'Historic' nuclear deal hailed in Tehran, slammed by Israel

ricky l • Remove
An acceptable nuclear deal is less dangerous than :-Reply
(1) No or fail nuclear deal
(2) Walk away from the nuclear deal
This is because when there is no way out, then the option is to develop nuclear weapons - that will be dangerous for Middle East.
With an acceptable nuclear deal, Iran will integrate with the International Community, work with the International Community, higher economic stake - as it integrate with the World - and less likely to adopt a hostile stance to provoke her neighbours.
To conclude, the Wisdom of working with Iran to work out an acceptable nuclear deal - will help to cool the tension in Middle East - not heighten tension.
Conversely, if Iran has no nuclear deal, is still slap with sanction and a failing Economy, Iran will "fight its way out" - and developing nuclear weapons will be the next logical step.
When this happen, a military conflict will bound to happen.
ricky l • Remove
After the detail nuclear deal is settled after this framework, a MESE Forum - Middle-East Security and Economic Forum should be established.
The Forum should focus on Security and Safety first - with the objectives of ensuring peace and stability.
The Forum should then focus on Regional Economic initiatives - with the objectives of promoting trade, business, investment etc - to resolve the issue trigger by "Arab Spring" - ie. solve the social divide and income divide.
Both focus will help to resolve the root of Global Terrorism and there will be less appealing to support and finance Global Terrorism as the climate for business and economic growth - is peace and stability - offered by the Security and Safety framework.
Members to the MESE Forum should make up of all Middle-East Nations comprising Arab Sunni, Iran Shiite, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria etc.
Middlemen to bring everyone together can make up of committee members such as the current Iran nuclear deal - namely US, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany.
Global Terrorism is in every Global Members' radar - and by forming MESE Forum - will help to eradicate Global Terrorism - and is a big incentive for Global Powers to make MESE Forum happen.
ricky l • Remove
Another important note is that, under the MESE Forum - it should emphasize Inclusiveness, Patience, Understanding, Forbearance, Compassion.
Thus ideological differences should not be the focus of discussion.
Mutual Benefits, Win-Win solutions - should be focus of discussion.
ricky l • Remove
MESE Forum initiative is 一石三鸟 (1 stone knock down 3 birds).
How come leh?
Because :-
(1) Security and Safety Framework - arrest and prevent fighting between Middle East Nations.
(2) With Economic focus - will come with prosperity and wealth - arrest and prevent civil war trigger by Arab Spring effect - due to income divide.
(3) Eradicate Global Terrorism - as there is no support and finance on terrorist group and militant groups to subvert, to project power influence or to achieve political objectives. When finance and support stop, terrorist groups will fail to survive and will be disbanded - Global Terrorism eradicated.
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