Monday, May 30, 2022

REACH 354 - How are you adjusting to Singapore's import disruptions? What are your views on Singapore's approach to strengthen economic and security cooperation with other countries ?


30 May 2022 (10am - 7pm)


[10:02 am, 30/05/2022] +REACH: Greetings from REACH 

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Megan 😊

[10:15 am, 30/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10.20am to 7pm today. ⏰

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Megan 😊

[10:19 am, 30/05/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢

Singapore has built its food resilience with buffer stocks and by diversifying its sources, so that it can cope when any single source is disrupted, said PM Lee on Friday (May 27) to media at the end of a four-day working visit to Tokyo, Japan, as he was replying to a question on how Singapore will be responding to other countries’ export bans – and if it will seek redress at the World Trade Organization (WTO).

💬 How are you adjusting to Singapore's import disruptions? What are your views on Singapore's approach to strengthen economic and security cooperation with other countries ?

He said the answer to such a situation “is not what we do now, but what we have been doing now for several years, which has been to build up our buffer stocks and our resiliency, and diversify our sources”. “So that (when) any single source is interrupted, we are not unduly affected. And if you can't buy chicken from one place, you can buy chickens from other countries.” “This time it is chicken, next time it may be something else. We have to be prepared for this.”

He also said it was “regrettable” that countries have begun raising export controls, as this adversely impacts Singapore, a consumer country that imports food. But he added that it is “not so surprising” that such things happen. Presently, food supply chains are being disrupted because of the Ukrainian war and inflation is also high, he said.

Describing the world as “very unsettled”, Mr Lee acknowledged ongoing issues of inflation and high costs of living. But he also said “many more disruptive things can happen than just some price adjustments”, adding that some of these are already playing out.

👉🏼Singapore has built food resilience with buffer stocks and diversified sources to cope with disruptions: PM Lee

👉🏼'Open and inclusive' regional architecture can maintain peace, stability in Asia: PM Lee

👉🏼Singapore, Japan key partners to protect regional peace: PM Lee and PM Kishida


[10:26 am, 30/05/2022] +Uncle Law: My family go for frozen meat instead. We try to look for alternative rather than paying more for the usual

[10:48 am, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[10:58 am, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 30 May, 2022

To: Welcome! All New Honorable Members 

"The currency happens to be foods (甜头)"


Currently, Country A needs to buy foods and or goods from Country B.

Perhaps the exchange rates between the two trading nations be just a little sweeten (甜头) towards B to motivate B to send and secure these strategic items of necessities on a continuous basis?

"One group thinking smart but the others are no fools too? "

“一群人的想法很聪明,但其他人也不傻? ”

- - annoymous 


[11:44 am, 30/05/2022] +Lim Lecarl: My family hasn't felt the effect of the increase in prices to the extent of changing our consumption patterns, and we recognise our privilege. But we did not eat chicken regularly anyways as we have turned to eating more vegetables instead. Furthermore, bulk of the pressure on cost of living is really housing prices. However, I do feel that this is a good potential for us to address other issues such as food waste, rising obesity, unequal food security, and to have Singaporeans be more aware about where our food comes from. For instance, when we import chicken from Brazil, would we be complicit in the deforestation that occurs to grow the feed crops for chickens?

To address the mismatch in demand and supply, our 30 by 30 local production goal is ambitious and necessary, however maybe there is also the possibility of pricing chicken differently to diminish an inflated demand. Singaporeans eat 36kg of chicken/capita, which would place us within easily the top 20 countries by OECD FAO 2018 estimates. Which does not make sense considering how every other country in the top 10 are chicken-exporting countries and we have no production capacity of our own. Diminishing demand would mean allowing prices to rise for huge consumers like hotels and caterers, to nudge them towards a switch in choice of protein, possibly to a plant-based one. Encouraging plant based diets would not only be healthier, but also less carbon intensive and a more sustainable consumption.

[0:12 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Deadly nose-bleed fever shocks Iraq as cases surge"

[0:12 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Tick borne haemorrhage fever that trigger nose bleeding - from animals to human. 

2/5 infected dead. No vaccines.

Look like humanity have to switch to meat substitute like cell culture meat, plant based meat or 3D-printed meat.

Thus compassion to alleviate animal sufferings from mass slaughter for food is manifesting.

[0:14 pm, 30/05/2022] +JC: No adjustment needed. Not worried given that SG is a very rich country and govt is doing a good job diversifying supply over the years. We r far from having to really worry about such stuff.

[0:14 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

Sharp rise in M'sian fish prices due to steep drop in fish found in waters, up to 70%: M'sian Fishermen's Association.

A manpower crunch is also exacerbating the problem.

[0:14 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:                                                                    

Spike In Fish Prices A Result Of Low Supplies & Illegal Activities.

[0:20 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Why chickens are getting more pricey from US Manhattan to Malaysia.                              

[0:22 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 30 May, 2022 

"Sustainability and limitations" 

"Hamburgers pattie made from plants tastes good and like beef!" 

- - annoymous 

Plant based meats is a good switch from animal based farming. It will reduce carbon prints, free up ranching space, reduce water usage and cut feces pollution. 

What are the next limitations and new ingredients to manufacture these new meats? 

Are these the ingredients? 

1)  wheat gluten or seitan.

2) soy and tofu.

3) pea protein.

4) potato starch.

5) coconut oil.

6) beans and lentils.

7) nuts and seeds.

8) vegetables.

How can the plant based meats make economics sense and be affordable to all developed nations?  What's the strike price per kg when implemented? 



How about electric vehicle initiatives? The disposal of used batteries from these EVs and the raw materiel like rare earth, nickel, aluminium, copper and palladium among other things needed to build these EVs? The regrid of power cables to enhance faster charging, safer flow of electric current and charging points. 


Next comes the trajectory of global population growth into 2050 and by 2100?

Ratio of population - 

Singapore vs Malaysia 

1: 0.10 (1900) 

1:0.18  (2000)

1:0.18  (2022) 

Today, it means that Singapore population is 18% of Malaysia. Going forward after 2030, will Singapore population be 1:0.2 of Malaysia? If that materialises, it will be 7 million people? 

Oil Discovery In Africa:

"One of the biggest oil and gas discoveries on the continent was made last month by Total. Energies and Shell off the coast of Namibia. It is thought the offshore deposits could hold about 3 billion barrels of oil in total and provide an estimated $3.5 billion annually in royalties and taxes for the Namibian government."

Today, at 2,500 ft deep sea water, you may find oil & gas deposits. Decades ago the technologies to sea oil was 1,000 ft. Shell and TOTAL have concessionary agreements to explore oil & gas in Nambia. 

How about South China Sea?

No more HIDE & SEEK, today exploration technologies are capable to assess and access potential areas of this crucial commodity, OIL & GAS!

         - -  in progress - -

[0:27 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Ocean Fish Stocks on “Verge of Collapse,” Says IRIN Report.

70% world fish stocks depleted.

[0:33 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

Climate Change Threatens the World’s Food Supply, United Nations Warns.

[0:44 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 1) China (58.8 million tons)

2) India (9.46 million tons) 

3) Indonesia (6.10 million tons) 

4) Peru (5.85 million tons) 

5) US (5.36 million tons)

By the way, who is KOMIRA?

[0:45 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

We have to secure food and energy like securing our water if we want to survive and live well in the coming decades....

[0:49 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

Rice work: Thailand and Vietnam unite to control grain trade – boost power in global market.

Such a move will benefit millions of farmers in the two countries who have struggled with rising costs while prices have remained subdued.

Threat from the major exporters comes amid growing food protectionism and runaway inflation with concerns India may restrict rice exports after wheat and sugar.

[0:54 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 30 May, 2022

"Implosion of Food Chains and things?

Longer lifespan and entended retirement age. 

Postponement of marriages and to procreate.

Fertility and replacement ratios are below 2.0 for certain countries. (1.5 or less means attrition) 

The greying populations of the developed nations from Europe, Mexico, US, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and China. 


Baby boom vs Baby Burst 

Birth Control vs Death Control

[0:59 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Who is MOWI?

[1:13 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: “What makes demographics such a rewarding opportunity for the entrepreneur is precisely its neglect by decision makers, whether businessmen, public-service staffs, or governmental policymakers."

- - Peter Drucker

[1:26 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 30 May, 2022 

"A Pre-Planned and Calibrated War (当你病, 要你命)?" 

"oil, food and money, three ingredients, to survive, to make or to break a war...?" 

- - annoymous 

Can we see it, in play and more to come?

The intent of US involvements in the Russia-Ukraine war perhaps is a planned and calibrated efforts of the US policies, politics and the supports of it allies, this enlarged Euro-Asia game plans with its military strategies and interventions to deplete Russia's military and economics resources to the end point of no rebounce! This prolonged war is not to destroy but to demean Russia entirely however the immediate sufferings are the Ukrainians and the world itself.

The NONSTOP rising prices of all things, MORE shortage of foods & goods to come and into this winter the POSSIBILITY of Russia turning off the oil and gas to the targeted European nations. 

Next how about China's domestic social, political and economics situations especially into Q2 to Q4, specifically going into August and towards November. The two time lines are crucial tipping points for China internal shufflings and perhaps a clearer international economics decisions for nations going into 2023 and 2030. 

