Iraq's Tikrit, free of the Islamic State, is a city in ruins

ricky l • Remove
Maintain discipline after capturing Tikrit, by not looting civilians' belongings, not abusing civilians, not abducting civilians, not deliberating burning civilians' houses - will lay the groundwork on how well it will perform in Mosul.Reply
Mosul is larger and has more civilians. Once they caught news that Iraqi troops commit abuses in Tikrit, they will put up resistance - and Iraqi troops will face difficulty in Mosul and may even fail in its mission to re-capture Mosul.
In addition, Iraqi Government will need to run and rule Tikrit and Mosul after the war. If deliberate abuses are done to civilians and houses are deliberately damaged, how does Iraqi Government rule both cities?
Thus maintaining soldier discipline in war zones are vital - in how it will perform in future battle.
Do not abuse the win - and cause problem to yourself later.
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