Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 We have collectively involved in stopping 小三灾。

1. 瘟疫

3 of us - I and 2 PuSas have suggested :-

a. Face masks - prevented many infection not only in Singapore but also world-wide.

b. My Aspirant use AI simulation model to predict transmission rate of Delta variants

c. Collectively, we have made 140 suggestions that have been adopted by our Government to tackle covid pandemic.

2. 天灾

a. Present 3 non-charging models.

b. You suggest carbon credit and my another PuSa suggest e-Apps to record the carbon credit.

3. 人祸

a. I have prevented a near nuclear war between Trump and Kim - and they come to sentosa for the 1st peace talk.

b. Urge China - Friends with All, Enemies with None. Observe historical Chinese wholesome values of peace and harmony.

净空法师 1st discourse at 普觉寺 that I Nirvana 7 days later and his subsequent videos you send me on need to prevent 小三灾 - we have collectively delivered.

Hence we have



360 度,无所不度,左度,右度。

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