Russia (and or China - the perceived no.1) will prevail simply it is a big nation and it is not any easy effort to destroy it, for there is a price to PAY for everything this case is a limited WAR!


HIMARS missile system

"One group thinking smart but the others are no fools too? "

“一群人的想法很聪明,但其他人也不傻? ”

- - annoymous

[1:32 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

The Reality

1. World food stock will continue to deplete, and World population will continue to grow.

2. Famine will arise and world conflict due to snatching food resources will grow - as water stock, energy stock and food stock get depleted.

3. Food supply will get worst and will not get better because :-

a. Over-fishing, over depletion of fertile farm, over wastage of food.

b. 3 minor catastrophe (小三灾)- Global climate, pandemic, war (天灾,瘟疫,刀兵劫)disrupt food production and reduce food production.


- bird flu kill poultries, swine flu kill pigs, mad cow kill cow, warm ocean kill fisheries, Clostridial diseases affect sheep etc.

- global warming trigger flood, drought - and make fertile land barren and not suitable to grow crops for human and animal feeds. 10 times of land are required to grow crops for animal feeds - result in overuse of fertile lands - to grow crops for humans.

- war disrupt production of food, blockade of food distribution, and destruction of foods.

c. Geopolitical jostling and tension, sanctions - will disrupt trade for food and skew food supply reaching Countries that need food.

d. Food protectionism increasing likely to protect local poopulation from price increase and shortage of food supply - and may ban food exports --- that will greatly hit Singapore that depends 90% of our food source from imports.

3. Singapore have to treat securing of food supply and energy supply --- like securitng our water supply ---- if we want to survive and live well in the coming decades.

This is the "Hard Truth"...

[1:34 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Convert that cruise boat into a FLNG? Over thinking, perhaps? 

Daily rental of up to US$650k, initial conversion cost can be US$2.0 billon or more per boat?

[1:42 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

4. Hence food security and military security - are combine into 1 topic - because when human survival are threatened - military conflict will arise.

5. Food supply reduction

Food price increase 

--- will be the growing trend -- unless global climate turn well, food sources are not threatened by disease, war and conflict among Countries will not arise ---- which we know will not happen. 

In fact, the opposing trend are more the reality - due to 3 inherent traits --- Greed, Hatred, Ignorance (贪,嗔,痴)。

6. Devising a Food Security Plan

and separately devising Regional Security Architecture Plan - will be necessary ---- to secure reliable food supply to feed our 5.65 population and ensure military conflict won't break out in our region will be necessary.

[2:00 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 30 May, 2022 

"Income and Inflation"

Coming 8% GST Q1/2023: 

When a family of 6 or less members with a monthly income (non disposable income) of $8000 and above. Perhaps, this family unit will be able to sustain all inflated prices into Q4/2023?

Whereas a family monthly income of say $4000 with 4 to 6 members, they will feel and see the pain of price increasing month to month from apples to transports?

Can we use $4000 (or $3500) as a baseline for the affordability  curve-households?

[2:02 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Food Security Plan

Short and Medium Term Plan

1. In short and medium term - we need to secure our food supply to ensure if disease struck the live stock, climate hit crop harvest, war block food distribution -- that hit our traditional suppliers, we will have other food supplies to replace and cover our food shortage. Hence,

a. We need to diversify our food supplie for each type of food which I categories into 2 big groups :-

i. Meat food

ii. Crops

i. Meat food are poultries (chicken, duck, eggs), fishes, seafood, beef, mutton, pork etc.

ii. Crops are vegetables, rice, wheat, oats, barley, soya bean etc.

b. 2 strategies as adopted by our Government put us in a good stead :-

i. Ensure we have few or many food suppliers coming from many Countries.

ii. Stockpiling, freezing, and using long term storage method - to stockpile our meat and crops - to ensure that when food supplies are ban or restricted - we can use our stockpile to cushion the temporary shortage in food disruption.

c. But this is only good for short and medium term - if food supply are temporary disrupted.

What happen if food supply eg. meat and crops are severely restricted due to worsening downturn in global climate, pandemic or war --- that threaten many of our food suppliers?

Then even stockpiling and diversfication of food supplies from many Countries will not help.

2. Hence we need to devise a Long Term Food Security Plan to ensure we can manufacture our food and be self-sufficient - not affected by Global climate, food diseases or war.

[2:05 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Between $4000 & $8000 gaps, we can assume this area in the affordability chart as the 'flip' groups. 

These households will be the next in line to feel and to nimble expenses into Q4/2023 should price of essentials continue to be unstable?

[2:08 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Proposing a FOOD CHEST., like COMCHEST and the annual President's Charity.

This food chest is for the affected households monthly income short comings?


"finding ways & means to resolve things...?"

- - annoymous

[2:11 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Oops, the ST school pocket funds too. Can we start RELOOKING any students from primary to tertiary levels that need helps?

How can we breakthrough,  sometimes many SHY people from assessing such helps?

[2:11 pm, 30/05/2022] +Rama: Worth looking into

[2:12 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Good afternoon, Mr Rama!

[2:13 pm, 30/05/2022] +Rama: Can the various funds across the board be consolidated where possible to maximise resources and minimise operating costs!?

[2:15 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Oops, our elderly from MG to PG, who needs help and who are not coming forward to be helped?

What's the existing strategies by MSF in identifying and implementing helps in a timely manner?

How many Outliers?

[2:16 pm, 30/05/2022] +Rama: We need to look deep into those who for some reason or another cannot come forward and lack assistance to seek help.

[2:20 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Perhaps is a combing issue.

Make helps simple and easy to reach. Though there are checks and approvals to be properly documented. 

Household HDB size and income (not disposable), may have to be reviewed and if necessary be lowered ?

[2:22 pm, 30/05/2022] +Rama: Residents Committees,MP meet the people session, door to door visits, various cdc all must pool resources to micro dig out the most needed cases.

[2:24 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: A good head start.... Like Mother Theresa's said "WILL"!

[2:25 pm, 30/05/2022] +Rama: Yes

[2:27 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: So long these necessary helps don't become bad habits...

"bad habits are like chains that are too light to feel until they are too heavy to carry..."

- - Warren Buffett

"Just don't become too heavy for the taxpayers of our future?"

- - annoymous

[2:40 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 10% increase in gross pay, with it hourly wage or whatsoever... 

2 things:

One, to retain talents and workforce 

Two, perhaps this inflation thingie is here to stay, that is 10% onwards?

[2:42 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Three, your apple devices will be 20% dearer too, comes Q4/2022!

[2:43 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: "This is business ( 开门做生意)...?"

[2:50 pm, 30/05/2022] +Frankie Wee:

[2:50 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: One manufacture planned production into Q3 and Q4 was 40 million units. However, the contract manufactures can only produce up to 9 million units. All blames upon Ukraine, China lock downs and supply chain chock ups?

"Don't buy that, more down price to come into August or longer... "

- - annoymous

(disclaimer - not encouraging gambles nor any corporation standing, mere academic discussions)

[2:53 pm, 30/05/2022] +Frankie Wee: Good I glad would buy iPhone 14 if price go down

[2:53 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Where is Foxconn these days, what's the total headcounts like? Are they into India and Vietnam?

[2:59 pm, 30/05/2022] +SL: According to the demand forecast and stock details in a warehouse. Previous few months, the stock was over-ordered, and foreseen upcoming demand was without a surge. Hence cutting production is a way to manage costs.

[2:59 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Price of phone unlikely because of shortage abd shanked output.

Phone prices will be up, at least 20 to 30% to cover back Apple Quarterly earnings into Q3 and Q4. 

Then comes our Telco packages for this apple products! 

Hopefully, its stock price may soften, though not for long period.... 

Lowered output, Increased Prices!

[3:00 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Same applies to automobile boy boys like VW, Toyota and lastly Tesla, the electric boy!

[3:01 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Long Term Food Security Plan

1. When we face with water security, threat to cut our water supply - we face with a very difficult choice.

Either we continue to bend and succumb to ever changing demands to water prices and other demands - we have to find ways to be self-sufficient in our water supplies.

Hence we devise ingenious ways to increase and secure our water supplies through:-

a. Recycling sewage, drain water - and turn it into drinkable Newater.

b. Desalination - by turning seawater into drinkable water.

c. Reservoir - catching rainwater and turn it into drinkable water.

--- other than solely relying on imported water.

Now our own ways of producing water - ensure our self-sufficiency in water - and even if imported water tap is turn off - we can still survive with our own "manufactured water" and yet can still drive our industrial needs for Economic growth.

2. Now food supply (same as energy supply) is increasingly threatening our survival like water supply.

We need to be ingenious in finding ways to be self sufficient in securing our food supplies - and not be held hostage by external ban or restriction to food export.

3. Hence a "Long Term Food Security Plan" will need to be devised to secure our food sources to ensure self sufficiency.

4. I will categorise our food sources into 2 big groups :-

a. Meat food - in which we can "manufacture", achieve self-sufficiency and mass produce for export

b. Crops - in which we may not be able to achieve self-sufficiency - as we need big land spaces to grow our crops.

