Monday, February 20, 2023

REACH 428 -  What do you think of the Support For You calculator? What are some other areas where you hope the Government can provide more support for?


 20 Feb 2023 (10am - 7pm)


[9:56 am, 20/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:00 am, 20/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Singaporeans can now get an estimate of how much payouts and rebates they will be receiving as part of Budget 2023.

In an Instagram and Facebook post on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that with the many support measures announced in Tuesday’s Budget speech, it may not be so easy to keep track of all of them.

💬 What do you think of the Support For You calculator? What are some other areas where you hope the Government can provide more support for?

Teams from the Government Technology Agency and the Ministry of Finance have put together an online calculator meant to help people estimate the benefits individuals and their household members can receive under the various packages and schemes, said Mr Wong.

Budget 2023 had unveiled various enhancements to existing payouts and schemes under the Assurance Package, while also introducing new special payouts for the year.

The Assurance Package was boosted to $9.6 billion, up from $8 billion in a November 2022 update and $6.6 billion at Budget 2022. It is meant to address the impact on households of the goods and services tax hike, and was enhanced to also take into account higher-than-expected inflation.

Other measures in Budget 2023 include increased Baby Bonus cash gifts, the doubling of government-paid paternity leave to four weeks, as well as increasing the Central Provident Fund monthly salary ceiling.

Singaporeans can access the calculator at





[10:12 am, 20/02/2023] +Edwin: are there any support for folks who are single?

[10:30 am, 20/02/2023] +Yinnia NEW: Yes l can do understd

[11:02 am, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. I feel that this year budget is very generous.

Not sure it will be sustainable year after year.

2. However I do understand that this coming 2 years are exceptional because of:-

a. High inflation due to pandemic and geopolitical situation.

b. GST increase.

3. Hence imperative government need to provide bigger budget to help Singaporeans cope.

4. But in the long run, helping Singaporeans to secure higher wages, income with productivity growth should be the best way forward - without putting the burden of pressure on government budget.

5. For retirees, earning higher interest income through passive income become imperative.

6. Business will need to have access to international market through digital economy to grow and become more profitable in the context of higher wage cost and business cost.

Cannot keep depending on government budget for assistance.

[11:09 am, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

7. I think what hit people most is food cost.

 Food cost increases at least 3 times:-

a. Once when global inflation hit.

b. CNY one more time.

c. GST another time.

In the longer run, government should need to rein in food price increases.

8. Also noticed that coffeshop owners are privatised seems to be bidding high - and then charge high food prices in the neighborhood.

9. Feel that the government should nationalise some coffeshops and hawker centre around the neighborhood to keep rent down and food prices down - so that neighbourhood food prices are kept affordable.

[11:16 am, 20/02/2023] +REACH: ICYMI: Budget 2023 Assurance Package: Find out more about the support measures available for individuals and families here! ⬇️

[11:28 am, 20/02/2023] +Sh Koh: They are building new food center.. but they are also run by fairprice or kopitiam.. they are sort of profit driven..

[11:41 am, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 15 September, 2022

China daily:

"Starbucks plans to increase its store numbers by 50 percent to 9,000 stores by 2025 in China-its second-largest market-as well as double its sales and quadruple its operating income through efforts including store expansion, growth in omnichannel engagement and at-home and on-the-go coffee services..."

What are the comparative and competitive analysis, the impacts and lessons, this case is an extreme example while others are examples at the other end of extreme?

Thank you.

[11:47 am, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 9 February, 2023

"Of Hyper marts and Supermarkets...?"

China Daily 

The retailer, in the first three quarters of 2022, has closed 54 stores, leaving only 151 stores in operation, according to Kantar Worldpanel China, a research unit in Shanghai. The number was 210 in 2019 when Suning acquired an 80 percent stake in Carrefour China from the French retailer group.

Why and going forward what are the implications of China domestic consumers sentiments and how about imploding effects? 

Thank you.

[11:54 am, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Use this Compass of Helpings to navigate and discuss what more (or less) we can calibrate for 2024 and onto 2030. In simple words, it is the beginning of more VUCA and 2023 happens to be the starting point of more things in the pipeline for all global folks. Thank you.

[0:02 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 20 February, 2023

"Where are the pockets of revenue?"

A quarter of our annual (FY2022) revenue comes from company tax, a third of revenue comes from personal income tax and lastly GST contributed  more than 16% of the total pockets of revenue.

So the remaining indirect tax avenues of almost a quarter of this big basket (aka total Income). 

