Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Obama demands West stand firm against 'brute force'

Published on Mar 27, 2014
4:38 AM

To be honest, during the reign of President Obama, measured and appropriate approaches has been adopted by the US in responding to World events - and in fact in many ways has contribute to a more peaceful World.
The unprovoked land grab by brute force of a sovereign country is regrettable and is against International Law which should warrant sanction or remedial actions to discourage such behaviour.
Respond by force will inflame Europe - which supposedly enjoy many decade of peace - and will cause NATO and Russia to lockhorn - which will raise the prospect of a major war erupting & not underestimating the possibilities of nuclear war.
US has discard this option and is a wise one.
But an unacceptable behaviour must be discouraged to ensure International Order - not subject to the rule of "jungle law".

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