One way we can explore is vertical farming to secure high yield per floor space by stacking our crops by vertical floor --- even up to 51 floor - the highest vertical farm we ever build.

a. Meat food 

i. We need to put more resources to produce :-

- cell culture, tissue re-engineering meat - by extracting healthy cells from chicken, duck, fish, prawns, albalone, squid, beef, mutton, pork etc - and then we culture and grow them into edible meat.

Then we will have steak, chicken chop, mutton chop, pork chop, seafood to eat ---- in the event that if rice, wheat etc are ban --- to survive --- we won't go hungry.

These type of meat substitute are similar to real meats - except it need not need to rely on animal feed to grow, it is healthy as bad fat are removed, and cells can grow and multiplied.

There will be no risk of short supply in such meat - due to poor harvest in crops for animal feeds, animal diseases that need to cull animals, setting aside lands to let animal graze lands or lands to grow animal feeds.

We can not only produce sufficient supply for local population, but can also mass produce for export market - and grow our GDP.

Most important - we ensure our meat self sufficiency - oblivious of meat shortage due to weather, diseases or war or overfishing.

- 3D printed meat, plant-based meat - which mimic the real meat except they are make of plants - which also can be mass produce.

4. Hence, our efforts on R&D for such meat substitute as well as inviting cutting edge investors, researchers, production plants from all over the World --- will be vital to help us to "manufacture" our meat subsitute - which will become the foundation of our long term food security ---- like newater, desalination plants for our water security.

b. Crops

i. To achieve self-sufficiency in crops such as vegetables, fruits, rice, wheat etc will be challenging as we have limited land spaces.

ii. We can go vertical - eg. by building a 51 floor vertical farm.

iii. But there is a limit to the yield based on vertical farming.

For eg. Temasek resistant rice can produce 6 tons of rice in 1 hectare lands. Even with 51 floor - we can only produce 306 tons of rice.

Then we still need to plant and wait for the rice to grow after we harvest it.

Singapore eat 347,000 tons of rice per year.

Hence vertical farming will not be sufficient to feed our population.

At most we can meet 30% of our needs.

iv. Hence we still need to work with overseas suppliers to secure our crops needs such as rice, vegetables, fruits, wheat, oil, sugar, salt etc.

v. But as a consolation, in the events where crops are completely ban from exports - as the world external conditons worsen to such level - we still have "meat chops" + 30% crops - to ensure Singapore population won't go hungry.

[3:02 pm, 30/05/2022] +SL: Phone price is subject to targeted profit, alternative and demand, inflation in the supply chain, and marketing method expenses.

[3:02 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: When you are a PRICE TAKER, not much to worry about...

Just pay for it, any options?

[3:03 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: Then goes back to that $4000 monthly income or less households, that will be a problem?

[3:03 pm, 30/05/2022] +KSFoong: If recession kicks in, how many could afford the expansive premium priced iphone? But, i really cannot predict the comsumption behavior of our younger generation.

[3:08 pm, 30/05/2022] +KSFoong: New EC condos that cost more than a mil are snapped  up like hot cake and according to reports from news, majority buyer are young Singaporean. Try to relate this infor to our income distribution data released from the government, and consider the currently CPF contribution, as well as likely saving, i cannot reconcile how these young people could affort these million dollars properties!

[3:08 pm, 30/05/2022] +Frankie Wee: Low and mid income household and having kidding in family.

Expenses spent what you necessarily are limited and wise money pocket.

[3:13 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Regional Security Architecture

1. Military conflicts due to Geopolitical tensions, resource shortage and even food shortages are increasingly possible - within our Asia Pacific region.

2. Very likely, the following conflict scenarios can occur :-

a. China-US (allies) over Taiwan, South China Sea, East China Sea - military confrontation may occur.

b. Korea peninsula military conflict

c. Regional conflict between countries over maritime, fish stock, maritime trade and travel

d. Terrorism that spread across borders.

3. Thus our Government has a comprehensive webs of security architecture - to ensure that we have military cooperation and collaboration - to prevent misunderstanding and mishaps as well as humanitarian collaboration and cooperation in maritime and disaster recovery.

4. We have bilateral military exercises with our neighbors such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. We also have anti-terrorism cooperation and collaboration with our neighbors.

5. We have larger multi-lateral exercises with larger Asia Pacific Countries such as ADMM, US led maritime and air exercises.

6. Most important, we also have bi-lateral military exercise with China - naval exercises, humanitarian maritime exercise.

7. All these will help to build military confidence, understanding and open communication within the region - to ensure that conflicts and confrontation will not break up -- in the events situation turn bad - and certainly should not let food shortages be the trigger points for conflict.

8. Hence our "short-term, medium-term and long-term" - food security plan --- will need to be crystallised and acted upon --- to ensure our long tem food security and national security --- in which our survival and lives depends on.

[3:14 pm, 30/05/2022] +KSFoong: Many people spend beyond their means! Nowaday, people fo not use soap, but more expansive liquid shampoo or shower gel. They do not cook but rather eat out! They must travel oversea every year, even borrow money to do it. Many spend 2 tov3 hundreds a month on sinful habits: smoking, drinking!

[3:14 pm, 30/05/2022] +Frankie Wee:

[3:23 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:                                                                                                                       

Vertical farming in Singapore - 51 floors. 

51 floors up in Singapore, the world’s highest urban farm produces surprises for its restaurants

[3:23 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Cell can grow and multiply to form meat.

[3:30 pm, 30/05/2022] +Rama: Adhoc and hourly rates must be set at a minimum with adjustment from time to time for inflation with appropriate fringe benefits

[3:32 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Infinite supply like water, solar.

[3:32 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

So no shortage.

[3:35 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: It is timely to feel the difference...what a humble lesson? 

Abundance vs SCARCITY

[3:36 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 30 May, 2022

This Planning Machines (超前部署) 

“Lee Kuan Yew — who is the greatest nation builder, probably that ever lived in the history of the world — he said one thing over and over and over again all his life,” and that was to “figure out what works and do it,”

- - Charlie Munger 

Do you agree with Charlie, this Angel investor? 

Singapore has all along planned ahead of things from staples, social & economics developments to global affairs. Those millions of "what ifs" have already been discussed and debated within the cabinet members from 1G (1965) to 4G (2022-).

Though it may not be revealed to the public many strategic plans with it short, mid or long term. Eventually, all will see it clearly, one by one, each policy and each initiative implemented, good or not so, all will be recalibrated as and when needed. In short, this Singapore we are living in now is an evolving planning machinery - 24/7 and 365 too! 

Singapore is a global citizens hub, dozens of nationalities from the America's, the Europeans to Asia reside in our island state. 

Our global diplomacy and relationships are excellent with one exception these days that is (Russian Republic)!

Securing foods and goods will not be an issue. Afterall, we are wiling price taker to all sellers big or small!

Meanwhile, please continue all meaningful activities, economics and keep in mind those who are sufferings elsewhere and especially within us?

(hopefully it answers many doubts?)


"Wondering what's this REACH about...?

- - annoymous

         - -  in progress - -

[3:36 pm, 30/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Alternatively there are insect based protein foods.

But still killing lives - unlike cell culture meat and plant based meat that doesn't kill lives.

[4:01 pm, 30/05/2022] +Frankie Wee:

The Energy 2050 committee released its report today concluding that it is realistic for Singapore’s power sector to aspire to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The report noted that the entire energy value chain would have to undergo transformational changes to achieve this, and acknowledged that it would be challenging due to uncertainties such as geopolitical trends and technological advancements.

[4:02 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[4:04 pm, 30/05/2022] +Frankie Wee: All HDB above top root will use it.

[4:06 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: 4000km long undersea solar energy transfer from Darwin to Singapore.

Into Singapore, this green energy can also be transfered to other Asean nations who need it?

[4:10 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: "Big Pictures"

1G legacy- 

Instilled stability, housings, kick started economics developments include financials, medicals, PSA, CPF and National Service. 

2G legacy - 

Strengthening the administrative services aka civil services, law and order. Infrastructures development like GIC, MRT and Changi Airport. 

3G legacy - 

Social integrations and development, further educations and skills, technological developments, newater, (chips manufacturings) and green developments

4G  - plans to be announced 

5G -  in planning? 

(pls feel free to amend or addon these legacies, not mentioning many established key institutions pre 1G onwards into 3G, apologies for any lapses)

[5:51 pm, 30/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We want to HEAR MORE from you!

We have had good feedback from this group, and we hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!

Megan 😊

[6:45 pm, 30/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.



[6:52 pm, 30/05/2022] +Kevin: Good night Megan

[6:59 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: The spectrum of culture, choices, beliefs and public polices are the driver of this unavoidable trend of lowered population growth from the developed nations to the developing nations. It is not the end of human extinction, people are producing much lesser and delaying their creation of family units !  For the emigrants, the same goes, the above attributes are on par with the natives!  The life and death ratio is a balancing scale of human evolution and a natural order of things, either way if off balanced, it will affect the demographics of a generation and into the next generation. Should the global fertility ratio continues to lower than 1.5, at end of this century, perhaps the entire world population will be older too! 

