REACH 337 - What are your views on the Government’s initiatives to improve the management of sexual offences? What else can be done to reduce such offences and ensure the safety of victims? (SK)
13 Apr 2022 (10am - 7pm)
[9:57 am, 13/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
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Megan 😊
[10:02 am, 13/04/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢
On 12 Apr (Tues), Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam announced several initiatives by the Singapore Police Force (SPF) aimed at improving the handling of sexual offences. This follows an announcement made in Parliament last week that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Ministry of Law (MinLaw) are studying a proposal to keep serious sex offenders detained beyond their jail sentence if they are deemed to still pose a threat to the public.
💬 What are your views on the Government’s initiatives to improve the management of sexual offences? What else can be done to reduce such offences and ensure the safety of victims?
The key components of the SPF's sexual crime review are include:
📌 Formation of Sexual Crime and Family Violence Unit
The Police will set up a new Sexual Crime and Family Violence Command to oversee all sexual and family violence cases. The Command will be set up by next year and will be staffed by Police officers who specialise in the investigation of such cases and are equipped with victim management skills.
📌 Enhanced Training for Police Officers
Investigation Officers and all frontline Police officers who might be first responders will undergo regular training on sexual crime investigations and victim care. They will also attend seminars and sessions organised by the Police, such as the SPF Sexual Assault Awareness Seminar.
📌 Launch of Revamped Sexual Assault Webpage on SPF’s Website
The Police will launch a revamped one-stop webpage to increase public awareness of sexual assault and the investigation processes of sexual crime cases. The webpage will inform the public on the nature of the sexual assault, and also contain information on victim care measures, support services available for victims, as well as videos setting out the Police's investigative processes.
📌 Formation of New Community Partnerships
The Police will continue to strengthen partnerships with NGOs and community partners to better support victims of violence. MHA, MCCY and MSF will also establish a new NGO, SG Her Empowerment LImited, later this month; the NGO will serve as a victim support centre in addition to working with the Law Society to provide pro bono legal advice to victims.
In addition, the Police will also conduct a survey this year to identify further areas for improvement. Sexual assault victims will be engaged on a voluntary basis to provide feedback on existing processes and victim care measures.
More info on the SPF's sexual crime review can be found here:
[10:18 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: The extended incarceration is welcome. However, the sexual crime unit is staffed by female mostly!?
[10:44 am, 13/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We’d love to hear more from you on today's topic 😊
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
[10:51 am, 13/04/2022] +Joseph: Update rules/regulations/laws. Penalties need to be more punitive. Publis, shame and educate.
Tigthen Enforcement. We are good at implementing policies, but execution and enforcement is pathetic. Looks as if the SPF has "flavours of the year" and "campaigns". Whenever there is "drink-driving" campaign, it alwasys seems liem for a month or so - or while the "campaign" is on - there will be more road blocks/checks, more reports in local media about arrests for a while, and then it stops. I have been driving for more than 25 years and in all that time, I encounter our SPF at Hawker Centres buying night snack/supper more often than seeing them patrolling the streets. On the occassions that I had lodged a police report a crime - including Ponzi schemes which eve…
[10:53 am, 13/04/2022] +Joseph: Oh yah .. another thing... hope the SPF can spring into action without the need for a prominent Minister to open his mouth first.
[10:57 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Yes!
[11:18 am, 13/04/2022] +BL: Probably for good reason. Most victims are women.
[11:24 am, 13/04/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: There is little in the Minister’s speech about prevention and early detection of sexual and family violence. Perhaps MOE needs to raise awareness amongst students at an early stage that certain behaviours by men are wrong and that it is ok to tell someone (a sister, mother, teacher, etc). This is obviously a very delicate subject. Over the last few years we’ve had a number of cases brought to trial where the abuse of a daughter or relative went on for many years - what could have been done to detect this early? My own view is that in some egregious cases the death penalty should be an option.
[11:29 am, 13/04/2022] +Joseph: 👍
[11:35 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Years ago there was talk of castration. Wonder what was the outcome!?
[11:42 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: A sex offenders register was also talked about found not practical
[11:53 am, 13/04/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: A sex offender registry would be unnecessary if incarceration is extended. Even better if the offender gets a lifetime sentence, so is permanently out of society, right?
[11:54 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Lifetime sentencing would be equivalent to other serious crimes so not sure if it will help.
[11:57 am, 13/04/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: Sure would. They would be permanently out of society, so repeat problem solved. And it would be a significant deterrence, so no one would ever dare to take the risk of committing the offence, unless he was out of his mind. Ergo, a permanent solution.
[11:58 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: The state will have to foot the bill still on top of the court given sentence and the extended incarceration
[11:59 am, 13/04/2022] +Rama: There are social implications for immediate family to factor.
[0:02 pm, 13/04/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: Then a death penalty could solve the bill-footing. See @Guillermo Cabeza comments above to make the death penalty as an option.
[0:03 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: This needs very independent consultation with all stakeholders.