How can we increase revenue from these indirect taxes (1)4) without touching the 3/4?

Yes, it is possible to do so at a progressive pace!

     - - in progress - -

[0:04 pm, 20/02/2023] +RH: Agree.

[0:10 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: What can be increased?

[0:11 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

The support calculator is useful.

It give a breakdown of the support $ for 3 years.

1. 2022

2. 2023

3. 2024

In terms of financial payout, the ranking of higher payout is:-

1. 2023

2. 2024

3. 2022

[0:37 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: China will become 2nd world economy fast growth products keep on busy everyday billion of ppl (S$1 drink X 1B ppl earn profit S$1B per day) spending and store product are cheaper than in USA. 

What will be like in future 2040.

[0:41 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie, good afternoon.

China: " too big to fail..."

Thank you.

[0:46 pm, 20/02/2023] +Caleb: Hopefully not printout and sending to each household

[0:52 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee:

If real war 2025 threat china

[0:59 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

If kmt candidate win the 2024 Presidential election, war won't break out.

[1:00 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: China is not right human group and even threat own domestic

[1:00 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Power abuse election

[1:00 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

China has no real appetite for war, unless they feel their back is against the wall.

[1:00 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Hope not to war in 2015

[1:01 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: *2025

[1:03 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: US and their western alliances are failing in growth. Econ etc.

Therefore they finding ever opportunities to provote wars around the world. It is their intention to drag Asia into it so that they can sell arms.

This ex general intention is also to sell arms. Weapon

[1:04 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Possibly

[1:04 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Agree

[1:04 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[1:07 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: Agree

[1:09 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: Totally disagree with you. Please widen your reading on news to get a balance view 🙏🙏🤭🤭

[1:10 pm, 20/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors, 

Let’s be courteous to one another so that we can have a conducive discussion.

Please be reminded to keep to the topic that is being discussed, we have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion related to the topic robust and active!

Megan 😊

[1:33 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: Agree. Sorry for deviation

[1:39 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"More graduates remained unemployed 6 months after leaving school in 2022, but median salaries up: Survey"

[1:40 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

This development is more worrying.

Attempt should be made to boost employment among the fresh graduates.

[1:45 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Kopitiam to deploy staff at 15 outlets to help customers switch from card to app"

[1:46 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Great

[1:48 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Tip of the iceberg only!

[1:48 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Another thing, kopitiam is under NTUC and the fairprice apps can be used in kopitiam with 10% discount.

Wonder if NTUC will extend the offer to NTUC foodfare which also run by NTUC - to use fairprice apps that come with 10% discount.

[1:48 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: I would like to think so

[1:50 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 


I try to used the fairprice apps in Amk hub NTUC foodfare.

But the stallowners have no clue that fairprice apps can be used or whether 10% discounts are offered.

[1:53 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Open the attachment and you will see.

[1:53 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Another thing, DBS say if use paylah QR code, got $3 pay back if buy food.

But I use paylah QR all over the place at my neighbourhood coffeeshop instead of using my CDC voucher, I don't get the $3 payback.

[1:54 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Thus hawkers were unaware!

[1:55 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Don't know.

I thought paylah automatically deduct.

But it didn't.

[1:56 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Don't have leh.

[1:56 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Ground work not done properly prior to launch!

[1:59 pm, 20/02/2023] +Poh S. Lim: IMHO this trend over long periods of time will widen income disparity within the society… not sure what your opinion is?

[2:00 pm, 20/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Singaporeans can now get an estimate of how much payouts and rebates they will be receiving as part of Budget 2023.

In an Instagram and Facebook post on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that with the many support measures announced in Tuesday’s Budget speech, it may not be so easy to keep track of all of them.

💬 What do you think of the Support For You calculator? What are some other areas where you hope the Government can provide more support for?

Teams from the Government Technology Agency and the Ministry of Finance have put together an online calculator meant to help people estimate the benefits individuals and their household members can receive under the various packages and schemes, said Mr Wong.

Budget 2023 had unvei…

[2:01 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Economic output always commensurate and tie to wages (reward).

Be it graduates or non-graduates.

[2:03 pm, 20/02/2023] +Dan: Wishlist: 

1)I want to see more social enterprises in Singapore to encourage inclusivity, equal opportunities. 

2)I want to have People's supermarket to ensure low price commodities for the low income families.

[2:04 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 20 February, 2023

To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members 

"Is money a big matter or is it more than money could help?"