    - -  in progress - -

[7:00 pm, 30/05/2022] +Smiley face: All of these bread, butter and oil questions, said the father to his son, "do you really think this Tug Of War will end sooner than you hope, that's what I have asked my father decades ago too!"

- - annoymous

[7:00 pm, 30/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


Saturday, May 28, 2022

My Buddhism Events (佛记)


小乘佛法 (Theravada)

1.  I and TPH - 拜 四面佛 求 (自渡,渡人 之法)(在泰国)。 四面佛 指引 皈依 南无本师 释迦摩尼佛,卧佛,睡佛。

2. 广品法师 - 教我 静坐修禅 (在大悲院)。

3. 广生法师 请 净空法师 - 打禅七,讲佛法,吃素 (在光明山普觉寺观世音菩萨殿)  - 我在家 卧禅 入禅定,坐禅 证涅槃果 (beside TPH)。


大乘佛法 (Mahayana)

1. CSK - 请一尊 阿弥陀佛念佛机,无量寿经 要我皈依 南无阿弥陀佛, 往生净土,修大乘。

2. 广品法师 - 替我 三皈依 南无阿弥陀佛,修大乘 (在大悲院 南无观世音菩萨殿) 。

3. 广生法师 - 主持 净土共修 (在光明山普觉寺观世音菩萨殿), 南无阿弥陀佛 白相 从天而降 进入我脑门。

4. CSK - inspire me to make Bodhi Vows (菩提愿)- 大悲愿





Leave no one in Samsara behind.

Leave no matter in Samsara behind."

Friday, May 27, 2022

REACH 353 - Are you concerned about Malaysia’s chicken ban? What are your views on Singapore’s food security strategy?


27 May 2022 (10am - 7pm)


[9:48 am, 27/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:01 am, 27/05/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢 

Malaysia is set to curb the export of chickens from 1 June to address domestic supply shortages. This is expected to disrupt Singapore’s supply of chilled and fresh chickens as around 30% of our chicken imports are from Malaysia. Most are live chickens which are slaughtered and chilled in Singapore.

💬 Are you concerned about Malaysia’s chicken ban? What are your views on Singapore’s food security strategy?

Nonetheless, Singapore has an adequate supply of frozen chicken. Speaking on the sidelines of a visit to NTUC FairPrice’s fresh food distribution centre yesterday (26 May), Minister of State for Sustainability and Environment Desmond Tan assured everyone that our supply of the other 70% of frozen chicken had not been impacted, and that Singapore was currently looking to other countries like Australia as an alternative source of chilled chicken.

Fairprice also said they had a stockpile of frozen chicken that can last for about four months, with another two months of supply on the way.

MOS Desmond Tan urged people to avoid panic buying and hoarding, and encouraged everyone to be open to other options such as frozen chicken, processed chicken and other protein types.

Supply chain disruptions may occur from time to time, especially with climate change and geopolitical developments. This is why diversifying import sources is such an important part of Singapore’s food security strategy, so that we would still have sources to rely on even if there is disruption for any specific country. 

📍 No need to hoard as Singapore has adequate supplies of frozen chicken

📍FairPrice has 4 months' stockpile of frozen chicken; no plans to limit purchase for now

📍 About Malaysia’s chicken ban


[10:24 am, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Mindsets: "It is not how big you are or how smart that person is... Perhaps one champion mind is to be ADAPTABLE to many situations regardless it is tangible or intangible?" 

Consumers wise, there will be a need to ADAPT and ADJUST coming changes which can be a prolonged shortage of various types of meat or vegetables? 

From freshly chilled meats into FROZEN meats, with it chichen, pork, fish, beef or lamb?

Be mindful, we are 7 years away from our 30 /30 food security initiatives! 

Meanwhile, there is an old local slang, "if there is no fish, prawn will do too...?"

- -  in progress - -

[10:26 am, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Let's start the chat and seek for alternatives or better some solutions to ride this 'foods war'.

[10:29 am, 27/05/2022] +Uncle Law: I will not be overly concern.

Will switch to other meat for the time being if need be, and will monitor the price in the coming weeks.

[10:38 am, 27/05/2022] +SL: Only 34% (if I read correctly from a news article) of the chicken source is from Malaysia. There is adequate frozen chicken in quantity. However, based on the price elasticity concept and transactional behavior of profit, will the price of the chicken product will be stable and not be exploited to earn more profit by stakeholders in the supply chain?

[11:54 am, 27/05/2022] +danielhl chua: I think the impact is greater for those depending on these chickens for their livelihood, namely the chicken stalls in market and chicken rice stalls with many of them taking a break during this period of time. Is there any rental relief for these hawkers who are affected by the ban. 

As for consumers, its not essential not to have fresh chicken, especially we all know that its not a permanent ban. However, I am worried if the ban push prices for other food products.

[11:56 am, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: 27 May, 2022

To: Our Distinguished Ministers and All Honorable Members 

"Unlock Those Clumsy Chains And Cut Corners"

."Where there are challenges and it will bound to have opportunities too! "

- - annoymous 

What is a supply-chain?

Simply put it, it involves many people and many exchanges of goods and or services from the start to the end. 

By cutting corners, cutting down middlemen, and go DIRECTLY to the source of goods or services will cut leadtime, further reduced uncertainties and cost savings too.

Going forward, this food shortage problems will continue to evolve and play out to the effect of one nation's self survival and self interest over exporting strategic tangibles. Importantly basic commodities like ingredients and materials.

There is no benefit in second guessing (conspiracy theories) why country A stops selling to country B or whatever countries country A chooses to do. Importantly, we must go ALL OUT to many countries as possible to source DIRECTLY and CONFIRM FORWARD the varieties of foods and ingredients supplies.

Who knows, there may be opportunities over at that particular country's farm gates, there waiting a venture or investment into theirs foods industry? It is through cooperations and willing to venture into many countries to start a deeper relationship, this round a food for thought initiatives!

Meanwhile, can we all come together as one buyer to buy 6 millions at a go, a larger than food initiative? 


"use what one's have in hand to the FULLEST...!"

Eat to live or Live to eat? 

One, our national carrier SIA cargo or passenger planes are ready 24/7 to pick up foods from many countries and turn around back to home base.

Two, our NTUC, Sheng Siong and Dairy Farm could perhaps join in to share their supply resources and overseas contacts. Has it happened already or never will it happen? 

Three, ideally, this combined efforts may sound academic unless these 3 big grocers put aside "my trade secrets and your advantages" and really go all out to BUY IN BULK that hopefully will reduce the end prices, this end is the consumers, yes, it is ALL OF US!

               - - in progress - -

[1:10 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: 27 May, 2022 

To: Our Distinguished Ministers and Our Honorable Members 

"Supermarkets are 'landlord' and suppliers are 'tenants' (削减成本).. " 

- - annoymous 

Cost Cutting:

This supply chain relationship at the wholesale or retail markets have been for decades all along exist which is the suppliers pay for shelving space and the supermarkets provide the location to trade all foods and goods it carry within that premise.

The fixed allocations of shelf space is based on a few common considerations like saleability/relevancy of a product, turnovers and size & reputation of supplier. Money wise, the supplier will folk out rental per item, (SKU) per shelf, per month and per store.

The variable cost to suppliers will be the monthly total sales in which there is a pre-agreed commissions payable to the supermarket chains or store basis. 

Perhaps, NTUC FAIR PRICE should consider a reduction of shelf space rental and a small discount in the monthly commissions, both collectibles at a given number of days. Another gesture maybe extending a slightly longer period these shelves fees payables to all suppliers. 

Should NTUC undertakes this gesture in kinds, it may well redefine its position and what follows may well be the next grocer and there on to the next, a domino effect towards a more stable and affordable prices for all? Will it happen or it will never be? 

In the current momentum of unstable (more up than down) price of all foods, we need to look beyond now and starts to see that if suppliers fail so do the grocers too! It takes 'two hands to clap or' to each their own' attitude, this close supermarket-supplier relationships is ever important to source for the next compliment foods or alternate supplies.

"the opposite of inflate is deflate...通货膨胀和通货紧缩 !"

- - annoymous

              - -  in progress - -

[1:15 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. If the Government is able to find alternative sources of "frozen chicken" to cover the 34% lost in "chill chicken" from Malaysia - then statistically - there are no shortage of chicken supply.

2. So hoarding a large quantity of "fresh, chill" chicken doesn't make sense - because you will need to put it in a fridge if cannot consume the extra chicken - and it become a "frozen chicken" - but purchase at a higher price (whereby "frozen chicken" is price lower than "fresh, chill chicken").

[1:20 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

3. The only difference is - for chicken rice stall or stall that uses "whole fresh, chill" chicken - the cutting, texture and preparation will not be the same.

My favourite chicken rice stall use fresh chicken with their secret recipe - very tasty - and I will miss my weekend chicken rice.

4. To me :-

The fresh, chill chicken and frozen look the same to me. In fact frozen chicken are cheaper.

I bought 1 pack of Brazil Sadia chicken thigh at $4.55.

Compare to fresh chicken about the same weight cost $7.90.

When I cook Sadia chicken for 20 minutes - it tastes like a fresh chicken.

