Friday, April 8, 2022

REACH 335 - How do you feel about the five areas laid out in the White Paper on Singapore's Women's Development? Which area resonates with you the most? How can we better support women to feel safe and confident at workplaces and at home?


08 Apr 2022 (10am - 7pm)


[9:50 am, 08/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

Welcome back! 😊

⏰ We will be opening the chat from 10am to 7pm today. ⏰

House Rules (short version of our Terms of Use) to keep in mind: 

1. Be kind and respectful. We all want to be in a safe space to share our views. 

2. Any and all threatening, abusive, vulgar or racially, religiously and ethnically objectionable content is prohibited.

3. Consider the quiet ones among us and give them a chance to comment.

4. No need to repeat your comment or in different forms (including caps) - we heard you loud and clear the first time.

5. Let’s protect each other’s privacy and keep contact details in this group what it should always be - confidential. 

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We will strive to uphold these rules to ensure this is a safe space for all.

Please be assured that the points made by participants during the chat are aggregated and shared with relevant agencies.

The topic will be posted shortly.

Thank you

Megan 😊

[10:00 am, 08/04/2022] +REACH: 📢 Topic 📢 

A 10-year road map to ensure all Singapore women have greater access to opportunities, and more equal partnerships with men, was endorsed by Parliament on Tuesday (April 5), with 40 MPs speaking on the topic.

💬 How do you feel about the five areas laid out in the White Paper on Singapore's Women's Development? Which area resonates with you the most? How can we better support women to feel safe and confident at workplaces and at home?

Opening the 9½-hour debate, Communications and Information Minister Josephine Teo acknowledged that while women here have made much progress, the country must not shy away from dealing with the various daily challenges they face - from sexual predators to social expectations.

[10:00 am, 08/04/2022] +REACH: Beyond the policies and programmes proposed in the 10-year road map to nudge Singapore towards gender equality, the country needs to also ensure there are effective follow-up and periodic reports on progress made, said President Halimah Yacob on Wednesday (April 6).

📌 Area 1: Equal opportunities in the workplace

1. New laws to ensure fair employment practices, plus ensuring those who come forward to report issues have their identities protected and are not retaliated against.

2. New Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangements by 2024, to require employers to consider employees' flexiwork requests fairly and properly.

3. Career mentorship, networking opportunities and training programmes for women at work and re-entering the workforce.

4. Encouraging greater utilisation of parental leave.

5. Revised Singapore Exchange Listing Rules and Practice Guidance to the Code of Corporate Governance to support greater board diversity, including gender diversity.

6. Council for Board Diversity will lead efforts to increase women's representation on boards.

📌 Area 2: Recognition and support for caregivers

7. Respite care options to be enhanced; Household Services Scheme will be expanded to include basic child- and elder-minding services.

8. Home Caregiving Grant will be increased from $200 a month to up to $400 a month.

9. Greater access to affordable and quality pre-schools; a child and maternal health well-being strategy will be developed.

10. Awareness of caregiver support initiatives will be ramped up, with a push for community-based peer support networks.

11. More support for caregivers of persons with disabilities and children with developmental needs.

📌 Area 3: Protection against violence and harm

12. Penalties for three sexual offences have been raised, and the Attorney-General's Chambers will generally object to rehabilitative sentences for adult offenders who commit sexual and hurt offences.

13. Greater protection for victim-survivors of family violence, including a helpline with expanded capacity and multiple modes of reporting, such as a mobile app.

14. More awareness and accessibility of resources for victims of online harms.

15. Strengthened support and awareness of resources on workplace harassment.

16. New national framework to promote safe sport.

17. Promote values of respect and safety through education - from pre-schools to institutes of higher learning.

📌 Area 4: Other support measures for women

18. Enhanced support for single parents.

19. Greater support for divorcing or divorced women, including the option of divorce by mutual agreement of the irretrievable breakdown of marriage, as well as better enforcement of maintenance orders.

20. More support for low-income families with children, such as piloting a child-minding service out of usual childcare centre operating hours.

21. Elective egg freezing to be allowed in 2023 for women aged 21 to 35 years, but only legally married couples can use this for procreation.

📌 Area 5: Mindset shifts

22. Women's Charter has been updated to better reflect women's equal status to men in marriage.

23. Gender stereotypes about careers will be addressed through education; Character and Citizenship Education curriculum in schools will address equity of familial roles.

