Friday, August 21, 2020

REACH 125 - Startups provide jobs during covid (SK)

21 Aug 2020 (12pm - 8pm)


[11:41 am, 21/08/2020] +: Dear contributors,

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[12:00 pm, 21/08/2020] +: 📢 Topic 📢

What do you think of the enhanced Startup SG Founder programme to boost new innovative startups that will create jobs? 

Thousands of jobs in start-up firms are on offer as they diversify their fields and get help to spread their wings.

"These opportunities offered by start-ups are wide-ranging and diverse," said Manpower Minister Josephine Teo yesterday, during a visit to The Greenhouse at Singapore Management University's Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

She highlighted that the start-up scene in Singapore is brimming with potential and is a source of job growth that can potentially expand, with support from the Jobs Growth Incentive, a scheme which provides support to employers who can grow their local headcount over the next six months.




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[12:04 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

My comments -

"SIA is now burning money.

Analysts say that airlines can only rebounds 2024 - 4 years later.

Now barely a few months, all money raised $8 over billion - half have been used up.

My close friend contribution :-

SIA can explore this :-

Instead of visiting the airport, visitors also take a fake air flight with in-flight meal.

Not a bad idea as airlines can also earn revenue through such passenger visit.

Revenue not great but in support of SIA, enjoy a meal enjoy in flight entertainment. Can also have fake captain announcements.

A whole package approach -

And this is package with sg local tours and staycation initiatives.

Check in thru changi airport, board flight, enjoy meal, in flight entertainment, "disembark" received by local tour guides, check into sg hotels. Etc

Impt to invoke nationalistic response to help sg companies and businesses

Asian financial crisis, south Koreans aunties and grannies donated their gold jewelleries

My comments :-

It makes sense and visitors will feel like going for holiday.

[12:04 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 

My close friend comments :-

Taiwan also have similar initiatives.

[12:06 pm, 21/08/2020] +: I just hope that these jobs created by these startups go to Singaporeans.

[12:06 pm, 21/08/2020] +: MOM's focus is very admirable and encouraging. Thank you. Singapore entrepreneurs actually would need IT developers support - and they don't come cheap. Could the $$ have greater utility and benefits if the $$ went to creating a pool of technical experts and coders who can help non-IT entrepreneurs to get their ideas off the ground?

[12:08 pm, 21/08/2020] +: We have to understand that start up only a few will make it, hence a lot of money have to be pump in. 
Like 3M we are trying to build such culture
To hope that to lay down the foundation for such mindset, as most parents would want their kids not to dream but to get a decent MNC job.

[12:12 pm, 21/08/2020] +: SGD50K in a single grant can't help to recruit or even sub-contract developer resources esp in Singapore where coding abilities are already scarce from the decades of offshoring and outsourcing; and from observations and discussions, there are not many Singaporeans who wants to code.  New entrepreneurs need to be paired with execution (coding/delivery) capabilities for their ideas to reach the 1st stage of Minimum Viable Product. I would suggest to MOM and MTI to adopt the lack of coders/programmers as a problem statement to solve, and to perhaps create a pool of coders that entrepreneurs can draw on. The availability of these scarce resources can help boost the survivability of new ideas, and public money can be deployed with clearer/greater impact criteria.

[12:15 pm, 21/08/2020] +: this is only for entrepreneurs with innovative ideas.. however there are many startups such as bakeries and eateries that may not be innovative new products but also viable and sustainable in the long term.
[12:16 pm, 21/08/2020] +: government should also open up the grant to businesses which may not be innovative, but can be commercially viable, with proper monitoring controls in place to prevent the misuse of funds

[12:20 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Provide grants is useful only very short term benefits.
Most important, gov should help to provide access to market local and overseas, buy their products or tie the start up to big enterprise to help them market their products to big overseas markets - then startups can grow.

[12:20 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Agreed!
[12:21 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Start-up partner with established companies to go overseas and expand.
[12:21 pm, 21/08/2020] +: This is what MTI can do.

[12:21 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Yes

[12:24 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: Eg. 
When govt pull trips to China, it pull only big GLCs.
This GLCs can identify promising startups to partner them and market their products in solutioning as well as provide resources to them like coders, marketing etc.
Both GLCs and startups benefits - as there will be more diverse products offerings.

