Analysis: Iran nuke deal tough but could be circumvented

ricky l • Remove
If there is a deal, Iran will have the obligation to be binded by the deal.Reply
If Iran default, Iran will have to face the wrath of the International Community especially its immediate neighbours and the World Power.
Moreover, having a deal with Iran will provide an avenue for Iran to integrate with the World Community in term of Economy, Political relationship and social relationship. As their stake grow, Iran will be less likely to "feel besieged" to adopt a more hostile stance and more likely to adopt a conciliatory approach to international affairs and international relationship.
Assume sanction is not lifted and Iran continue to be isolated. There is no stopping of Iran to continue its nuclear weapon programme. There is no stopping of Iran to export subversion - as they struggle to wriggle their way out of isolation and sanction. It will become a destabilise Middle-East region.
If sanction and isolation continue, war breaking up where Iran start targeting its immediate neighbors are more likely than if a deal is brokered - as Iran is more obliged to comply to emerged out of sanction and isolation.
ricky l • Remove
To plainly say it, Iran is not mad to be suicidal to offend its neighbours up to a stage to invite its neighbors to attack it and wiped them out.
Iran like any Countries will also want peace, stability and prosperity, and a place in the World - just like anyone.
Iran is not a madman or insane - and they should be given a chance to integrate into the World Community and be a useful member of the World Community.
ricky l • Remove
In fact the root causes on how to achieve peace and stability are to focus on :-
(1) Peaceful coexistence between Sunnis and Shiites
(2) Peaceful coexistence between Muslims and Israel
(3) Peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims
Only when these 3 root causes are wholesomely address, each and every one has space and room to coexist peacefully - will there be peace in Middle East.
And peaceful coexistence should go beyond ideologies, religions, sectarian divides and power of influence.
It should focus on mutual benefits and win-win solutions in economic, politics and social relationship.
ricky l • Remove
Too many blood are spill, there are too many bloodshed in Middle East since bilblical times.
Blood are still spilling today non-stop.
The wound since biblical times are too deep - and are still spilling blood.
The blood that flow since bibilical time until now which has not stop flowing - will have swell the river and swollen the sea.
There is a need to heal the biblical wound and stop the blood flowing - and the solution is to form MESE Forum.
A MESE Forum - Middle-East Security and Economic Forum should be established.
The Forum should focus on Security and Safety first - with the objectives of ensuring peace and stability.
The Forum should then focus on Regional Economic initiatives - with the objectives of promoting trade, business, investment etc - to resolve the issue trigger by "Arab Spring" - ie. solve the social divide and income divide.
Both focus will help to resolve the root of Global Terrorism and there will be less appealing to support and finance Global Terrorism as the climate for business and economic growth - is peace and stability - offered by the Security and Safety framework.
Members to the MESE Forum should make up of all Middle-East Nations comprising Arab Sunni, Iran Shiite, Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Syria etc.
Middlemen to bring everyone together can make up of committee members such as the current Iran nuclear deal - namely US, China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany.
Global Terrorism is in every Global Members' radar - and by forming MESE Forum - will help to eradicate Global Terrorism - and is a big incentive for Global Powers to make MESE Forum happen.
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