- - anonymity 

Sample Example:

Family Profile - 38 years single income, annual gross income $40k, divorced with two teenage children age 12 & 14 staying in 2 br owned flats.

"Let's play the Calculator...?"

- - anonymity

Budget 2022 to 2027 Benefits (对正下药)?

2022 - $2,165 + 3.5 mth of S& CC rebate 

2023 - $3,066 + 3.5 mth of S&CC rebate

2024 - $1,870 + 3.5 mth S&CC rebate

2025 - $1,570 + 3.5 mth S&CC rebate

2026 - $775 + 3.5 mth S&CC rebate

2027 - $380 + 3.5 mth S& CC rebate


Is it adequate for this single income family to sustain through 2027 assuming inflation will subside after 2025?

How the…

[2:04 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

And solving income disparity will then be a function of social intervention.

Economic must not be muddle by social function.

Else it will become a common misery - whereby the bright are deter to produce the best economic output by tying weight around them

[2:11 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. That's those who can run fast - let them run fast.

Don't tie them up - to wait for those who can't run that fast.

Only then the whole economy will benefit.

Eg. Those who can r&d to invent things.

Those who are good CEO.

Those who are good entrepreneurs.

Let them succeed, build business, bring jobs to Singaporeans - and not throw obstacles on them - that will in turn hurt Singaporeans.

2. Then redistribute wealth through progressive tax - to do wealth transfer to help those who are less successful or slower in the economic race.

3. Don't attempt common prosperity by artificially tying up the smart people - it will backfire on everyone.

[2:13 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: That mean the inflation will go down everything price dropped

[2:13 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: By 2027

[2:14 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: GST keep going on rising 2027 I May said 15% GST

[2:16 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: So four more years of various subsides!?

[2:17 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Eg. Communism attempt to tie economic with social function.

Everyone earn belong to the State - and then redistribute.

Then who want to work smart and hard - as the smart ones don't get rewarded?

So common prosperity bring retarded economic growth.

It also drive the smart out of the country to migrate to countries that reward the smart people and the country lose talents.

[2:18 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Didn't work on the past!?

[2:20 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

As a result, many Communist countries have adopted market economy and junk out the planned economy - whereby the enterprising individuals and businesses are rewarded.

As a result, their economy fly.

Good examples are China, Vietnam, Russia.

Just look at nkorea who are still adopting planned economy, with common prosperity - their people are in starvation.

So do we want to go backward?

[2:22 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Common prosperity is a noble concept - an attempt to tie social high moral ground to economic growth.

But it is a sure way to make the country poor.

[2:24 pm, 20/02/2023] +Dan: The People's Supermarket is a community interest company whose stated aim is to provide the local community with good cheap food that is fair to consumers and producers. It was founded in May 2010 by Arthur Potts Dawson with regeneration advisor/entrepreneur David Barrie and retail specialist Kate Wickes-Bull, supported by a team of supporters and professional advisors, in Lamb's Conduit Street, Holborn, London, England, near Great Ormond Street Hospital. As of February 2012 it had 1000 members.[citation needed]

Based upon the concept of the food co-operative and inspired in part by the Park Slope Food Coop in the Park Slope neighbourhood of Brooklyn in New York City, US, members of the social enterprise are required to pay a £25 annual fee and contribute f…

[2:27 pm, 20/02/2023] +J: Anyone thinks if the recently announced measures have any impact on inflation?

[2:28 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Time will tell whatever the forecast

[2:28 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Can this work in Singapore!?

[2:34 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: It’s ready 10% discount

[2:35 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Does anyone know how much it costs in Starbucks for similar if not close to this drink?

[2:35 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Only I heard kopitiam

[2:36 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Cold drink start from $6 to $9

Hot drink start from $4 to $8

[2:37 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

That's why I find it strange NTUC foodfare don't offer the same 10% discount with fairprice apps.

[2:41 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: I also can’t find it

[2:41 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Also NTUC foodfare don't accept fairprice apps - lagi puzzling.

[2:42 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Both are NTUC enterprises.

[2:44 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Sorry I was talking about member FairPrice in app for order order foods discount

[2:46 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Order food are for specific restaurant not food court.

[2:47 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie,  offers  (lagi shiok). Go to paradise... thank you.

[2:49 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Wow nice

[2:56 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: First happiness!

What if the prices in the menu have been adjusted up to 4% and the remaining costs shall be booked in as A&P expenses?


