REACH 261 - View on the support measures impacted by Phase 2HA and approval of Sinopharm (SK)
2 Aug 2021 (10am - 7pm)
[10:24 am, 01/08/2021] +REACH: welcome-plans-to-have-more-school-counsellors-but-say-barriers
[10:00 am, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Dear contributors,
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Megan 😊
[10:15 am, 02/08/2021] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
MSF and NCSS announced that from Sun (Aug 1), lower-income households that have been directly affected by COVID-19 can now get additional financial support from The Courage Fund to help them cope with the protracted pandemic. More households are also expected to qualify for payouts, with the easing of the eligibility criteria to assess their current income.
📢 What are your views on the Government support measures for those whose livelihoods are affected by the latest Phase 2(HA) measures? What are your views on the possible addition of Sinopharm as an available vaccine in Singapore (via MOH’s Special Access Route similar to Sinovac)?
MSF and NCSS said households that have been directly affected by Covid-19 more than once and continue to face job or income loss will now be able to get two tranches of assistance, instead of a one-time payout of up to $1000 previously.
As we ramp up our nationwide vaccination rates, Sinopharm may also soon be made available in Singapore under the Special Access Route framework, making it the fourth vaccine available here. Several healthcare groups already taking steps to secure the vaccine. IHH Healthcare also said that the Health Sciences Authority has given approval for it to import the Sinopharm vaccine.
Speaking at a mobile vaccination centre at Whampoa on Sat (31 Jul), Minister Ong Ye Kung also said that vaccination rates amongst seniors are going up, with the number of unvaccinated seniors falling to 177,000 (down from 200,000 unvaccinated seniors on 20 Jul).
[10:22 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: The gov agencies MOT & NEA does not follow SMM at changi airport and fishery ports which leads to massive outbreaks and going back to phase 2HA. Which leads to no choice but to follow the standard SMM.
I hope there will be a investigation and recheck of all gov run facilities to following the SMM guidelines.
[10:24 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: Including the hawkers centers too.
[10:46 am, 02/08/2021] +Dan:
Can the relevant agencies look into this?
[10:48 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon: Agreed. Clarity will be helpful.
[10:58 am, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: How sad :(
This is what i mentioned previously...
TRUTH nothing but truth
Need to be revealed...
If they just say undiagnosed Heart desease is which killed, there will be People who don't agree to it.
Just Give data How many With the heart desease took vaccine and how many died after vaccination
I believe Deffinatly only few died...
If they simply Keep telling
Only people with underlying conditions died
Only people with underlying In ICU even after vaccination...
This is really wrong way ...
Truth need to come out
I hope they give Clarity to this family also to the public
[10:58 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: can we have a advertisement on covid, like the dengue one? on being getting sick
[10:59 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: show people on ICU and on air ventilation
[11:00 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb:
[11:03 am, 02/08/2021] +REACH: 11 private hospitals and clinics get green light to import Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine: HSA
The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has approved 11 applications for private hospitals and clinics to import China's Sinopharm vaccine under the special access route (SAR).
[11:06 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon: 1. Support for lower-income households in Singapore is important, and the monetary assistance will be helpful. Even more important is how to support these households to find long-term income sustainability.
[11:07 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon: Agreed!
[11:08 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: but when coming in?
[11:19 am, 02/08/2021] +Rama: Is there more to this than meets the eye!?
[11:21 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: not to be a wet blanket or whatever but is there any medical arm that can really certify ppl who can take on the vaccine
[11:22 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: there is so much doubts and so far no medical body can give the assurance even the pharma they themselves have indemnity.
[11:23 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: in terms of numbers yes a single figure digit death is nothing but HAVE THE SOCIETY THINKS about the people whom the dead left behind , some other matter involve loosing of bodily function (yeah is single digit but again what if it happen to you or someone u loved)
[11:23 am, 02/08/2021] +Rama: Is there attempt to resolve this behind closed doors without the public being any wiser!?
[11:23 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: not everything is a number ....
[11:25 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: i think is a pure fact that we know what are the risk thus no organization can take up the risk to assure (you know what i am trying to say)
[11:27 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: have u guy saw another clip about this lady with heart problem where insurance dun even want to take her in
[11:28 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: she is in limbo too as to take the vaccine or not since her case is so serious not to be accept by insurance company which medical authority will certify her ok to take else she will be discriminate as non vaccine or virus host
[11:29 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon: Is govt going to recognised this vaccine officially? Therefore, people taking this vaccine will not be discriminated from those with Pfizer/Moderna? If this is also not officially recognised and there will still be social discrimination against those who takes Sinopharm, then, what’s the point of bringing in?
[11:29 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: i hope we as a society will not walk down a path where we single handed create a new avenue of discriminations
[11:30 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: whats the deal with pfizer and Moderna they too need extra booster to ensure their efficient rate
[11:30 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: question now is do we want ppl to be 0 vaccine or have at least one type of vaccine
[11:31 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: and to do that the next hurdle is medically how can we convince ppl and address who who have issues to take
[11:31 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: whats the use of using mouth to say please when on the ground there are "news"of ppl dying or being disabled by the vaccine?
[11:32 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: again not everything is about number, human lives is a no replay button thing ..
[11:33 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon:
[11:35 am, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: is starting to feel like some hollywood movie where we see very distinct groups of people socially
[11:36 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: This is to protect the unvax ones
[11:36 am, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: From the virus
[11:36 am, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes totally agree .. number for the rest.. for the family it's their whole life...
