After a year at war, Ukraine at financial breaking point

ricky l • Remove
There is a need to have pragmatic resolution to the political, economic and social dynamic to the current situation.Reply
Taking stock :-
(1) continue to suppress the rebellion - conflict will arise, more death, more casaulties, more destruction - this approach have been tried out - and the consequences are severe for both sides locally.
At the broader front, it will draw in big giant blocs (NATO and Russia blocs) - to go into a head-front collision - a very severe and serious consequences - that may trigger a massive conventional war that may even ignite a nuclear war - if any side sense that they are going to lose. Ukraine will be wipe out on the face of the Earth if such scenario arise - not to mention Europe, Russia and maybe US.
(2) another way is for each side to consolidate what each side have - to plan on political front, economic front and social front - to re-consolidate and build up on it - to grow stronger politically, economically and socially - so that the Country, the civilian, the housing, the infrastrutcture to be given a fresh start.
Ukraine is a big country with many resources.
If still focus on intra-conflict, the Country and the People will continue to suffer.
Conversely, by picking yourselves up - on each side - and work towards a cooperative manner - politically, economically and socially - more constructive outcomes may emerge.
Nobody knows what will happen in the future.
But everyone knows that peaceful resolution of issues and unhappiness - will always result in a more wholesome outcome.
Whereas military conflict - will always result In disastrous outcome - such as damages to economy, damages to infrastructure & houses, more death, casaulties - translated into miseries, sufferings and pain.
There are never perfection in circumstances that will meet our expectation.
But we can make full use of what you have, to make the circumstances, environment better.
ricky l • Remove
This is called 壮士断臂。
Cutting off the arm that have haemorrhage - and work on the healthy parts to emerge stronger.
It is being pragmatic not nationalist.
Because being nationalist will cause everyone to perish.
Being pragmatic means everyone survive.
Remember Ukraine use to be part of Russia bloc - but is leaving to join NATO - a will express in election provided for under democracy.
But Russia will want something back.
To coexist peacefully, both Blocs will have to sacrifice something.
ricky l • Remove
To be honest no one truly win all or lose all.
Everyone win some and lose some.
Ukraine ex-President who aligned to Russia lost support and lose his Government.
Ukraine current President elected by voters is aligned to the NATO.
Russia supported separatists with support from Russia annex Crimea and snatch some Eastern regions to align with Russia.
Ukraine with the rest of the regions are aligned to NATO.
So each Blocs win something and lose something.
Now with this Minsk negotiated peace, will Ukraine and the separatist and its backend supporters NATO and Russia on it respective support - think of a way to move forward with peace and stability in mind - with re-development, reconstruction, with Economic, Political and Social re-development in mind.
This is really a "compromise way to move forward" and should not remain in inertia.
Because everyone know that - when 2 Blocs support their respective sides to nudge one another out - destruction, casualties and miseries, sufferings are the outcome.
Conversely, if try to move forward with the new structure and the new outcome - constructively and not in conflict - "seeing the light out of a long tunnel" could be a more acceptable outcome.
ricky l • Remove
The key message is :-
"Instead of lamenting what you have lost,
Muster what you have to emerge stronger."
ricky l • Remove
The crux is :-Reply
(1) Stop the bleeding - stop fighting to stop bleeding - no human casualties, death, infrastructure damage, financial loss, economic bleed.
(2) Nurse the wound - rebuild infrastructure, rebuild house, rebuild business, provide jobs, put food on people's table, restore the Economy.
(3) Heal the wound - operate like any peaceful Countries with all administrative functions intact, full integration with World Economy - and restore dignity.
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