REACH 341 - What are your views on the easing of Covid-19 safety measures? Are you looking forward to the easing of measures, and how will the changes affect you?
25 Apr 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:32 am, 25/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan 😊
[9:59 am, 25/04/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
The multi-ministry taskforce on Covid-19 (MTF) announced the easing of many Covid-19 safety measures on Friday, 22 Apr. However, the MTF urged Singaporeans to stay vigilant and maintain readiness in the face of potential risks, and stressed that the pandemic is not over.
💬 What are your views on the easing of Covid-19 safety measures? Are you looking forward to the easing of measures, and how will the changes affect you?
The changes announced are:
📌 Area 1: Community SMMs
1) No more group size limits and no more requirement for safe distancing
2) Masks still required indoors but optional outdoors
However, the Ministry of Health (MOH) encourages individuals to exercise precaution by, for example, wearing a mask in crowded outdoor areas.
3) All workers may return to the workplace; masks can be removed in some situations
MOH encourages employers to retain and promote flexible work arrangements permanently. Workers will also be allowed to remove their masks at the workplace if they are not interacting physically with others and are not in customer-facing areas.
4) Capacity limits removed for large events with more than 1,000 participants
The only exceptions are nightlife businesses where dancing among patrons is one of the intended activities. These will continue to be subject to a 75 per cent capacity limit.
📌 Area 2: Other Adjustments to Community Measures
5) Vaccination-differentiated safe management measures (VDS) removed in most settings; workforce vaccination measures lifted
- VDS is to remain for events with more than 500 participants at any one time, such as weddings; nightlife establishments where dancing among patrons is one of the intended activities; and food and beverage (F&B) establishments, including hawker centres.
- While workforce vaccination measures will be lifted nationally, tripartite partners have agreed that employers should have the flexibility to continue implementing vaccination-related instructions for employees, said MOH.
6) No more health risk notices
Individuals infected with Covid-19 will no longer need to submit details of household contacts online, but should continue to exercise social responsibility.
7) Step down in use of TraceTogether and SafeEntry
However, MOH encourages the public to keep the TraceTogether tokens and/or phone applications as a means of conducting VDS checks where necessary, and to enable the Government to rapidly step up contact tracing should it need to do so again.
8) No more free community ART
Paid ART will still be available for members of the public at the combined test centres (CTCs), quick test centres (QTCs), general practitioner clinics or via tele-ART providers.
📌 Area 3: Updates on Border Measures
9) Pre-departure test before entry to Singapore no longer needed if fully vaccinated
10) Resumption of cross-border bus and taxi services to Malaysia on 1 May
📌 Area 4: Expansion of Community Visits for Migrant Workers
11) Expansion of community visits for migrant workers
From 26 April, up to 25,000 migrant workers will be able to visit the community on weekdays, and up to 50,000 on weekends and public holidays, for up to 8 hours per visit. This is an increase from the current quotas of 15,000 on weekdays, and 30,000 on weekends and public holidays.
📌 Area 5: Booster Vaccination
12) Boosters available for those aged 60 to 79
While the Expert Committee on Covid-19 is not recommending that seniors aged between 60 and 79 years receive a second booster shot, it has agreed to offer it to seniors who wish to have it.
📌 Area 6: Consolidation of Vaccination Centres
13) More Covid-19 vaccination centres to stop operations
MOH said it will consolidate its resources into several joint testing and vaccination centres, and will give more details later.
More info on the MOH’s easing of Covid-19 measures can be found here:
[10:01 am, 25/04/2022] +Caleb: so we should still carry out TT tokens around?
[10:01 am, 25/04/2022] +Caleb: in case gov wants to suddenly do contact tacing?
[10:13 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: Proposed August 8 @8pm, our PM in his National Day Speech, announces the fully open Singapore.
[10:19 am, 25/04/2022] +Timothy Low: Maybe can make it clear that workers in their own work stations/cubicles are allowed to remove their mask, if they are not interacting with other people.
[10:24 am, 25/04/2022] +Rama: Yes
[10:29 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[10:55 am, 25/04/2022] +BL: 📌 Area 1: Community SMMs
1) No more group size limits and no more requirement for safe distancing - - Excellent
2) Masks still required indoors but optional outdoors
Good not needed outside, hope we quickly move towards just being mandatory on PT
3) All workers may return to the workplace; masks can be removed in some situations
Much better; although those at risk (or caring for others) should have option to stay home
Kids should be allowed to remove masks at school
4) Capacity limits removed for large events with more than 1,000 participants
📌 Area 2: Other Adjustments to Community Measures
5) Vaccination-differentiated safe management measures (VDS) removed in most settings; workforce vaccination measures lifted
Seems complicated - too many nuances!
6) No more health risk notices
7) Step down in use of TraceTogether and SafeEntry
Just end TraceTogether - seems unneccessary now
8) No more free community ART
Maybe exceptions for those in high risk settings, such as F&B? Teachers?
📌 Area 3: Updates on Border Measures
9) Pre-departure test before entry to Singapore no longer needed if fully vaccinated
10) Resumption of cross-border bus and taxi services to Malaysia on 1 May
📌 Area 4: Expansion of Community Visits for Migrant Workers
11) Expansion of community visits for migrant workers
📌 Area 5: Booster Vaccination
12) Boosters available for those aged 60 to 79
While the Expert Committee on Covid-19 is not recommending that seniors aged between 60 and 79 years receive a second booster shot, it has agreed to offer it to seniors who wish to have it.
📌 Area 6: Consolidation of Vaccination Centres
13) More Covid-19 vaccination centres to stop operations
[10:56 am, 25/04/2022] +BL: Yes- and school kids too
[11:35 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: It will great to study how China handles their current covid situations. Things like SMM, Medical, social, potilical, infrastructures and economics?