[1:22 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: In NTUC Finnest, 'pineapple chicken' from the Philippines on the shelf now @ $11.30 per chicken (frozen & vacuum pack) as for exact kgs per chicken, pls go see it.

(Disclaimer - not promoting the supply nor the grocer)

[1:23 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Brazilian frozen meats are more than 1 month dated, fyi, can be up to 3 months for certain meat.

(Disclaimer - facts may be wrong and no insult to any country of origin of supplies)

[1:27 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Perhaps Australia and NZ are closer and reachable, for diplomacy and conveniences.. Range of edibles foods source!

[1:44 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. In reflection, Malaysia placing export ban on their chicken will not solve their domestic problem of high chicken price :-

a. To keep price low at RM$8.90 (price control by Malaysia). But many chicken supplier are selling price higher than the control price.

b. Keep sufficient supply for local market.

2. The reason being, export ban is not solving the root cause of the chicken supply problem in Malaysia.

a. Chicken suppliers have to raise price above the control price because - the chicken feed (wheat, corn, soya bean) are in short supply due to Ukraine war that restrict feed supply to Malaysia - and hence chicken feed price soar tremendously.

b. The control price make chicken suppliers rear chicken at a loss - because they cannot cover the chicken feed cost plus other production cost - and the more they rear their chicken, the greater loss they will make.

- Thus many chicken suppliers decided to rear less chicken to cut loss - reducing supply.

- Some chicken suppliers decide to price their chicken higher than the control price - thus resulting in higher price in Malaysia market.

- Some chicken suppliers decide to export more chickens to export market such as Singapore at a higher price - to cut loss and maintain a profit to cover the control price in Malaysia, higher feed price and weak Malaysia ringgit.

c. Malaysia Government do set aside some funds to subsidise their chicken suppliers - but only a fraction is dish out - and many Malaysia suppliers have already close shops as they can't sustain their loss.

3. Thus imposing exporting ban on chicken supply to Singapore will not solve Malaysia chicken suppliers problem - in fact, will make the situation worst.

a. By imposing export ban, Malaysia suppliers will suffer a profit loss in their export and unable to cover the control price, higher chicken feed and weak Malaysia ringgit - forcing more Malaysia suppliers to close more shops ---- which will further restrict chicken supply to the domestic market.

b. By banning export, chicken suppliers in Malaysia will start to lose their regular customers in Singapore as Singapore customers start to source from other overseas market for chicken supplies ---- and some may not want to take from Malaysia chicken suppliers - as they are deem unreliable supply that will impact their business.

c. Malaysia production of chicken far exceed their local market requirement - with many excess chicken - hence it is not a case of exporting chicken result in insufficient supply of chicken in Malaysia.

Hence, it looks more like a wrong solution or medicine prescribe for a problem.

It looks more like imitating what other Countries do eg. Indonesia export ban on palm oil, India export ban on wheat and sugar etc --- a populist approach to make voters happy - but failing to address the root cause of the problem.

4. Thus export ban by Malaysia will in fact "backfire" - rather than solving their higher price in local market and chicken supply.

[1:59 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

In restrospect, the appropriate measures to help Malaysia shrinking chicken supply and affordable chicken price should be :-

a. Make Malaysia ringgit stronger to cushion higher import price of chicken feed. To make Malaysia ringgit stronger will have to use some Malaysia fund set aside for chicken subsidy to sell more foreign fund eg. US$ and buy more ringgit - a Monetary policy move.

b. As Malaysia ringgit strengthen, imported chicken feed price will be cheaper - and Malaysia chicken suppliers can buy chicken feed at a lower price - and able to maintain their production cost, higher profit and able to sell at their control price.

c. Sell excess chicken to overseas market like Singapore at a good price - as Singapore $ is stronger and can cushion the higher chicken price in Malaysia - and hence earning a profit and cushion against higher production cost in Malaysia.

In fact, Malaysia chicken suppliers should ramp up more chicken stock to sell to Singapore - because the more chicken it can sell to Singapore, the higher profit they will get to sustain their business.

Export ban is a wrong move in the opposite direction - that will worsen their woes rather than resolving their problem.

d. Lift the price control of chicken price by allowing chicken suppliers to sell at cost plus a small profit - to ensure chicken suppliers raise their chicken output. As supply grows, exceeding demand - chicken prices will make correction by itself without reaping the worst effect of price control - that is bad in economic term - by infringing the concept of market demand and supply.

e. Use the Government funds set aside for subsidy - to give as a relief vouchers to Malaysia household to cushion the higher price by lifting the price control - without artificially skewing the chicken market. In so doing, Malaysia economy will not be damage by the export ban.

[2:08 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

By doing so, in medium term :-

a. Malaysia chicken supply will not go down - as many suppliers can keep their business afloat with profit.

b. Chicken price can be kept in check when chicken supply increases, chicken feed price can be in check with stronger ringgit and yet suppliers can maintain a profit, also with more supply exceeding demand, chicken price will go down.

c. Malaysia suppliers can keep its export customers intact without losing its export customers.

d. So 3 wins for Malaysia suppliers, Malaysia domestic market and Singapore chicken market.

e. Export ban will result in 3 loss - more Malaysia suppliers close shops, less supply, price control not sustainable and will lead to price increase for Malaysia consumers, and losing Singapore export market.

That is export ban - "backfire".

[2:29 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: 27 May, 2022 

"Only if, if only humans fully understand the challenges of farming or growing all along and these days ...? "

- - annoymous 

Our daily lives evolve from waking up, going to work and school follow by meals ready on the table with it from hawkers, homes or restaurants. It's that simple, likewise, switching on the water heater and water tap you will get that water flowing. When it comes evening time, press that fan button or the aircon remote, blows the cold air upon you and we all go to bed. 

Beside land & labor, fertilisers, seedings and animal feeds are three big ticket items for growing and farmers. Then comes the price of petrol and diesel for planting and harvesting, add these two into the overall agricultural equation. 

Finally, the climate changes or weather patterns whether dry or wet will determine the crops or livestocks for that season?  It is more than words or a few decisions of what will be next ! Should farmers or growers failed to produce more and more, the endgame will be a rough and tough time for humanity! 

Sum the above to a final answer, the cost of foods production/process will increase!

"you needs to start producing certain things to produce many other things... corn, soybean, barley and wheat, where that fertiliser? "

- - annoymous

   - -  in progress - -

[2:32 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Solving one big variable that is greener energy and sustainability!

[2:37 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Sun Cable taps five firms to help deliver solar energy to S'pore via undersea link

STRATEGIC Investment & Asset: 

Sun Cable, an Australian solar energy company is current raising money through private sources at intervals as and when funds is needed for the progress of this mega project. 

Solar energy will pipe from Darwin Australia into Singapore vis simple known science fact of  AC/DC flow of electricity. The lost in transporting this (4000+km) journey of electricity is only 10%! The undersea cable uses a DVDC - direct voltage direct current. 

Perspectively, going into the future 2030 and beyond, perhaps, Singapore will become a GREEN Power broker/supplier to Asean? 

Maybe extend into upper Asia?

Asean GREEN Power Grid initiative, 20 years to complete? 

These undersea power delivery cables can include surveillance and espionage devices such as sensors to detect submarines movements as well as listening posts for all Internet connections and communications?

Over thinking, perhaps?

[2:47 pm, 27/05/2022] +RH: Eh,  Danny,  u wanna hop over & act as advisor to the M'sian monetary authority or their Finance Minister? 

Looks like their Finance minister has not got good financial or economic advisors,  Huh?  

Lol....  🤣🤣🤣

[2:47 pm, 27/05/2022] +RH: It wud be just a matter of time b4 they realise the folly of their ways. 

By then,  depending on when,  it may be too little too late. 

Hope they dun end up like Sri Lanka.!

[2:49 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 


Just post the comments in an open blog and they will see.

Hopefully they reverse their export ban - and will be good for everyone.

[2:52 pm, 27/05/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: I’m afraid we will have more of these types of measures from Malaysia until at least the next election there.

[2:53 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Rising chicken prices in Malaysia: Could fish be next?"

[2:54 pm, 27/05/2022] +65 RH: I m thankful tt out SG monetary authority has done wat they deemed fit in the past two years to keep our currency strong. 

And also thankful to the rest of the gov team now looking into our food security. 

Honestly,  ther seems no end to the crises...  

CoVid / climate change,  oil & fuel price hike,  Ukraine war,  countries starting to look inwards,  export bans & controls, dengue , ... 

Wat next?  

energy / food security,  NATO alliance , 

Now,  more than ever, we need to maintain strong and good relationships w the nbr countries ard us...  All the way to the North,  South and East.  

Cannot antagonise anyone.  😳

[2:54 pm, 27/05/2022] +RH: 👍🏻👍🏻

[2:58 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: "One group thinking smart but the others are no fools too? "

“一群人的想法很聪明,但其他人也不傻? ”

- - annoymous

[3:17 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. One way to ensure Singapore will not be increasingly held hostage by food protectionism that are seiging the World in the onslaught of crisis (pandemic, war, global climate) - Singapore can secure our food - specifically the following staple food :-

a. Chicken

b. Beef

c. Port

d. Mutton

e. Seafood

--- using "Meat Sustitute" or "Plant base Meat" or "3D printed meat".