[12:26 pm, 21/08/2020] +: This is interesting. I used to enjoy weekend Cruise- to-nowhere for visual breaks away from the city bustles. It would be interesting to have flights-to-nowhere with great scenery. Prefer meals on board, and visual entertainment-on-board are complementary to the marketing story for a more meaningful and memorable flight.

[12:27 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Great you like my close friend ideas.

[12:30 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Read an article on Today, talking about leisure travel to Maldives. That is a good idea.

[12:32 pm, 21/08/2020] +6: "Instead of visiting the airport, visitors also take a fake air flight with in-flight meal." That's really bad for the environment though....

[12:33 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Okay

[12:33 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Maybe tours of planes, cockpit pilot seat and other attractions. Bring simulators to the airport. Give people a great experience. Changi also a good attraction.
[12:34 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Reality is that Airline business needs a huge rethink for the next 4 years.

[12:34 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Agree

[12:35 pm, 21/08/2020] +:

[12:35 pm, 21/08/2020] +: We also can fly to nowhere like Taiwan.

[12:36 pm, 21/08/2020] +: We need to figure out how to get people in and out safely. 2 day quarantine would help a lot.

[12:36 pm, 21/08/2020] +: On silkair/scoot!?

[12:37 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Ya, and probably with a 5 course meal as well during the fly to nowhere.

[12:39 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Cost!?

[12:45 pm, 21/08/2020] +: (Sorry for belated comments)
It’s good that we are spending to aid trouble sector. However, it’s best not to put too much financial support on the aviation sector for now. It’s still a long way for recovery and even if we reopen to tourists, they might not even come (or their countries impose restrictions, etc). 
JSS and CSG should be extended till a proper vaccination is found and even then, recovery won’t come so quickly. The SingapoRediscover voucher is a good initiative to kickstart local consumption for tourism. Another initiative we could look at is to boost local consumption of arts and entertainment (minus nightclubs).
We would need to plan ahead as well. Like with the dorms being cleared but are getting reinfected and workers are tested once every 14 days (there’s a big risk there). I pity them but it would be prudent to get them to wear masks even in the dorm areas (they can take it off when inside their own dorm or eating etc). Looking forward, reducing the number of workers per room is also crucial.
Finally, now is a good time for our leaders to give us a vision for the future. Set an almost unattainable goal (eg. Sending our own astronaut to ISS, Fusion Power Tech, insert other futuristic visions here) that will excite and inspire us to see beyond this current crisis and motivation to push ahead.
My 2.14 cents

[12:46 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Agree

Dong Liang
[12:55 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Kidzania 2.0

[1:03 pm, 21/08/2020] +: yes other countries already doing it, Australia and Brunei
[1:03 pm, 21/08/2020] +: I did suggested it "Air Cruise"

[1:08 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Nice choice of words

[1:18 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Maybe we can fly to different airports and experience their facilities and food.  Would make us all very happy to come home haha.

[1:18 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Worth considering

Blue and White Flag Guy
[1:48 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Air cruise might as well hop onboard one of the C-130s that fly over our heads everyday lol

[1:49 pm, 21/08/2020] +:

[1:53 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
Most important let SIA, silkair and scoot got revenue and income coming in to sustain their day to day expenses and keep them afloat.
Else if cannot fly but sit there doing nothing - money will keep burning everyday.
With such initiative, pilots, air crew, flight caterers can still operate and still got jobs.
Airlines no need to bleed.

Blue and White Flag Guy
[1:55 pm, 21/08/2020] +: If can fly but fly to nowhere, GCT's analogy of a cruise ship then?

[1:55 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Border control agreement will dictate pace of movement.