[11:37 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon: Yup. And there are always societal exceptions who can’t take certain vaccine types - kids, people with allergies, elderly, women on fertility treatment, people with heart related conditions, on certain blood medicines; and the uncertainties for those seeking cancer treatments. Will all these Singapore segments be social outcasts because they can’t take the official vaccines?
[11:38 am, 02/08/2021] +Ben: All around Europe there are different rules for vax and unvax. I support what they are doing because vax is optional.
[11:38 am, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: I don't know that Covid vaccine is Not advised for those with heart deseases?!
[11:38 am, 02/08/2021] +Ben:
[11:39 am, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Hope we can implement this, and bring back traveller's, families and overseas business.
[11:39 am, 02/08/2021] +Ben: If we stay closed too long we will suffer.
[11:39 am, 02/08/2021] +Boon: 👍
[11:40 am, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Good!
[0:18 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
What if the unvaccinated cannot be persuaded to vaccinate?
This America author argue that only Mandatory Vaccination will work as per how past pandemic were curb by Mandatory Vaccination.
[0:19 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Only 100% vaccination can stop Delta variants - say medical experts.
[0:19 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Give people the option, but restrict access to people and places. It is then their choice and they have to show a negative test within 3 days to go to restaurants, cinemas, bars, KTV, malls etc,.
[0:20 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Mass Protests are customary in France at this time of year. It's an annual event around Bastille day. It's usually farming subsidies.
[0:22 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
WHO :- Vaccines is still the best weapon against Delta variants.
Then why not dictating Mandatory Vaccination for the population?
[0:22 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Medical experts say:-
Nothing short of Vaccination can stop the delta variants.
Hence 100% vaccination is required to stop this Delta variants.
[0:22 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: The argument from anti-vax is that this current version hasn't completed trials. In that case, don't make it mandatory until it has, just restrict access to place. Seems fair to all, and simple. No one is forced to do anything, but they can choose. Nurses, teachers etc might have to resign their jobs, but it does still remain their choice.
[0:23 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: My view is that this is a special case, and enough people are vaccinated for us to know there isn't a big problem to be concerned about. Therefore it should be mandatory because we have a public health and economic crises. Tough times call for tough measures.
[0:23 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
The Delta variant of the coronavirus is as contagious as chickenpox, probably causes more severe disease than past strains, and breakthrough cases in vaccinated individuals may be as transmissible as unvaccinated cases, according to a leaked US government document.
We can't go into endemic without 100% vaccination - as R0 = 8 to 9 (chickenpox transmission rate) according to US study.
US study has upped the ante on UK study that say R0 = 5 to 8 (smallpox transmission rate).
80% vaccination herd immunity is not good enough.
100% vaccination is required.
[0:26 pm, 02/08/2021] +Boon: Actually, govt making it mandatory (with considerations for exceptions/societal segments who can't take the shots) would be good for accountability and transparency...
[0:27 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Biden mandate vaccination for all federal workers else weekly testing - whereby the US Government is it largest employer. Biden hope that private sector will follow what the US government do to induce staff to vaccinate.
[0:27 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心: Americans who reject the vaccines or wait too long - now pay the price and regretted.
[0:31 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Google and Facebook mandate covid vaccination for all its staff.
Unvaccinated staff not allowed to step into the office.
Big enterprises getting tough on unvaccinated staff.
[0:32 pm, 02/08/2021] +Boon: What is considered "unvaccinated" is the more crucial point.
[0:33 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
My close friend comments:-
This came from an ex classmate in response to those who are against mandatory vaccination.
Since COVID19 is a public health issue, it should not be left to personal choice.
The costs to society are too high if the pandemic is not brought under control quickly.
We need to heed the advice of infectious disease experts and elected officials need to execute a plan to get the job done effectively & efficiently through persuasion + incentives + disincentives + legislation.
[0:36 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore medical experts say that severe covid cases have triple in 2 weeks - needing oxygen support and ICU - and experts expect more as infection number rises. Most severe cases are unvaccinated.
[0:36 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Suggest government should take a tougher stance on those unvaccinated.
To prevent overwhelming the hospital resources.
This is because as infection number rise, severe illness bound to rise.
It is a fallacy to ignore the high rising infection number - and just look at the hospital number, ICU number only - because as infection number rise, severe illness bound to rise whether proportionally or inproportinately - when the unvaccinated people are still so high.
[0:42 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
China inhale vaccines.
[0:42 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Israeli company trial an oral covid-19 vaccine.
1. Good as a booster.
2. Anti-vaxx people less hesitation to consume oral covid vaccine.
3. This oral vaccine overcome the acidic stomach that prevent vaccine crossing from stomach into bloodstream.
[0:42 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
129 students from primary to Pre-U got infected.
[0:49 pm, 02/08/2021] +Rama: Singapore warns to cancel permit of permanent residents, pass holders not complying with COVID-19 safety measures - The Hindu -
[0:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Desmond Koh: Just a random question, I saw markets n hawker center coming with TT entry point… does coffeeshops n food court also going to follow suit?
[0:54 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
In other words, endemic plan cannot be put in place unless 100% vaccination is achieved.
[0:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Rama: 🤷♂️
[0:56 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Else it will easily overwhelm our hospital resources.
Even 10% unvaccinated will be more than 500,000 people.
Our ICU is only 1000 bed.
[0:57 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Suggest on 28Jul2021 using tree diagram and AI predictive simulation model to predict and forecast the percentage of mass vaccination to defeat covid.
