Sunday, July 19, 2020

ricky l

PAP must share info if WP is to craft credible policy alternatives: Pritam Singh

1 second ago
(1) In a mature democracy like US, UK, Australia, there are full-throated ruling and opposition party (essentially a 2-party system) - whereby 1 party is capable of replacing another party as the ruling government.
a. US has - Republicans vs Democrats
UK has - Conservative vs Labor
Australia has - Labor vs Liberal

(2) Now WP in Singapore has 10 MPs elected and WP is now confer the role of "Leader of Oppositions" ---- then WP must formulate an alternative policies that potentially can govern Singapore.

(3) WP call for "alternative voice" or "check and balance" --- can no longer satisfy the voters that have voted WP into Parliament as opposition MPs.
In other words, there are no more "free ride".

(4) WP MPs in Parliament - must be subjected to the same yardstick as that of PAP MPs ---- notably, WP must formulate a comprehensive plans and policies in Parliament -- how WP intend to govern Singapore ---- and subject to robust debate in the Parliament.

(5) This will allow public and voters to assess whether WP plans and policies can stand water - and indeed can be an alternative party to govern Singapore.

(6) By doing so, comes next General Election, voters will be better inform --- on whether they can entrust the votes to WP as MPs or the Party to be able to run Singapore.

(7) For a start, WP talk about :-
a. Minimum wages
b. Retrenchment insurance

(8) Will like WP to bring the above recommendation into Parliament for debate to see whether they are workable --- or what inherent negative consequences if the above 2 proposal are implemented.

(9) Will be happy to jump in to debate on the 2 proposals if WP brought this into Parliament - to see whether they are good for Singaporeans or make Singapore less competitive economically as well as what are the positive and negative impact to the workforce and business - if implemented.
24 seconds ago
Comments from my close friend :-

(1) Honeymoon period is over.

(2) Show that you are credible not just take PAP s policy and sugar coat it.

15 minutes ago
you just step on the trap set up by the emperor and his eunuchs.

7 minutes ago
before anything even begins, wp kena arrow already.

  • OhPehSom
    16 minutes ago
    You have probably assume too much. How to formulate policy to present to the People if you are unable to know how much owe to the people inside the CPF, how much is our overall Reserves, how much is Temasek worth, how much are all the Executives paid, what are the actual building costs our of HDB units, etc. etc. ?? Be careful of being made a laughing stork which will bring all Oppies down to the abyss. Must get their promises that all doors and windows would be open by the asking first.
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    @OhPehSom -

    When LKY started as Opposition Leader - he did not ask for any in the Parliament.

    And yet he and his fellow MPs can formulate broad based policies to bring Singapore to what it is today.

    You mean WP has no such quality?
  • 7 minutes ago
    Care to publish the Profit and Loss statement of all the GICS, GLCS and Temasek Holdings ? You mean Singaporeans have no right to know ? please lah
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    @My Opininon -

    WP just list out your plans and policies - and let voters assess them.

    It is nonsense to talk about P&L for the sovereign funds - unless WP want to swindle all the reserves away.

    Is that what WP intend to do?

    If yes - state your intent and let Singaporeans know.
ricky l
1 second ago
@My Opininon -

Or simply WP can't formulate good plans and policies -- but just use the above as excuses -- so that WP don't have to share their plans and policies --- and hope to get away from it ---- so that voters cannot assess their capabilities --- and become a "free rider" for another term.

Singaporean voters are not fool --- and continue to be fool by the Oppositions continuously.

 10 minutes ago
  • @ricky l what policies were formulated by PAP during their opposition term that "bring Singapore to what it is today"?
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    @Breeke -
    Check LKY's memoirs.
1 second ago
@Breeke -
What is WP's policies and plans - to govern Singapore?
2 seconds ago
Honestly, I have checked WP websites and its manifesto.

It is all about spending, spending and spending money.

But nothing is mention about how to keep our Economy growing, create jobs for Singaporeans and many things to keep our Country afloat.

Broad based strategic vision is conspicuously missing.

15 minutes ago
@ricky l i hv no recollection of LKY making that statement in person or in his memiors. Do u hv any basis? I hope u were not putting words into LKY's mouth? Which memior u saw that assertion by LKY?

4 minutes ago
@Breeke -
Then go buy LKY memoir.
If not go to Hansard and read.

Not to suppose to spoon feed you right?
1 minute ago
@Breeke -

But those are history.

