Monday, August 3, 2020

REACH 118 - Jobs (SK)
4 Aug 2020 (1pm - 7pm)

[12:56 pm, 04/08/2020] : Greetings from REACH 🙂
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[1:00 pm, 04/08/2020] : Dear contributors,
Welcome back! ☺️
⏰ Our chat will be open from 1pm to 7pm today. ⏰
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[1:01 pm, 04/08/2020] +: 📢 Topic 📢
Earlier in March, the National Wages Council had recommended that employers affected by the pandemic first reduce non-wage costs and tap government support before looking to reduce their workers’ wages. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the labour market, how can the government, businesses and unions provide more support to protect workers’ jobs and livelihoods?
Manpower Minister Josephine Teo announced on Monday (Aug 3) that the National Wages Council (NWC) will reconvene this year as the Covid-19 pandemic takes a toll on the labour market.
Mrs Teo noted that the majority of employers have been responsible and fair in implementing cost-saving measures and preventing job losses. In many of the cases in which her ministry had to inte…
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[1:50 pm, 04/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
REACH - Long term plan to prevent future virus pandemic
2 Aug 2020


Chapter 1
Scientists has proven that virus jump host from animals to human - eg. Swine flu, bird flu, covid, SARS, H1N1 etc - due to people slaughtering of animals for food.

That why is urging government to spend more efforts and resources to R&D on alternative food source such as :-
1. Vegetarian food
2. Vegan base meat
3. 3D-printed vegan base meat
4. Cell culture and tissue re-engineering meat
5. Beyond meat
All the above suggestions will not slaughter animals for meat.
Number 4 involve extracting some cells, blood and tissues from live animals - but will not kills the animals.
It is just like humans donating blood or plasma or tissue - that will earn good deeds and merits for the animals.

Chapter 2
If the R&D for the above alternative food source are successful, then it will also resolve the global climate change - because rearing animal for food for 1 hectares plot of land will require to plant 10 hectares plot of land to grow grain to feed the animals.
The above alternative food source will only require to plant 1 hectare plot of land to feed the same number of human - and resolve the global climate change.
Also, it will open up a new economic sector for Singapore - high tech agro industry and create new jobs for Singaporean.

Chapter 3
The above proposal will have achieve 4 objectives :-
1. Stop slaughtering of animals for food and reduce animals sufferings.
2. Reduce the risk of pandemic base animals host to human virus infections.
3. Protect global climate by reducing the land required to clear forest to rear animals and crops.
4. Start a new high tech agro industry for Singapore and create high value added jobs to Singaporean and create export led industry on gourmet meat.

Chapter 4
1. The above proposed agro industry will have created :-
a. High tech lab for food R&D.
b. Create manufacturing plants to mass produce vegan-based meat
c. Food packaging, logistics, food supply chain, marketing
d. Domestic food market
d. Export food industry for overseas market
e. Create many jobs in food R&D, high tech food manufacturing plant, logistic food supply chain, marketing jobs for domestic and overseas market

[1:51 pm, 04/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: The root cause of virus pandemic is animals to human host transmission.

Thus inventing and changing food source such as vegan base meat will solve the root cause of centuries of virus pandemic.

Vaccines or treatment for covid-19 is only solving the symptoms of the problems.

Other virus pandemic will still arise if animals to human host transmission is not resolved.

[2:09 pm, 04/08/2020] +: This might take a generation to understand, accept and implement.

[3:24 pm, 04/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
So that humans and animals can coexist and live together happily ever after ....

[3:34 pm, 04/08/2020] +: Alongside artificial intelligence!?

[3:35 pm, 04/08/2020] +: Another explanation of how this pandemic occurred is that this virus is lab grown and not natural. With all this bio tech experiments and research carried out in many countries, it is inevitable that many strains of pathogens have become man-made. Also, many of the pathogens inside vaccines are not from the wild but lab grown. According to WHO, the majority of the polio strains in the wilds in East Malaysia, Philippines and some part of Africa are actually from the polio vaccine. Someone told me that as long as companies manufacture vaccines their labs will always produce pathogens which are lab grown. If the lab tries to produce a bio weapon then these pathogens will be refined or weaponised to become resistant to drugs and vaccines. If this coronavirus is indeed lab grown then I don’t foresee any country willing to stop their biotech or life sciences research just to stop a pandemic like this. Just like some countries are not willing to give up nuclear energy just to stop endangering the world.

Kevinn Wang
[3:35 pm, 04/08/2020] +: how can AI be intelligent when most humans are stupid , dun forget who created AI hahahahaha

[3:35 pm, 04/08/2020] +: Food for thought

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:35 pm, 04/08/2020] +: Very good point HAHAHA

[3:36 pm, 04/08/2020] +: We won't be alive to see!

Blue and White Flag Guy
[3:36 pm, 04/08/2020] +: Though the nuclear question is much more interesting because even without using it, it is already a force of deterrence

Kevinn Wang
[3:36 pm, 04/08/2020] +: really human are getting stupid as each year passed, 2020 is a turning point for many things


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