24. Develop gender-responsive standards under the Singapore Standardisation Programme.

25. A public garden will be dedicated to honouring and celebrating the pioneering spirit of Singapore women.

More info on the White Paper on Singapore Women’s Development is available on REACH’s website:







[10:56 am, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: Tan See Leng makes personal contribution of $1m to support women pursuing Stem careers

[11:06 am, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Any other cabinet minister to follow!?

[11:15 am, 08/04/2022] +YT: The others must be saying this guy spoil market. Now all under pressure to do the same. Hahaha... 🤣  just joking, just joking.

[11:20 am, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Let our president match!?

[11:29 am, 08/04/2022] +Joseph: Match only? I think at least should Double

[11:32 am, 08/04/2022] +Joseph: She is the shining example of Singapore's commitment to diversity - Highest paid Civil Servant, Woman, "Minority" 😉

[11:41 am, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Total package should adjusted downwards

[11:41 am, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Agree

[0:10 pm, 08/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors

We’d love to hear more from you on today's topic 😊

We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!


[0:17 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: International Booker Prize 2022: Women writers dominate shortlist

[0:20 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

1. Did not come across any injustice or grievances face by my female community or acquaintance in jobs or social circles.

2. Thus cannot comment which measures resonate with me.

[0:24 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

3. No complains from my female community or acquaintance either.

[0:25 pm, 08/04/2022] +jimmy chew: I worked on a financials institution where the best get the job. 95 percent of my bosses are female and they e 🎉 exhibit excellent leadership on middle and upper management

[0:25 pm, 08/04/2022] +jimmy chew: *at

[0:36 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: At the civil service and public office levels, women should not be viewed as having a 'shorter runway' versus men. Perhaps, for a change, the prestigious President's Scholarship recipients be 3 girls and two boys or equally at 3 each? Possible?

[0:37 pm, 08/04/2022] +Rama: I support this

[1:34 pm, 08/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors

We’d love to hear more from you on today's topic 😊

We have had good feedback and hope that we can keep the discussion robust and active!


[2:04 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

France probes 'serious incident' over landing of New York flight. After stopping flight for more than 2 years - many airlines encounter some problem with their airplane. Malaysia, China and now France. SIA to London also fly back when one engine fail.                                             

[2:06 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Some issues outside this topic - but important enough to bring it up:-

With airlines now back to flying, airlines all over the world should ensure its airworthiness.

[2:09 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

[2:15 pm, 08/04/2022] +YT: Maybe pilots rusty.

[2:17 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Pilots not clocking enough flight times.

Maintenance of airplanes not robust enough.

Airplanes like cars need to fly often.

If cars don't start and drive for 2 years - overhaul probably maybe needed before it can hit the road.

[2:17 pm, 08/04/2022] +BL: There are some complications in Singapore because only men are required to take 2 years out at the beginning of their career to do NS. In some ways that puts men at a disadvantage in their professions, just as women taking time out to have children hinders them. Should we see a move whereby men and women both do 1 year NS, which would be a more balanced approach?  Should we recognise the contribution of women and child bearers in the same way we recognise the role of men in NS? We see a parade each year of the military, but there is no parade each year of new mothers. I'm not suggesting this by the way.... just putting it out there for debate!

[2:32 pm, 08/04/2022] +RH: Er... 

I dun think I wud want a parade as a new mother. 

Looking after a newborn is exhausting enuff,  let alone find time for rehearsals!  😰

[2:33 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: A good initiative.

Perhaps girls will serve NS under NON military role.

For National School Games, both girls and boys winners to GROUP photos AFTER they received the respective medals.

[2:34 pm, 08/04/2022] +BL: hahah - yea I can see that. I was being a bit tongue in cheek about the parade really... 🙂

[2:34 pm, 08/04/2022] +RH: 😃 apology accepted.

[2:35 pm, 08/04/2022] +BL: 👍

[2:38 pm, 08/04/2022] +RH: In the past 2 years, my son (a pilot)  has been attending lessons on Zoom to keep in touch. 

They do simulation exercises,  actual route flying exercises,  as well as constant theory & practical exercises to keep in shape. 

They've had occasional flights when scheduled,  tho not much. 

As for maintenance of planes,  I m sure being SG, we hv responsible crew who do their part to upkeep the hardware in the best possible condition. 

It is sad tt machines do age too if not used and certainly ther is still room for improvement.

[2:42 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心: 

Our airlines and pilots should be kept up to shape.

Likewise airlines and pilots all over the world should do similar.

