Tuesday, February 28, 2023

REACH 431 -  What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?


 01 Mar 2023 (10am - 7pm)


[9:50 am, 01/03/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use: https://go.gov.sg/reach-whatsapp-terms

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:01 am, 01/03/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Various measures to better combat online harms were announced this week in parliament, including the Online Criminal Harms Act (OCHA) to be introduced later this year as well as a new code of practice targeted at harmful content in app stores and marketplaces.

💬 What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?

The announcements come amidst a continued push to enhance connectivity and boost digital trade and investment in Singapore through a Digital Connectivity Blueprint, which includes plans for 6G mobile and a 10Gbps home broadband network.

Minister Josephine Teo said in a speech during the debate on the Ministry of Home Affairs’ (MHA) budget that the proposed OCHA will expand the scope of regulatory levers that can be applied to online criminal activities; increase the scope of entities the authorities can act against; cover all mediums of online communication; and introduce measures to detect and reduce sophisticated malicious cyber activities such as scams and phishing

Likewise, the Government will develop a new code of practice that will require app stores to deal with harmful content circulating on the marketplace. “App stores may carry apps with harmful content, especially for children. This could include content depicting explicit sexual activities or inciting violence,” Mrs Teo said, adding that the code will involve industry consultation.

Later in 2023, the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) will also publish guidelines for industries on best practices on the use of personal data in AI systems, particularly children's personal data. The guidelines will specify that parental consent must be obtained before collecting data from children under 13, and that a child’s profile is not made public by default.

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[10:32 am, 01/03/2023] +L: I'm in favour or stringent measures against online Hate and Harmful content. 'Freedom of speech' should not come at the cost of incitement to violence, civil unrest, racial or sexual anger, fraud and other damaging crimes. 

I don't trust companies to self-regulate and penalities should be harsh, not just financial. Enforcement is difficult yes, but that doesn't mean we should avoid having the rules in place.

[10:37 am, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi L, good morning! Good pointers!

Thank you.

[10:37 am, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: "5 integers of capitalism are land, labor, capital, rich and poor....freedom of tangibles and intangibles?"

- - anonymity

[10:38 am, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Flip this plate of things, you will get...?

[10:40 am, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Metaphor moment...

Integers and Fractions

[10:53 am, 01/03/2023] +Carol Loi: It’s about time. In fact it’s long overdue. The next step may be to have conversations with educators, families, youth and children on how to operationalise these measures well. There road is still very long.

[11:29 am, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Likewise

[11:30 am, 01/03/2023] +TD: Agree. 100%

[11:30 am, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Anonymity, good morning

[11:32 am, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, good morning!

It was rainy days and Monday, that's last evening!

Pls feel free to critic this essay... akan datang, coming in a zip!

Thank you.

[11:32 am, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: 1 March m, 2023

To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members 

" Fear Factors...?"

What are the modern Asian values and beliefs and how about the traditional and generational ones to uphold or to (throw away)? What is the flip, that is the western societies?

This digital compass of morals, values and beliefs are scoring towards the liberalism of freedom to information, freedom to expression and lastly free to decide many things in life?

What will be the profound impact and significance going into the future of digitisation and the coming generation or two? Predicably, a 'self' containing society whereby to each their ownership to think appropriately and to decide things based on fact or fiction? Is this what's going (or happening now) to implode upon our Gen Z and onto our millennials and thereafter?

" Let this FEAR be fearful of you and not the other ways around...!"

- - anonymity 

How to calibrate and not overly intervene, for the use of "hard power" will not appeal to millions but the soft ways perhaps will do the job better?

It's all about conditioning the human brains to reject or to embrace, that is either rite or wrong, does it matter? Let's not be trapped in the "maze" of this digital world of fun or fear!

     - - in progress - -

[0:45 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Received a suspicious WhatsApp message? You can soon check if it’s a scam"


[1:50 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Various measures to better combat online harms were announced this week in parliament, including the Online Criminal Harms Act (OCHA) to be introduced later this year as well as a new code of practice targeted at harmful content in app stores and marketplaces.

💬 What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?

The announcements come amidst a continued push to enhance connectivity and boost digital trade and investment in Singapore through a Digital Connectivity Blueprint, which includes plans for 6G mobile and a 10Gbps home broadband network.

Minister Josephine Teo said in a speech during the debate on the Ministry of H…

[2:27 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Measures to combat online harm

1. Agree with the Government measures to mandate social media providers to :-

a. Remove any harmful mobile apps in the "Apps Stores" or the onus to screen all mobile apps to prevent harmful mobile apps from being put in "Apps Stores" for download.

This is the best way to protect people and children from downloading harmful apps from the legitimate "Apps Store" in Android phones and iOS phones.

b. Applaud the Government to beef up effort to protect against "Data network" - phising or scam effort through WhatsApp and Telegram after feedback - beefing up ScamShield to block WhatsApp and Telegram scam message, or voice or videos via the "Data network" - that will be ready for launch by end 2023.

2. However, notice that 2 other communication medium are still not address :

a. Email

b. QR codes

coming through the data network....

[2:41 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Agree

[2:42 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Thank you.

[2:43 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. In addition to sexual or violence contents that are harmful to children, silly challenges, suicidal videos that will cause injuries or even death that are found in tik tok, youtube or other social media platform - should also be removed from the social media.

[2:49 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: 1 March, 2023

What if we view the Internet of things as a new society, a new wave, a new world and beyond all realities?

One lucky thing is "actions always speak louder than words"! How about animations graphics and real-life motions? These are the main menu of this new world order!

     - - in progress - -

[3:02 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Sammy Boy network must be stopped!

[3:07 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. With the advent of 4G mobile wireless technology, Wifi, and Gigabit technology, Singapore has launch the Next Generation Broadband network - that trigger the transformation of :-

a. Analogue TV to high broadband fiber high end Digital TV.

b. Wifi smarthome, smartoffice

c. iOT smarthome, smartoffice

d. proliferation of 4G smartphone and wifi smartphone


2. However, with the advent of 5G and wifi6 - with speed 100 times that of 4G - we have not fully define, employ and deploy apps that will fully utilised 5G and wifi6.

Wonder what is the percentage of population has begin to move away from 4G and transform touse 5G and wifi6?

The telco smartphone plan will need to be competitive for users to switch from 4G to 5G - and ensure their existing data will not be affected during the switch.

Eg. $20 SIM 5G - will definitely make more people switch from 4G to 5G - and ensure all apps and data are intact - eg. WhatsApp, Telegrams, public emails data like yahoo, gmail etc are all intact --- even though mobile tech are upgraded.

Technically speaking, switching 4G to 5G comm medium should not affect the data if stored in the cloud - but also depends on Telco and service providers help if data are stored in the 4G phone and need to change into 5G phones.

3. Having say so, 6G and 10Gbps will be a 2 quantum jump - as Singaporeans and residents are still not fully buy in and settle into 5G and wifi6 yet --- which will be 2 x 100 times the speed of 4G.

This mean smartphone must not only be 4G ready, it must be 4G/5G/6G ready.

Same for laptops, router/wifi gateway.

4. Also wonder how does those Telcos recoup their investment in 5G - as they have not fully sell their 5G gears to the population at large.

5. Also coming to 10G to the home.

There will likely to be 2 technologies :

a. 10G fiber to the home ---- which likely to be a shared bandwidth - as lambda from the fiber can be split from 10G backbone into smaller bandwidth of 1Gbps, 2.5Gbps etc.

b. 10Gbps metroethernet - that will give a fully dedicated 10Gbps to the home. 

But this will mean the fiber point at home will need an additional UTP cable for ethernet switches to be installed to deploy 10Gbps ethernet to the home - to allow wifi6, iOT and other ethernet connection to be done at home such as smartTV, laptop, iOT devices at thome.

[3:17 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Pse do not be mistaken that I discourage the use of 6G and 10Gbps.

2. Singapore need to be competitive, and need to be at the forefront in technologies to be globally competitive - and need to stay ahead.

3. I feel that tThere are some aspects of our industries that should stay ahead.

Eg. R&D, IHLs, Military, Home Security or some identified industries - should stay ahead and employ 6G and 10G when they are ready for used.

4. I am just raising the prospect of 5G is starting to warm up -- and not fully exploited - and suddenly, they face the likely prospect of being left behind.

Just pity - what a waste of investment by our Telcos.

[3:47 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors

We want to HEAR from you!

*What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?  *

We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!

Megan 😊

[3:49 pm, 01/03/2023] +RH: Well said.

All these proposed measures sound well & good.