[1:56 pm, 21/08/2020] +: It's good that our gov is investing and funding many new innovative startups. We can set up a vision and objectives now for how the future will look like. Allow me to suggest 3 areas.
1) Sustainable Food Production
Invest in a range of agriculture technology in Singapore. Farming Drones, Automated Harvesting, Environmental Sensors, etc that will boost our green sustainable food productivity with and create new entrants for Agritech companies. Imagine planting and harvesting our own strawberries 24/7.
2) Efficient Waste Disposal/Resource Extraction
With the prevalence of work from home and remote working, we seem to have generated a lot more waste compared previously. We should invest and look at more solutions of safely disposing or converting waste into usable resources like the NTU scientists that turn plastic into fuel cell using sunlight and a catalyst. Chemical technology is a rare field and we could do well if more brilliant people enter this sector and look at new ways forward for sustainable waste disposal. (I remembered reading our land fill in Pulau Semakau will fill up soon!)
3) Renewable Energy
Just in the news that the largest solar farm is starting to be built in Tuas. This is good news for us. More investment in renewable energy technology should benefit us. If there are start-ups like SolarCity that wants to be founded here to provide retail solar solutions for private home dwellers, I hope the gov will not hinder such progress. I know solar pv system is allowed below a certain megawatt but there are not many solution providers. If HDB allows it, I'm sure there will be more retail consumers and such renewable energy tech companies will grow here.
My 2.14 cents

[1:57 pm, 21/08/2020] ☸️  Danny 心: 
That's why government to government reciprocal agreement must come in.
If no agreement, all down the road - airlines, airport, air caterers, hotel, retail, f&b all cannot move and no business.

[2:06 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Definitely

[4:10 pm, 21/08/2020] +: just heard from friend who has been put on no pay leave due to covid 19 that he secured a part time job a Challenger.  After he started work he realised that Challenger is not short of staff but is hiring to help people.

[4:11 pm, 21/08/2020] +: 👍

[4:12 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Hugh!?

[4:13 pm, 21/08/2020] +: is that a question, Andrew?

Blue and White Flag Guy
[4:23 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Nope, not a question, he just reacts

[4:24 pm, 21/08/2020] +: oh...

[4:33 pm, 21/08/2020] +: 👌

[4:39 pm, 21/08/2020] +: 117 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 6 in the community
Singapore reported 117 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Aug 21), including six in the community and 13 imported infections, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). 
Three of the community cases are Singaporeans or permanent residents, while the other three involve work pass holders, said MOH in its preliminary daily update.
The 13 imported cases had all been placed on stay-home notice after arriving in Singapore. 
More details will be announced later on Friday, the ministry added.

[4:39 pm, 21/08/2020] +:
[4:44 pm, 21/08/2020] +: I came across New Covid-19 TraceTogether tokens to be manufactured and designed by two bidders: GovTech - TODAYonline using SGNews
[4:55 pm, 21/08/2020] +: New Covid-19 TraceTogether tokens to be manufactured and designed by two bidders: GovTech

[5:02 pm, 21/08/2020] +: National year-end exams to proceed, students with COVID-19 or in isolation not allowed to sit for exams
The national year-end exams in Singapore will proceed amid the COVID-19 pandemic with safe management measures in place, but students who have COVID-19 or are in isolation will not be allowed to sit for the exams.
He assured parents and students that “very strict safe management measures” will be in place during the exams.

[5:02 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Great initiative. With many businesses shutting down and reducing staff, we will end up having too many job seekers and less employment opportunities. By creating and growing more businesses, we can have more openings for job seekers. The wealth of Singaporeans will also increase (when businesses succeed).
The $ part is very very useful. Another area the G can look into is to start or encourage networking groups. Purpose of these networking groups is not just for doing business, but also for ideas sharing and mentorship opportunities. The failure rate of businesses is high, hence it will be good for new (and also existing) entrepreneurs to make friends with other entrepreneurs to help one another.

[5:03 pm, 21/08/2020] +: FAQ: Special arrangements for the year-end national examinations

[5:03 pm, 21/08/2020] +: About 330 offered jobs with start-ups under SGUnited package between April and June
[5:05 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Forum: Over a third refuse to return trays, clear used tissues at hawker centres

[5:10 pm, 21/08/2020] +: As more go back to work, you can expect unlink among community cases to rise.... as residents are closely working with them.

[5:14 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Definitely

[5:17 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Another factor is some companies have stopped providing company transport for workers reporting back to work & inadvertently have to join the early morning crowd in public transport to & fro from work.