Thank you!

Disclaimer: above is a model for discussion purposes and totally fiction!

[3:00 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Back to the proper discussion:

"By CREATING credit in selected strategic economic sectors will yield positive growth for an economy...?"

The key is credit creations and how about household subsidies?

Thank you.

[3:03 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: Credit and household subsidies depend on annual income balance spent on expenses family. 

Exceeded annual income $35k and above should be enough to feed family. If housewife

[3:04 pm, 20/02/2023] +Frankie Wee: But hardly to said resale 5 room hit $1m and borrow bank / HLE exceeded amount

[3:13 pm, 20/02/2023] +Joseph Yap: 💬 What do you think of the Support For You calculator? What are some other areas where you hope the Government can provide more support for?

The calculator is useful.

Other areas to provide more support are:

1) Increase Medisave withdrawal limits for qualified outpatient treatments at polyclinics & government hospitals

2) Increase public transport voucher amount.

3) Increase amount of GST voucher for persons with disabilities.

[3:35 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 15 February, 2023

To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members 

"Four Proposals (四点建议)"

- - anonymity

(1) Unemployment Conditional Withdrawal of CPF:

Up to 20% of the last earned salary especially for the LWW to the Middle income earners. 

An example, a person earning $3000 monthly salary is eligible to withdraw up to $600 for up to six months. It is based on the last pay of a person. No minimum balance required in the ordinary account but subject to a minimum of 10 years (120 months) of CPF contributions and final approval by CPF. 

The actual disbursement of money will take effect after 30 days and within 60 days of submission to CPF or MOM or MSF.

Thereafter, when reemployed, members can opt to top up or increase amount (subject to appro…

[3:48 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face:

[4:02 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. It is a common stereotypes or myth that non-graduates is lower down the economic ladder.

2. Conversely I come across 2 examples of primary school education.

3. One setup a company that is public listed and have more than 30 over outlets.

In addition to physical outlets, he also implement digital sites to supplement his business.

He is a multi millionaire employing hundreds of staff.

4. Another one has also primary education, setup a public listed company with a group of like minded business partner.

He is also a director of many companies.

5. I also come across non-graduates setting up successful foodstall selling chicken rice, living in landed properties, driving big cars.

6. Hence economic output are not only the domain of graduates.

Enterprising non-graduates can also be very successful.

[4:03 pm, 20/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Singaporeans can now get an estimate of how much payouts and rebates they will be receiving as part of Budget 2023.

In an Instagram and Facebook post on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that with the many support measures announced in Tuesday’s Budget speech, it may not be so easy to keep track of all of them.

💬 What do you think of the Support For You calculator? What are some other areas where you hope the Government can provide more support for?

Teams from the Government Technology Agency and the Ministry of Finance have put together an online calculator meant to help people estimate the benefits individuals and their household members can receive under the various packages and schemes, said Mr Wong.

Budget 2023 had unvei…

[4:11 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Higher education does not mean success!

[4:13 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Graduates without a job nor earning income is not successful.

[4:15 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Internship not always a helpful gauge!

[4:18 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Internship is a measures of whether

1. the candidate is suitable for the job. And whether the candidate has potential or flair for the job.

2. Whether the company and the candidate has the right chemistry and the right cultural fit.

3. When all the 2 click, then internship can be translated into permanent job.

[4:19 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Interview will not be able to fully reveal the 2 parameters.

[4:24 pm, 20/02/2023] +L: "the doubling of government-paid paternity leave to four weeks" - good move!

[4:25 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[4:28 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

In the past, companies use 3 months probation as a gauge of candidate suitability.

Now more companies use internship.

Probation is offering a perm position - and if not suitable will be more emotional and have more implications.

Internship is clear - only 3 months internship.

If ended not suitable, no further offer.

Emotionally less painful for both sides. Business no string attached.

If suitable, permanent job - candidate more joyful.

Business also get a good suitable candidate.

[4:36 pm, 20/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Internship is more for those still schooling but taking on onjob training? No?

[4:38 pm, 20/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Akin to gaining exposure and experience.

Usually a fixed period. No extension

[4:39 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Well there are some companies offering internship.

When they discover candidates are suitable, they offer permanent jobs.

Banks, government and some big companies are increasingly doing this.

[4:41 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

For mature candidates that do job conversion - internship is one mode.

[4:42 pm, 20/02/2023] +KL: Internship is just a justification of cheap labour . A lot of ppl that day degree not important can I ask if your son or children got degree .

[4:43 pm, 20/02/2023] +KL: If yes I don’t think is nice to sweet coat

[4:43 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[4:43 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Nothing can be done

[4:44 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Well if people can get a degree, by all means go get a degree.

But if some cannot get a degree, it is not the end of the world.

Non graduates can also make it big.

[4:44 pm, 20/02/2023] +KL: That a nicer way to say it thanks for clarification

[4:52 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Internship is a way to try a candidate out - to determine if the candidate is suitable or not.

This is especially so when the candidate is not in the field of study but doing conversion.

2. In normal circumstances, companies will not employ - to err on the safe side.

3. But internship open up opportunities for such candidates.

4. Eg. A local big bank offer internship to business, statistics and math graduates to do programming and data analytics - which is reserve for computer science or IT or IS graduates.

5. During internship that offer training and placement, these graduates in internship are tested for their suitability.

6. And I know of 2 such graduates become successful and employ as permanent jobs.

7. Without internship, they will not even be qualified and get ask for interview.

[4:58 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: More fresh university grads in full-time work with higher pay: Survey

[5:00 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Vietnam shoemaker for Nike, Adidas to cut 6,000 jobs

[5:08 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: How Singaporean Edwin Toh landed a top job in Google despite not having a degree

"If we hire you based on your skills, we will get a skilled employee. If we hire you based on your skills, and your enduring passions, and your distinct experiences and perspectives, we will get a Googler. That is what we want..."

[5:09 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

This is what I mean.

Graduates and non graduates can also make it.

[5:10 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

He got his job through internship without a degree.

[5:13 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 20 February, 2023

"Building that Exceptional Team!"


"Start by imagining or reimagining before you begins your mission, your previous failures and successes, your rules of engagement and lastly, what are your goals and that exceptional team you aspires"

- - anonymous

Two or more can be considered a team and your team mate! Are we in the search of that Leon Battista Alberti (1404–72), called “a man can do all things if he will.” the modern "Renaissance" men and women often referred as talents? Perhaps so? Or are we also looking for the Iron Man that unites all into one team. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a true hero and Iron Man of India!

How to start building one that will last a longer time and more critically enables to face  uncertainties an…

[5:16 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

This is one good way to uplift income disparity and achieve social parity for graduates and non-graduates.

[5:18 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Fresh tech graduates from S’pore unis bag highest starting pay of over $5,600: Survey

[5:19 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: In general, Western big companies do give opportunities to non graduates, but local companies, especially those that linked to govt, seldom offer these opp ( speaking from experiences)

[5:21 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Hmm ..

Previously some of my staff are polytechnics graduates deployed in ministries.

[5:21 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: In theory this is supposed to be the case, however, I do know that many companies in Singapore using this to get cheap labour and not providing them with right training.☹️

[5:22 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: Doubt they get top jobs

[5:23 pm, 20/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Top job depends on potential and flair.

But no short of opportunities.

[5:24 pm, 20/02/2023] +Tan Kay Eng: my above refer to top job , anyway, that was about 20 yrs ago, maybe the mentalities of the local hirers changed☺️

[5:32 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: 20 February, 2023

" Paradise, (生在富中) or ...?"

Two extreme examples, other nations are struggling to cope with unemployment or war while some nations are on the verge of full employment?

What can we learn from these examples? Was it luck at play, relevant and well educated workforce, robust economics infrastructures, trusted, efficient and effective, plan ahead of time, good timing or more factors?

     - - in progress - -

[5:42 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: Good example

[5:46 pm, 20/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, good afternoon!

There is HOPE, never think one is less able than the others. 

Be BRAVE, have COURAGE and SELF CONFIDENT this lifetime that is YOLO...

Thank you.

[5:48 pm, 20/02/2023] +Rama: I believe in this guy and the process of selection

[6:07 pm, 20/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Singaporeans can now get an estimate of how much payouts and rebates they will be receiving as part of Budget 2023.

In an Instagram and Facebook post on Friday, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that with the many support measures announced in Tuesday’s Budget speech, it may not be so easy to keep track of all of them.

💬 What do you think of the Support For You calculator? What are some other areas where you hope the Government can provide more support for?

Teams from the Government Technology Agency and the Ministry of Finance have put together an online calculator meant to help people estimate the benefits individuals and their household members can receive under the various packages and schemes, said Mr Wong.

Budget 2023 had unvei…

[6:45 pm, 20/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

[7:01 pm, 20/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


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