6 seconds ago
In fact I am getting more sceptical whether democratic system is it really a beneficial system for governance - as there is a possibility to vote in incompetent politicians or a political parties like trump, Brexit, coalition parties like Malaysia that keep changing govt like changing clothes.

42 minutes ago
you are right, Winston Churchill put this best, "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voters ", you will know when democracy will fail by looking at the news, when you found that the news are more interesting than shows on TV, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM
23 minutes ago
Perhaps you’d be happier in a country with an autocratic system of governance. I hear North Korea is lovely this time of year. Bon voyage!
1 second ago
(1) Democracy is the not best political system to choose a Government.
(2) Neither is Communism the best political system to choose a Government.
(2) Neither is Communism the best political system to choose a Government.
Straits Times
GE2020 results a ‘clear mandate’ although 61.2 per cent vote share lower than 65 per cent PAP hoped for: Lawrence Wong
18 July 2020
The PAP will also have to address the “real economic pain” that a substantial segment of *people in their 40s and 50s* are feeling, he added.
This sandwiched group, who are looking after elderly parents and also caring for young children, *was facing difficulties even before the Covid-19 crisis*, he said.
[5:07 pm, 14/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Topic :- How to remain united in the face of covid.
(2) What are the factos the cause the souring of the mood that impact unity :-
i. Job lost - many young graduates have problem finding jobs. (Some are lucky to find internships, temp jobs, traineeship. But some who try on their own - cannot find jobs after graduate for a year or more).
*Mid career PMETs and workers - who lose jobs (even before the covid hit)* - and have trouble finding jobs.
Straits Times
GE2020 results a ‘clear mandate’ although 61.2 per cent vote share lower than 65 per cent PAP hoped for: Lawrence Wong
18 July 2020
Mr Wong said the *election outcome could also have been worse*, especially given the difficulties that people were facing on the ground.
[5:07 pm, 14/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Topic :- How to remain united in the face of covid.
(1) The covid has posed a tremendous threat to people's live, jobs and the Economy.
This has tremendously sour the mood of the people which impact unity.
*If not for the 4 consecutive budgets that help to cushion the finance of many Singaporeans --- the outcome could be worst*.
Straits Times
GE2020 results a ‘clear mandate’ although 61.2 per cent vote share lower than 65 per cent PAP hoped for: Lawrence Wong
18 July 2020
"In particular, there was a fall in support amongst those in their 40s and 50s, and perhaps even those in their early 60s."
This group of older voters swung against the PAP due to economic hardship, Mr Wong said. They included people who had suffered income or job losses, had their *businesses disrupted*, or been forced to downsize to lower-paying occupations.
[5:07 pm, 14/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Topic :- How to remain united in the face of covid.
ii. *Business loss* - many business have close shops despite helps from the Government with 4 Budgets and some businesses barely survive.
This is also one of the factors that make business owners and employee feel insecure and sour the mood.
iii. Covid-19 threat - that people feel their lives are threatened as well as social distancing measures the inconvenience people (though these are needed to save lives).
My post mortem and analysis immediately after GE2020 - is in synch with Government analysis of why some votes swing away from PAP
Straits Times
GE2020 results a ‘clear mandate’ although 61.2 per cent vote share lower than 65 per cent PAP hoped for: Lawrence Wong
18 July 2020
"In particular, there was a fall in support amongst those in their 40s and 50s, and perhaps even those in their early 60s."
This group of older voters swung against the PAP due to economic hardship, Mr Wong said. They included people who had suffered income or job losses, had their *businesses disrupted*, or been forced to downsize to lower-paying occupations.
[5:07 pm, 14/07/2020] ☸️ Danny 心:
Topic :- How to remain united in the face of covid.
ii. *Business loss* - many business have close shops despite helps from the Government with 4 Budgets and some businesses barely survive.
This is also one of the factors that make business owners and employee feel insecure and sour the mood.
iii. Covid-19 threat - that people feel their lives are threatened as well as social distancing measures the inconvenience people (though these are needed to save lives).
My post mortem and analysis immediately after GE2020 - is in synch with Government analysis of why some votes swing away from PAP
(2) In UK - UK voters become the greatest Brexit losers, economic uncertainty.
(3) In Malaysia - Malaysian voters become the greatest losers that vote for change - as malaysian politics is now unstable, volatile without a strong government.