This can be done by ramping up our R&D in cell-culture meat and tissue re-engineering &/or work with cutting edge overseas producers to bring their techologies here.

Prepare mass production plants to ramp up production of meat substitute that will :-

a. Not only produce sufficient supply for our local market for meat

b. Can produce in large scale for export market in meat substitute - many overseas popular fast food stores are already selling meat substitute in their burgers, restaurant food. 

Even Singapore gourmet restaurant and some fast food stores are also selling meat substitute for their burgers --- and they taste and look exactly like the real meat --- plus better nutrition and more healthy - as bad fat, diseases such as bird flu, swine flu, mad cow disease are eliminated.

c. Then we can reduce our reliance on traditional meat market because :-

i. Global climate like drought and flood will make traditional meat supply - increasingly challenging, reduce supply, poorer animal feed supply, higher price, poorer quality.

ii. Geopolitical tension, decoupling of global supply chain, conflict and war - that will disrupt food supply

iii. Food protectionism will increasingly be the norm - as source Countries will want to win local votes to stay in Government.

iv. Increasing unreliable food supply.

2. We have to go beyond our traditional food supply source - by looking for more alternative sources in other non-traditional Countries.

Eg.  chicken are also produce in large quantities for export in Australia, Thailand etc.

We should also source from these Countries to cover any shortage due to food protectionism.

3. But other food source eg. vegetables, rice, corn, wheat, eggs etc - will be challenging because cell culture, tissue re-engineering, plant-based meat - don't work on these food sources.

a. These food will need vertical farming - and maximum can produce up to 30% based on our limited land spaces --- that can help to cushion and provide some relief if any source market adopt protectionism by banning export or succumb to global climate and result in poor harvest.

b. Then we need to ensure we have more alternative and diverse suppliers from more producing Countries to ensure they can feed our 5.65 million population. 

Singapore is a small Countries with smaller population - thus less challenging to feed our population.

Larger Countries with larger population will face more challenges in feeding their population - and more unrest can arise.

[3:18 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

My close friend comments:-

Fresh chicken -> Chill -> Store in fridge -> become Frozen chicken.

[3:41 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Benefits of cell culture meat is that :-

1. we do not need to buy animal feed to feed animals - just need to extract healthy animal cell to grow and culture them.

2. No need to mass slaughter animals for food - compassion with no animal sufferings.

3. More healthy and disease free from animals.

[3:46 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: 27 May , 2022

"Eat to live or Live to eat? "

Produce and Consume (两餐或三餐):

How about rethinking our daily dietary habits ? How many meals per day and how full per meal will be or need to be? Two, three or more meals per day? 

Some heath advisors suggested two daily meals, one filler and the other small bits? What's the optimum calories, male or female, age to age comparisons, weigh to weigh too? 

Isn't it true that the more humans consume, the more humans need to fulfill mountains of needs & wants? Only one way out, you PAY for it! 

(Disclaimer - pls consult your doctor)

[3:55 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: The implementations and economics are both in progress and in lab tests.

How about adoption period and acceptance rates, consumers? 

Other long term health issues yet to be peer reviewed.

Finally, what's the retail value like say by 2030 at the butchers' shop floor?

[4:07 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

All these issues will automatically be resolved when we face with the issue of:-

Food versus no food.

[4:08 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"UN food chief: 325 million close to starvation, more than double since Covid-19"

[4:10 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: 27 May, 2022

"The Richie Riches & Those Cultured Meats"

Perhaps these good ideas of growing meat out of cells will reduce carbon prints and cut down feces pollution from livestock. 

These future brand-new meats are for the developed nations. As for the less developed or developing nations, it will be an affordability issue says more than 3 billions human? Unless the economies of mega scaling comes into play?

[4:12 pm, 27/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

WW3 can be fought with chronic food shortages - unless humanity find alternative food sources that depends less on fertile farm.

Meat substitute that doesn't depend on animals feed can free up more lands for crops for human and less on animals feed - which needs 10 times more land than crops for humans.

[4:12 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Starvation seems to be challenging than covid? 

325 millions starving and many will die of hunger than covid? Or both? 

Over thinking, perhaps?

[4:23 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: The law of attrition is a phrase that defines the rate at which an object or person will wear out over time. It states that every system deteriorates eventually, at a rate based on the combined additive effects of many small causes.

[4:35 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face:,of%209.7%20billion%20in%202050.

[4:49 pm, 27/05/2022] +REACH: Singapore's sugar supply unlikely to be hit by India's export limit as it is not major source

Singapore consumers need not worry about sugar supplies despite India's decision on Tuesday (May 24) to restrict sugar exports for the first time in six years to prevent a surge in domestic prices.

[4:51 pm, 27/05/2022] +Rama: What about fish which is possible to face a shortage in the near future!?

[4:51 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Aging population like Japan is example of the law of attrition.

Higher cost of aging population group. Longer lifespan and higher medical cost too. The ratio of young working population group is smaller thus lowered the productivity of that aging nation. 

What about China and Europe? 

Richer nations tend to produce lesser babies but higher quality of education and higher standard of  living coupled with high cost of living.  

How about agricultural and developing nations? The number of household member can be more than half dozen or more?

Why so many, to help out in growing crops and livestocks.

Is this lifestyles of different nations and the human lifespan at play?

[4:57 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: We have local farmed fish, a few types too, in progress and scalable too.

Hi Mr Rama!

[5:05 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[5:33 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: Idea of IMPLOSION!

[5:33 pm, 27/05/2022] +REACH: Food supply disruptions regrettable, but S'pore has been building buffer, diversifying sources: PM Lee

It is regrettable but not surprising that Singapore is affected by disruptions in the food supply chain due to the Ukraine war and high inflation, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Friday (May 27).


[5:35 pm, 27/05/2022] +BL:

[5:56 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: "Do you have a problem? (家 家 有 本 难 念 经)?" 

There standing a young man inline for a packet of rice. In front of him is an elderly man who spoke a foreign dialect.

Young man - Hi, where are you from?

Elder man - I'm from a few thousands km away and I'm visiting my grandchildren. I'm buying lunch from them to eat.

Young man - here the cost of rice is getting expensive! It must be cheaper over at your country? 

Elderly man -  it doesn't matter if it cost more because it is greener and convenient here! 

Young man - puzzled by the elder's comment about here being a greener place? He persisted and asked him "I always thought your home country is greener than mine!"

Elderly man - young man, if my home country is greener than yours, my grandchildren will not be here and I will not be patiently queuing for my packet rice!

Young man - reluctantly said, " but the cost is just too high! "

Elderly man -" it doesn't matter, just find more money, find 2 jobs because it is really safe, convenient and greener here!"

[5:56 pm, 27/05/2022] +BL: Maybe they can bring suitcases of food with them!

[6:01 pm, 27/05/2022] +BL: I welcome anyone to our island, who wants to contribute, explore, build their lives here without harm, theft or oppression.

[6:05 pm, 27/05/2022] +Rama: 🤣😂😅

[6:45 pm, 27/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.



[6:56 pm, 27/05/2022] +Joseph Yap: 💬 Are you concerned about Malaysia’s chicken ban? What are your views on Singapore’s food security strategy?

No, the impact will be mainly on businesses/ households that require/prefer to use fresh chicken instead of frozen chicken. But the incident demonstrated how external factors will impact our ability to import fresh food.

Singapore’s food security strategy has to include stockpiling of a variety of food intakes as wide as possible.

[6:57 pm, 27/05/2022] +Rama: We have faced this repeatedly but somehow people still forget to accept alternatives.

[6:58 pm, 27/05/2022] +Smiley face: 27 May, 2022 

To: Our Distinguished Leaders and All Honorable Members 

Stockpiles (粮食储备)

"the hotter a war is, the higher the cost of livings will be ...?" 

- - annoymous 

History has proven that in all hot wars, two things happened that is high foods cost and lost of lives.

All nations have stockpile (buffer) of strategic foods to last say 3 to 6 months with poorer nations keeping minimal level of buffer stocks. However, there are some nations that stockpiled (nicer word than hoarding) up to two years or more of foods as if they are planning for foreseeable famines or impending hot wars? Will these overly stocked nations willing to share abit of their buffered foods in keep? 

In the Ukraine war, several nations helped by contributing weapon of all sorts from bullets, bombs and missiles. Perhaps in the spirit of helping others to fight a war, will these nations also stand up and share a little of their stockpile of foods with others or not possible?

Are we seeing history repeating? Many people have not experienced shortages in their lifetime. Perhaps, our young generation and ourselves will see, feel and learn this valuable lesson of ABUNDANCE vs SCARCITY.      

                     - - END - -

[7:00 pm, 27/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

REACH 352 - What are your views on Singapore's food security plans? What do you think of Singapore's local food production capabilities?


25 May 2022 (10am - 7pm)


[9:57 am, 25/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm* today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

Full set of Terms of Use:

We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:01 am, 25/05/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢 

Global supply chain disruptions have highlighted the importance of Singapore being able to produce its own food. Instances of food protectionism are on the rise, where countries impose export bans to safeguard local supply. 

