COMMENT: GE2020 — Why Singapore may lose, whatever the final score
Yahoo News Singapore8 Jul 2020

5 seconds ago
[4:34 pm, 08/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore Together Emerging Stronger Conversations
What should Singapore do to emerge stronger?
(Note :- This is nothing to do with the election campaign that is currently going on.
The above message is what Singapore should do to make Singapore come Togther as One Unity so that we can overcome a major crisis to come our Stronger.
(i) Singapore, albeit the World are experience once a lifetime crisis - that threaten human lives (with virus pandemic) that trigger a Worldwide deep Economic Recession that will threaten our lives, our jobs, our Economy, our supply chain and our future.
(ii) The current broadening and widening of geopolitical tension between 2 Superpowers that will threaten our Economy, political affiliation, our supply lines, our trade, our investment and our lives.
(iv) Then what should we do to ensure how Singapore can come together to emerge stronger?
(1) Strong Leadership will be required to chart the direction for us to navigate rough sea, tidal wave - to emerge safe and sound into calmer water.
(2) Strong Leadership to be able to find our niche and position in the geopolitical tussle - to stand neutral and yet able to hold our own to survive and thrive in the increasingly tense global world.
(3) Strong Leadership to be able to forge bilateral trade, multi-lateral trade, attract business, investment, finance to come to Singapore so that high-value added jobs can be created for Singapore.
(4) Strong Leadership and not splinter, fractitious groups that make us weak (by crippling bright and brilliant decision-makers) -- pulling in all different directions -- but not able to help us to converge into a common directions and common goals - to help us to tackle the deep Economic crisis and geopolitical tension.
(5) Strong Leadership that will help us to R&D, find vaccines, treatment, test kits, medicine manufacturing capability, hospital facilites etc to ensure that Singaporeans and residents have the best medical care to be able to keep the covid-19 threat at bay and when vaccines and treatment come - Singaporeans and residents have the best medical protection to curb and stop the covid-19 once and for all.
(6) Strong Leadership that will help to create jobs, keep business alive and thrive and keep our Economy survive, thrive and vibrant.
To conclude, the above message is nothing to do with the Election campaign nor to prop up any parties in the Election --- but the necessary ingredients that Singapore need to make Singapore Together possible to unite us and help us to emerge Stronger from the virus and economic crisis.
[4:51 pm, 08/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore has no natural resources.
Singapore only has strong human talents in the form of :-
1. Good Leadership
2. Talented work force.
To emerge stronger, the 2 ingredients must bond and work together.
Failing which, to exploit our most precious ingredients of success, Singapore will fail.
[5:32 pm, 08/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
What will be the greatest threat to Singapore - that will cause Singapore to fail?
(1) We fail to exploit our greatest treasure - by crippling our very own human talents :-
a. We crippled our Leadership, our leadership are fractitious, splinter with diverse goals, mission and objectives --- always involve in bickerings instead of working together, 1 step forward 2 step backwards, rise one day fall another day, need to scramble to form "multi-coalition" with all size, forms and shape --- to the detriment of leading Singapore forward.
A fractitious leadership will fail to unite and mobilise our talented workforce in a constructive way to bring us out from troubled water - eg. to curb and tackle the current virus pandemic, to emerge and tackle the economic recession effectively and to make ourselves viable and feasible in the growing hostile geopolitical situation.
We can see all these happenings around us, around the World - and if such scenarios ever happen to Singapore - Singapore will not emerge stronger and will fail - because we don't have strategic depth, natural resources and large hinterland.
Once our direction is wrong - we will fall headlong --- and it will be very difficult for us to recover and come back to where we are --- in a moment of folly.
This has nothing to do with the election campaign - this is an inherent truth, a conventional wisdom.
Even a big Superpower will plummet if the above scenario happen.
What will anyone think whether Singapore can survive such internal crisis --- never mind the big external crisis that hit us - virus that threaten our lives, economic crisis that threaten our jobs.