[0:05 pm, 13/04/2022] +BL: We need to be careful not to instill an attitude in kids that men behave badly, or wrong. Telling a person they are a theif can sometimes cause them to steal.
[0:06 pm, 13/04/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: So who would these stakeholders be?
[0:06 pm, 13/04/2022] +Poh Seng Lim: Suggestions?
[0:06 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[0:08 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Victims for sure, law academics, social workers, law enforcement officers, ag chambers, grc for home affairs/msf/myself.
[0:09 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Omit myself!
[0:17 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[0:24 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
Child Abuser
[0:29 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[0:32 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[0:36 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face: South Korea:
On January 3, 2013, the Seoul Southern District Court ordered a sex offender, charged with raping five minors, to be CHEMICALLY castrated for the first time since the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Violence Crimes went into effect in July 2011. The 30-year-old culprit had to receive hormonal treatment that is intended to suppress his sexual impulses for the next three years. The court also sentenced him to: 15 years in prison; to wear an electronic tracking device on his ankle for 20 years; to post his personal profile with a picture of his face and name on the online sex offender registry for 10 years; and to complete 200 hours of psychotherapy sessions.
[0:36 pm, 13/04/2022] +JC: I think the root cause of the spike in sexual crime is due to the pervasiveness of pornography in our society. It can erode the perception of accepted norms when it comes to sexuality, and potentially cause some individuals to go down the proverbial rabbit hole in which they become trapped in deviant sexual behavior.
[0:36 pm, 13/04/2022] +JC: I don't think more severe punishment will help if the root cause isn't addressed.
[0:40 pm, 13/04/2022] +JC: When I see the many cases/reports of sex crimes on local newspapers, one thing I noticed is that actually many of the sexual offenders are trapped in their own behavior - most are throwing away their future and their lives in pursuit of momentary gratification and that is very similar to mental illness/addictive behavior.
[0:40 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face: South Korea:
The tragic victimization of a 9-year-old girl by a sex offender in Tongyeong in July 2012 underscores the danger and risk to which underprivileged children are exposed. These children who need care from the community too often fall prey to social predators.[15] With her father away at work and stepmother having fled, she had no adult to look after her.
A more organized and effective system to protect children from sex offenders is in great need. The community, society and schools should enhance the care and protection of children from poor and broken families. Even if we don’t go so far as prohibiting children from arriving at school unattended by an authorized adult, schools could pair older students to walk younger peers to and from school grounds.
Schools and community centers should work together to provide shelter and after-school programs so that small children are not left alone until adults return home. The entire society should be aware that any of our children can become targets of crime.
[0:49 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face: South Korea:
At present, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice is operating the Sexual Offender Notification Website under the renamed Act on the Protection of Children and Youth against Sex Offenses.
1) barring people convicted of sex offenses against minors from getting jobs in the medical sector or working as private tutors for 10 years after the punishment was served or suspended.
2) personal information of the sex criminals who committed prostitution, rape, forced indecent conduct, arranging for prostitution, etc. against minors with the punishment confirmed, a publicly recorded and accessible information of these sex criminals.
[0:50 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[1:29 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Detaining serious sex offenders beyond the jail sentence
1. Sex offenders is a menance to the Society - and put the population at risk.
2. Thus it is important for the Authority to ensure sex offenders do indeed have repented and will not re-offence once they have served their sentence and go back to the society.
3. Hence the process to evaluate whether the sex offenders have indeed repented and will not re-offence need to be tight, robust and yet fair.
4. Continuous assessment must be made to ensure sex offenders will not re-offence - similar process like monitoring drug addicts.
5. On the other hand, sex offenders that have served their sentences, justice have been administered and they have repented - must be given a 2nd chance to rehabilitate and go back to the Society to contribute constructively. Help to get them back for study or jobs so that they stay engaged and can provide a means of living for themselves and their families must be part of the rehabilitation process - a "Yellow Ribbon" project.
It must not be a death sentence for them - else they may re-offend or commit more serious crime - when they see no future in front of them.
[1:35 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Detaining sex offenders beyond court sentencing should affect a few otherwise yellow ribbon project will be affected.
[1:37 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Yes I think a few will be recalcitrant but the rest should know the gravity of the offences and will repent.
Hence rehabilitation is an important part of the process under the Yellow Ribbon.
[1:37 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Agree
[1:52 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
*Family violence*
1. Family violence is a traumatic life long event for the whole family - if not detected early, stop and resolve.
2. Family violence happens behind close door - and the victims will not only be the spouse, but the children that will suffer long continuous trauma --- that will affect everyone in the family mentally and physically.
In fact the damage and sufferings are the greatest - when it happen within a family - as the fear and sufferings happen everyday with no respite - administerd by a family member that is supposed to provide love, trust and protection - which is all the more heart wrenching.
3. Hence Authority stepping in to stop and resolve family violence --- is imperative and sorely needed --- else the Society will lose the whole family - and worst breed more people with negative traits.