[5:17 pm, 21/08/2020] +: [Sent by –  21 Aug]
As of 12pm, MOH has preliminarily confirmed an additional 117 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
Based on investigations so far, there are 6 cases in the community (3 Singaporeans/PRs, 3 Work Pass holders). 
In addition, there are 13 imported cases who had been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.
MOH will share further updates in its press release that will be issued later tonight.

[5:23 pm, 21/08/2020] +: A local entrepreneur in an unpopular industry once shared this with me and some friends: His competitors from China are able to grow much faster (in terms of branding and/or providing OEM services) because their government provided A LOT of support for them, to the point where his competitors can only succeed. (OK, part of the reason is also because of IP theft.)

[5:31 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Agree IP theft!

[5:44 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Coronavirus: Singapore researchers discover new variant of virus::
[5:44 pm, 21/08/2020] +:

[5:49 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Another way to help new businesses grow is to enhance our pool of angel investors. We can invite successful entrepreneurs who had sold their businesses and retired. We may also need to invite foreign talents. The new breed of angel investors tend to take a more active role in the running of the start ups, making them more difficult to fail.

[6:00 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Parliament opening to be held at Parliament House and Arts House
The opening of the first session of the 14th Parliament on Monday (Aug 24) will take place at Parliament House and the Arts House.
This is the first time that an opening of Parliament will be held in more than one location, the Office of the Clerk of Parliament said in a press release on Friday.

[6:36 pm, 21/08/2020] +: MCCY to pilot small-scale live performances, give additional support to arts community
Plans to resume live performances are under way, said the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) on Friday (Aug 21).
Though performing art shows and concerts ground to a halt for months during the Covid-19 crisis, MCCY and the National Arts Council (NAC) are now exploring commissioning and programming small-scale pilot performances as trial runs.
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong said: "Live performances add a buzz to our society and community. I think we all yearn to be part of a live performance.

[7:05 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Lucky Plaza, Peninsula Plaza to implement odd and even date entry restrictions on weekends
Odd and even date entry restrictions will be implemented on weekends at Lucky Plaza and Peninsula Plaza from Aug 29, to better manage crowds and ensure that safe distancing can be observed, announced Minister for Health Gan Kim Yong on Friday (Aug 21). 
This means that those whose NRIC or FIN numbers end in even digits can only visit the two malls on even numbered days on weekends, while those with NRIC or FIN numbers that end in odd digits can only visit the malls on odd numbered weekend days. 

[7:08 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Some travellers from Brunei, New Zealand to Singapore not required to serve stay-home notice, will take COVID-19 test instead
Some travellers coming to Singapore from Brunei and New Zealand from Sep 1 will not be required to serve a stay-home notice but will take a COVID-19 test upon arrival instead, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Friday (Aug 21).
The travel advisory has also been updated to allow general travel to Brunei and New Zealand. Those visiting these two countries are advised to check the entry requirements imposed by the respective governments, as well as take the necessary precautions.

[7:25 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Households with more than 5 people may book more than 1 table in F&B outlets; more exercise classes in open spaces
Households with more than five people who would like to dine out may book more than one table, said co-chair of the multi-ministry task force Lawrence Wong on Friday (Aug 21). 
However they should limit interaction between tables.
Members of the public should refrain from booking multiple tables for large gatherings in F&B outlets, and operators these places should not accept such reservations, said Mr Wong, who is also the Minister for Education.

[7:30 pm, 21/08/2020] +: 'Immediate priority' for new environment ministry is a cleaner Singapore amid COVID-19: Grace Fu
An "immediate priority" for the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment will be a cleaner Singapore amid the COVID-19 pandemic, said its minister Grace Fu on Friday (Aug 21).
Speaking to reporters at a virtual interview, Ms Fu said that among other things sustainability also involves raising public hygiene standards.
Previously Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Ms Fu now helms the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, formerly known as the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. 

[7:45 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Dear Contributors!
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes* ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Goodnight! 😴

[7:46 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Gdnite G2ers and Megan!

[7:59 pm, 21/08/2020] +: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
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