It will be a triple whammy for Singapore - if the above scenario happen.
Singapore Together Emerging Stronger Conversations
What should Singapore do to emerge stronger?
(Note :- This is nothing to do with the election campaign that is currently going on.
The above message is what Singapore should do to make Singapore come Togther as One Unity so that we can overcome a major crisis to come our Stronger.
(i) Singapore, albeit the World are experience once a lifetime crisis - that threaten human lives (with virus pandemic) that trigger a Worldwide deep Economic Recession that will threaten our lives, our jobs, our Economy, our supply chain and our future.
(ii) The current broadening and widening of geopolitical tension between 2 Superpowers that will threaten our Economy, political affiliation, our supply lines, our trade, our investment and our lives.
(iv) Then what should we do to ensure how Singapore can come together to emerge stronger?
(1) Strong Leadership will be required to chart the direction for us to navigate rough sea, tidal wave - to emerge safe and sound into calmer water.
(2) Strong Leadership to be able to find our niche and position in the geopolitical tussle - to stand neutral and yet able to hold our own to survive and thrive in the increasingly tense global world.
(3) Strong Leadership to be able to forge bilateral trade, multi-lateral trade, attract business, investment, finance to come to Singapore so that high-value added jobs can be created for Singapore.
(4) Strong Leadership and not splinter, fractitious groups that make us weak (by crippling bright and brilliant decision-makers) -- pulling in all different directions -- but not able to help us to converge into a common directions and common goals - to help us to tackle the deep Economic crisis and geopolitical tension.
(5) Strong Leadership that will help us to R&D, find vaccines, treatment, test kits, medicine manufacturing capability, hospital facilites etc to ensure that Singaporeans and residents have the best medical care to be able to keep the covid-19 threat at bay and when vaccines and treatment come - Singaporeans and residents have the best medical protection to curb and stop the covid-19 once and for all.
(6) Strong Leadership that will help to create jobs, keep business alive and thrive and keep our Economy survive, thrive and vibrant.
To conclude, the above message is nothing to do with the Election campaign nor to prop up any parties in the Election --- but the necessary ingredients that Singapore need to make Singapore Together possible to unite us and help us to emerge Stronger from the virus and economic crisis.
[4:51 pm, 08/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Singapore has no natural resources.
Singapore only has strong human talents in the form of :-
1. Good Leadership
2. Talented work force.
To emerge stronger, the 2 ingredients must bond and work together.
Failing which, to exploit our most precious ingredients of success, Singapore will fail.
[5:32 pm, 08/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
What will be the greatest threat to Singapore - that will cause Singapore to fail?
(1) We fail to exploit our greatest treasure - by crippling our very own human talents :-
a. We crippled our Leadership, our leadership are fractitious, splinter with diverse goals, mission and objectives --- always involve in bickerings instead of working together, 1 step forward 2 step backwards, rise one day fall another day, need to scramble to form "multi-coalition" with all size, forms and shape --- to the detriment of leading Singapore forward.
A fractitious leadership will fail to unite and mobilise our talented workforce in a constructive way to bring us out from troubled water - eg. to curb and tackle the current virus pandemic, to emerge and tackle the economic recession effectively and to make ourselves viable and feasible in the growing hostile geopolitical situation.
We can see all these happenings around us, around the World - and if such scenarios ever happen to Singapore - Singapore will not emerge stronger and will fail - because we don't have strategic depth, natural resources and large hinterland.
Once our direction is wrong - we will fall headlong --- and it will be very difficult for us to recover and come back to where we are --- in a moment of folly.
This has nothing to do with the election campaign - this is an inherent truth, a conventional wisdom.
Even a big Superpower will plummet if the above scenario happen.
What will anyone think whether Singapore can survive such internal crisis --- never mind the big external crisis that hit us - virus that threaten our lives, economic crisis that threaten our jobs.
It will be a triple whammy for Singapore - if the above scenario happen.
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