4. Community efforts is needed to detect sign of family violence especially neighbors and neighborhood - to see and hear whether physical abuse happen behind close doors
Medical staff, schools, offices and community also must be alert to sign of abuse - like visible injuries or mental sufferings - and report such suspected family violence.
I think the hotline, web portal to report suspected family violence abuses will be extremely helpful.
[1:56 pm, 13/04/2022] +jimmy chew: Not Easy to detect. Reading from articles the victim was chosen or groom to accept violence. It's a slow process for the victim to realize the abuse.
[1:56 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
5. Publishing the hotline number, URL web link to report family violence - can be done at HDB LED billboard, media or public places - so that victims, community and public can be given the idea or reminded to call for help -- when they witness the family violence abuse or when victims decide to seek help to escape from their sufferings.
[1:58 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face: Alcoholism, Abuse of Drugs and childhood experiences such as violence, sexually abused and broken family. These are big topics for sociology and criminology.
[1:58 pm, 13/04/2022] +jimmy chew: The father or brother or even mother may have done it to the child, as she grows to an adult it normalizes until it gets out of control in marriage
[1:59 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: The electronic notice board at the void Deck can help.
[1:59 pm, 13/04/2022] +jimmy chew: It's a good start to educate what is proper relationship and behaviour
[2:05 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: One spouse will abuse the child and the other will fein ignorance
[2:05 pm, 13/04/2022] +Rama: Get tge grassroots adviser assistance
[2:12 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[2:20 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[2:20 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[2:25 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
6. Awareness programme of family violence can be taught in schools, offices, publish in media, billboards - that victims need not suffer in silence, helps can be seek through hotlines, URL web sites etc.
7. In fact, schools and offices can easily pick up students or staff who are reserved, look unhappy, fear, interaction with close friends or colleagues that they have suffered family violence at home or those with visible injuries or periodic interview with students and staff by counsellors, teachers or boss.
8. Neighbors should be attentive to shouting, scolding, beating, verbal abuse, or throwing of objects by their neighbors --- at these are visible sign of suspected family violence.
[2:28 pm, 13/04/2022] +JC: While it is good to focus on protecting society from the harms from sexual crime, we should also devote resources/attention on more intensive R&D to find better ways to support sexual offenders suffering from mental illness to recover from their condition.
[2:34 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[2:38 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
1. Sexual crime - should rehabilitate from the sex offenders mental state.
2. Chemical castration seems to suggest permanently stopping the sex offenders from sex crime by focusing on the sexual organ - but if the sex offenders mental intent is not rehabilitated - what will stop the person to commit sexual crime by using his other parts of his body or objects?
[2:39 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[2:53 pm, 13/04/2022] +jimmy chew: Most don't want to report because it's a stigma and also fear of putting parents in prison and the siblings ending in homes. The deliemma they face
[2:55 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
*Sexual crime*
1. Preventing sexual crime - should focus on developing positive mental state.
a. Positive messages like fostering healthy relationship between the opposite sex.
b. Mutual respect between the opposite sex
c. Religious teachings that preach mutual respect between opposite sex
d. Managing sexual desire and channel it to build healthy life long partnership and family.
e. Society effort to promote healthy interaction and relationship among opposite sex.
2. Instill the seriousness of sexual offences - and the law that punish sexual offenders.
3. Deliver the message that sexual crime don't pay.
[2:57 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Hence message for victims of family violence to come forward is not about to punish their family members - but to help the family escape and resolve the family violence - so that fear and suffering will stop.
Social welfare workers jobs become increasingly important.
[4:06 pm, 13/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors
We’d love to hear more from you on today's topic 😊
We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!
[5:18 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Developing the right mental state to prevent sexual crime and family violence is to develop the Right Mindfulness.
Mindfulness to do the right thing.
Mindfulness that sexual desire arises - that must be channel to the right behaviour and refrain from sexual wrong.
Mindfulness that anger and frustration should not be channel to the family members that you love - but mindful to dissipate anger and look for constructive solutions to problems.
Mindfulness training (正念 ) is the best solution to develop positive mental state.
[5:20 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
Mindfulness of thoughts, speeches and actions.
[5:28 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[5:33 pm, 13/04/2022] ☸️ Danny 心:
为何要 - “三思”?
1, 一思 (广东话 - 面个站)- 最原始 (based on senses, consciousness and feelings) - hence if one acted on 一思 - will be most superficial level of understanding - and likely to act on impulse and most likely to be wrong.
2. 二思 - 经过分析 (based on mind analysis - through facts, evidence and logical and reasonable deduction - and conclusion) - come out with rational decision and actions.
Most people stop at this level - which is good at "mundane realm".
3. 三思 -(广东话 - 底个站)- 初心,本性(based on heart) - which is the "most wholesome".
And if using 三思 - in coming out with solutions ---- will be the most 圆满 (Perfection) - optimal solutions.
[5:40 pm, 13/04/2022] +Smiley face:
[6:44 pm, 13/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
[6:59 pm, 13/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,
We will be closing the chat for today.
Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.
Megan 😊
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