Wednesday, March 19, 2014

  • US scientists find echoes of Big Bang 14 billion years ago
    Published on Mar 17, 2014
    11:52 PM

  • The 3-Ring Fruition of Emptiness that enwrap the Universe in Nirvana = 华严三昧。
    The Mirror of No-Self that reflect the 12 Dependant
    Origination of Life of Samara operating under the Law of Impermanence and the Law of Karma – as opposed to the Emptiness of Nirvana, the Law of Eternal Permanence and the
    Cessation of Law of Karma – and the consequences of No Birth, No Death.
    And the mirror of No-Self = 明心见性 where :-
    - 明心 refer to Nirvana side of the mirror with no birth, no death and no karma operating under the Law of Eternal Permanence. &
    - 见性 refer to Samsara side of the mirror with birth and death and karma operating under the Law of Impermanence.
    The “Parallel Universe” arise where :-
    Samsara (色) of mundane = Nirvana (空) of supramundane; &
    Nirvana (空) of supramundane = Samsara (色) of mundane

      • 3-Ring Fruition of Emptiness in Nirvana - 华严三昧 means :-
        华严 = Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛法)
        一昧 = 无我 (1st Ring Fruition = No-Self)
        二昧 = 大慈大悲 (2nd Ring Fruition = Great Compassion) – which unfortunately many people abused. Eg. Jesus is betrayed by all his disciples at the dinner night before he is arrested and persecuted. Thus it is never easy to be a Living Bodhisattva (菩萨).
        三昧 = 般若智慧 (3rd Ring Fruition = Panna Wisdom)

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