Straits times 29Jul2021 report 2 NUS public health teams carrying out modeling to predict the number of infection, unvaccinated, partially vaccinated correspond to severe illness and require hospital care.
[0:57 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: An old universal concept - " the main entrance shut and the side gates wide open..."
[1:11 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: 2 August, 2021
To: All Distinguished MIN, MOS and Honorable Members
Another Lost 2021 - The Core of A Country
Dollars & Sense:
A big socio-economics tsunami already affecting some Asean countries, Thailand & Malaysia.
From the beginning of 2021, many self-employed facing up to 50% lost in monthly income. Going into 2022, a possibility of 25% or more closures from the F&B industry which will have domino effects from unemployment to supplies chain.
Now it is great to know that our government is extending a wider social safety net to many of our citizens whom facing tough times unexperience since the independence of SINGAPURA! Three things of concern - SPEED, ACCURACY and ACCOUNTABILITY in reaching out to these affected citizens with it employments, medical and/or financial helps!
Cost & Effects:
SMEs comprising the F&B industry is one of the important pillars (core) of a country's economics activities and a challenging one these days! Landlords are facing cash flow, revenue challenges and nimble when reducing rentals. Perhaps the overall COST structure of these business models will have to be restructured in order to continue to survive this impending long route towards normancy.
Traditional ways of closure of physical outlets and releasing staffs are two commonality towards a cost cutting measure. Mindfully speaking, there are cost attach to opening, maintaining and closing of all businesses! Once a business is close, it will be tougher to reopen and human wise the skill sets may not be as relevant as time goes by! Time and opportunity, both are mutually exclusive regardless of perspectives from individual to evaluating a project!
The challenge is to STRATEGISE new ways to sustain cash flow, reduce cost and remain relevant. Staggering, reducing work days or longer unpaid leaves are ideas for employers to consider other than the ultimate retrenchment exercise!
Each company has to come up with metrics and discuss internally to find ways to survive the next 12 months or more. Nationwide - employers, unions, banks and government agencies need to be on higher gearing, vigilant and derive a set of UNIFIED approaches to better prepared any unforeseen scenarios for each sector of our domestic economies.
Rentals vs Salaries vs Ingredients vs Subsidies
"who needs who most, the least always the compromised lots ...!"
-- Ian T
"the 50% of things is a tipping point, thereafter towards either glory or gloomy and importantly a point of NO TURNING BACK...!"
-- Ian T
[1:12 pm, 02/08/2021] +Valli: Yes.
More help & assistance should be provided to the elderly generation, beyond encouraging them to be vaccinated.
They should be well taken care of.
It is their contributions to the nation’s reserve that has come in handy during this pandemic.
[1:18 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: This is indeed tragic news, but while we mourn the loss, we have to be careful to not allow this tragedy to be misused/abused to further the agenda of the anti-vaxxers/anti-govt/conspiracists.
Transparency and truth is important, so is being rational and reasonable.
No one, no Govt, no vaccine-producer had ever made any declaration that the vaccines are 100% safe for 100% of the population.
In fact, the official information campaign had consistently and clearly highlighted both the known risks, as well as the possibility of unknown risks associated with the vaccines even as the benefits were being touted. Maybe that's why the G is careful about a mandate to make CV19 vaccinations compulsory for everyone.
There was never any official claims that "Only pe…
[1:27 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Who would want to stick their necks out to make a claim that they cannot guarantee, with, not only, no direct benefit to themselves, but instead, a whole lot of downside risks?
Even established medical procedures which have become routine, requires the patient and/or family member(s) to sign a consent/waiver.
In fact, I would be much more skeptical if someone (even the G) would offer such an assurance when so much is still not known 😅
[1:28 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Science should not give in to Anti vaxiners
And Agree that nothing is 100% Safe..including Panadol
It should be Clear data to show The weightage of why Vaccine is still better ..
It will only come with Accepting the truth
[1:31 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
I'm An ICU Doctor And I Cannot Believe The Things Unvaccinated Patients Are Telling Me
[1:32 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
When we go soft on the unvaccinated, this will be what happen in the ICU.
[1:32 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Malaysia Klang Valley almost received 100% 1st dose vaccination - comprising Selangor, KL and Putrajaya - 5.565 million people - almost equivalent to Singapore total population.
[1:32 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Because Malaysia this region got the highest infection.
Everyone scared and go for jab.
Singapore still many people don't feel the threat.
Ai or mai like that - quite frustrating.
[1:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ken Loh: No one die who is scared?
When danger not close enough… no friends or family die most will heck care
[1:34 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Goh Chok Tong say he is kiasu and kiasi - that's why he vaccinate.
[1:34 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
mRNA vaccines turn out to be the most effective vaccines among all vaccines.
[1:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: About Children So far No updates has been given
How parents feel about whole situation?
I know none of the Children In ICU or On Oxygen
But How healthy are they?
Where are they now?
At isolation centers or at Home or At Hospital?
And How fast they are recovering from symptoms if at all any..?
[1:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Just not disclosing information
Will it solve the problems?
Will parents be happy for not Having enough information?
[1:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Peter T Ng: With clear communication of risks and efficacy rates, Sinopharm should also be made available through SAR
[1:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: I am really totally disappointed the Way MOH AND MOE is dealing
[1:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: All MOE care about marks and Grades
But Simply says that For mental well-being school is Must
No logic at all
[1:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben:
[1:57 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Why is Vaccination still a debate?
[1:57 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Exactly
[2:01 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Mental wellbeing is Definitely important so does the physical health.
