost all the public safety health measures - except the mandate to wear mask indoor and optional outdoor, but the covid infection is not over yet and there are still thousands of cases of infection each day.
Hence, giving an additional choice of vaccination - Novavax for those unvaccinated and for those to get themselves boosted - will help more people to protect themselves and their family members.
5. But more public information on Novavax's safety, efficacy and the likely side effects should be published - similar to when pushing out mRNA vaccines - in order to entice the 2 groups of people to get buy in - and get their jabs.
The vaccination centre that offer Novavax vaccination must also be make known to the people.
Also Novavax vaccination is it offer free or for a fee - will also make people want to take up the Novavax vaccination or not.
6. If possible, try to entice the anti-vaxx group to get their jabs and get everyone protected.
[1:43 pm, 11/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We’d love to hear more from you on today's topic 😊
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
[2:24 pm, 11/05/2022] +REACH: Each S'porean household to get $100 CDC vouchers from today
All Singaporean households can now collect $100 worth of Community Development Council (CDC) vouchers to spend at more than 16,000 participating heartland merchants and hawkers.
[2:46 pm, 11/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
However currently, vaccination is still not very effective in blocking covid from infection - though it provides protection.
If more efforts are focus on blocking covid infection eg. Nasal spray that can block covid from infecting respiratory system eg. Nose and mouth - then it will be a very effective prevention tools.
[3:04 pm, 11/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
8% unvaccinated is a sizeable 450,000 over people not vaccinated.
[4:21 pm, 11/05/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: 92% includes a 4th group which is young children, the % of eligible population is slightly higher at 96% per MOM website. However at this point as i highlighted this morning even those of us who had the 3rd booster are going to lose effectiveness (mine was in October for example), so the real % is effectively lower. When I ask those who do not want their booster (3rd or 4th for the older friends) why not the answer is always 1) side effects , 2) waiting for one which is effective against new variants . I’d be curious to read how Novavax is compared to the existing vaccines in terms of side effects.
[4:40 pm, 11/05/2022] +Smiley face: Dr Larry Brilliant
[6:37 pm, 11/05/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
S'pore Covid-19 cases spike to 4,831, more than double previous day's figure.
[6:41 pm, 11/05/2022] +BL: Personal choice I guess. No idea why someone would prefer Covid to be infected. ..
[6:47 pm, 11/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:51 pm, 11/05/2022] +M@ni: If you have not used ur previous $100 CDC vouchers.. Will it be expired if u claim ur new $100 vouchers?
[6:52 pm, 11/05/2022] +Gan Kelvin: Separately. 2021 and 2022 in different page claims
[6:53 pm, 11/05/2022] +M@ni: Okie
[6:53 pm, 11/05/2022] +M@ni: Thx
[6:58 pm, 11/05/2022] +Caleb: ICA sleeping for the 0ast 2 years
[7:00 pm, 11/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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