Because passengers can hop into any airlines.

IATA should come out with guidelines post pandemic when air travelling resume.

The recent few air close incidents and China airline that crash - is serious enough for IATA to take note and take actions.

[2:44 pm, 08/04/2022] +RH: Yes,  for SG,  they do. 

Not sure abt wat they do in other countries...  Not within our purview, so can't comment.

[3:24 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: National aviation safety plan to tackle risks that may have arisen from pandemic

[3:24 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: Cargo plane breaks in two during emergency landing in Costa Rica

[3:25 pm, 08/04/2022] +Guillermo Cabeza: The measures in the white paper seem sensible to me but I was surprised that there wasn’t more related to elder care. Child care and elder care responsibilities fall disproportionately on women. Only around 20% of households have domestic workers. As our population ages the government should begin to plan for more of us to live independently as we age including in care homes. This will reduce the burden on women.

[4:29 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face:,bonds%20with%20family%20and%20community.

[4:51 pm, 08/04/2022] ☸️  Danny 心:

Police arrest 2 men who attacked 2 others with weapons in Boon Lay car park.

[5:05 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face:

[5:15 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: Man who punched and kicked pregnant girlfriend gets 2 weeks' jail; court overturns $3,500 fine

[5:21 pm, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Stay gay, moron!

[5:23 pm, 08/04/2022] +Ah Heng: started with MH -> AF-> DHL (plane broken in 2) and -> Just Now UA52 turn back cos engine shut down half way

[5:23 pm, 08/04/2022] +Ah Heng: all planes are boeing

[5:23 pm, 08/04/2022] +Ah Heng: MH (787-800) AF (777 i think) DHL (mdel unknown) UA (767)

[5:24 pm, 08/04/2022] +Ah Heng: DHL Boeing 757

[5:25 pm, 08/04/2022] +Ah Heng: some oversea comments says is comment to have issue no worries but if one heard the audio transcript the bells were all going off crazy during the landing phase

[6:43 pm, 08/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

⏰ We will be closing the chat in 15 minutes ⏰

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.



[6:51 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: Man admits to molesting young niece about 10 times a year from 2014 to 2017

[6:52 pm, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Sentencing for these crimes currently sufficient deterrence!?

[6:54 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: 1 in 10 women will be abused in underdeveloped nations...

[6:55 pm, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Agree

[6:55 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: Caning or fines or both? For the sanity criminal.

[6:55 pm, 08/04/2022] +Rama: Consider castration

[6:58 pm, 08/04/2022] +Smiley face: 8 April, 2022

To: Distinguished Ministers And All Honorable Members 

"Let's Start From Education...天生我才必有用" 

"old habits die hard... don't let things die harder...?" 

- - anonymous 

Educational Front:

Formative Years - 

The Gifted Education Programme (GEP) is to identify exceptional children at early age of life. With 2 rounds of tests to identify 1% or less from the country's Primary 3 cohort. The program begins at P4 and concludes at the end of Sec 2. What's the class mixed like, girls and boys, 30-70, 40-60, 50-50 from P4 to P6? What's the numbers like at the end of Sec 2?

If we go further down the education paths say into ITE/Polytechnics Pre-U/Post Grad levels. What's the admissions mixed like for Medical/Dental/Law/Engineering/Liberal Arts across our local Universities versus the other top 10 OECD nations? 

Can policymakers eyeball these growing numbers because it will have implications to our future workforce and talents of all spectrum? Are these the crucial 'beginning stations' toward equality, equitable and empowerment of women and social integration? 

Finally, what's the representations at the public service from level up to the top civil servants, what's the gender mixed? Are these Demographics trends the end of the beginning, for "old habits die hard"? 


At the civil service and public office levels, women should not be viewed as having a 'shorter runway' versus men. Perhaps, for a change, the prestigious President's Scholarship recipients be 3 girls and 2 boys or equally at 3 each? Possible?

"Gender equality is the right thing to do. And it is also smart economics... Leveling the playing field for women would offer huge potential...Empowering women to use their talents and skills can boost countries’ competitiveness and support growth —a valuable, under-used resource in an uncertain global economy."

- -  Robert Zoellick 

News :,bonds%20with%20family%20and%20community.

             - -  END - -

[7:00 pm, 08/04/2022] +REACH: Dear Contributors,

We will be closing the chat for today.

Thank you very much for being part of our WhatsApp chat and participating actively.


Megan 😊


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