WP is now the "Leader of Opposition".

All Singaporeans voters are interested in what WP is offering now - not history.

Singaporean voters are going to vote in 2025 - not the past.

Don't give excuse for WP.

Historical records - go and read all the past Parliament record.

If you are too lazy to read his memoir and hansard and all the historical record about LKY.

You can read online information about LKY - and what he did as Leader of Opposition.
Lee Kuan Yew GCMG CH SPMJ (born Harry Lee Kuan Yew; 16 September 1923 – 23 March 2015), often referred to by his initials LKY, was a Singaporean politician and lawyer who served as the first Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990. As one of th
Lee Kuan Yew GCMG CH SPMJ (born Harry Lee Kuan Yew; 16 September 1923 – 23 March 2015), often referred to by his initials LKY, was a Singaporean politician and lawyer who served as the first Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990. As one of th

  • Breeke
    8 minutes ago
    @ricky l where in the link did u see LKY said what u said?
  • Tristan
    9 minutes ago
    @ricky l

    So Mr Ricky, if you want the Workers Party to formulate GOOD ALTERNATIVE policies THEN MAKE SURE your beloved PAP is FORTHCOMING WITH REAL DATAS AND INFORMATIONS.

    PAP can’t even be transparent with Singaporeans, you want to talk about ACCOUNTABILITY?! LOL 😂😂
ricky l
1 second ago
Aiyah, WP cannot swim means cannot swim lah.

Cannot swim say so lah.

Don't have to give all sort of excuses lah :-
- say no information lah
- need spoon feeding lah

Never mind, all Singaporean take note -- and we will see the WP performance in times to come.
2 seconds ago
Excuses WP is giving - as they can't formulate alternative policies.

How to expect voters to put trust in WP to govern Singapore?

Oppositions in mature democracy such as US, UK and Australia don't have the benefit of civil service providing information to them but yet can formulate alternative policies to take over the government if they win election.

WP are giving excuses that they cannot - show the lack of depth and talents within the party to be able to run a government.

This must be make known loud and clear to Singaporean voters come next General Election.

ricky l
2 seconds ago
Many people I talk to share the sentiments that WP cannot govern Singapore.

They are in Parliament because some dissatisfied voters want to put them in Parliament to make noise only.

And it is very clear that WP as a party - lack talents, depth and experience to run a Government.

Just looking at the proposal they put across in their websites - it has no comprehensive alternative policies to run the Government - only ask questions, sugar-coat Government policies, find fault here and there.

26 seconds ago
Singaporean voters must be very careful and mindful of the fact that - if a freak result occur ---- Singapore will go into a panic mode if WP and Oppositions win the election through a freak election.

Everyone's lives are place on the Oppositions with no experience, no depth and no talents to run the Country --- only experience in making noise in Parliament and ask questions only.

Oppositions cannot run the Country --- and will bring ruin to Singapore.

Everyone must be mindful that - your lives, your jobs, your business, your wealth, your future ----- are place with someone that will ruin you if a wrong political parties and oppositions are voted into Parliament.

Just look at what happen to :-
US - an inept President voted in -- that cause so much miseries in US.

Brexit - a policy failure - that cause so much economic difficulties to UK voters.

Malaysia - splinter, fragmented "za balan" parties - without a strong government - and changing government by changing clothes.

If Singaporean voters are not careful ---- we will go the way as the above examples --- and heading to ruin.

ricky l
2 seconds ago
WP say - don't issue a "blank cheque" to PAP.

Likewise, smart mature Singaporean voters ---- don't issue a "blank cheque" to WP and other Oppositions.

They must prove they are of calibers to run Singapore.

Asking questions in Parliament, make noise, find fault here and there, sugar-coat Government policies are not good enough.

Because they are dealing with our lives, our jobs, our Economy, our wealth, our business, our future.

Not playing "masak masak" --- "ra-ra show" in Parliament.

1 second ago
(1) WP is systematically elevated to Party of Equal - and is expected to perform the role of Leader of Opposition.

(2) This role come with political obligation - to be able to formulate alternative policies that can replace the current policies if they win the next General Election.

(3) As Leader of Opposition, a series of robust tests must be put in place - to determine whether the Opposition possess the mettle to govern - as part of a 2-party system befitting that of a mature democracy.

(4) The alternative policies must be put forth into the Parliament by the Opposition - to undergo robust debate between the ruling party and the opposition - to test the veracity of the alternative policies.