For example, Malaysia's recent chicken export ban to protect domestic supply will likely push up the price of chicken. Singapore Food Agency (SFA) is working with importers to activate supply chains from alternative sources and increase the import of frozen chicken from non-Malaysia suppliers. 

Although farming on a local scale may not address the global food crisis, it may ease some pain points. There is also a growing need for Singapore to scale up food production in a sustainable way. 

💬  What are your views on Singapore's food security plans? What do you think of Singapore's local food production capabilities?

The number of local farms grew from 221 in 2019 to 260 in 2021, boosting local production and contributing more eggs, vegetables and seafood to dinner tables islandwide. Local farms producing eggs contributed about 30 per cent of all eggs consumed here. SFA said: "Given Singapore's heavy reliance on imported food, local farms play an important role in the nation's food security. Local production serves as a buffer by reducing dependence on imports during supply disruptions."

More "food" for thought: 

📍 Malaysia bans chicken exports: What you need to know

📍Local eateries source for alternative chicken sources, will rely more on frozen chicken. 

📍The number of local farms grew from 221 in 2019 to 260 in 2021. Local farms that produce eggs contribute 30% of all eggs consumed in Singapore. 

📍The Tampines Goes Farming initiative explores urban farming through rooftop and vertical gardens.

📍Commercial fish farms may be set up off Singapore's southern islands, with efforts to limit impact on marine ecosystems.

📍Food protectionism is increasing around the world.


[10:02 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: India plans to limit sugar exports in new risk to global food prices

[10:03 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Hawkers in Malaysia feeling the heat of chicken shortage ahead of export ban

[10:05 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: 25 May, 2022

Just when things consequentially happened, next come the erupted disruptions to many hawkers and stall owners!

Will it be a short spell of bad luck or a while more to STABLISE this Chicken and Eggs business? 

Could EGGS or vegetables or fishes be next to erupt SIMULTANEOUSLY? 

Malaysia will be heading into ELECTION mode, all thing status quo, these daily necessities will have to be stabilised prior to calling a fresh GE!  

"To each its own problems and pains...? "

[10:06 am, 25/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Businesses won't want to develop their business especially for food production for local market, due to high biz costs such as rental, labour

[10:08 am, 25/05/2022] +GLCM: Feels like the world is closing up to secure themselves in the midst of the rising inflation. Food security is indeed a serious matter. I applaud the various initiatives to explore ways to achieve self reliance.

[10:08 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Good morning!

[10:08 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: The issue of SCALING a business or an economy! Just when things open up, another disruption erupted that is FOOD and going forward into Q2-2023 becoming a FOOD SECURITY issue for multiple nations whom are non agricultural based economies!

"when you are a PRICE TAKER, your counter parties will tell you... It doesn't matter for WHO NEEDS WHO MOST?"

- - annoymous

[10:09 am, 25/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Local biz unable to compete their products with imported products due to their costs are high, hence selling price are not able to lower despite lower transportation costs

[10:27 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: 25 May, 2022

"Calm in the State of Chaos (冷静)!" 

Food Security and Cost:

Forward contracts for importation of foods are crucial for up to 12 months and into 2025. Three big variables are delivery time, climate and weather patterns these days are changing and the chalkup challenges from farm gates of all sorts of fruits & vegetables, meats to wheats/corn/soybean/barley when harvesting, butchering comes due and the port to port lead time. 

Australia and NZ, are farm belts and seems to be a safe and stable haven for foods of all sorts from fruits & vegetables, meats to wheat. The key is to ORDER EARLY AND AHEAD to continuously secure our food supply and demand.  Logistics time and turnaround of these deliveries of foods are critical components and it comes…

[10:35 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: “The only way to avoid making mistakes is not to do anything. And that will be the ultimate mistake.”

- - Goh Keng Swee

[10:37 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Apologies, Dr Goh Keng Swee.

[10:38 am, 25/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Gov should look at providing rental reliefs and easing of hiring of foreign workers for companies that provides a certain % of their produce for local market.

[10:38 am, 25/05/2022] +Uncle Law: Say 90%

[10:39 am, 25/05/2022] +Uncle Law: This will attract more local biz to invest in Singapore, enhancing our food security

[10:40 am, 25/05/2022] +Uncle Law: More priority to be given to these companies when they need to bid land for expansion.

[10:47 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Uncle Law, Good points!

The 30/30 govt foods initiatives are in progress.

Caution, this food shortages will prolong towards 2030 and perhaps into 2023?

Many global foods analytics from South America and into Asia are pointing a big gap in terms of supplies side. So the next crucial question is which nation (s) are able to cover this demand? 

This critical resource at large with it raw ingredients to raw meats! It is no longer a competitive advantage over one or the next few nations, it is survival! 

It is evolving into a RESOURCE WARS!

[10:50 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: One bright spot, we are 6 million headcounts!

Can we see the dynamics in motion, now and tomorrow's?

[11:12 am, 25/05/2022] +Samantha: Can anyone enlighten me? Is this regarded as breach of safety for construction workers? No helmet climbing up to level of a private property.

[11:13 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh: Yes you can report to MOM

[11:14 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh: Definitely looks make shift, without work at height checks and stuff

[11:14 am, 25/05/2022] +Samantha: Easier said than done 😂🤣 try googling the mom website for the correct number to call....

[11:14 am, 25/05/2022] +Samantha: No helmet

[11:14 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh: Not just that they break quite a few rules actually

[11:15 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh:

[11:15 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh: Report with this app they will route to the right department

[11:15 am, 25/05/2022] +Samantha: One service doesn't work

[11:16 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh: It does.. can check update someMore

[11:19 am, 25/05/2022] +Ken Loh: Example… this is I send

[11:38 am, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Comments :

Certain governments of this world pay the DELTA (difference) between the current market price and affordable price of any strategic commodities or goods like foods or petroleum.

This Delta is called SUBSIDY aka as opportunities to CORRUPT?

[11:44 am, 25/05/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: It isn’t realistic for Singapore to produce more food as there are competing priorities for land including leaving the forests and parks alone to keep the city green and reduce the climate impact. More realistic is to continue to diversify supply chains and sourcing from more countries. This said, Malaysia is the obvious source for food, so perhaps we need to reciprocate. Food in exchange for… less water as our domestic sources expand? sending electricity north? more work permits for Malaysians wanting to work here?

[0:21 pm, 25/05/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: In Singapore, we already do vertical living spaces and vertical retail spaces, so why not vertical farming? 😂

[0:27 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: 25 May, 2022

"War of all kinds, from hot to halt, there will be casualties...!" 

- - annoymous 

Microeconomics (小店经济):

From households, hawkers and F&Bs, the existing erupted ingredients disruption will have a trigger down effects from inflated prices to the reconsolidation of the foods and eateries industry! 

Many added uncertainties will trigger to operational issues and scaling down of many trades! 

There is no such thing as zero covid! Same goes for this early days of edibles supply shocks, there will be casualty, lost of jobs and inflated price of foods. The questions going forward will be how high food will cost and how many food (related) businesses will fold up and jobs lost? 

Meantime, who can we try calling if short of sugar or oils or grains…

[1:10 pm, 25/05/2022] +Thomas: I think 30 by 30 for food security in Singapore is not enough. We should increase to 50% by 2030

[1:17 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: George Yeo to retire as Kerry Logistics Network's chairman to spend time with family and pursue other interests

[1:19 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Singapore's GDP growth for 2022 likely to come in at lower half of 3-5% forecast: MTI

[1:23 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: More Singapore property developers expect prices of new launches to go up: Survey

Up to 20% or more price increase yty, possibility ?

[1:35 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Detrimental deteriorating global conditions

1. 3 global conditions that have turn sour triggered a Worldwide food shortages, namely :-

a. Pandemic - lockdown triggering labor stoppages, food and animal feed production, port congestion, supply chain disruption.

b. War - Russia invasion that trigger Ukraine war - has block harvested food from being exported through seaports to the rest of the world. Deliberate targeting of food silos and storage destroying food, animal feed.

c. Global climate - global warming trigger droughts, flood - that result in poor harvest and many lands no longer fertile to produce food.

2. As a result of the effects of the 3 minor catastrophe on food outcome - many Countries start to adopt food protectionism by banning or restricting their food exports to protect their local supply and lowering price for their local population - at the expense of export market.

3. As Singapore is a major net importer of food supply --- we will be adversely hit - as food supply we normally consume no longer come in and we have to look for alternative sources that don't exactly fit our needs - and we will have to pay a much higher prices to compete for a reduction in food supply.

4. These 3 minor catastrope (pandemic, war, global climate) (小三灾 - 瘟疫,刀兵劫,天灾)has been predicted 3,000 years ago (楞严)and has come true。

These are also the conditions that have triggered WW2 - snatching world resources that have gone scarce - when Japan Imeperialist launch invasion.

5.Thus we need to be vigilant to ensure to ramp up our local food production ---- because the 3 global conditions will worsen for some times to come ---- eg. climate will not get better due to global warming, geopolitical tension will get worst as SuperPowers intensify jostling, Disease X may replace covid.