Perhaps last chance to learn from this extremist (zero covid) with minimal fees to pay ahead?
[11:38 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: Scaling in play.... Use these data and experiences to our future advantages.
Study Shanghai and apply to us. Even tough Shanghai is 5 times of us.
Can we see the scale and recalibrate into ours?
[11:40 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: Zoom in....
[11:42 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: There is a strong gut feeling says perhaps the next epidemic will not be as forgiving as this one teasing covid? Scale it up to a future pandemic, LIFES at stack?
[11:43 am, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: 错手不及...
[0:39 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH: 7) Step down in use of TraceTogether and SafeEntry
However, MOH encourages the public to keep the TraceTogether tokens and/or phone applications as a means of conducting VDS checks where necessary, and to enable the Government to rapidly step up contact tracing should it need to do so again.
Yes, it is prudent to take TT down, temporarily.
We can enjoy a brief respite, for the moment.
However, pls note tt in other countries.
2 new variants :
The Deltacron (mix Delta w Omicron) and
Covid-XE (latest).
While we may seem to hv bn 'spared' from these, for now, the future is still uncertain.
With opening up of borders, risks will increase. No one can tell what may be carried in by whom.
So, we can keep the TT, but it may have to be re-activated at short notice if the need arises.
[0:39 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH:
[0:42 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH: 👆🏻abv report states it has bn detected in Thailand.
[0:43 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH: * Omicron-XE,
not Covid-XE. Apologies .
[1:33 pm, 25/04/2022] +jimmy chew: I like to thank the multi ministry task force for their depth of thinking and decision making nin balancing risk and freedom and opportunities. It's Shows their maturity in thinking which will make Singapore prosper and safe. More good years ahead
[1:59 pm, 25/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. The transition of covid measures to gradual opening up of the Economy - is very well managed --- in tandem of the number of infection cases and hospitalisation cases.
2. Can see that people are more relax, look happier, go out in larger group - whether as a family or friends can be seen socialising in eateries or social places.
3. However, my family members and extended family members will still put on mask in the public - whether indoors or outdoors - to safeguard ourselves from catching air-borne viruses - whether Omicron or flu or others.
This will give us a peace of mind - to ensure our whole family will not be infected and have to isolate at home if infected.
4. Will like to highlight our Government foresight in getting the right mRNA vaccines to vaccinate our whole population - as these vaccines are more effective in protecting our population from the covid and its variants - that has helped us emerge from the pandemic.
Kudos to our pandemic specialists and our Government for the foresight - else it will not help us to come to this comfortable position and gradually emerge from the pandemic (with realisitc safeguards and the gradual relaxation as situation improve).
5. The lessons learn from this covid pandemic - must not be forgotten and must be properly documented to form pandemic guidelines - so that in future if other pandemic strike - we can make use of the measures we have learned and put it into good use - without the needs to reinvent the wheel. Of course we need to adapt it future pandemics have peculiar characteristics unlike the covid pandemic.
[2:13 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH: Likewise
to the Gov & Pandemic Task Force for working cohesively to help get us thru these past 2.5 years.
Let's not forget the front line teams, those food delivery riders and others who hv also done their part (and maybe more) as they had to face the virus itself to fight for us (like our front line soldiers in times of war).
Having said tt, thanks also to our society, the general public and everyone of us here included, for toeing the line.
Despite our varying points of view, we hv kept ourselves United in the face of a common enemy, got ourselves vaccinated despite our fears, and been compliant with the rules.
Had we done otherwise, like wat we see in other countries ard us, I cannot think of a more positive outcome.
Let's all enjoy this brief respite and give ourselves a pat on our backs for being a truly, cohesive , co-operative, compliant, wise-thinking, and abv all - UNITED - nation!
* Unity is Strength *
We hv proven to others wat a small nation can do if we all think as ONE.
One People,
One Nation,
One Singapore!
I feel proud to be one! 😉[3:27 pm, 25/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We want to hear MORE from you on today's topic!
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
Megan 😊
[3:44 pm, 25/04/2022] +jimmy chew: Just some feedback 10 of my friends are happy with the coming changes.
[4:26 pm, 25/04/2022] +Dan: I have some questions for the gov.
1) Can shopping malls still continue to use the TT barriers even when TT is not required? Costs may involve to remove and what if situation returns with another pandemic?
2) Are the isolation centres still available for people who contracted covid but do not have means of home quarantine? What abt the charges for such services? Subsidised by Gov or for ppl to pay full rate?
3) After the 2nd booster shots, what's next? Noted that booster shots are only offered to over 65s, does it mean for the rest, gov is no longer offering it free for the citizens?
4) Will ART dispensers be removed from the community eventually.
Noticing that 2), 3) and 4) involves gov expenditure, it will be prudent to start planning to prep the people if gov is thinking of phasing out the necessary?
[4:36 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH: 🤔
With uncertainty over whether CoVid wl re surface in the very near future, only time wl tell.
With the opening of borders and ppl starting to put the guard down, we won't know wat wl happen next.
As costs r involved in the movement of stuff here & ther, suggest tt perhaps putting a sticker "Till Further Advice" or sth like tt, on the ART machines & unplugging them (to save electricity), as well as sealing the dispensing mouth of the machine, for say, 2 months, may be a more prudent way to go.
Like the TT device, this wud be a temporary measure, until we know for sure tt we can continue w the new status quo of letting our guard down without fear of catching the virus.
Ironically, ART kits have started to cost less and are now in full supply. 🤷♀️
[4:37 pm, 25/04/2022] +RH: *put their guard down
[6:01 pm, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face: China's pursuit of zero Covid-19 driving expats away
[6:02 pm, 25/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[6:48 pm, 25/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
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