(5) The debate should be broadcast or make available to public - so that the public can view, rate and assess the performance of the opposition and determine whether the alternative policies put forth by the opposition can stand water or not.

(6) This should be the characterisitics of a mature democracy - whereby 2 party can offer policies to be able to govern the Country.

(7) Come next General Election, voters will be more informed to determine the viability of the oppositions' strength and viability before casting our votes - to determine whether we can entrust the oppositions to run the Government or not.

(8) This will ensure that no freak election result will surface to shock Singapore - especially if the Oppositions are not ready to run Singapore.

(9) Meanwhile, ruling party must also solve all the ground problem and difficulties face by the voters - so that there will be less frustrated voters to vote the oppositions out of frustration.

ricky l
18 seconds ago
Need civil service to give you information --- to make such strategic move or not?

Can swim means can swim.

Cannot swim make all kind of excuses - also cannot swim.

  • XYZ
    8 minutes ago
    "This will ensure that no freak election result will surface to shock Singapore"

    LOL... its funny you are CONTRADICTING youself. Lol

    On the one hand, you use matured democracies as yardstick in your comment.

    Then you claim -- "FREAK result" -- when OPPOSITION wins MORE seats in future GE that ends PAP's super-majority or even simple majority.

    Errr... in those matured democracies you allude to, a SINGLE political party which wins consecutive supermajority control of Parliament, over 50-60 years, would be deemed as "FREAK".

    A ONE-Party parliament is clearly "FREAK", because in a group of millions of People,
    it is NOT possible that all (or super-duper majority) of citizens have the SAME political-economic-social thoughts;
    unless the society we are dealing with, is manifestly a COMMUNISTIC society.

    Statiscally, in a normal democratic society,
    to have (more or less) balanced parliament with a pluralism of different political parties -- (reflecting the different political leanings of citizens of that society) --
    would be a "NORM".

    So which is which??
    You CANNOT simply switch at random, your measuring yardstick /benchmark as you please, just to fit your arguments in favor of the Party (PAP) you clearly support. LOL
  • ricky l
    1 second ago
    @XYZ -

    No need to talk so much and find excuses.

    Voters are waiting for WP to provide a comprehensive plan and policies for Singapore.

    If up to next GE, WP unable to furnish one --- then voters will vote wisely.

    All sorts of excuses are irrelevant - just show Singaporeans can run Singapore --- no need to find excuses and talk irrelevant things.
  • Raymond
    25 minutes ago
    i think he not aggressive enough, he can't handle well, jamus maybe
  • small
    36 minutes ago
    After LW, who else in line to throw lightning at the Leader of the Opposition?
  • L
    38 minutes ago
    WP cannot make it la... only ask ask ask.... question question question... we want solutions. not talk talk talk.... ask ask ask... lol. no substance lah WP.
  • Kevin
    2 hours ago
    The result is an indication of the people feel about the 4G leaders bringing us forward, not so much of wanting more opposition.
    • XYZ
      6 minutes ago
      so have you decided which yardstick /benchmark you would use?

      WHY is a "NORM" election result in ALL other matured democracy, deemed by you, as a "FREAK" outcome,
      IF & WHEN a similar outcome happens in Spore?

      You cannot have it both ways.. LOL
    • XYZ
      11 minutes ago
      @ricky l
      Wah... you can talk "so much" whereas I cannot talk as much har??
    • XYZ
      12 minutes ago
      Simple question of analogy.
      Can the CEO (and the rest of the senior Executives)
      of a corporarion wilfully hides information from some "not friendly" members of the Board of Director??
  • 2 minutes ago
    why no reply?
    Tongue tied?

    Still cannot decide which is "NORM" and which is "FREAK" , due to a basic logic violation in your arguments?? LOL
  • Wl Kam
    9 minutes ago
    @ricky l,

    Did you suggest that for every item that you listed.

    Multiply that with S$100M budget for WP to IMPLEMENT.

    Also for every Successful Implementation that P@P Minister will have his/her salary reduce by half.

    Other wise Your talk is just all AIR.

    However I LIKE your Suggestion on item (5),


    Your P@Pies' Minister have NO balls to do that.

  • 2 minutes ago
    Voters will assess WP.

    Now, let us see whether WP got anything to produce or not.

    Based on the 2 news report --- WP cannot.

    Like Trump, shift blame, cry foul, ask for help, say not fair --- very familiar sounding.

    No class.

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