1.When some researches indicating HBL that Covid might cause long term health issues, how can you guarrentee that As now Children are Mildly infected and there won't be any long-term health issues because of this?
2. May i know are these 120 over children admitted in hospital or at Home or At community isolation centers?
How equipped Is KKH is To handle Sudden increase in Children Cases. Are we Prepared enough?
3. Yes agree that some parents may not able to handle HBL, why not give Option to people who can able to, that way Over all we can cut down transmission easily.
4. Just few days Ago ST posted about recent study about CDC analysis about DELTA variant, we as parents care about Health…
[2:01 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: China is evaluating the use of BNT for future boosters.
If so, it will be a revelation in terms of geomedical and geopolitics of decoupling - a big game changer!
[2:07 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Please ignore Typo errors and HBL in first sentence.. apologies.
[2:16 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Giving parents the right to choose makes sense. There woul need to be help in the classroom for teachers having to do both physical and online classes, and or assurances from the parents they have the capacity to keep the child engaged online.
[2:20 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Why so many primary and secondary school - but not JC, polytechnic or university - because they are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.
That's why, virus don't differentiate whether those cannot yet vaccinate, refuse to vaccinate or medically ineligible to vaccinate.
As long as the covid come across human whom they can infect, they will infect.
Those who plead give chance, don't discriminate, no social justice - are fooling themselves.
Because covid will exploit this excuses to strike, infect and spread
Why don't plead for covid to show mercy on these people who are yet to be vaccinated?
[2:22 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Yeah so?
We can not Give all children when FDA or WHO didnt gave green signal right?
[2:23 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: So you are saying
Just get infected till 100% vaccinations happens?
Or Protect them now at least till we achieve higher vaccination rate?
[2:24 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Which one We should focus!
Like i said before nothing will work
Except the FEAR
If people Fear Of vaccine
Means they never felt the fear of Desease
It's a very simply solution
[2:28 pm, 02/08/2021] +Valli: Gov should consider HBL for all schools.
The transmission is now also happening in schools.
We don’t want to wait for a child fatality to happen before declaring this.
[2:28 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes agree
[2:29 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Thus only 100% vaccination will be required to stop this Delta variants.
Even 90% vaccination is not good enough if Delta variants is equivalent to chickenpox with R0 = 8 to 9 (near 10).
The above example shows how fast Delta variants can spread and only 100% vaccination can stop it.
[2:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: 100% you mean From infant ?
[2:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: People with allergic reactions to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can take Sinovac shot, will be considered fully vaccinated
People who have suffered allergic reactions after the first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will be invited to get a Sinovac jab as a second dose, Senior Minister of State of Health Janil Puthucheary said in Parliament on Monday (Aug 2).
[2:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Or The Eligible population
[2:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: come let's do 100% vaccination just push all the fences down
[2:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: duhhh
[2:31 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: who dun wan but like so many of us were saying there are unknown
[2:31 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Ok, no excuses now. 100% vaccination. Mandatory please.
[2:31 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Eligible population for now.
Eventually will have to cover infant when vaccines approved.
[2:31 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: and the frame work which i am sure is in the drawing on how to tackle sensitive areas for those who truely cannot vaccinate while doing away any chance of discrimination
[2:31 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: is easier to say then done
[2:32 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Much simpler than all these Covid Passports and rules for some and not others.
[2:32 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: That's What
Can we talk about those ineligible ones now?
Sinovac also not going to solve the problem of Children. Vaccination
[2:32 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: when lives are lost due to obvious vaccination related who is going to be accountable govt ? pharma ? society?
[2:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: If 100% of 12s+ , adult population is vaccinated our children will be much much safer.
[2:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Also, only allow overseas vaccinated people into the country, with a test too.
[2:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: reason is simple the vaccine are still in experimental stages ... no one is using it to the limit for there is a room for greater unknown
[2:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Nature. Unless we are saying the virus was manufactured in a lab?
[2:34 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: till either (1) the current batch of vaccine stablished or (2) some other new vaccine appear with same or better results but with proven to lower risk, the doubt of the society will remainds and THIS IS NOT ONLY SINGAPORE BUT GLOBAL
[2:34 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: This, I believe, is no one's fault. It's a tragedy of nature.
[2:34 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Pointing fingers for blame does us no good.
[2:35 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Covid death more scary or perceived vaccines death more scary?
Official source more than 4 million has died.
Vaccine death?
[2:36 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Does economy want to further lockdown, more people overwhelm hospitals or time to say enough is enough.
Vaccinate or no service?
[2:36 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: Urgent Request: MOE
Reconsider HBL for ALL non essential Schooling levels till 18 August subject to shorten or lengthen if needed.
To minimise and delink the spread of the Delta variant into home.
Physical Schooling for graduating classes of P6, O, N, A levels, ITE and Polytechnics.
Old saying, " closed the main entrance and opens the back gate wide"
[2:37 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
4 billion had Vaccinated.
Why there are still some scary bird?
[2:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: Quik Quiz:
Who are the early adopters of vaccines procurement (betting odds) other than the country of manufacturer? Who are the laggards especially those well-off ones?
Spinning to today's scenarios, regardless of variants, challenges and the state of economies (open, close, partial, on-off) : countries that have a set of protocols (SOP) in placed, in effect and continuously refining it?
Let readers fact checks!
"BE OVERLY PREPARED and HOPE FOR THE BEST... many things in life are BEYOND ONES CONTROL, at the minimum - BE WELL PREPARED!"
-- Ian T
Resource vs Resourceful vs Resourceless
Lack vs Optimal vs Over Stretch
[2:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: exactly - plus long covid for those who survive.
[2:41 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Why PHYSICAL schooling for P6 and Other graduating cohorts
So Saying this group of children that
Can Die but CAN NOT STOP exams?
[2:42 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: My goodness
Many developed countries even Uni levels
Skipped exams last year and most of the places not Back to normal
[2:43 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Here people all they care is SCHOOLS AND MARKS
Woh what a competitive world we live in
Can die but cannot be Poor
Can die But can not be a failure
No wonder many
Children here got mental illness
[2:43 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: To each its own Perimeters, Procedures, Positions and challenges.
[2:44 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Then let the parents decide .. simple
[2:45 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: is going to be a new norm .... if there is real emphasis to work from home per directive
[2:45 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: Yupp.... You got it!!!
Any fool can criticise, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving
-- Dale Carnegie
[2:45 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: will we still see so many humans walking around in cdb
[2:46 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: New norm yes
Let the vaccination rate goes high and let more research come out
Untill then we need to protect our younger generation
[2:47 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: every where and everyone just now how to say vaccine here and there but no country had really done something to ensure the unvaccine get convince ... like helping the doubtful / need help to check / aged to have complimentary full body check up
[2:47 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: guess the underlying is still no one even from the medical field can says you are good for vaccine
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: I see many students in more then groups of 3 or more.
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: In sch also like that?
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: to some they call it you sway lor / o is unexpected to die / etc like i say till the shit hits oneself then u know the pain
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: Cautiously optimistic...
For the young, let me tell you the sky has turned brighter. There's a glorious rainbow that beckons those with the spirit of adventure. And there are rich findings at the end of the rainbow. To the young and to the not-so-old, I say, look at that horizon, follow that rainbow, go ride it.
-- Lee Kuan Yew
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: My girl take Publicbus
And many of her school mates takes same bus
And Its super crowded in the mornings
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: If we are going to place the responsibility on Govt / Pharma / Society, then what you will eventually end up with, is a whole lot of disclaimers and Experts who do not want to prescribe advise.
Already happening in many areas if you have not noticed.
[2:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: while as much as global wants vaccine to be carry out , death regardless from or by or related to covid shoudl be lessen as much as possible
[2:49 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: because we all know this is an experimental drug still ....
[2:49 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: thus there should not be any form of discriminations
[2:50 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: the frame work shoudl be drafted out properly before even pushing such ideas in public
[2:50 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: i ask all in her if you love one have a heart problem will you push that person for vaccine in a condition where no insurance companies will want to insure
[2:50 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: but if everyone thinks that way, ie. let others test first, then we will be back to square one 🤷♂️
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: there is such a case in singapore in the media real or fake is not the matter, but on the groudn there are indeed such cases just not broought up
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: will you push that love one to take the vaccine
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: and if yes the unfortunate happen
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: difference between a zoo and a wilderness, the first is a caged heaven!"
-- Ian T
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: The SDAs in mall also not doing anything.
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: will you still say is nature ... my loved one falls in the unfortunate group
[2:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: or will you say job well done you go in peace
[2:52 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: think you dun get my message is to convince people to vaccinate with assurance not just words
[2:53 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: and good frame work so there is no room for society to draw lines
[2:53 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: is as good as saying if you dun take the flu shot you are an outcast
[2:54 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: "The devils always hiding within and along the processing lines ... "
-- Ian T
[2:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: be fair to those who truly have an issue , a person die we might not see or feel that effect but it does affect another being on this island we lived in
[2:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: example if that lady whom had heart problem since young really go take just not to be outcast by the lines drawn
[2:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: she die
[2:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: what happen to her young daugther
[2:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: Inclusiveness, a Good strong point, Mr Heng!
[2:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: in short want more to vaccine convience them with some form of assurance not 100 but at least give 80%
[2:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: draw out better frame work before sharing in public
[2:57 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: thank you but i owe it to the fore father of this island who BUILT IT NOT ON SELFISH GROUNDS but AS ONE SINGAPORE
[2:57 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: ONE PEOPLE young and old of different race and religion
[3:00 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Can't speak for the rest, but I will.
In fact a family member of mine who recently had a heart bypass done, went for the vaccination as soon as he was allowed to do so.
Of course we were worried, but after weighing the risk of serious complications (from widely available reports/data) against the risk of catching CV19 while unvaccinated, the decision was really simple. We were more afraid of what CV19 is capable of doing not only to us, but to our family.
[3:01 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: "how a leader motivates a nation to work hard and belief? You create a REALISTIC VISION and a sense of EQUALITY..!"
-- Ian T
[3:01 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
If mRNA is not suitable, then take Sinovac, else sinopharm, else norovax.
That's bound to be one that's suitable.
If despite so many choices, and yet people don't want to vaccinate - then be treated differently.
Don't expect the rest of the world be bogged down by those who refuse to help themselves and help others - special privileges.
[3:01 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: that's what LKY did ... despite the flaws we succeed ...
[3:03 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: For all goodness or badness, fortunate or unfortunate, to each his/her life journey - ALL LIVES & Livelihoods matter!
[3:04 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: lucky u did not say BLM !
[3:04 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: hahahahahaa
[3:04 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: have you thought about the other possibility... what the person decided not to be vaccinated, then catches CV19 and becomes seriously ill/succumb to his/her illness due to complications exacerbated by CV19. Will you not feel responsible and/or wonder if you had given the person the right advise?