6. The worst effect of 3 minor catastrophe on food supply - will blow over until and unless :-

a. Clean energy replace carbon heavy energy - and Global Climate restore Warming Earth.

b. We are successful in mass production of high-tech food (that require little land space) - eg. vertical farming, lab-produced meat substitute like cell-culture meat, plant-based meat.

c. Geopolitical tension subside - as World Leaders discover meaningless power jostling cause more harm than good - and decide to collaborate and cooperate rather than commiting to power struggle.

[1:37 pm, 25/05/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: Point 2, these are not minor catastrophies, they are fairly major and even existential…

[1:38 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

This 3 conditions are considered minor because it will turn worst before it becomes better.

[1:45 pm, 25/05/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: 😁👍ever the optimist

[1:45 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

To explain :-

Humanity will go through 4 stages :-


(Born, Living, Decaying, Emptiness)

We are at 贤劫 中的 住界。

(The 2nd stage of "Living" stage) - of the 3 minor catastrophe.

Humanity is still not destined to end yet.

Hence confidently, Humanity will not succumb to existential threat.

Hence confidently, there are threat to extinction - by pandemic, by nuclear war/WW3, by Global climate --- of 3 minor catastrophe.

But they will turn worst and then better - as humanity make effort to remedy the worst effect of pandemic, war and global climate.

Humanity will face 3 major catastrope only at :-

坏界 (decaying stage) - where another 3 minor catastrophe will trigger an annihilation of humanity near the end of decaying stage.

[2:07 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Ramping up our local food production

1. Singapore land space is very limited.

Based on economics, land space is a premium, a scarce resources - and should be directed to produce economic goods that give us the highest paid economic output.

Food previously - is a low price economic goods - hence our premium lands are committed to higher premium economic goods such as financial centre, manufacturing plants, residential places etc.

But now, food supply from overseas - is no longer a cheap and easily available economic goods.

Global supply disruption, global climate, food protectionism, reduction in fertile lands to grow crops, animal feeds, land for domestic animals succumb to drought and flood ---- will increasinly make traditional farming and meat production --- all the more difficult.

2. Hence, Singapore must realign our definition of allocating premium land spaces for local food production --- because without food - we cannot survive.

Also the food price will keep increasing because of the above describe conditions that will make traditional farming and overseas food production less tenable.

3. Increasingly, we must allocate our premium land spaces to achieve the following :-

a. Vertical farming to save land - but yet able to produce a sizeable amount of food for our local consumption.Eg. are vegetables, egg production, fish farming and even high tech Temasek rice (1 hectares - 6 tons of rice) etc.

Understand there is a limit to how much vertical farming can produce --- but definitely a good cushion in the event export food market are disrupted, ban or restricted.

b. High tech meat subsitute - eg. cell-culture, tissue re-engineering meat, 3D meat and plant-based meat - that can be produce in a lab - and mass produce in a manufacturing plant.

This mass production meat substitute for chicken, beef, mutton, pork, seafood etc --- and be produce in such a large quantity not only sufficient for local population, but also mass produce for overseas market --- opening up a high-tech food sector for export, and create high tech food jobs.

c. Continue to work with non-traditional overseas countries for our food sources - to ensure we diversify outside our traditional food sources to secure alternative food supply.

[2:15 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Eat Just in Singapore, many other players including Mosa Meat, the Israeli firm Future Meat, and US-based Upside Foods expect to launch their own products around the world in the coming years.

[2:16 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[2:28 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[2:42 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face:

Truth or Paid?

Let readers research and decide...

[2:51 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Colorectal cancer on the rise: What are the symptoms to watch out for

"We should maintain a balanced diet that has lots of vegetables and fruit and whole grains, and reduce the consumption of red meat and processed meat. Eating meat cooked at very high temperatures, like grilled meat, might also increase one's cancer risk," adds Dr Quah.

[3:05 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Clean Energy to ensure self-sufficiency and Global Warming

1. Energy squeeze and supply disruption - has again play an important equation in the food shortage.

2. High energy prices (gas, fossil fuel) - has increased transportation cost - that will jack up food prices - as we are importing food from all over the World.

3. Hence there must be effort to ensure energy self-sufficiency in energy supply - especially if we wish to ramp up our local production of high-tech meat and food sources that rely on energy and water (also need energy to produce clean water).

Also using clean energy will help Earth to heal itself from global warming - and contribute to more fertile lands for farming and food production.

4. Advanced Countries are doing R&D in advanced nuclear energy - notably nuclear fusion to create "artificial Sun" that will provide an infinite supply of energy that are safe and produce very little radio active waste. 

a. Unlike nuclear reactor that use nuclear fission - that uses neutrons colliding into uranium atoms to split atoms into sub-atoms eg. more neutrons and protons - to produce heat and generate electricity.

This produce a chain reactions that are more dangerous and produce radioactive waste that will cause radiation.

b. Nuclear fusion - is an attempt for atoms to fuse with uranium atoms to make a bigger atoms to create an "artifical Sun" - and create an infinite supply of heat to generate electricity.

It will shutdown by itself automatically when it overheat and does not produce radioactive waste --- hence a safer method of producing energy.

US and UK are very advanced in such nuclear fusion technology.

China is the 1st to successfully use nuclear fusion to produce an "artificial Sun" - that will provide an infinite energy to produce electricity.

5. As advance Country has also produce a ship that uses clean low carbon seawater H20 to produce hydrogen gas - to power a large boat that go around the Earth.

Low carbon hydrogen gas produce from water H20 - by splitting hydrogen from oxygen - is scientifically doable - and hydrogen gas can be safely used to produce energy and electricity.

6. So Singapore should actively touch base with these Countries that make breakthrough in cutting edge clean energy to develop our own clean energy to replace fossil fuel and natural gas - that are high carbon energy source.

7. In the long run, it is feasible for us to achieve self-sufficiency in energy source that come from nuclear fusion, H20 sea water, solar - that comes abundance, free from nature ---- and we will not be held hostage by gas, fossil fuel --- that will fluctuate up and down.

[3:08 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Artificial Sun: China Claims Designing World’s 1st Power Plant That Can Convert Nuclear Fusion Energy Into Electricity.

Nuclear fusion instead of fission that will produce radioactive waste is what we are after.

It is less dangerous and produce infinite energy.

[3:09 pm, 25/05/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

"Making waves: On board the world's first hydrogen-powered ship"

[3:57 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[4:06 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: 25 May, 2022

Absolute or Comparative or None (条件)? 

"money is a function, a transaction, like the olden days barter trades, isn't it the same old world we are living in now...?"

-- anonymous 

One way or Two ways or Multi ways? 

What one trader offers or buys, putting aside cash, to the other trader or perhaps better off barter and addon third parties goods and or services?

Thinking fast in a rush to secure contracts, successful traders have game plans often having pockets of ready tradables to sweeten and quicken the deals.

Having tons of cold cash may not necessary be a win-win deal. Perhaps, who needs what most will be the secret key to unlock and open many others opportunities otherwise missed, these instances tradables, nontradables and trade abi…

[4:20 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Fresh chicken snapped up at S'pore wet markets, supermarkets after Malaysia announces export ban

Halting or Hoarding?

[4:27 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Affordability Curve:

Per kg cost, Chicken meat, is the most affordable protein second to eggs! 

The next question will be, "who will be most affected having to choose the next meat to eat?"  (exclude vegetarians)

[4:31 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Chicken then follows by eggs...

[4:34 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: One sweet thing, chicken meat, most races and or religions accept this palette choice.

[4:43 pm, 25/05/2022] +Rama: Anticipated

[4:44 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Hi Mr Rama...

[4:50 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Microeconomics (小店经济) in play?

Perhaps some of these consumers are eateries or small food stores shoring up buffer stocks comes June 1st, halt of chickens?

Secondly, there is growing uncertainties say supply coming from Brazil or other nations? 

What's the leadtime, abattoir to airport/seaport to distributors to shops floor?

Authorities or distributors should address these hick ups to calm many nerves? 

Livelihoods on the table?

[4:53 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: The next affordable meat is fish, local farmed Kee Fish at $14.90/kg, price from NTUC.

(Disclaimer: not promoting fish nor NTUC)

[4:56 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: "Calm in the State of Chaos (冷静)!"

- - annoymous

[6:45 pm, 25/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.



[6:54 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: Water vulnerability a pressing global issue for global commons to solve: Tharman

[6:54 pm, 25/05/2022] +Rama: 21st is war foe water. 20th was for oil.

[6:55 pm, 25/05/2022] +Rama: The century I am referring to

[6:55 pm, 25/05/2022] +Joseph Yap: 💬  What are your views on Singapore's food security plans? What do you think of Singapore's local food production capabilities?

Singapore is vulnerable in food security as we import more than 90% of food. SFA has a 30 by 30 plan and it will be great to have interim review at end of 2025 to see how far ahead/ short we are.

Food security is strategic, we need government-led investments to increase the production to achieve economies of scale.

[6:56 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[6:56 pm, 25/05/2022] +Rama: We have to think out of the box to maximise every single opportunity and way .

[6:57 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face:

[6:59 pm, 25/05/2022] +Smiley face: "use microchips exchange for foods and others...?"

[7:00 pm, 25/05/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊
