Tuesday, March 25, 2014

US and China’s bilateral relationship has been a stabilising force in the Asia Pacific region which hopefully will improve further – so that peace continue to prevail while more wisdom are needed to resolve the East China Sea and South China Sea without the need to resort to confrontation.
Peace needs understanding, fostering and communication. Even region that are peaceful can suddenly turn hostile overnight – such as the East Europe.
Now there are 3 potential hotspots instead of 2. Middle East, Asia Pacific plus the newly jettison East Europe hotspots – that is close to NATO the opening up of the old wound.
So 小三灾 (natural catastrophe of climatic change, war and epidemic) has not really left Earth and will continue to torment human mankind on Earth as long as 贪,嗔,痴 (greed, hatred and ignorance of Universal law) continue to be the inherent roots of human mankind.

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