[3:04 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: What is BLM, pls enlight us?
[3:04 pm, 02/08/2021] +Boon: I won’t
[3:05 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Your statement is not entirely true ..........
the SDAs everywhere are not doing anything 😂
[3:05 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: Black life matter
[3:06 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: same here i will not and if i am the person i will not vaccine .. cos reason is very clear but then society still sentence me a public death ... that's what society is asking now ....
[3:06 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: if thats the case let's be north korea
[3:07 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Not that I disagree with you about the need for assurance...
Where I disagree, is how much more assurance does the Govt / Pharma / Society needs to give?
[3:07 pm, 02/08/2021] +YT: I had no reactions to the vaccine. I am worried whether it is really protecting me or not. Perhaps the authorities can comment on whether the vaccine is still effective if a recipient did not show any reactions after being jabbed.
[3:08 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: ?
[3:08 pm, 02/08/2021] +CQ: Who's this Ian T you're quoting?
[3:08 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: COVID is the ultimate weapon for DIVISIVE means and the VACCINE is the TOOL added towards a DECOUPLING WORLD OF THE TWO SUPERPOWERS and the followings thereafter! "
-- Ian T
[3:09 pm, 02/08/2021] +CQ: I remember reading an article saying it's still good protection even if you don't get any reactions. 🤷🏻♀️
[3:09 pm, 02/08/2021] +Boon: Agree. There shouldn’t be social or office discrimination on which type of vaccine a person has taken. Hence it’s about having a choice of vaccines - to cater to as many segments of health as possible. It is not a question of “to vaccine or not to vaccine”
[3:09 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Parliament: One in five seniors aged 70 and above have not booked Covid-19 vaccination appointment
More than 96,000 seniors - that is, 21 per cent of those aged 70 and above - have not yet booked a vaccination appointment.
This is six percentage points higher than the general population, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary on Monday (Aug 2).
[3:11 pm, 02/08/2021] +Boon: It should be “all vaccines allowed in Singapore are good vaccines” and therefore officially recognised
[3:11 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: MOH studying how short-term pass holders in S'pore can get Covid-19 vaccinations: Janil
The Health Ministry (MOH) is studying how short-term pass holders can get Covid-19 vaccinations, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary on Monday (Aug 2).
[3:12 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Unfortunately, not drawing a line is doing more harm to the everyone. It is not Ideal, but it is the lesser of 2 evils.
It is not meant to discriminate/punish, rather its to protect. Staying safe slows down the virus' rate of infection and mutation, which in turn buys us more time to come up with better vaccines and therapeutics/medication.
[3:12 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: as long as is it in here it must have cross some cross examinations internally which i did ask before are we looking at efficiency or to have at least everyone 1 jab
[3:13 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: if like u can wear the same clothes but those in prada will be taken care off while those in saf tees and shorts sorry you stand one side but in both case the human is clothe
[3:14 pm, 02/08/2021] +Boon: And people can/should then trust whichever vaccine they choose to take (based on clear and available info released by Sg authorities, and not from Mr Google sources)
[3:15 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: to support this clear message from govt i suggest still to allow these folks go for free health screening comprehensive type
[3:15 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: at least they can find out undetected issues which might totally block them from getting vaccine
[3:16 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: this will have reduced the risk greatly giving the person a better assurance to take the next step closer to vaccination
[3:23 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: For all the talk about being selfless and self-sacrificing for the greater good, it is ironic that you are challenging restrictions/guidelines for the minority which are meant to protect them,
In the first place, it is, in my opinion, a tragedy, that people do not want to choose to do the right thing on their own, resulting in regulations (by the G) and then, as if that is not enough, they challenge the law.
Why is it that a law/penalty is required for people to understand that safe-distancing is required?
Why is it that a law/penalty is required for people to understand that wearing a mask properly reduces the risk of transmission?
Why is it that a law/penalty is required for people to understand that mass events increases the risks of an outbreak?
[3:27 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: think u better read carefully before accusing me ""of are challenging restrictions/guidelines for the minority ""
[3:28 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: So, please safe all that talk about inclusiveness, sacrifice blah blah blah because if you truly believe in that, then you would encourage everyone to sacrifice and take the risk of vaccination with a vaccine with still many unknown effects... like many of us did.
You will cry with those who lost their loved ones (maybe) because of the unintended vaccine side-effects, *but comfort them, that the loss will not be in vain, because we will learn from it. And ,more likely than not, their family/relative has also thought similarly.
[3:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: u just show HOW SELFish and self centre u are knowning a lady with 0 insurance acceptance and still want her to go take the vaccine
[3:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: thank you for showing the true colour which is underneath the society
[3:30 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: guess sending people for expertise medical screen which requires medical help is not an alternative for mindset like you
[3:31 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: sad day but it just confirms how self fish our society had grown ....
[3:31 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: all for dollars and cents ....
[3:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: That is not what I said.
My point is, if for whatever reasons, someone do not want to or cannot be vaccinated, then see it as been selfless or self-sacrificing if he/she has to be excluded from activities that put them at higher risk of infection instead of seeing it as a punishment/penalty/discrimation.
[3:34 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: but most of these actvities sometimes inucrred as part of a normal daily life routine .. like going to the market ...for example
[3:36 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: so, your friend has an underlying condition, which makes her possibly susceptible to the CV19 vaccine.. which rightly raises concerns for both or you....but you are not worried about the CV19 virus?? Do you see the stupidity in your ststement?
[3:36 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: thus i mentioned even before this idea is breathe out in pubic (regardless of what other countries are doing) the frame work have to be out first to squash possible negativity and give ppl the assurance
[3:36 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: looks at us now we are already drawing lines between ourselves and that's exactly what smiley face mentioned the vaccine is a tool to discriminate
[3:36 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: afraid of vaccine, but not afraid of the virus
[3:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: there are real cases the ground that cannot vaccine one way or the other .... may it befor per or temporary time thus as a society we cannot death sentence them like north korea .. oo u got covid (direct execution)
[3:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: whats there to worry
[3:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: and by assurance, do you mean $?
[3:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: even for vaccinated we get hit as well
[3:37 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: or guarantee from the PM?
[3:38 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: maybe if PM says, if anyone dies from vaccine, I chop off my head, will that be the assurance you looking for?
[3:38 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: ultimately, assurances are jsut words
[3:39 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: don't tell me that just because Govt / Pharma / Society say ok, confirm safe, you will agree
[3:39 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Or maybe, have you considered that the "assurance" that you seek, is not possible?
[3:39 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: and your helth will be in shambles as well
[3:39 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: but for a person with underlying is almost paying russian roulette with his life
[3:39 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: and you can call me stupid but let me tell you ALL OF US WERE BORN STUPID INCLUDING YOU ....
[3:40 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: for some they might not even know if their health is in good shape thus a medical screening is suggested to help bring these group of people closer to vaccination
[3:40 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: chinese say play harp to a cow ...
[3:40 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ah Heng: rest my case
[3:41 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: the vaccine is a tool to protect ... the rules/restrictions are designed to "protect" ... you want to go to the market, the F&B owner wants to open for business.... parents want their kids to be able to attend school safely ....
[3:41 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: we all have our needs/wants... but all that is only possible if the virus is quashed\
[3:42 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: which means we reduce the number of suitable hosts for it to multiply and mutate
[3:42 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: the vaccinated are less suitable hosts for the virus
[3:42 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: the unvaccinated are very good hosts
[3:43 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: limiting contact, reduces the chance of infection
[3:43 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: so unvaccinated >> reduce contact >> don't become a host
[3:44 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: now you are just being stubborn and unreasonable
[3:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: yes. but the studies - scientific evidence - shows that the viral load in vaccinated persons is more than 1000x less than in unvaccinated persons. Do you know what that means?
It means that the ability of the virus to multiply is greatly reduced (in people who are vaccinated).
It means that the ability of the virus to mutate into a more dangerous strain is greatly reduced (in people who are vaccinated).
It also means the person is less likely to fall seriously ill.
It also means for those whose health is already compromised and if not vaccinated, then gets infercted, they are likely to (1) fall serious ill (2) might die (3) before they die, help the virus multiply and spread (4) might contribute to a new and more dangerous strain
[3:51 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: yes.. .so do not vaccinate. No one is forcing you/him/her..... but also, understand that if you are not vaccinated, it is many many times more dangerous for you to be in situations where infection rates/probability is high.
Its darm sad that we even need rules to stop people from endangering themselves and everyone around them.
[3:53 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Someone wise once told me... you can't choose your father, but you can choose your father-in-law 😂
Its a joke ... but you can apply it to this situation ....
We may not be able to choose to be born intelligent, but it is all up to us to make the choice to equip ourselves with the right knowledge.
[3:53 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Vaccinate versus Unvaccinate.
2. 4 billion dose worldwide have been vaccinated - and protecting themselves and their Countries.
So the talk about experimental drugs - fearful of vaccine harm - is overhype by those who are anti-vaxx, fear of vaccines based on unfounded fear - cannot stand water.
3. Unvaccinated people has caused tremendous strain on their Countries :-
a. Economy lockdown, business loss, job loss.
b. Government have to use taxpayer money from the reserves or incur huge debt to fund the business, jobs and the Economy.
c. Hospitalisation resources totally overwhelm by covid patients who refuse to vaccinate due to unfounded, misguided fear or plain anti-vaxx - and deprive other people who have other medical conditions - without access to treatment.
d. Heavy budget need to set aside to treat and subsidise those unvaccinated on covid if infected.
4. Thus there are no reasons why Government, Businesses, and Community who have vaccinated to tolerate unvaccinated to bogged the Whole Country down, the Whole Economy down, causing job losses, students cannot go for lessons, people lose their social interaction having to stay at home.
5. Because other than mRNA vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna), there are so many non-mRNA vaccines out there eg. Sinovac, Sinopharm, Norovax and so many others.
There is one bound to be suitable to the people - who are afraid of the vaccines. The important thing is that the person must taking the resolved to vaccinate to protect themselves, their loved ones and the Community.
6. The vaccinated are part of the solutions and not part of the problem.
7. The unvaccinated are part of the problem but not part of the solution.
8. Thus if the unvaccinated are imposing heavy burden on the Country, on the Economy, on the Community - privileges must not be given to those unvaccinated who stubbornly, or foolishly ledge on to misinformed, misguided or unfounded fear against vaccines.
9. Because the majority with a leap of faith have get themselves vaccinated and get the Country and Economy going - while the unvaccinated are pulling everyone down.
So don't expect the majority to give face to the unvaccinated --- and have the cheek to demand privileges.
[3:54 pm, 02/08/2021] +Peter T Ng: Joseph, some choose to trust their own perspectives and information which are contrary to scientific evidence.
And there are those who will say, 'so what' if they choose to potentially putting themselves and others in harm's way.
There is a heavy price to pay for these freedom, often paid for by others.
[3:55 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face:
[3:57 pm, 02/08/2021] ☸️ Danny 心:
Many countries are getting tough with those unvaccinated.
US, UK, EU, Israel, Middle East and some Asia Pacific countries.
We should tighten our screw further on those unvaccinated and not let up on vaccination.
Don't need to give face to those unvaccinated - because they are doing our country, our economy and our community a disservice.
[3:58 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: Why rest? Go learn more then come back and fight your case on more solid grounding ... that's the difference between someone who improves and someone who gets left behind. If you make sense, everyone will agree with you, if you don't then be prepared to be called out. And if you are not happy about that, go acquire more knowledge then come back and share it ... see if you got it right... in any case, you lose nothing by increasing your knowledge
[3:59 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Walk-ins accepted at community COVID-19 vaccination centres offering Moderna jab
No prior appointment will be needed for people who want to get a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine jab at community vaccination centres from Monday (Aug 2).
[4:04 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: I acknowledge that, and I am insisting everyone believes in the same.
I am also not 100% sure if I am right to trust in the vaccine, so I understand and accept that there are people who would choose not to trust in the vaccine and/or for various reasons, are unsuitable to be vaccinated.
What I find upsetting, is that these same people want their cake and eat it too.
[4:06 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face:
[4:06 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: By the way, everyone in my household who is eligible to be vaccinated is already fully vaccinated, but we behave like we are unvaccinated ie. continue to take the neceesary precautions, limit unnecessary contact etc/ you can call me kiasu/kiasi or stupid ot whatever...ultimately, WE ourselves are responsible for our own health,
If you need laws/rules/threat of penalty before you will do the right thing, then seriously what is the point?
[4:08 pm, 02/08/2021] +CQ: i'm doing the same. still being very kiasi with masking up, keeping a distance, minimising social contact, liberal use of hand sanitisers
[4:09 pm, 02/08/2021] +Peter T Ng: This is commendable.
Think these days laws and penalties won't persuade most
[4:25 pm, 02/08/2021] +Joseph Ong: It is very worrying when people view rules/laws either as optional guidelines and/or boundaries to be challenged.
The ruling Govts have to take responsibility for the environment of mistrust which is leading to the divisive society we see/live in today, Whether its through the abuse of trust and/or the lack of effective communications, this is where their policies and stance has led to.
I was a sales-person. To the customers who trusted me, I (my advise) could do no wrong, regardless of the outcome. To those who don't, no matter what I do, its never good enough, They will simply wait for times when the outcome is less than optimal to complain.
And so, it is the same with the relationship between our ruling Govt and us, the citizens. Obviously right now, …
[4:33 pm, 02/08/2021] +Peter T Ng: True. This appears to be a heart issue for which it's good for everyone to reflect as it's approaching 9 August - what are the real reasons I'd rather not trust what the government tells me about vaccination
[4:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu:
[4:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +Smiley face: Suggestion for future Posters:
Leaders BUDDY with our spectrum of frontline HEROS from Cleaner to Nurse, Patient to Doctor; all inclusively celebrating our nation's big day!
[4:56 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Less than 1% of Covid-19 recovery grant applicants rejected because of job search, training requirements: Masagos
About 3 per cent of applications for the Covid-19 Support Grant (CSG) were rejected because the applicants did not meet the requirement to show proof of job search or training.
[4:58 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: regarding banners at street lampost, can TC reduce the no. of banners
[4:58 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: to save money and be environment ffriendly
[4:58 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: no need to put in every lampost
[4:59 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: just a few key points will do
[5:07 pm, 02/08/2021] +Alvin Lim: Attrition and weariness, many people start to feel worn out by SMM already and likely in many workplaces it’s the same as well. Hence our ACTIVE CLUSTERS are now at an all time high of 81! This is even more than when Changi Airport cluster was discovered, at its peak it was only 42 Active Clusters.
[5:38 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Excellent idea to celebrate those in the community who make the community and keep the community as one!
[5:39 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Exactly - soon all cases will be vaccinated people (we hope!) but they will not fall so ill.
[5:40 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: +1
[5:41 pm, 02/08/2021] +Jospeh Ong: Yes. And when less effective Vaccines are used, the false sense of security resulting in increased interactions and complacency will potentially result in more outbreaks
[5:43 pm, 02/08/2021] +Rama: Yes
[5:43 pm, 02/08/2021] +Suma pamu: Yes
[5:45 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben:
[5:45 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: Written by Leigh Ann Green on July 26, 2021 — Fact checked by Anna Guildford, Ph.D.
[5:46 pm, 02/08/2021] +Ben: This is the reality.
[5:47 pm, 02/08/2021] +Jospeh Ong:
[5:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Alvin Lim: Sadly you're right. Those who taken the vaccine might even think they're 100% immuned to all covid and that would be very more disastrous when we no longer take SMM seriously.
[6:40 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Singapore reports 106 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, including 25 unlinked
[6:46 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:47 pm, 02/08/2021] +Vivian: People should be considerate and clear their rubbish. Else next time cannot even eat in public totally.
[6:48 pm, 02/08/2021] +Caleb: Is it at mrt?
Mrt got no dustbin
[7:03 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
[7:29 pm, 02/08/2021] +REACH: No Covid-19 patient under age of 12 has required intensive care: Chan Chun Sing
Children under the age of 12 in Singapore infected with Covid-19 have been observed with mild disease, with none of them requiring intensive care or oxygen support, Education Minister Chan Chun Sing told Parliament on Monday (Aug 2).
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