But problem is in..

1. Execution to ground level.

2. Acceptance of the tech involved --- 

ordinary cit w little or no knowledge won't care two hoots wat the heck all this fuss us abt! 🤪

3. Understanding all this tech jargon -- wat the 'garmen'  saying, ah? 😳

4. Education -- who r the major or key stakeholders here?

Who is the target audience?

Children? Teenagers? 

Senior cit? 



Honestly, I think the gov is over-reaching ....  Trying to cover too wide an area but in the end only a very small percentage of the popn wl benefit.

Then ... Come out w some other addl measures to enhance sth tt was not even properly implemented in the first place!

Dun get me wrong!

I m all for…

[4:03 pm, 01/03/2023] +RH: 6G ... ?


---  Who needs it ?

My 3 devices : 2hp / 1 tablet r all still running on 4G and I m fine w them!

As ther r many others like me out ther ... 

I m not sure if this is just someone in the Min trying to gain brownie points (cos got nothing better to do) or .... ?

Is the rest of the world there yet?

Wat is the point of gg ahead , so fast tt everyone else is left behind ... esp in one's own country?

Our trading partners r not running tt fast, so who r we trying to catch up with? 

I think this move is unnecessary at this point in time & it is not good spending the money on this!

We shd allocate the money on shoring up our defences agst climate change or next possible outcome of being attacked.

[4:05 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Various measures to better combat online harms were announced this week in parliament, including the Online Criminal Harms Act (OCHA) to be introduced later this year as well as a new code of practice targeted at harmful content in app stores and marketplaces.

💬 What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?

The announcements come amidst a continued push to enhance connectivity and boost digital trade and investment in Singapore through a Digital Connectivity Blueprint, which includes plans for 6G mobile and a 10Gbps home broadband network.

Minister Josephine Teo said in a speech during the debate on the Ministry of H…

[4:06 pm, 01/03/2023] +RH: On Roblox ...

I know of a P5 student who spends a large chunk of his time on this.

His parents r Non-tech savvy .

They r clueless on wat he's doing & do not hv good parental control over his gaming habits -- largely cos they r Clueless abt such online harms!

👆🏻My example of non-tech young adult parents ...

We nd to educate such ppl first b4 u can say implement yr policy ... 

No pt rolling it out when ther r ppl like this out ther who r Clueless !!! 


[4:07 pm, 01/03/2023] +TD: 6G mobile network is the sixth generation of mobile networks, which is currently under development and is expected to succeed 5G mobile networks. 6G is still in the research and development phase, and it is not expected to be commercially available until the mid-2030s.

The 6G network is expected to be a major upgrade from the 5G network and is predicted to have faster data speeds, lower latency, and higher reliability. It is also expected to support new applications and technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things (IoT) on a larger scale.

Some of the key features that are expected to be a part of the 6G network include:

Terahertz Frequencies: The 6G network is expected to operate at terahertz frequencies, which are higher than the current frequency range used in 5G. Terahertz frequencies have the potential to offer much higher data speeds and lower latency.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The 6G network is expected to leverage AI to improve network performance, optimize resource allocation, and enable new applications such as autonomous vehicles and smart cities.

Quantum Computing: The 6G network is also expected to utilize quantum computing, which has the potential to greatly improve network security and enable new applications such as quantum cryptography.

Holographic Communication: The 6G network is expected to enable holographic communication, which will allow users to interact with each other in 3D, creating a more immersive and engaging experience.

Overall, the 6G network is expected to be a major leap forward in mobile network technology, offering faster speeds, lower latency, and new capabilities that will enable a wide range of new applications and services. However, it is important to note that the technology is still in the development phase, and it will be several years before it is commercially available.

[4:08 pm, 01/03/2023] +L: 6g isn't just about faster mobiles.... when all devices, machines, vehicles etc are connected and managed remotely,  sharing data about everything (video esp),  then we'll need a faster infrastructure. You're right it's a few years off, but worth getting ahead of the curve!

[4:09 pm, 01/03/2023] +RH: Er ...

All very well...

But take a look ard ...

The gen popn in other developed countries aren't even ther yet ... 

I still think we r moving too fast for our own good.

Eventually, it wl be us the gen popn who get left behind, if we r not alredi ther too.

[4:09 pm, 01/03/2023] +TD: Agreed. It's coming, but not so soon. Maybe another 10ish years for full rollout.

[4:09 pm, 01/03/2023] +RH: No need to be so Kiasu lah! 🤣

[4:10 pm, 01/03/2023] +RH: Invest the $$$ on more urgent & dire needs, like I said b4.

[4:20 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi TD, good afternoon.

A good and clear explanation of 6G and future techs that's coming.

Thank you

[4:21 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi RH, good afternoon.

What you said is true too!

Thank you

[4:22 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: The problem is to start planning, it takes time to fully realise these highly evolving tech initiatives.

Time is the factor.

Thank you.

[4:22 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Thank you.

[4:23 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: What are the urgent issues just in case, unintentionally left out?

May we know for all to benefit.

Thank you.

[4:24 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: 6G network will be useful for ppl work from home and when restrict again COVID-19 lockdown

[4:25 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: If we are pitching among the top 20 nations. Yes, it is relevant.

As for Africa, perhaps 4G will do for the meantime. However going into 2030 or further, inevitably 5G ?

Thank you.

[4:26 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: That is one of the few considerations, people who fall back. A valid concern that policymakers know and should devise means to elevate this group.

Thank you.

[4:28 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Tech or devices:

There will always be early adopters innovators, and laggers. It is a learning curve or adoption theory.

Thank you.

[4:29 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: How to close such tech GAPS?

Please discuss.

Thank you

[4:30 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Can we solve and sort by "age" groups and or "generations" gap?

[4:31 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: How about utility and function?

[4:35 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: 6G be real times per seconds than 4G and 5G

Example CCTV can capture 8K ultra.

And mobile will become small technology

[4:36 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Making robotics a reality

[4:37 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: https://www.fierceelectronics.com/electronics/what-6g-and-future-wireless

[4:37 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: New tech new business. First movers advantage. Like water tech and green Parks.. we're exporting expertise

[4:39 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: Will the future technology support human work with 6G when AI take over human job. What I think of AI can use full tool’s products while human work less hours (maybe 5hrs per days) human support to help inspection Ai and network engineer

[4:40 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: You can up your boss in real time haha and don't have to be in the office. Think of the potential. Don't have to work, just think and it happens haha

[4:41 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: Maybe I can say it will help reduce inflation because AI is not human making living for money.

[4:41 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Good point

[4:42 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: What's the true reality beyond these reasons and logic?

"...there are TWO or more sides of logical reasons. One side reasons better and many people will agree to this logic. Perhaps, it is not mere logic but to be able to see BEYOND the REALITY of what seems to be a logical conclusion."

How to "enforce" the internet of things that are acceptable (doesn't mean correct), avoidable (muddy) or apprehensible (clearly case)?

    - - in progress - -

[4:42 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: They will give us money to spend to keep the economy running

[4:42 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: Great

[4:42 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: 😂

[4:44 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: AI robot is non emotional all the database from human’s brain 🧠

[4:44 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Bill Gates  "build the future you want"

[4:44 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: Bill gates can investment

[4:44 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Yeah humans program the AI

[4:45 pm, 01/03/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Windows 12 coming

[4:46 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: AI Law

[4:47 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. There is a mistaken belief that if Singapore adopt 6G from 5G - Singapore government will need to invest big money into 6G.

2. This is not entirely true.

3. Government has already do a massive investment in broadband network during the 2012 running into billions of dollars - whereby the entire island are laid with fibre - and managed by Netlink.

The single mode fiber are future proof - to connect Telco network backbone infrastructure such as DWDM, SONET/SDH, Fiber Optical Network, MetroEthernet etc.

So even though if future technology change from 4G, 5G, 6G .... infinite G mobile network, Government don't need to pour more investment into the broadband network.

4. In fact, to move from 4G, to 5G or to future 6G mobile network - Government are earning revenue - by selling frequency bands to Telcos or mobile service providers.

5. Telcos and mobile service providers are the one that need to invest in mobile basestations and access points; and mobile edge gateways to home.

Eg. 4G mobile basestations and access points; and mobile edge gateways to home.

Eg. 5G mobile basestations and access points; and mobile edge gateways to home.

Eg. 6G mobile basestations and access points; and mobile edge gateways to home.

This means Telcos need to set aside $100 over million to pay for license frequency bands, as well as multiple millions to set up mobile basestations, gateways etc.

6. The question is, willl Telcos and mobile service providers able to recoup their investment - in 4G, 5G and future 6G.

7. Malaysia are facing a dilemma whereby its 5G rollout end up in a doldrum despite the Malaysia government deadline to get 5G ready - as all Malaysia telcos are not moving forward with their 5G deployment - because of the ROI (return on investment).

[4:49 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Malaysia’s 5G rollout still in limbo despite PM Anwar’s new deadline"


[4:49 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors

We want to HEAR from you!

*What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?  *

We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!

Megan 😊

[4:49 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: 26 December, 2022

" What are we building and what are we up to?

What about AI laws? Stoppable or Unstoppable?

Covers minimum rules of engagement just like UN laws on war and human rights.

What are the basic parameters that are enforceable in a sense practical applications of the law in the situation of infringement or grey areas that a uniform  rule of laws will intervene further violations of the basic human rights up, fair commercial practices and competitions. Setting up a new network of AI professionals, cyber law experts and legal institutions?

What are the elements to adopt in this new framework of AI laws?

Taking reference from existing natural laws from science, medical and social aspects of what are permissible and what are not acceptable boundaries of engagements.

How broad and deep can AI assess into the world of knowledge and knowing? Are there ceiling preset so that AI will be capped at a level of gaining further access that will prohibit more violations of human abilities and most importantly assessment of critical decision making processes which may or may not have future or immediate implications as time rolls on.

Who will be the enforcers?

Country to country within each jurisdiction to police these common laws for AI.

How about the architects of these AI structures? What are the basic elements allowed in these designs prior to constructing a concrete AI building, that is pre-approval by an independent experts panel from designing to implementation?

What are the costs than benefits to society and human? COSTS precede benefits, that is the key consideration for each and every AI Building!

Will AI cause further diversion of Income and wealth gaps? Who are the beneficiaries of these structured beams of AI? What is the percentage from private to public entities? Are there limitations for the level of the rate of penetration using AI for all matters or LIMITED usage?    

    - - in progress - -

[4:51 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie, good afternoon.

Any loopholes, pls critic, we will patch it.

Thank you.

[4:54 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Two out of bounce  that is... 

Race and/or  Religion.

[4:56 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: If we want building 6G network for future and better tomorrow technology advance what is important use for helping human like disability mobile and other factory products. 

Example taxi drones will be fly over area in Singapore need a skyscraper connect to 6G. 

But investment will be very fast growth upper level when if economy crisis we will then AI back up

[4:57 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: I not familiar it but share the idea what will be like future Singapore

[4:58 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Expected to see air taxi around cbd in 2025

[5:08 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: The bad point AI can be error either become violent when human created. 

Is there a technology balance between work human and AI.

Will AI understand the law and rule of nature. Not impossible because it has no emotions.

[5:10 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors

We’d love to hear more from you on today’s topic 😊

We hope that we can keep the discussion related to the topic robust and active! 

Megan 😊

[5:19 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie, good point on fear of AI compromising into humans.

Many experts have expressed their concerns of AI replacing Humans. That's true and halfway to the truth!

2050 onwards, beyond 6Gs, can be called HexoT. Perhaps the full truth will emerge, as for now, it's a metaverse in the making.

Hope it helps to smoothen your valid concerns.

Thank you.

[5:20 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Another job scam that I just block and reported.

[5:24 pm, 01/03/2023] +Kenneth Lee WM: I hope with all these automated blocks and policy coming in place, i hope they also make it easy for end users to request for exceptions to unblock things that were blocked.

Case in point, i used to be able to put in my SG mobile phone number as caller id in my US sip trunk provider.

Because of “lazy” implementation, the telco’s all now do blanket block all non SG sip calls that show “+65” as the caller id.

Force consumers to use expensive SG sip providers to do the same thing.

[5:24 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: To block is to enable quantum counting.

How fast can your "police car" run? Your lightning computer systems!

[5:25 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Reconfigurations of nano chip of 1nm using EMV.

[5:28 pm, 01/03/2023] +Kenneth Lee WM: Another example is paypal. I used to be able to transfer funds to overseas non profit organizations.

Just because that it was used by some bad hats to pay terrorist organizations, gov require paypal to apply for a license.

Paypal never did it, presumably because there is a cost involved and it was a rather difficult process. 

We now can’t transfer funds to non terrorist organizations.

[5:42 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Presumably, transferring to the middle east countries may need more compliance.

However, you might wish to check out a few "big" money changers in SG or in KL. It's legal.

They will facilitate your transfer with a receipt for your reference.

Hope it helps.

Thank you.

[5:43 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Scam I received

[5:44 pm, 01/03/2023] +Anselm: I would prefer the government 

1. define trans boundaries cyber crimes as crimes in international space. 

2. Pass legislation to give our cyber security agencies like CSA, and SAF the mandate to take down these malicious cybercriminals.

[5:44 pm, 01/03/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Scam messages still coming through thru WhatsApp.

[5:44 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Unfortunately!

[5:57 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: How to black out these scam msg?

How do these scammers have access to mobile numbers?

Who is selling these mobile numbers to third parties for marketing and or research purposes?

How to hack from Telco these Mobile numbers with profile of customers?

What are the firewall or protections our Telco possesses?

Where are the leakages? Is it through phone calls whether it is local or overseas?

[5:58 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Who is selling  - anyone who borrowed from illegal money lenders, bookies, loan sharks etc!

[6:01 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Various measures to better combat online harms were announced this week in parliament, including the Online Criminal Harms Act (OCHA) to be introduced later this year as well as a new code of practice targeted at harmful content in app stores and marketplaces.

💬 What are your views on measures to combat online harms? How can we ensure Singaporeans are protected from online harms as we evolve into a more digitally connected society?

The announcements come amidst a continued push to enhance connectivity and boost digital trade and investment in Singapore through a Digital Connectivity Blueprint, which includes plans for 6G mobile and a 10Gbps home broadband network.

Minister Josephine Teo said in a speech during the debate on the Ministry of H…

[6:01 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, ok, some avenues aka lobangs.

What is the risk stratification based on age, race, language, home type, expenditures and 


What are the common tactics aka commonality of these scams? What are their patterns of penetration, frequency within 24 hours, day of the week, month to month?

Thank you.

[6:02 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: It’s believed come roam register by telecom staffs who is trying to sell market to money lender trying to call/WhatsApp to scam

[6:02 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: It’s believed come roam register by telecom staffs who is trying to sell black market to money lender trying to call/WhatsApp to scam

[6:02 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Frankie, good lobang! You are sharp!

Thank you.

[6:03 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: It has to be PEOPLE TO PEOPLE collaborating to pass, to sell and share commission  for each successful scam deal.

[6:05 pm, 01/03/2023] +XaniceAfcai: Sigh... Few days ago I receive an overseas whatapp to do survey n in return pay shd6. Upon asking how do they get my number.... N who r they.

They introduce that fr grab food delivery n replied that my contacts get fr telecom.

Kept asking me to response the survey.

[6:06 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: No fix pattern of being targeted!  Anyone who has an axe to grind with anyone else (relatives, spouse, family, colleagues, acquaintances, char groups etc) can make us a unknowingly victim and we are non the wiser!

[6:06 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Yes

[6:07 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: . Correct

[6:08 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: So it's like casting a wide wide net.

Either you are aware of or vigilant enough or sadly a careless cat...

[6:09 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Yes

[6:09 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Where is the origin of  data leak? 

Perhaps it is a bit late to chase it...

[6:10 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Take a cue from convicted felon through court records to get an idea

[6:11 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: The dark Web is a good source too !

[6:11 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: How about REASSIGN a new digit at the 1st or last of each mobile number...RESET and clean all Mobile numbers?

991234567 or 912345678

[6:11 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Eventually, they will find a loophole!

[6:13 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Complex permutations will need higher cognitive abilities and Maths to crack it.

However through collaboration, things will start to leak out...

But nothing is impossible, a need to solve these mountains of mess!

[6:14 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: A constant cat and mouse game!

[6:15 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Isn't it fun!

Who beats who first to the red light... that's digitisation!

[6:15 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Yes

[6:16 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Super computers will Hack these scammers off the wall!

[6:16 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: I take my hat off to govtech/csa who know how to tread inside the dark Web with extreme caution!

[6:17 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: People with ill Intent are as capable as those with rare in demand anti hacking, spam and scam skills!

[6:19 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Machine language, natural language etc....

"If One speaks a unique language, the whole world will need to either get a translator or start to learn this one-off language!..."

[6:19 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Agree

[6:21 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: The translator is the gate keeper aka burning wall...

The unique language is more than coding! It's a secret code uniquely to an environment.

Simulations and or machine learning will take more effort to identify and match this unique code/language in order to assess or to break it ..

[6:22 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: "Always beating you to the red light and off the wall, you go!"

- - anonymity

[6:23 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Anonymity is back!

[6:31 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Seek higher knowledge from the following:





Leningrad (Oops ❌)

Mathematics, Heuristics, AI, Electromagnetics, Quantum.

Perhaps, these attributes and specific knowledge will create a unique environment for a specific purpose/path.

Idea is complexity over complexity!

Thank you.

[6:32 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: The "British" Uni have good grip on coding...

[6:33 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Where do our uni stand on this!?

[6:38 pm, 01/03/2023] +Timothy Weerasekera: @REACH Singapore Rushed post coz I need to get out of the office and can't type before 7pm. Sorry if not 100% coherent.

On the idea of Online Harms, I feel that one has been proposed has been too narrowly defined.

Applaud the proposal for App Store scrutiny and restrictions, esp for sexual content, but i see that as a drop in a bucket and therefore a little insincere.

Eg. Twitter is full of pornography.

Our ISPs symbolically block access to 100+? Porn websites, but what about actually being sincere about it and going the whole way?

Some may ask where the line is to be drawn. I think an analogue would be tobacco and alcohol use. If we would frown upon parents negligent enough to allow minors to use tobacco and alcohol, why would we not do the same for pornographic use via browsers?

Perhaps there is something to be said about ISPs needing to send automated reports to households with children about site usage statistics? I think more needs to be done to help parents manage their kid's use. If device based controls are only part of the solution, perhaps ISPs should also contribute to the safety-net for the sake of holistic community protection.

"Oh, but what if that uncovers other unsavoury activity by spouses" - Yes, that's a great outcome too. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

[6:39 pm, 01/03/2023] +Rama: Food for thought!?

[6:41 pm, 01/03/2023] +Frankie Wee: R21 set code

[6:46 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Timothy, good evening, good pointers.

Age limit to access certain boundaries.

Thank you.

[6:46 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

[6:47 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Which uni or entity created the TT token?

How about our Singpass ID?

Govt tech?

[6:50 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Timothy,

Recalling one Mark Twain classic that is "To the Person Sitting in Darkness".

Thank you.

[6:59 pm, 01/03/2023] +Smiley face: The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power: Barack Obama's Books of 2019

- - Professor Shoshana Zuboff

[6:59 pm, 01/03/2023] +Wai Xin: where do our uni stand in those subjects? not very high la.. they bother themselves w other stuff.. dunno why also 🤪

[7:00 pm, 01/03/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


Monday, February 27, 2023

REACH 430 -  What are your views on Singapore’s population strategies in increasing its total fertility rate?


 27 Feb 2023 (10am - 7pm)


[10:50 am, 27/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use: https://go.gov.sg/reach-whatsapp-terms

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:53 am, 27/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

At the Committee of Supply Debate 2023 last Friday, Min Indranee Rajah mentioned that Singapore’s total fertility rate has been declining for many years, with a new low at 1.05 in 2022. With a lower fertility rate and a longer life expectancy, Singapore faces challenging complexities and challenges on the population front.

Various MPs took part in the Committee of Supply debates, with Mr Louis Ng suggesting to increase childcare leaves and introduce fertility leaves for couples undergoing fertility treatments. Another MP, Mr Louis Chua also suggested for gender-neutral parental leave.

💬 *What are your views on Singapore’s population strategies in increasing its total fertility rate? *

Singapore’s population strategies seek to achieve a stronger social compact by:  

📌 Supporting aspirations and strengthening assurance for Singaporeans

There is greater priority for first-timer families with children, as well as younger married couples, in their Build-To-Order flat applications, including an additional ballot. 

The Government has also increased the Baby Bonus cash gift and the Child Development Account First Step Grant for all eligible Singaporean children, and a higher co-matching cap in the Child Development Account for the first and second child. 

Additionally, Government-paid paternity leave will be extended to four weeks, up from the current two, for eligible working fathers of children born on or after Jan 1, 2024, and the Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangements will be rolled out in 2024.

📌 Growing opportunities

Government is looking into ways to further develop the local workforce. This includes preparing students for jobs of the future and diversifying pathways, investing heavily in education and building a stronger pipeline of Singaporeans for leadership positions across different sectors.

Min Indranee added that Singapore will need to remain open to foreign manpower to help fill skills shortages in the labour market and boost the economy’s productive capacity.

📌 Strengthening solidarity for a more cohesive society

A comprehensive set of factors, including an individual’s family ties to Singaporeans, economic contributions and qualifications, is evaluated when granting PR or citizenship, to ensure that new immigrants are rooted and contribute meaningfully here. 

All new adult citizens come from within the pool of PRs and have been in Singapore for some time, while second-generation PRs serve national service.

📌 Planning ahead for future generations

On long-term population projections, Singapore increasingly develop various scenarios to stress-test assumption and allow for a range of possible outcomes. 

The Government ensures to plan ahead of time and maintain flexibility to adjust its plans so that its able to respond to new trends and safeguard options for the future.

👉🏼 https://www.strategygroup.gov.sg/media-centre/speeches/speech-by-minister-indranee-rajah-on-population-at-the-cos-2023/

👉🏼 https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/politics/s-pore-s-total-fertility-rate-hit-record-low-in-2022-govt-to-help-aspiring-parents-indranee-rajah

👉🏼 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/committee-supply-2023-debate-day-1-indranee-rajah-well-being-singaporeans-heart-population-strategies-3302771

👉🏼 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/watch/committee-supply-2023-debate-day-1-louis-ng-sg-made-families-3302411?view=embed


[11:05 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Employees need to know how their employers view the pro creative recommendations!?

[11:14 am, 27/02/2023] +Yinnia NEW: Yes ok

[11:16 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I guess we have a long way to go

[11:19 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Why couple don't want to have children or only plan for 1 or max 2?

1) cost of living

2) high cost of child care

3) career first, by then too old to try for children

4) long wait for BTOs

5) stress over pri sch balloting

[11:21 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: We need to address the issues than just give baby bonus

[11:21 am, 27/02/2023] +TD: Think root cost for most issues is still cost? imho

[11:22 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I planned to hv 4 children,

[11:22 am, 27/02/2023] +TD: *cause

[11:22 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: But gave up halfway

[11:22 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: High cost

[11:22 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Stopped at 2

[11:22 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Baby bonus only tide the initial period

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: CDA matching, we used up the quota before they turn 2/3 yo

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Childcare was just so expensive

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Agree

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Both parents need to work

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Unlike the older days

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: For a uncle, you are still young!?

[11:23 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: The mum can stay hm

[11:24 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Children was affordable but now costly

[11:24 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Long term subsidy !?

[11:24 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yeah

[11:25 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Dad must earn at least 10K

[11:25 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Although we shouldn't go back to last time, since we are looking at gender equality.

[11:26 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Hahahaha

[11:26 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I appreciate the waiver of school fees for gov sch though

[11:26 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Rofl

[11:26 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Don't have the energy to chase after children

[11:26 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: For sure

[11:26 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: These days what's $10K

[11:27 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: After deducting for loans, insurance, medicals and etc, probably left not much for savings

[11:27 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Exactly!

[11:27 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Giving birth at hosp is not cheap ya

[11:27 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: But thankfully my wife gave birth to my two naturally, hence my cost is only $2.5 and $3.2k then

[11:28 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Now? Easily $8k or more

[11:28 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Depending whether complications occured

[11:29 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Maybe KKH is still affordable

[11:29 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Mine both at KKH

[11:31 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I applauded doubling the paternal leave for fathers

[11:32 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: But if I'm the employee, I may not want to use up all the leaves. It is a kind of stingma in the office politics

[11:32 am, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I may just take 1 week first then slowly use up the remaining, if there is a chance

[11:36 am, 27/02/2023] +Yinnia NEW: yinnia Dnt hv kid children

[11:43 am, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[0:10 pm, 27/02/2023] +Grace: I think a good number of mothers would like to be around for their child's formative years. Yet work is so crazy. We need more understanding bosses.

[0:11 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Let's name pro creation employers as a fine example for others to follow!?

[0:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +L: Yes, both for mums and dad's!

[0:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: That's for sure. But at the same time they want to balance their worries about being 'marked' at workplace for being not around for a substantial period of time.

[0:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: "The bigger a country is the bigger the headcount headache it will be...!"

- - anonymity

[0:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: This cuts down direct bonding with domestic helper

[0:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +Yinnia NEW: I need look for Job as packer 2025 or nt

[1:01 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: 2024 or this year!?

[1:10 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Understanding bosses who had kids

[1:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Challenging for those working for non kid parents. Hard to have emphaty. I had a single dynamic female HOD who pressurized my friend to resign because she had complications in her pregnancy with no guilt.

[1:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: 23 February, 2023

In Search of Talents and Replacements?

"Who needs who most?"

- - anonymity

J-Find and J-Skip:

Minimum ¥8.0 millions annual Income and onwards may apply and fresh foreign graduates especially from the global top 100 universities are highly sort after by the Japanese government. 

Why the hurry to get new blood into Japan?

Accelerated ageing population, Japan, the attrition of 40 millions citizens and threatens the existence of Japan!  On the workforce participations, one in two of age 65 to 69 years old are still working to survive. Historically, since the Meiji era, Japan was an exclusive country whereby only japanese served japanese. Today, things have changed, it is that simple!


"J-Find" visa allows individual up to 2 years stay in Japan. Income $80k

"J -Skip"  visa is a higher class permit with dependants and up to 2 domestic helps allowed to enter into Japan. The use of fast Immigration lane as commonly used by foreign dignitaries, likewise J-Skip holders will access the same. Income of $100k and above.

"What is the cost of livings, and how about the quality of livings...is your hard earned monies well spent here or elsewhere, the Americans often say, 'bang for your bucks'...?"

- - anonymity 

As for accomodation cost, plenty of affordable apartments in the larger Tokyo areas costing $100k onwards all and freehold too! For a bigger house with private Onsan hot spring will cost $150k onwards. Some hot deals include 'rent and own' tenancy whereby after a 22 years of renting, the apartment belongs to the tenant. In the rural areas, free homes are available to foreigners to stay for as long as they wish. 

Who are the migrants and why so?

China, Taiwan, Hong kong and India with 66% comes from China. It's about cost of housings and a hope to start a new live and livelihood in Japan?  

Human migrations have been a historical phenomena, nothing unique and a path for humans to get away from miseries, for opportunities and challenges in life! Are all the above factors true? After all said, the above are facts! Isn't it!


[1:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: The superior only apologized when she herself went thru complications in her pregnancy

[1:14 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Not necessarily understanding

[1:14 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Don't think so

[1:15 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: So much for government pro creation policy!

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Can complain to MOM one.

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I shall not name school.

I have a close friend, who teach in a moe school.

She got married and was planning to have kids. She was 'brainwashed' by her subject head cos her classes are preparing for national exam in the following year.

She decided to put on hold her plans till the student exams over this year.

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: I understand the government sector More understanding compared to commercial

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Actually her own HR should warn her but companies do it more subtlety lah

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Not exactly

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Depending which sector

[1:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Or ministry

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: In theory only

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: . Outcome too taxing mentally and financially!

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: All have kPIs

Then get 'marked' later on.

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I know of pple who choose not to have kids in order not to slow down their careers or impact their retirement

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Credit to the subject head? Haha

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Can be manipulate to advantage

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Cfm

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: U must baoto and leave lah. Hahaha

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Cannot expect to stay

[1:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: I last met her during xmas

[1:21 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: This was what she shared with us

[1:21 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: She also worried her appraisal will be affected

[1:21 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Grace, good afternoon, many good pointers from you!


Formative years means up to 16 years old or into 18 years, that's teenage years!

Only if the working world comprehend the heavy burden of raising children will these managers realise it...

Thank you.

[1:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Everyone has to make a choice. I heard if you're single mother you're supported all thru the child's life? True or fake?

[1:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Where to find answers

[1:23 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Conditions attached

[1:24 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Maybe government should sponsor all the way like the single mom

[1:24 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Then mothers and fathers can relax

[1:24 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: A lot of considerations to factor in

[1:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Won't one. Gahmen is allergic to  such policies. No personal responsibility

[1:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Yeah. Government should deploy innovative ideas and test it. Like.covid. we're known for being innovative

[1:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: The problem is more pervasive. Many actors inlfuence many not to have kids

[1:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Many factors that cannot be so easily addressed

[1:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: This is an issue for many developed countries

[1:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Yearly appraisal should not take into consideration when child is born for first 3 years.

[1:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Agree. One is who will take care of them. Last night I saw the maid playing with the kids (3 of them) parents on the phone

[1:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Given that the only resource of Singapore is labour, this is a big problem

[1:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: It's so common. U can see it on display at almost all restaurants

[1:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Should not be faulted by employer or supervisor

[1:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Usually the kids are watching phones too

[1:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: They Will have attachment and abandonment issues When the maid leaves

[1:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Only the maid isn't watching phone

[1:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: My friend shared that the daughter told her to go to work and bring auntie back

[1:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Maid been with them from birth until 12 years old

[1:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Perhaps ministry can take the lead when comes to appraisal for new mother, should be automatic recommended for salary raise or promotion. Unless performance really below par

[1:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: It goes against our meritocratic policies and free market dynamics

[1:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: https://theindependent.sg/only-2-things-needed-to-have-more-kids-a-house-and-good-childcare-support-sporean-on-louis-ngs-fertility-leave-proposal-for-couples-needing-ivf/

[1:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: U can only incentivize and ensure no discrimination

[1:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Discrimination will creep in nonetheless!

[1:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: If that's the case, a lot of areas need to work on it.

Entry to elite school

Son of reputable people automatic get a chance to ocs

[1:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Face value only!

[1:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Discrimination is in the society, that many of us know

[1:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: It is not being debated about on a higher level

[1:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: If you want to progress, with increased in birth rate, something must be done in a bigger way

[1:40 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: So how bad is it across the employment blanket!?

[1:40 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Maybe the company get extra $$$ when their staff are pregnant or kids along the way. More kids more $$$ for the company and supporters

[1:40 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Else no women wants to give birth cos their career is being jeopardize

[1:40 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Currently 3rd child onwards, company get reimbursed from gov for the salary portion

[1:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Perhaps can be extended to second or even first chuld

[1:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Child

[1:42 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: For the country's good. We may lose our national identity. Like Japan, inadequate nurses

[1:42 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: National identity will always change

[1:42 pm, 27/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Population growth is a tough nut to crack because if depends on :-

a. Couple's aspiration to have kids.

b. Factors affecting or supporting couple to have more kids.

i. This could be any help to look after the babies and toddlers during young age - eg. grandparents, nurseries, maid

ii. Is the companies supportive of women with child bearing age.

iii. Financial affordability

iv. Worries how will the children fare in schools - all the way to University - so that they will have a good future.

v. Conducive for couple to own BTO flats to get married.

2. In other words, couple aspiration to have more kids are affected by :-

a. Household help to raise kids.

b. Business support for women having kids.

c. Government support to make housing available, easy access to schooling, financial assistance to make child bearing more affordable etc

3. At macro level, the government policies look supportive for "pro-creation" and should help couple contemplating raising kids to do so.

4. But having say so, raising kids are something very personal - and sometimes, personal factors, their jobs that they are helming will immediately and directly affect the couples whether raise more kids or not  - because raising kids are long term commitments - and there are many stressors along the way.

Eg. if companies adopt flexibility WFH/WFO - for women bearing kids will be helpful.

[1:43 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: We are a country of immigrants

[1:43 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: When I used to go reservist , near the end I already see many NSF with interesting Vietnamese, angmor and even Myanmar name tags

[1:43 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: As a country of immigrants, national identity always evolves

[1:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Grace: Got a lot of meetings today, sorry not so active on the chat.

[1:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Every phase of immigrants will face the same identify crises when their children and children's children become citizens and see new immigrants come in

[1:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Maybe the next phase will be African or South American citizens

[1:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Immigrants

[1:45 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Our current economy needs a surfeit of cheaper and available labour

[1:53 pm, 27/02/2023] +GLCM: The very first starting point is whether married couples want to have kids. 

The decision may stem partly from the background of how they were brought up as a child. Do they look upon it as an ideal / aspiration  or something they tell themselves "I don't want to have kids after I grow up"

The family unit of the current or past, influence the future generation's mindset about having a family.

If we can influence it positively, then the aspiration of the future will tend towards procreation.

[1:54 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Maybe the influence can start from young.

[1:55 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: This is wrong!

[1:55 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Although not all comes from complete family, some could have stingma from their past experiences.

Maybe can start from school about educating the students about family as a while

[1:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: U mean national education since young about the need to bear children ?

[1:58 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: It's a personal choice

[1:58 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I find it rich irony that we have the stop at 2 policy so many years ago

[1:58 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Now will we starting fining those who have less than 2

[1:58 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: We already depriortize them for HDB flats already 🤣

[2:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: It's a personal choice no doubt, but through influence and peers

[2:00 pm, 27/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. In other words, Government after placing all supporting Government policies in place.

2. The next thing is to tackle business and companies - to support women of child-bearing age.

3. The last thing to do - is to influence and tackle personal couple and household pain points in child-bearing.

4. Only by looking into and tackling the 3 different levels separately -- with its unique problems and issues - can make pro-creation more successful.

[2:01 pm, 27/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

At the Committee of Supply Debate 2023 last Friday, Min Indranee Rajah mentioned that Singapore’s total fertility rate has been declining for many years, with a new low at 1.05 in 2022. With a lower fertility rate and a longer life expectancy, Singapore faces challenging complexities and challenges on the population front.

Various MPs took part in the Committee of Supply debates, with Mr Louis Ng suggesting to increase childcare leaves and introduce fertility leaves for couples undergoing fertility treatments. Another MP, Mr Louis Chua also suggested for gender-neutral parental leave.

💬 What are your views on Singapore’s population strategies in increasing its total fertility rate?

Singapore’s population strategies seek to achieve a stronger…

[2:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: As a parent of kids, I think more affordable  childcare centers and after school care options will go very far in helping

[2:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Given Singapore's long work hours and stress, this can help parents immensely

[2:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: This is a low hanging fruit

[2:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Which the gahmen can easily address

[2:10 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Long hours. Agreed.

Perhaps centre can help by extending the closing hours. From current 7pm to 715 or 730pm.

I do know by doing that, those teachers who may have children to fetch, may be delayed.

Some arrangements can be done by the centres.

[2:12 pm, 27/02/2023] +Wai Xin: I haven't had the chance to look at all the discussion.. so i'm just gonna share what could have been shared before. please pardon me if that is the case.

I think our birthrate is a victim of our own success. we have a cosmopolitan society and we have a fairly vibrant education system. our youths want to venture out to explore and learn from overseas experience. they want to achieve something in life, they want to explore and find their strength, niche, and cultivate their interest. in essence they want to live the best life they can. and if this is their aspiration, we can't fault them for it. at least they are aspiring young adults.

to ask them to form family in their golden biological age is a tough call because the golden age is not just for biological…

[2:17 pm, 27/02/2023] +GLCM: Yes. I sense the burning desire to venture and experience life in many younger colleagues or friends.

So to prep housing policies and childcare options etc only cater to those who want to have kids.

[2:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Wai Xin: but there's a danger of having targeted policies only to enable those who want to have kids, then we will risk having a brain drain as our youth are adaptable to foreign environment..

[2:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Wai Xin: if the youth feel that they are not wanted here, they will gladly uproot and move to a "lower" stress society

[2:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +Yinnia NEW: Yes

[2:30 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Exactly!

[2:32 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Point two needs frank update from all employers without prejudice!

[2:33 pm, 27/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Getting business to support women in child bearing age - not an easy task.

[2:34 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Even if hr and senior management are females@

[2:35 pm, 27/02/2023] ☸️  Danny 心: 😅

[2:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +L: Yes, this was the point I was making about housing too. Need to balance stable society with inspirational society.

[2:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: How when prices are shocking high even after subsidies!?

[2:54 pm, 27/02/2023] +Yinnia NEW: I need offer low prices r new hse

[2:55 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Hard but try

[4:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

At the Committee of Supply Debate 2023 last Friday, Min Indranee Rajah mentioned that Singapore’s total fertility rate has been declining for many years, with a new low at 1.05 in 2022. With a lower fertility rate and a longer life expectancy, Singapore faces challenging complexities and challenges on the population front.

Various MPs took part in the Committee of Supply debates, with Mr Louis Ng suggesting to increase childcare leaves and introduce fertility leaves for couples undergoing fertility treatments. Another MP, Mr Louis Chua also suggested for gender-neutral parental leave.

💬 *What are your views on Singapore’s population strategies in increasing its total fertility rate? *

Singapore’s population strategies seek to achieve a strong…

[4:30 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: I agree. I have friends who Left and came back because overseas they're treated as second class citizens. It's anecdotal so not representing the whole

[4:33 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: I believe government is aware of so called two Singapore society existing for some time now! Economic growth potential has created a necessity for foreign people who built their own enclave and ostracised the local population in their own country !

[4:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Wai Xin: let's not get carried away 🤪..

but just like they come here, we also have people heading out. these foreigners prob felt their countries didn't treat them well. 🫣

[4:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: It's a fact of life not to be tramped under the carpet with pretence! Let's not concern ourselves with what our former citizens do in those host countries!

[4:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Better dun give birth, as raise a child already very difficult, plus Gov MSF is looking all ways to remove children from family with their cook up stories by hiring no experience officers. In the end parent had to waste money hire lawyer to fight with them in court to get the child back.  Like that which family can afford. Said until so nice many child care leave. Which boss will happily accept. Those officers that they hired are single young arrogant without parent hood experience will dun bother much , they will just grab and go cause families and children in further trouble. Normal families already copes like crazy what ever single parent. They should stop these officers from doing wrong thing 1st and give more morals support or financial support before they come out these. It defit the purpose. Talk everyone can talk.

[4:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Valid

[4:52 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: The Gov are thinking all ways to collapse families and suck more funds from the families as there are most vulnerable and easy to suck money. Most of the boss will agree on what Gov said, coming to carried out , parent will suffer in work field as boss will find all excuse to make thing difficult. Children are human they will get sick especially those special children. Every time take leave, boss will jump and cook stories or make things difficult to force them to resign. If you are boss , will you paid a worker for nothing is done and stay at home look after children, it will affect the company operation.  May be 1 out of 10 boss are good but mostly will ask them go home eat themselves.

[4:53 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: So much for promoting exemplary employers!

[4:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: This is unfortunately quite common. Gonna get worse with all the geopolitical tensions now between china and the western countries

[4:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: To make things worst, the MSF is hiring all youngster without experience and creating more burden to families. All the leave might not be enough because the parent will need keep take leave for court session for this & that. So which boss will allow staff always take leave, a family got couple to rotate take leave how about single families. MSF will never give them assistance , they sit there and draw more money from families. even families tried to feedback no one will help they will just push around. We have a case here. she look for MP several rounds but no use after MP had written in so many times . During her last visit with MP, the staff from the office outside tear her queue number and shoo her off saying no point seeing MP after he had write in so many time and nothing works. So is this the system that Singaporean wants .

[5:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Wow

[5:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Work life balance is only given lip service . Nowadays bosses tell you the PM said you need to look after your own lunch . You decide your family more important or your " lunch" . More implied than say of course

[5:02 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: How do the Nordic countries deal with this I wonder

[5:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: State mandates no firing for pregnant ladies and pays their salaries for 1year or more ?

[5:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Good new the birth rate go down otherwise more families suffer and more children became a pest with these officers anyhow back up the children , saying parent hit children is abuse, children hit parent is nothing. With this sort of backup from MSF, all the children will became King and parent will have more difficulties in teaching the children. Give birth is easy , just pop out, but the journey is not especially with these group of MSF officers.

[5:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: But how to fill the job gap still

[5:04 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Which boss will do that , they escape they will tried escape.

[5:05 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Haha. I feel your pain. If the state says the kid is my responsibility to raise and nurture , why interfere when I discipline the kids . Most parents want the best for their kids , you shouldn't stop corporal punishment just due to some bad parents

[5:05 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: In a way, I think sometimes liberal western thought on how to bring up kids is not right

[5:06 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: It is not involves of salaries in involves the work flow. If you are a boss will you paid them sit at home do nothing. If Gov paid then no words said. The things is how much they paid , is it enough for the families. Now everything go up, a bowl of noddle can cost $7 plus and it is very little.

[5:08 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Agree

[5:11 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: they dun bother , those officers just want to hit their KPI, They just remove and throw them inn home and that it. My friend a single parent has a special violence child with proven record, she physically calm her child few time to buy time to get help from other. was charge child abuse. Until now 8 months never see the child and still need hire lawyer to fight this case in court. Those officers do not bother what my friend said and insist the charging . So go try , just a simple action and be so dramatic until go court. Are these officers trying to said of the child wants to kill , the parent should get the child a knife to kill. It was so horrible.

[5:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Not surprising

[5:15 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Go every where to feedback , they play taichi around, pushing her from Dept to Dept with no help. As a single still have to find money to hire lawyer. If like that better dun give birth. One give birth , there will be no end problem. Now a days, mother are like Gov Machine. Can give birth but cannot teach,

[5:15 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Exactly

[5:18 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Now mother are like cows , after fulfill duties of give birth, just wait there to be slaughter by these officers. Those cannot take it will chose to end their life. Just the Bukit Batok case. Gov cover until so nice, act until so pity in the media, who is the culprit that cause them to end their life - the MSF Officers are the one.

[5:18 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: So Singaporean wake up especially mothers do not fall in the traps.

[5:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: @ซูซาน CH Poh Clinic I applauded your feedbacks

[5:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: This is truly on the ground sentiments

[5:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: I rather no one send me off when I am died than became MSF give birth machine.

[5:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: If only!

[5:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: 😳

[5:24 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: As an extension of what poh said, sometimes I feel we are like the animals in a high intensity farm and the gahmen Is a farmer . We are being measured in economic units like how much we can contribute to GDP and the nation/ economy  :(

[5:24 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: They sit high on top what they know. Ask them come tried one week , not one months . they will surrender.  Their pay is our 10 years pay . I admired Aust , all of them cut 50% paid during pandemic, to help each one another. As for child , they allow parent to discipline their with a guideline by Gov, any parent overdoing it , then they will step. Their system is so good until they do not play taichi , they take action very fast. They also do not allow biased system, not like Singapore.

[5:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Once no economic use, ask u go Malaysia retire as minister khaw said previously

[5:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Yes, we are . Most of us are good animals to wait for slaughter.

[5:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +TD: Not Khaw Boon Wan, Amy Khor said that

[5:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Issit? Always thought was khaw boon kuan but the you get the idea

[5:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: If these happen in oversea, you can see a lot riots around, not like Singaporean all keep quiet and let them kill and suck blood.

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Like a good farmer, the gahmen only takes care of us so that we are productive and can continue to "produce"

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: The farmer feed the flock special crafted words and funds.

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: That's y women should not be discriminated at work for not be able to get that promotion or raise, just because she was away to give birth

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Like now PM elect Lawrence Wong say Singaporeans want to work longer

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Once u cannot produce, they will kill u.

[5:27 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Agree

[5:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Crazy , retire and enjoy , who want to work until the day we step in coffin .

[5:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: But does he realize, most pple have to work longer not by choice

[5:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: As much as the men contribute to nation defence, they get medals and ranks. Our women should be recongised for their nation building as well

[5:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Sure!?

[5:28 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Wait long long, all women are machine without appreciation.

[5:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: No women, no children!

[5:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Of course, they will cook stories to pin u down. If want to tired, u can tried.

[5:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Pointless to promote

[5:30 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Human production factory!

[5:33 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Gov is only making an excuse to lift the birth rate, to make women produce more children, without thinking thinking the consequence. Once they are done with their duties, they will cook stories and remove the child. If women cannot take it they kill themselves, the Gov will clap their hand and act pity in media. If women are strong they will continue to cook story and pressure from their employer will also drive them to nuts.

[5:33 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I think the gahmen still need women in workforce lah

[5:34 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Double the employment, produtivity, consumption and taxes

[5:34 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Double GDP leh

[5:34 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: But yes they want them to produce children too

[5:34 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: We really are farm animals 🤣

[5:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: yala because now not enough worker. So they push the producer to work.

[5:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Singapore farm biggest product is pple

[5:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: We no other natural resource other than human capital

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Existing capital need to work hard

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Also need to produce next gen of capital

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: If no male cow slough the field, the woman cow also have to slough the field after produce.

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Since cannot produce then import lor

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Hard numbers

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Male animal need for NS

[5:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: And also produce money

[5:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: So in order to meet GDP, need more and more animals

[5:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Waiting for our members to write essays

[5:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi C H Poh,

Can you tell more about the Bukit Batok case?

Two, how should govt agencies act upon to reduce these "taichi quan", it seems like efficient yet not effective.

Three, can you elaborate on how mothers (women) are compromised and vulnerable?

Thank you.

[5:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I mean to b fair, I understand that Singapore is small with no other resources but is there any other way ?

[5:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: It is not cannot produce. It was them the famer producer to nearby country , so now they have to use roof top to grow veg , this and that

[5:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Are we willing to trade off less skyscrapers , luxury malls, Singapore F1 for a slower pace of life , less GDP , maybe less high level jobs

[5:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Is there any other way for Singapore to survive

[5:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: There is with smart ways. with equal percent in all.

[5:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Really is siege mentality non stop

[5:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Every day, we are under siege and must make more sacrifices

[5:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I don't have an answer . Just airing my thoughts

[5:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I m old enuff to remember Singapore when it wasn't like this

[5:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: And they are supposed to have the foresight!?

[5:39 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Maybe the world has changed and we have no choice

[5:40 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: Last x with PM Lee. we survive . we have our chicken egg meat vegetable farm but where did they go ? All was move to oversea, as Gov need more dollars and more cement world.

[5:40 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Again, I don't have helicopter vision 🤣

[5:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +C H POH DIGESTIVE & ...: It their mindset , their brain had been wash with money instead of humility .

[5:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Well, the minister's salary review is coming up soon

[5:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Let's see how much they will increase 🤣

[5:42 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Review downwards and only go up to offset inflation.  A good start is the salary for 090865 independence cabinet!

[5:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Lol. I want to see how much will increase leh

[5:44 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Leave it stagnant till 2050!

[5:45 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: U and me both know it won't happen 😂

[5:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Wait they say no dignity 🤣

[5:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Still must get the message across!

[5:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: But jokes aside. I think they job is not easy

[5:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Their

[5:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: But solidarity is needed

[5:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Since political office is a calling and not for money only

[5:47 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: There was dignity when we showed the world our grit and determination to succeed after being kicked out of the federation in 1965!

[5:47 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Not say pay peanuts but cannot be so high that they are divorced from reality

[5:47 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:47 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: I read somewhere that one country peg the ministers pay to how much they can raise the minimum pay in the country and not GDP

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Peanut performance but fat pay check nonetheless!

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Now that's progressive !!

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Will we!?

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Wait long long looooooong

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: 🤣

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: But since this is the gahmen feedback channel

[5:48 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Can I propose this ?

[5:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Till government become not just one party!?

[5:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: ☝️

[5:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Why not!?

[5:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Dunno who is taking notes. Hahaha

[5:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Probably Megan!?

[5:50 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Ah yes

[5:50 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: Anyway, just throwing out ideas

[5:50 pm, 27/02/2023] +Fulgrim.: We all want the best for Singapore and for our children

[5:51 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Likewise

[5:56 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: 11 September, 2010 (long ago...)

"Correct or Wrong and Right to Left?"

Sometime in the name of righteousness, we become highly emotional and upset over many things in life. We pour our negativity and unpleasant self and often enough not many people care about righteousness! 

How about conflict or heated arguments? In any conflict mediation, there are TWO or more sides of logical reasons. One side reasoned better and many will agree and flock to this logic. 

Perhaps, it is not simply logic but to be able to see BEYOND the REALITY of what seems to be a logical conclusion.

You need skill, intelligence,  sharpness, and the power of observation to derive a higher order other than logic itself.

What's the true reality beyond these reasons and logic?

    - - in progress - -

[5:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Essay time

[5:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[5:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Uncle Law, good afternoon!

[5:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Uncle Law: Good evening

[5:57 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, same to you!

[6:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

At the Committee of Supply Debate 2023 last Friday, Min Indranee Rajah mentioned that Singapore’s total fertility rate has been declining for many years, with a new low at 1.05 in 2022. With a lower fertility rate and a longer life expectancy, Singapore faces challenging complexities and challenges on the population front.

Various MPs took part in the Committee of Supply debates, with Mr Louis Ng suggesting to increase childcare leaves and introduce fertility leaves for couples undergoing fertility treatments. Another MP, Mr Louis Chua also suggested for gender-neutral parental leave.

💬 What are your views on Singapore’s population strategies in increasing its total fertility rate?

Singapore’s population strategies seek to achieve a stronger …

[6:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Cheers!

Do forgive those long "telegram", pls read and digest, it may bring about more ideas... deeper meaning "话中有话"

Thank you!

[6:00 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Likewise

[6:02 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: If pay so much and can't resolve then don't pay so much because can't resolve haha

[6:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Eat humble pie!

[6:03 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Be like other countries politicians talk and talk and talk and talk and vote again

[6:04 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: USA!

[6:06 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Oh but I heard they not paid as much as ours but their perks and after retirement books are paid well. Like Trump former associates

[6:06 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Not surprising!

[6:06 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew,

How about Malaysia and Indonesia?

Any comment to addon?

Thank you.

[6:06 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Trump paid only one dollar but he takes air force one to play golf all the time hahaha

[6:07 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Too corrupt and bureaucratic!

[6:07 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Jimmy, good afternoon!

You are correct, perks and more!

Thank you

[6:07 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, you are correct, you nailed it!

Thank you.

[6:08 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Indonesia doing well?

[6:09 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: So when you pay peanuts you will get M....

What if you pay the gorilla tons you may also get more M....

So how?

[6:09 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: We must not complain because if they are as efficient as us we will be pushed over hahaha

[6:09 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Getting better but I have hopes Malaysia under Anwar!

[6:09 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[6:09 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Efficiency+ Effective

[6:11 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Have you been to KL ? Singaporeans told me night sceneries and activities many times  better than Singapore

[6:11 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: I too

[6:11 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Definitely

[6:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Jimmy,

Where are the betters compared to SG? 

Is it cost or more than value for money?

Where are the fun and vibrancy?

Thank you.

[6:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Our ministers are doing Great they got to do more greater things. Innovative rather than cut and paste.

[6:13 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Agree

[6:14 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Haha it's anecdotal. One man meat is another man poison

[6:14 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: We just got to collect Data and confirm

[6:14 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: 👍🤷‍♂️

[6:18 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: We're just a microorganism of peoples' opinion

[6:18 pm, 27/02/2023] +Jimmy Chew: Minster would see more and confirm our hunches

[6:19 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: OPINION | S’poreans are not having babies; besides high cost of living, can a child’s future be truly free from stresses beyond reasonable?

Singapore’s government has been in a jam in the last few decades.Singapore is getting older, and people are not having babies.Then, there’s the fact that wages don’t seem to be rising along with cost, and we’re told that we need to be “more productive” if we want more money.


[6:20 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Andrew, good article!

A generation learning from the previous...

Thank you.

[6:21 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Just happened to come across it on Telegram!

[6:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: It is a paradigm shift in MINDSETS starting from the millennials!

[6:22 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Yes

[6:23 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: One sees one's parents having to feed one, one will rethink and form a new paradigm?

[6:23 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: BEYOND Reality!

[6:25 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: ...so do active migrations especially for big nations like the US, India and China and lesser for the Africa nations. 

Another dimension in the changing!

[6:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Exactly

[6:26 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: AI and robotics our future generation domestic helper!

[6:29 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Thank you.

Next is, how can all of us meaningfully brainstorm ways and means to come up with soluble outcomes so that the survival of SG will not be swap away by these unavoidable forces! That is ageing and attrition of one nation headcount, Japan is an extreme example for us to observe! 

Next is South Korea and us- SG!

[6:31 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: We need sph and mediacorp to show impartiality when reporting pros and cons on policies suggestions from all politicians otherwise social media will be constantly filled with who knows what is happening!

[6:31 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Bring in equitable new Citizens of age under 40 with TWO or more kids!

This Immigration point system should have these two attributes and other qualifications and skillsets. 

Btw, no extended family members.

[6:32 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Must serve national service in front line rolls!

[6:33 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Yes, that will be a PRE CONDITION in agreement to accepting the RED ID.

No escapade!

Thank you.

[6:33 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Most welcome

[6:34 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Violation of this act MEANS BYE BYE to the entire family!

Thank you!

[6:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: I hope to see a Singapore where no politician will ever say the majority are not ready for a non Chinese PM!

[6:35 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Plus all previous years of GST Vouchers, Cash and incentives!

All crawl back with a 3% back interest too!

No free rider!

Thank you.

[6:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Great!

[6:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: 10%

[6:36 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: What is meritocracy about?

So tough?

It's a belief that through competitions to allocate resources to the best use, the best head/hand/heart for the job.

Thank you.

[6:37 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Dilute the races through interracial marriage

[6:38 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: This! Let the lovers meet eye to eye and heart to heart!

It's an aspiration and aspiration is one part of a LARGER capitalism idealogy.

Thank you.

[6:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: "No child" or "One child" is enough mindset is the new order for the global young folks. We can blame it on social media from FB, IG, TikTok to those influencers. The fact is all these influences have changed the perspective of billion young ones to think for oneself and no second thoughts for their future and the continuation of mankind.

[6:41 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Ÿup

[6:42 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: "Are you serious, it's all because of you...?"

- - anonymity

[6:42 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: 😳😁🤷‍♂️

[6:43 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Aka datang, COMING up..

[6:45 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Will social intervention and early education works? How about inculcating our children the values of family, the challenges and benefits, responsibilities, parenthood, and the social implications of being CHILD-FREE or remains single for the entire life? Let's be brave to face the realities? The truth is children learn from parents, that is if a child's environment (shaped the brain) is full of challenges or unhappy & stressful childhood, perhaps this child will grow up better-off not tying the knot!

[6:45 pm, 27/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊

[6:46 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: So it is logical or is it selfishness or personal choice or infertility that drives these CHILD-FREE individuals to make up their minds to be free and easy?

[6:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Will parents teach the opposite!?

[6:49 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: A combination of many!

[6:51 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Yes, BEYOND reality!

[6:51 pm, 27/02/2023] +Rama: Social media exposure is a contributing factor!

[6:52 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Biggies! Yes!

[6:53 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: This is a concept.

[6:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: Hi Uncle Law, Andrew....the longer telegraph aka essay time!

[6:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +Smiley face: 27 February, 2023

To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members 

"Are you serious, it's all because of you...?"

- - anonymity

The Future (in three paragraphs)?

It is a paradigm shift in MINDSETS starting from the millennials! Freedom: Child free, or double income couple and childless, or individuals remaining single! All of these individual choices are the truth and the realities that follow will have profound impact and significance as the world moves on into the (un)known.

Will social intervention and early education works? How about inculcating our children the values of family, the challenges and benefits, responsibilities, parenthood, and the social implications of being CHILD-FREE or remains single for the entire life? Let's be brave to face the realities? The truth is children learn from parents, that is if a child's environment (shaped the brain) is full of challenges or unhappy & stressful childhood, perhaps this child will grow up better-off not tying the knot!

The world demographics have changed and so do active migrations especially for big nations like the US, India and China and lesser for the Africa nations. "No child" or "One child" is enough mindset is the new order for the global young folks. We can blame it on social media from FB, IG, TikTok to those influencers. The fact is all these influences have changed the perspective of billion young ones to think for oneself and no second thoughts for their future and the continuation of mankind. Here it goes!

Are you kidding?

Couples willing to have kids are finding it harder to conceive while others having no fertility issues are facing the challenges of rising costs of living. What are the values, beliefs and views of these aspiring parents? What is their commonality? How about adopting children from other Asian countries and how easy it is?

Not kidding!

The old saying, "it takes a village to raise a kid...". Perhaps, now, you need a 'windfall' to raise a child?

Here comes this new group of people who aspire the freedom to roam, to choose and importantly no string attached and no baggage this lifetime! That's what the term YOLO derives, you only live once and please use it to your benefits!

So it is logical or is it selfishness or personal choice or infertility that drives these CHILD-FREE individuals to make up their minds to be free and easy?

Kidding me!

It is an unavoidable fact that raising a child aka starting a new family needs more than money to cope with the early childhood and young parenthood. These journeys are not a walk in the park! It commands responsibilities and perseverance on the part of the couple to track each day and each milestone of their family life cycle. Most critical is each family journey is different from the next and so on, the 'sweet and sour' of maintaining, education and family planning continues right up to the child's reaches adulthood. When adulthood arrives for the child, what's the next step as the parents or sole parent responsibilities are?

To simply cast a broad based social network to uplift these young families is perhaps the starting point for more helpings from the nationhood. For that "it takes a nation to raise the next generation of adults", isn't it true and can we achieve what we started and see through the entire cycle of a family unit? That's meaningful for all of us to think deeper if we really wish to solve this unstoppable global trend, "not kidding!"


What is meritocracy about?

So tough?

It's a belief that through competitions to allocate resources to the best use, the best head/hand/heart for the job.

Well, in this game either you are highly competitive and winning or catching up with the competitions or  non-competitive and losing out or worse of all people who have no basis to compete in this ultra marathon race of merits!

However, there are ways and roadmaps to go around and climb these trees of merit! (It will be discussed in a separate and appropriate occasion.)

    - - in progress - -

[6:59 pm, 27/02/2023] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊
